It's You that I want, Not Him.




          Saturday morning, Mom asked Hyoyeon and I to go to the supermarket to buy some kitchen supply snacks.

          “You got it all?” I asked.

          “Yep, I guess. That chochochip ice cream is so hard to be ignored so I took it.” Hyoyeon said.

          I chuckled. “Let’s get the trolley to the cashier when you’re done Hyo…” I said.

          “Arasso, I’m done, come on!” she said.

          We were queuing before we pay our entire thing, until a tall guy came along and he looked like he was in a hurry.

          “Excuse me, I’m sorry, can I get in the line first? I’m in a real hurry.” He said, politely.

          Hyoyeon was about to rejected him. “Gwenchanayo Hyo.” I whispered at her.

          “Sure, it’s fine.” I smiled.

          He smiled. “Thank you so much!” he said.

          “You said yes only because he was cute right?” Hyo said.

          I chuckled. “Are you kidding?”

          “He has a cute smile though.” She said.

          “Shut up Hyo.” I said.

          I looked at the tall person who paid the medicine and ran out from the supermarket briskly to his car, as if he was in a real hurry.

          When we done shopping at the supermarket, we went to our car and put all of the groceries in the back of the car. Until the tall guy came to us.

          “Hi there, thank you so much for what you’ve done to me earlier, I really appreciate that.” He said.

          I smiled. “It’s nothing.”

          He smiled. “I’m Changmin by the way.” He said, offered his hand.

          I smiled and shook his hand. “Jade.”

          “Nice to meet you Jade.” He said.

          I smiled and nodded.

          “Jade, come on, we need to go now. Your sister is texting me already.” Hyo said.

          “Alright Hyo. I’ll see you around Changmin-ssi.” I said.

          He nodded. “Of course, see you around.”

          Then I gave him a nod and left.

          “He is so cute.” Hyoyeon said.

          “You have Junho, you want him too?” I asked.

          She laughed. “I was just complimenting him Jade, don’t take it seriously.”

          I chuckled and drove the car back home.

          (Changmin’s POV)

          I just moved back to Seoul after a long stay at Japan. I missed everything back here, minus the part, which my Dad forced me to get married. I wasn’t even interested in his silk project since the beginning of it. I didn’t even have the intention to be the next person to run it if my Dad has retired later.

          All I’m interested in was traveling and learning new thing, tasting new food and drinks and try another thing I have never done in life. Instead of being and home and receive tons of pressure from Dad.

          I meant, come on, why should I get married to make his business grow bigger? Was it the only condition that he could ever give to his partner-to-be?

          I couldn’t agree with that. But it might be because I refused to be the next person the step into his office and sit on his chair and rule the company. I refused everything that Dad offered me tons of time.

          Since my Mom died, I’ve became someone that uncontrolled. I did everything I wanted without hearing what my dad had said to me. It was tiring for me to endure the pain when I had to see my Mom died in front of my eyes when she was about to cross the street in front of my school.

          What pain me the most was the fact the she was going to pick me up from home, then the accident happened. A fast speed car hit her and she died on the spot. Right after that moment, I was a mess. Dad didn’t know what to do when I left home and stay in Japan, went back and forth at one heart’s content and I guess that worried my Dad so much.

          Now, that might be the reason why my Dad wanted me to get married, to make my life settled. I lost a total delicate figure in my life and that shocked me. I thought my Dad only wanted me to be with someone that could settled my life or take it back to the life I had, before my Mom went to heaven.

          “Hyung!” I heard a boy voice from behind.

          My speculation was gone. “What?” apparently that bugging voice was my little brother, Taemin.

          “What are you doing? I’ve been calling you for ten times don’t you hear me?” he said, pissed off.

          “Mianhae, Bwoya?” I said.

          “Dad is calling, he wants to talk to you.” he said.

          “Not now Taemin-ah, just tell him I’m asleep.” I said, bored of my Dad nagging about the arrange marriage deal.

          “Jincayo? Arasso.” He said. Glad I got an obedient brother.

          “You get me away that easy?”

          “Of course not, you need to pay me up later dude.” He said and went away.

          I chuckled.

