It's You that I want, Not Him.




          Another week has passed, I spent most of it with Jaejoong, and our relationship was getting better, and better. I was hoping that he officially ask me to be his girlfriend, but, he hadn’t. Well, it wasn’t so important, but, I just wanted to make it more, surreal. With certainty.

          “So what are you guys now? Special-friend? Or girlfriend and boyfriend?” Hyoyeon said.

          “You never told me your relationship with Junho either, just to be fair, I won’t tell mine.” I grinned.

          “Yah… it’s not like that, I don’t tell you because I haven’t officially date him. He hasn’t ask me yet.” She said.

          “Jinca?? All that webcam and texting, calling, Aish… that guy, how could he hasn’t ask you yet?” I said.

          “Well, who knows, maybe when we got back to school, he’d probably ask me to be his girlfriend. Or maybe, he is the type of guy who doesn’t ask, and just go with it.” She said.

          “I don’t know Hyo, I think that way is… a bit wrong… because there is no certainty in your relationship, I’m afraid that something went wrong in the way, maybe he cheats on you, and he’d say. ‘We never date, I never asked you.’ What if he says that? And I never want that to happen to you.” I said.

          She smiled. “Don’t worry Jade, I know what I’m doing, and if he thinks he play better game than I do, he should think again.” She grinned.

          I laughed.

          “Since Jaejoong have asked you to the carnival, he’d probably ask you to be his girlfriend tonight. I’m sure he will.” Hyoyeon said.

          I smiled. “Hope so.” I said.

          “Woah… cant believe you really fall for him..” she said.

          I laughed. “I wish I could say the same thing.” I said.

          (Jaejoong’s POV)

          “Have you met Ara?” Mom said.

          “I had, and my day got ruined.” I said.

          “Ruined? By her? What happened?” she said.

          “... I was about to tell Jade my feeling toward her, suddenly she came out of no where and telling ridiculous thing to her.” I said.

          “Ridiculous thing? Like what?” she said.

          “She told her, in front of me, that I do the same stuff I did with Jade  annually with girls around here. Is she insane or what?” I said.

          “Aigooo, how could she turn out to be that way? I thought she’s a good girl.” Mom said.

          “She was.” I said.

          “But you have settled your problem with Jade right?” Mom said.

          “Yeah, of course.” I said.

          “Jaejoong-ah… I will always support any of your relationship as long as you think she’s the best for you, I know, I mostly careless about you, a lot, I lack a lot, but I know you, no matter what, I’m your mother, so I want you to feel free and share your thoughts with me, and if you have problem with Jade.” She said.

          “Why all of the sudden you care about what I thought?” I said.

          “I don’t know, since I knew Jade’s Mom, reality seems to hit me on my face. She made me realize how precious you and Jihye are. She always treats her girls right, and I feel like, I should be like her too. I spent my time with her, sharing our thoughts, dislike and likes, even problems. And I guess she has opened my heart to be a better person. She’s an amazing woman, and I believe Jade got something from her.”

          I grinned. “I never thought you’d say things like this in my whole life, but thanks Mom.” I said.

          She chuckled. “Well, it’s never too late to start over.” She said.

          I smiled. “Absolutely.”

          “So how is she? Is she adorable?” she said.

          “Jade? Oh yeah, too adorable,” I smiled in between my word. “I think you’re right, she sounds a lot like her Mom, because she’s the first person to opened my heart to be a better person too, I have never felt so comfortable with people around me except her.. I feel like, I’m relying myself on her Mom, I… I don’t know, I can’t stay away from her.. we’re just…” I said.

          Mom smiled. “In love. Madly, if I may say.” She said.

          I grinned. “You’re right. Head over heals..” I said.

          Mom chuckled. “I have never seen you like this.” She said.

          I smiled. “She’s different.” I said.

          “And you’re different with her.” She said.

          I smiled.

          “Are you taking her to the carnival?” she said.


          “Then what are you doing here? Find something to wear!” she said.

          I laughed. “Alright mom, alright.”

          (End of Jaejoong’s POV)

          “OH MY GOD!” I literally screamed at what I saw.

          “What? What’s going on??” Hyoyeon ran to me, with his beach dress on.

          “Look at my dress! There’s a big hole in the middle of it!” I said.

          “….How could this happen??” she said.

          “Do you think I know??” I said, panicked.

          “Okay, okay, calm down, I believe Yuri-Unnie has something for you!” Hyoyeon said. 

          “Hyo, this better be good, the carnival is an hour from now and my dress got a freaking hole on the middle of it!” I said.

          “Yah! Calm down! It will be fine, I’m sure she has some dress to wear!” Hyoyeon said.

          Hyoyeon went to Yuri-Unnie’s room and told her what happened, then, she dragged me to Yuri-Unnie’s room, she said, they’d transform me into a princess that night. I rolled my eyes.

          “Guys, please, I’m begging you, I want to impress this guy so much so please… make this work.” I said, in front of the mirror which in front of it, there was so many make-ups and girls stuff.