          Taemin was someone I could call, ‘the-family-entertainment’. Since Mom gone, he became a bit rebel yet he hated it when someone scolded him and bring up about his Mom. He really loved his family though. He only knew my Mom for only 12 years. It was shocking for him, but he was still a child that time, the pain the he felt probably wasn’t hard to handled.

          Even though I had to go back and forth to his school because he made trouble or cost a fight, but I knew, Taemin is a good kid, he just love to be in the center of attention.

          “Guess what? I met a girl today,” I said.

          “Must be interesting.” Taemin said.

          “She’s different, I don’t think I ever seen her around this neighbor hood.”

          “What? She has a wide ears?”

          I slapped his hand.


          “She was like, half Korean and half… other country, I don’t know, she’s gorgeous.”

          “Then did you get to know her name?”

          “Yeah, her name was Jade.”


          “You knew her??”

          “She is my senior in my school! She’s the dance school team leader, man she is gorgeous! She is half American-Spanish hyung!”

          “Jinca? No wonder she’s gorgeous.”

          “But you don’t have a chance with her; she’s not available in the market anymore.”

          “You mean she has a boyfriend?”

          “The most handsome one at school, girls call him Korean Edward Cullen. Well, I have to be agreeing on that, his skin is pale, sometimes I even wonder if he is really a vampire.”

          I shook my head. “You really shouldn’t have told me that she has a boyfriend.”

          He laughed. “Yah. Don’t be that desperate, beside, Dad wants to held an arrange marriage right? Don’t be to sweaty on looking for a date hyung, you’ll get one soon. And I’m sure, Dad’s pick won’t be ugly.”

          “YAH!” I shouted.

          He laughed so hard and went back to his room. Why would that little guy had to make all my hopes gone.

          (End of Changmin’s POV)

          It was around 7 PM in the evening, Jae picked me up and went to his house, it was actually the second time I visit his place, but this time was completely different. I remembered we were practicing our drama script that time and how we became so awkward toward each other.

          Then I looked at him and smiled. That person who made me stiff for only two minutes. Now, he had become someone that I would spend the whole time with, no matter how long it would be.

          “What?” he smiled.

          I chuckled. “Nothing.”

          He smiled at me and turned off the car’s engine. He went out and opened the car’s door for me. He held my hand and took me inside his house, we walked all the way to the backyard and it suddenly has turned into a beautiful flower garden. Red roses, white roses and so many other flowers were scattered everywhere and hung everywhere.

          Candles were on the swimming pool, by the side of it, there was a table set for two, candles on it, and of course, food.

          “You really shouldn’t have done this.” I said, amazed at how beautiful the garden was.

          He smiled. “I don’t mind spending my money for you.” then he took a peck on my cheek. “Come on. Before the food getting cold.”

          I smiled at him and took his hand. He pulled out the chair for me, then we sat facing each other’s face.

          We made our first toast then we ate our food.

          “Oh, I forgot, you made all of this right?” I said.

          “Not bad huh?”

          I shook my head. “Not at all.” I smiled.

          He smiled in satisfaction; it made my heart flattered every time I saw his handsome smile.

          “About the three guys that almost me at school, do we still have to settle it? I mean, Mrs. Jill will handle it right?” I said.

          “We need to go to her office with those three losers; you need to tell her what happened so she could make a final statement for them.” He said, still wouldn’t let go.

          I sighed. “Can we just… let it go? I mean, I agree they need to be punished, but I really don’t want to get myself in to the principle’s office and meet them again, and stay in one room together, I just… it would be weird.” I said.

          “Who said you’ll be there without me?” he grinned.

          I chuckled. “You’re coming too?”

          “Of course, I was the one who reported them, why wouldn’t I come?”

          “Then the principle knew our relationship?”

          “Sort of.”

          I chuckled. “Great job Mr. Jae.”

          “Thank you” he laughed.

          We continued with another conversation and funny jokes that he always told me. I just love to be with him even in a simple situation. He made myself calm, I felt like, every time I was with him, I just wanted to forget that my problem existed, I just wanted to think that the world was only ours and nobody could destroy our bond.

          “You’re done eating?” he asked.

          “Yeah, it was delicious chef.” I said.

          He smiled. “I’m glad you’re satisfied with the dish Madam.”

          I laughed.

          “Come with me.” He said.

          I took his hand and he took me to another side of the pool, more flowers, more lights, more candles were there, then suddenly, a slow music played. I didn’t even know where it was coming from, but I bet he had coordinated with Mr. Lee, his house keeper.

          “May I have this dance?” he offered his hand. I laughed at how old school he was.

          “Sure.” I took his hand and he grabbed my waist, the music was slowly playing and we started to dance effortlessly. I put my hands around his neck and let his gaze see right through my eyes, until both of our forehead touched. We smiled at each other and we kept moving slowly.

          “I’ve been doing silly stuff lately.” He said.

          I smiled. “What is it?”

          “I made a list of thing you really want to do in your life, yet, you haven’t done it in years.” He said.

          I was curious. “And what are those?”

          “Slow dancing. This is the first. You’ve always wanted to have a slow dancing with your loved one right?”

          I laughed. “You are so silly Jae. But it’s true.”

          He laughed. “I know the list of thing you want to do in your life before you die.”

          “How can you know?”

          “I read minds.”

          “What a surprise, and in the next minute you’ll transform into Edward Cullen,” I chuckled. “Wait, that’s even better,” I laughed.

          He pouted. “Yah~”

          I laughed. “I was joking!”

          “I read your blog, okay? You wrote it all. Slow dancing, walking on the side of the beach with your love one, being purposed on the Eiffel tower, be able to play piano again, skating again. I know it all.”

          I smiled. “And you just fulfilled one of it. Oh, wait, we have walked on the side of the beach once.”

          He laughed. “Just wait for other surprises, okay?”

          I smiled. “I will.”

          He smiled and kissed my forehead. I leaned my face on his shoulder and we kept dancing.

          “Thanks for making me happy.” I said.

          “Thanks for coming into my life.” He said.



          I stared at him and about to say something dramatic in my almost eighteen years of living. “Don’t ever leave me, okay?” I said, with a puppy face.

          He smiled and my hair. “I’ve told you. I’m not going anywhere, I belong with you.”

          I smiled and hugged him. “I love you.” That would be the first time I said it to him first.


          I chuckled.

          “Because I love you more.” He smiled.


That night, I felt like a woman who couldn’t lose the man she loved. I felt like a woman who fell in love for the first time. I couldn’t even express how happy I was whenever I’m with him. The way he looked at me, the way he smiled at me and held me. I just knew that he had probably the one that I could never live without.

          We talked late into the night, I didn’t even realize how dark the sky already that time. It was almost 11PM at night, but neither Mom nor Yuri-Unnie call me to tell me to go home. Not even Hyoyeon who was having a sleep over at my house.

          But I ignored it, I loved to be with Jaejoong, I was too in love with him.

          “It’s late, I need to drive you home.” Jae said.

          I sighed and pouted. I felt kinda needy when I’m with him.

          “Don’t give me that face Jade…” he said.

          I gave up. “Okay…”

          He smiled. “Come here,” he pulled my hand which myself stood up just a few feet from him, he grabbed my waist closer to him then he kiss my cheek. “Your mom is going to kill me if I take you home above 12.”

          I laughed. “I know.” I said and we walked hand in hand to his car.

          My house was just a few block from his house, because I was so sleepy that time, I fell asleep.

          (Jaejoong’s POV)

          It was fascinating whenever she fell asleep. Her face was so peace full, like a kid who doesn’t have sin. I didn’t even have the heart to wake her up when she fell asleep so deeply like that, so I watched her before I hold her and take her to her room.

          I smiled at how beautiful her face was.

          I was grateful, how I felt like I was such a lucky person to have her.

           Then I got out from my car, I took her slowly into my arm and support her head so she wouldn’t awake. When I felt I got her completely, entered her house when her house keeper opened the door for me.

          “Omo! Is she okay?” Yuri-Noona appeared from upstairs.

          I let down my voice, almost like a whisper, afraid that she might awake. “She’s okay, she was just falling asleep back in the car. May I take her to her room?”

          Yuri-Noona smiled at me. “Sure Jae, be careful.”

          I nodded and I took her straight to her room, put her slowly on her bed and covered her with the blanket.

          “Oh! You guys are here! Is she asleep?” Hyoyeon said, came out from bathroom.