          “Yah… look at you, I have never seen you so panic in my life, especially panicking over some guy.” Hyoyeon said,

          Yuri-Unnie smiled at me while brushing my hair. “She’s in love Hyo..” she said.

          “Aish, I shouldn’t have came here.” I said.

          “Yah, you want to go out there with pants and shirt?” Hyoyeon said.

          I grinned.

          “I’m sure this will suit you, I bought this a few days ago, actually, I want to wear it tonight, but, since my sister is in her ‘emergency’ session, so, I better wear something else.” She smiled.

          I smiled, I saw a gorgeous beach dress, the color was my favorite, navy blue, yet it has a lovely details on it’s upper area, even though it was a beach dress, I still loved it. It was vintage, yet modern at the same time.

          “And as for the shoes, well, you have your own sandal right? Don’t forget to bring some long scarf, arasso? The wind is blowing pretty hard tonight.” Yuri-Unnie said.

          “Unnie, Gwenchana? I mean, this dress is too gorgeous… you should’ve been the one who wear it..” I said.

          “This guy means a lot to you right? He should be impressed Jade, with or without the dress, you are already as beautiful as you are. And tonight, I don’t want your dream guy ditch you just because you’re wearing the wrong clothes.” She said.

          I smiled. “Gomawoyo..” I said.

          “Now, let’s finish your hair, wear the dress, and let’s wait for the bell to ring.” She said.

          I smiled.     

          “You’ll be the most gorgeous girl at the carnival tonight my friend.” Hyo said.

          I laughed.

          (Jaejoong’s POV)

          “Do I look okay?” I really didn’t know what should I wear for the carnival, I really want to wear something comfortable, but I want to impress Jade as well. Mom chose this blue t-shirt and jeans, with shoes, well, I liked it, and it was comfortable enough, but, would it impress her?

          “Jaejoong-ah, where is your confident? You look handsome, as always! She’ll be impress!” Mom said.

          “Mom… I will ask her to be my girlfriend tonight, I have to look good in front of her!” I said.

          “Trust me, she’ll said your handsome, if not, you can eat the whole food later.” Mom said.

          “Jinca?” I grinned.

          “Jinca! Now, come on, grab the flower and pick her up.” She said.

          “Arasso.” I grabbed the flower, looked on the mirror once again and… exhaling.

          “Good luck.” Mom said.

          I smiled and nodded. “Gomawo Omma, see you later.” I said.


          I left the my cottage, and I went straight to Jade’s cottage, I was exhaling and inhaling a few times, it was my first date after a long time, and I really wished it would work.

          I pressed the door bell, and tried so hard to be as cool and calm as I could.        

          A few seconds later, someone opened the door, and it was her mother.

          “Omo! Jaejoong-ah, look at you, so handsome tonight.” She said.

          I smiled. “Annyonghaseyo Auntie, is Jade ready?” I said.

          She smiled. “I’ll call her, just wait a minute, okay dear?” she said.

          I nodded my head and smiled. “Algesemnida.” I said.

          I waited in front for about a few minutes, suddenly I heard foot step from inside, I was looking at the carnival, so many people already at an early night, glad I brought a date. Unless I wouldn’t enjoy it at all.

          Suddenly, I heard Jade was clearing he throat and I could smell her fragrance, she smelled so good, almost better from flower’s scent.

          I turned around, and I saw her with a navy blue beach dress with a scarf, she put all her hair down, a bit wavy and she looked….absolutely beautiful. I blinked my eyes for a few times in amazement, my jaw was almost dropped.

          “Too much?” she said, worried.

          “You look perfect.” I said.

          She smiled and blushed, as cute as usual. I offered her my arm, and she wrapped my arm with hers. She smiled when she looked at me. And so did I.

          “Shall we?” I said.

          She nodded her head.

          “Have fun guys! Catch you later at the carnival!” Hyoyeon said, suddenly appeared.

          I chuckled and nodded my head. “See ya!” I said.

          “Take care!” Yuri-Unnie said.

          “Ne!” we said.

          We were heading straight to the carnival, walked hand in hand, too happy of being with her tonight, it made me forgot of almost every thing.

          “Oh, I almost forget. I got something for you,” and I gave her the flower.

          She smiled. “’s lovely.” She said.

          I smiled. “You’re the loveliest tonight.” I said.

          “Shut up.” She hit me with the flower.

          I laughed.

          “So where are we heading first?” She said.

          “Since it’s too early for dinner, let’s try that recreation park first, how about that?” I said.

          She nodded and smiled.

          I took her hand and we walked together to the carnival.

          (End Of Jaejoong’s POV)

          Jaejoonglooked so handsome that night, sometimes I couldn’t believe that I really liked this arrogant and annoying guy, but after I spent a lot of time with him, I saw another side of him that I had never seen. He is very gentle, very soft towards me, and I liked that.

          Especially when he showed me that amazing smile of him that I could never resist myself from putting my hair behind my ear when I was too shy to see that. LOL.