          I nodded and stared at Hyoyeon, gave her a signal to give me some time with Jade before I go home.

          “Oh! Right. Sorry. I’ll be… outside.” She said, luckily understood.

          I smiled and focused on Jade again.

          “I will make a turning point in your life, Jade. I won’t let you cry, I won’t let you down. I will always protect you. I promise.”  I whispered to her. “I love you…” and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

          I smiled at her and left her slowly.

          “Done?” Hyoyeon said.


          “Thanks for driving her home Jae.” She said.

          I smiled. “No problem Hyo. Good night.” I said.

          “Night.” And she went inside Jade’s room.

          I went downstairs and I saw Yuri-Noona standing in the end of the stairs.

          “Noona, I’m leaving now. I’m sorry to drive her home so late.” I said.

          She smiled. “Gwenchanayo Jaejoong-ah. Gomawo.” She said.

          I smiled and nodded, when I was about to go, she called me.

          “You will always protect her right? No matter what happen?” she said.

          I smiled at her. “I promise.”

          She looked at me with a worry eyes. “I love her as much as you love her Jae. She is a good girl, it hurts me if I have to see her sad because of her own Dad.” I was so sure she already knew why she talked to me that way.

          “You are the only person who she listens to, she will always listens to you and do whatever you tell her. Make her happy, okay?”

          “I will. Even if I have to move a mountain for her, I would.” I smiled.

          She chuckled. “I believe you. Thanks for everything, we’re counting on you Jae.” She said. “Good night.”

          I smiled. “Good night.”

          I drove back home and when I arrived in front of my house; my Dad’s car was there, when did he arrive?

          “Dad?” I called him out.

          “Hi son.” He said, from the TV room.

          “When did you come home?” I asked.

          “An hour earlier, where were you?” he asked.

          “Umm… I was…”

          “Taking your girlfriend home?” he grinned.

          “How do you know?”

          “Why would there be tons of flowers and candles in our backyard if it wasn’t prepared for someone special? Of course not Jihye, she is too young to have a boyfriend doesn’t she?” he said.

          I chuckled. “You got me.”

          “Who is this girl who has stolen your heart Jae?” he said.

          I smiled and sat in on the couch in front of him. “A normal one.” I said.

          “From scale one to ten, how gorgeous she is?”

          “Ten.” I chuckled.

          He laughed. “You must have her picture right?”

          I nodded and I showed him my cell phone’s wallpaper. “I agree. She’s a ten.”

          I smiled. “Dad, what would you do if your company is going down and you need to make a partnership with another company so they could share half of their property to you to make both of your company grow bigger again, but in one condition?” I said.

          “What’s that?”

          “You have to hold an arrange marriage between me and the daughter of your partner-to-be.” I said.

          He chuckled. “That’s too old school or what?”

          “I know right?” I said, I thought my Dad wouldn’t say that.

          “Son, I know I’ve been so stubborn to you this past one year, honestly it was because my company was a bit down too last year. I didn’t want you to know that, I didn’t want any of you know it. Especially your Mom and your sister. The reason I wanted you so badly to continue my place after I retired is because I believe you have the ability to do it,” he said.

          “Dad, to be honest, I feel like you have underestimated me even before I try.” I said.

          “I’m sorry son, that’s because I was so stressed out about the company, plus, your behavior was uncontrolled last year, you were mad because we move a lot. I’m sorry to make you always feel like a fish out of water.” He said.

          “What change you? I thought you’d come home and nag me about the business legacy again.” I said.

          He smiled. “That’s because our company has finally become one of the top five biggest company in Seoul.” He laughed, satisfied of what he had achieved.

          “Really?? That’s great Dad!” I said, happy for him.

          “I know right? I work so hard for that and now, I want you to promise me, when you’re done high school, run my business okay? Let’s work together.” He said.

          I smiled. “I promise.”

          He smiled. “Oh, back to the arrange marriage issue, what is it really all about Jae?” he said.

          I sighed. “Jade, my girlfriend, is one of the biggest entrepreneur daughters; he owns a few of the largest malls here in Seoul, the Choi family. Do you know that Dad?” I asked.

          “Alex Choi?”


          “I knew him, but I haven’t really personally met him, what’s with her Dad?”

          “He wants to have a partnership with the Shim company, with that arrange marriage condition, her Mom told me about this and she worries so much that Jade’s Dad might end up forcing her to get married. And… I’m afraid Dad. I’m afraid to lose her.” I said.

          “You really love her don’t you? Wow, you are rarely in love son, I really want to know how could this girl beat you down like this? She must be special!” he said.

          I laughed. “She is Dad, she is special.”

          “If I were her Dad, I wouldn’t do such a thing. The only job you could ever do is to protect her.”

          “That’s why I need you to help me. Please, understand that if I need to run with her, just let me Dad. I love this girl, if ten people have to beat me down just to protect her, I would do that for her. Just please, understand me, don’t prevent me to protect her, in any method that I would do.” I said.

          “You remind me of myself when I was in love with your Mom… actually we were in the same situation.” He chuckled. “Son, if you really can’t live without this girl, then go for it. Protect her with all your heart.” He said.

          I smiled. “Thanks Dad.”

          “Bring her here while I’m home, I’d like to know her.” He said.

          “…You want to meet her?”

          “Sure, why not?”

          “…No problem. By the way, thanks for the advice Dad, I’m going to bed.” I said.

          “Sure son, good night.” He said.

          I smiled and I went to my room. Resting. At least my Dad has turned back to normal. Was Jade sort of my lucky charm or what? Since she came in to my life, each person that avoided me in this house has suddenly turned into a normal human being.

          Thank God.

          Good night.

          (End of Jaejoong’s POV)

          “How come Monday coming so fast?” I mumbled in front of my locker, while looking at myself to the small mirror inside my locker.

          “That’s good, because it’s the start where I can meet you.” Jae suddenly appeared next to me.

          I smiled. “You’re right.”

          “Hi.” He smiled.


          “Are you free after school?” he asked.

          “I guess I am, why?”

          “Come with me.” He said.

          I thought he might want to surprise me with other surprises, so I agreed.

          “Okay, sure.”

          “Awesome. Now, let’s go to the principle office and clear the almost- problem.” He said.

          I groaned. “I almost forget about that…”

          “It’s going to be fine Jade, come on.” He took my hand and we walked together to the principle office.

          When we got there, the three losers were sitting, waiting for their turn to be called. They put their heads down, afraid.

          I was afraid right when I saw them, I walked behind Jaejoong and grasped his hand as hard as I could. Jae knew, so he made a distance from them.

          While we were waiting, suddenly, there were a junior came out from the principle’s office, along with another guy, tall, and…. Familiar.

          “You need to stop making trouble Taemin-ah, if Dad knows this, you’d be transferred into another school! Don’t you get that?” apparently, he was Changmin, the guy that I met in the Supermarket.

          Changmin is Taemin’s big brother? Seriously?

          “Mianhaeyo Hyung, it won’t happen again.” Said Taemin.

          “It’s better be that way.” He said, and he looked to the left, and found me.

          “Oh? Jade-ssi?” he said.

          Jaejoong moved his head, he looked up and saw Changmin.

          I stood up. “Changmin-ssi?”

          “Oh, what a coincidence, I didn’t know you’re my brother’s senior!” he said.

          I smiled. “Apparently yes.”

          I knew Jae was starring, not a pleasant stare.

          “Umm, I have to go in, I’ll see you around.” I said.

          He nodded his head. “Sure, I’ll see you around.” And he went away while Jae was starring at him endlessly.

          (Changmin’s POV)

          “So that guy was her boyfriend?” I asked my brother, in the car, on the way home. Taemin sent home because of his behavior at school.

          “Yep. The pale one.” He said, so relaxed, as if he didn’t do any ‘crime’ earlier.

          “Why did he starring at me that way?”

          “That’s probably because you looked at Jade-Sunbae as if she is a prize or something, you almost drool hyung, if I were him, I would probably stare at you that way.” He said.

          “Did I really looking at her like that?”

          “I swear.”

          I sighed. “What was she doing in the principle office?”

          “Don’t know, some say that the three guys that sit in front of them were trying to her at the back of the school, they were giving her love letters, chocolates, you know, like a secret admire and somehow it turned out that way, I guess Cullen wasn’t happy about his girlfriend almost got so he reported it to the principle.” He said.

          “Dude, how do you know all of that? I’m sure it’s quite personal, but how did you get all the information?”

          “I am the eyes and the ear of the school hyung.” He said.

          I chuckled. “Whatever.”

          His boyfriend was rather… well, he was handsome, I admit he did look a bit pale. No wonder she got secret admire, she was probably the most lovely girl in my brother’s school.

          (End of Changmin POV)

          “Alright. I heard it all. I don’t need any explanation from the three of you. What you did was so wrong and I couldn’t tolerate that. I am a woman and I know how it would feel like if I were in Jade’s position. So from now on, all three of you will be expelled from this school.” Said Mrs. Jill.

          The three of them were shocked; I was so sure they didn’t know what to say to their parents.

          “Cwesungieyo Mrs. Jill, but… I don’t think you should expel them…” I said.

          Jae looked straight at me with a not-so-nice glare.

          “What are you trying to say Jade? You were almost got !” she said.

          “I know. But I didn’t. Nothing happened in the end. I know that what you guys did to me was completely wrong, but I’m sure, if you expel them from school, I bet their parents would expel them from home too. Just give them another punishment Mrs. Jill.”

          Jae let out a frustrated sigh, I knew he wasn’t agreeing my choice.

          “You are lucky boys. Good thing she is still has a heart to give you a second chance, the three of you have to clean the school’s yard and also the boy’s gym every day after school. And that will be happening for three months. Arasso?!” she said.

          “NE PRINCIPLE!” they said, relieved.

          I smiled. “Then I’m done here principle, thank you.” I said.

          Jaejoong wasn’t satisfied with what I just did. While the three boys kept on thanking me all the way out from the principle room.

          “Shut up, just get lost. Don’t ever try to talk to her again tomorrow.” Jae said.

          “Ne Sunbae.” They said, and the left.

          I sighed, Jae stared at me for a while then walked away from me.

          “Jae!” I tried to catch up with him.

          “You have to know that not every person in this world should have a second chance!” he said.

          “Why can’t you just stop? Can’t you just let this go? Please…” I said.

          “I can’t let this go because I want to protect you Jade! You need to learn how to use your heart to people, not people like them!”

          “Then you need to learn how to let go before you protect me!” I said.

          He sighed and he stared at me.

          “Cancel my appointment after school, I need to take a breath.” He said, walked away.

          “Fine.” I said.

          I knew he was just worried. I knew he was just trying to protect me. But I knew what I was doing.

          Jae came home first after school; I guess he was too upset to even take me home. Hyoyeon already left with Junho, I remembered Yuri-Unnie worked full time on Monday.

          It left me no choice but to take a bus. Jae hated me to come home with cab, he said crime could always happen inside the cab.

          I didn’t come home straight, I went to an ice cream store that I used to come with my Dad when I was little. I used to come there just to release my stress.

          “One mint chocolate chip with vanilla please.” I said, to the waitress.

          I looked out to the window, it was raining. God, how could it be such an unlucky day? I tried to call Jaejoong several times but he wouldn’t answer my call, was he that upset?

          “Why are we keep meeting like this Jade-ssi?” suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind.

          I looked around and found Changmin stood there.

          “Oh! Annyonghaseyo.” I smiled.

          He smiled at me while holding a strawberry milkshake. “Mind if I join you?” he said.

          I smiled and nodded. “Sure.”

          He sat down in front of me. “Why are you here alone? Your boyfriend late for date or what?” he said.

          I smiled and shook my head. “Aniyo. I just like to come here alone…” I said.

          “Ah… I see.”

          I smiled. I didn’t know what to say since it was extremely awkward.

          “Do you live around the neighborhood?” I said.

          “Yeah, just a few block away from here.” He said.

          “Then we are actually neighbor.” I said.

          “Jincayo? Which block are you?”

          “Block D.” I smiled.

          “Well, pretty far from my house.” He said.

          Then suddenly my phone rang, it was my Mom, I bet she was so worried that I haven’t got home until now.

          “I have to go now, my mom is calling me.” I said, stood up.

          “It’s raining outside, let me give you a ride.” He said.

          I stopped, considering. If Jae knows about this, he would kill this man. No, or worst, he would kill me.

          “Hmm… No thanks, I can take a cab.” I said.

          “It’s okay Jade, I can take you home.” He said.

          I resigned. “Okay…”

          I slowly got into his car and showed him the way to my house, I was so anxious that Jae might see us when we passed his house later.

          (Jaejoong’s POV)

          I felt bad for ignoring Jade actually. Man, how could I mad at her? The worst part was, I couldn’t even mad at her for more than a day. So I decided to check on her to her house, I bought her cupcakes, I also wanted to apologize to her.

          When I just arrived in front of her house, I saw a car came parked in front of her house, it wasn’t Yuri-Noona’s car, or her Mom’s car. I thought it was her Dad’s car but it turned out, it was the tall guy I saw at the principle office earlier today.

          He was with Jade…

          How could he drive her home?

          I was about to mad, but I knew, there must be reason, I left her at school with nobody could lift her home, so purposely got out from my car and stood there to watch them.

          “Jae?” Jade was quite surprised when she saw me standing there glaring at Changmin.

          “You must be her boyfriend, right?” he said.

          I nodded, cynically.

          “I see. You should pick up your girlfriend when she doesn’t have a ride home, it was raining hard earlier.” He said.

          I grinned. “Thanks for the suggestion and thank you for driving her home. You may go now.” I said.

          “Kerreyo? Then, Jade, I’ll see you around. Just call me whenever you need a ride.” He said, sarcastically.

          “Thank you for the ride Changmin-ssi. I’ll see you around.” I said.

          And he left.

          “You exchanged phone number?” I said.

          She growled and walked away.

          I sighed and grabbed her arm.

          “I’m tired and I am not in the mood to argue right now.” She gave me a glare, right in front of my face.

          I pulled her into my embrace. “I’m here to apologize, not to argue.” I said. “I’m sorry.” I said.

          “You shouted at me…You left me at school and nobody could take me home…” she said.

          I smiled. “I’m sorry, love. It won’t happen again.”

          “I met Changmin at the ice cream store, he was suddenly there, I was going to take a cab when I was about to come home, but he insisted to ride me home.” She said.

          “Good. I hate it when you take a cab, remember?” I said.

          Her face was puzzled. “You’re not… mad?” she said.

          “Why would I? Well, minus the fact the you exchanged phone number with him, that I couldn’t accept.” I said, joking.

          She pouted. “You were just apologizing…” she said.

          I laughed. “Don’t ever text him.”

          She rolled her eyes.

          (end of Jaejoong’s POV)


          Dad was telling Mom that he would be heading home this Saturday, I didn’t know should I be happy or not. Home seemed to be more quite when Dad’s not around. I couldn’t spend my Friday night with Jae or Hyoyeon, homework, art project, oh God, my head was going to explode soon enough.       

          “Don’t complain because of the homework, cheer up! You can do it! Fighting! Less Than Three <3!”  Sweetly, Jae sent me this kind of text whenever I felt frustrated because of homework. At least someone could bring back my spirit.

          “Jade? Can I come in?” Mom’s knocked on my door.

          “Sure mom.” I said.

          Then my Mom came in to my room with hot tea.

          “Thanks mom.” I said, grabbed the tea and took a sip. “So? What do you want to talk about?” I asked.

          She let out a worry sigh. “It’s about your Dad…”

          “What’s wrong with Dad?” I said.

          “Honey, promise me, after you heard what I’m about to tell you, please you’d stay still.” She said.

          I raised one eyebrow. “….Okay…”

          And she told me all about it, I paid attention to what she said to me from the beginning to its end, until I heard the word,

          Arranged marriage.

          “An arrange marriage?? Me? Mom! Has Dad gone mad?” I said, emotionally frustrated.

          “Honey… I’m so sorry, I was also having an arguments about this with your Dad, he insisted me to tell you in a month and tomorrow your Dad will come home, I’m afraid that he would do something crazier if he knows that you haven’t know anything tomorrow…” she said, she looked upset. She didn’t know what to do.

          My hands were shaking, my heart skipped a bit, so fast. Beyond its normal state.

          “Baby I’m sorry… I tried to prevent him, but you know him…” she said.

          “…This cannot be happening…” I said, tears almost fall down.

          “Does Yuri-Unnie know about this?”

          “She knows. And… Jae knew too.” she said.

          “What?? Since when he knew??” I asked.

          “When we were cooking together.” She said.

          Suddenly, memories were coming to my brain, I remembered how Jae said ‘if thing gets darker’ right after the dinner we had. So it was all about that? He… he’d run away with me if …. If Dad forced me to marry someone else..

          “Mom… what should I do?” I said.

          “Meet him first, when he gets to a new plan, run away with Jae.” She said.

          “What? Run away? To where? What about school? Mom! This is crazy! I will talk to Dad tomorrow!” I said.

          “Jade. Please. Just… run away.” She said.

          A sudden tears down my cheek.

          “Please. Just for a while.” She said, and she hugged me.

          “…How could he do this to me? This is not fair!” I said, crying.


          The next day…

          I was fidgeting, my heart beats so hard. I couldn’t calm myself down. It hurts me so much when I knew my Dad forced me into this. I couldn’t even believe it.

          “No matter what happen, I’ll stand by your side, forever.” Yuri-Unnie said.

          I smiled halfheartedly at her. Her life could be so calm, while mine… oh God. Please don’t let me hate my on sister because of this.

          “There they are! My two lovely daughters!” Dad came in with his partner.

          I rolled my eyes at him, I didn’t give her a smile.

          “Jade, come on baby, it’s your Dad, you’re not happy that I’m home?” he said.

          I chuckled cynically. “Ecstatic.” I said.

          Yuri-Unnie hugged him halfheartedly, I could totally saw it from her face. Then Dad introduced us to his partner, Mr. Johnny Shim. He looked well-dressed, and nice. But this man have made that condition of an arrange marriage. His look wasn’t even nicer than his stupid idea.

          After a few courtesy, Dad jumped into the arrange marriage part, my Mom held my right hand so hard, sometime she squeezed it, to made me stronger.

          “I let you guys know each other as long as you guys want, I’m sure that both of you will bond pretty fast, my son is a charming person, he would be so glad to meet someone as lovely as you.” said Mr. Shim.

          “Then we should bring him in Mr. Shim!” said my Dad.

          “God just kill me now.” I mumbled to myself.

          “…Jade, Gwenchana.” Yuri-Unnie whispered at me.

          We all heard foot steps, the man walked slowly from the front door, I didn’t even have the intention to look up, I kept looking down, wanting the moment to end soon, however it could. I was begging to God to stop this, so I could just run away.

          I looked up, and I saw the man.

          A familiar man.

          A tall guy, charming smile.

          It was…




          Kill me now.


*Whops! So it's Changmin that her Dad wants Jade to get married with! what would Jae say if he knows about that? Would he furious? would he really run away with Jade and keep her away from her own Dad? We'll see that in the next chapter, just please keep readng and PLEASE COMMENT! I just want to know how's the story so far, and your comments would motivate me to be better, thank you! For now, enjoy part 7, and sorry for the late update, been so busy with school! n__n

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party-party #1
Chapter 13: i ove how this has gone..
whiteshirt #2
Chapter 13: why so little comment? this is worth it.
littlecassie #3
I really need all of your encouragement in writing this story, so please, please, please leave one T___T
littlecassie #4
littlecassie #5
@sjlovesuju Jade's Dad is absolutely annoying! LOL I agree. I'm working on the next chapter, thanks for your support, keep reading ^^
sjlovessuju #6
Omfg... Like changmin is nice and all but in just this story, I'm starting to.. Not like him... Argh! As the dad... It's the 21st century, nobody does arranged marriages now... aksndlsndndnfs<br />
Anyways, great writing and I can't wait it your next update! Fighting!
littlecassie #7
@sjlovessuju Thank you so much! Changmin will be in chapter 7, but i haven't finished it yet, still trying so hard to balance it with my school time, wait for it okay? ;) thanks for the comment ^^
sjlovessuju #8
I really like your story! Nicely written and interesting too! I'm already split between changmin and jaejoong and Changmin's not even in the story yet LOL <br />
I can't wait for the next chapter!! Keep it up!
littlecassie #9
@kwonyuribaby : I am not actually write Yunho in this story, I WAS going to, but I edit it into Jaejoong, so there is no Yunho here, but I will definitely pair her with someone here :) just keep reading, thank you so much for the comment^^