          And this side of me, hasn’t came out again since I’ve been hurt too many times, and because of him, I could feel how beautiful yet fragile love would be. But with him, I believe that he could slowly overcome my vulnerability about love.

          When we were arrived at the recreation park, I was amazed by every thing there, the recreations, the food stalls, the clowns and everything were just so amazing! I didn’t expect this carnival would be this amazing!

          We tried so many Minnie games stalls so we could get a present, Jaejoong played the dart game and he hit the middle of it, so he got a prize and it was a Panda doll. It was so cute! And he gave it to me.

          After that, we rode a lot of rides, even roller coaster, and other rides, we took the big windmill as our last ride before we off for dinner.

          The windmill moved slowly, and when we reached the top, we could see every thing, the lights from the carnival looked beautiful. Jaejoong held my hand when I was enjoying the scenery.

          “I really like this kind of date.” I said.

          “Really? Why?” he asked.

          “This classic and fun date, I like it.” I smiled.

          He smiled at me. “Jade,” he said.

          “Hmm?” I turned my head to him.

          “Can I ask you something?” he said.

          “Yeah, sure.” I said.

          “Will you…” before he continued, my eyes were distracted by the flying lanterns from my right, I was surprised and I looked away to see it.

          “Oh! Flying lanterns! Jaejoong-ah, let’s fly some and write something on it before we fly it off, can I, can I??” I said, childishly.

          He smiled softly at me. “Sure we can.” He said.

          I smiled and I continued to watch the lanterns flying to the night sky, they were so lovely.

          After we got off from the windmill, we went to the flying lantern but Jaejoong stopped me.

          “Waeyo?” I asked.

          “We should have dinner first, it’s late, and I’m kind of hungry.” He said.

          “Yah, the lantern will be out of stock if we’re not hurry!” I said.

          “Yah… I’m terribly hungry, you choose lantern over me? It won’t out of stock, don’t worry!” he said.

          I pouted. “Arasso, Gacha.” I said.

          He grinned and we went to the restaurant. He really did hungry I guess, I could see from the way he ordered his favorite food and ate them all. I finished one full plate of lasagna and I felt full already.

          “You eat like a horse..” I said, took the tissue and wiped the food away from his lips. “Eat slowly champ’..” I chuckled.

          He starred at me and smiled. “You eat less than I thought.” He said.

          “Yah..” I said.

          He laughed. “Aigooo, I was kidding.” He pinched my nose. I blushed.

          “Palliwa, I want to fly the lantern!” I said.

          “Jhamkaman… I’ll finish my food first then you can fly as much as lanterns you want.” He said. I laid back and I crossed my hand in my chest.

When he finished, I dragged him quickly to the lantern booth, I saw so many couples were writing on the lantern before they flew it. I looked at Jaejoong and I dragged him to choose the color of the lantern.

“What color do you like?” I said.

“It all girls color… you pick, I’ll write down myself later.” He said.

Arasso.” I picked the blue one and the red one. I gave Jaejoong the red one and I gave him the marker.

I was thinking of what should I write on the lantern, then, Jaejoong took my hand and he pulled me closer to him, then he took me to the side of the beach, where everybody were flying their lanterns.

“Before you write something there, and before we fly our lanterns, I’d like to say something to you.” He said.

“You can say it after we flew the lantern Jaejoong-ah…” I said.

“Yah. Listen to me for a while would you? I’ve postponed this because you got distracted by silly stuff around you!” he said, pissed off.

Aish! Arasso, Wae??” I said.

He was exhaling. “I have told you how I feel about you a few days ago, and I know as cheesy as it sounds to you but it was all true,” I grinned. “Now, I just want to make it official, I don’t want you think of me as those guys who’d suddenly leave you without certainty. So, I’m asking you, Jade, will you be my girlfriend?” he said, his eyes were worry, and I could feel the tense on his face. I believe his heart raced so hard that time.

I was surprised to hear it, but I respected him for did that. He knew that I hated my past and it seemed like he wanted to make sure that I wouldn’t fall to same hole again.

I smiled. “Yeah, I’d love that.”

He smiled wide at me and he hugged me. “Thank you. I promise, I will never leave you, unless you’re the one who leaves me.” He said.

I smiled and shook my head. “Why would I leave you? That will never happen.” I said.

He smiled then, he took the marker and wrote something on his lantern.

“Our forever starts now, Jaejoong and Jade. Forever..” he wrote.

I laughed at it. And I started writing.

“I just said yes to the most arrogant and annoying guy on earth. But, he is my boyfriend now, and nobody can have him except me. Choi Jaden and Kim Jaejoong forever and always~”

Jaejoong smiled when he saw that, and we lighted the lantern with fire and we flew it. Our heads were looking up to the beautiful night sky, our lantern flew so high in the air. I smiled at it.

I was happy.

Jaejoong held my hand and I starred at him with a smile. He smiled at me, then he kissed me on my forehead.

“Thank you, once again.” He said.

I smiled.

He put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder, we looked up to the sky and watched our lanterns flying high.

It was getting late, but more people came to the carnival, it came to the time when the DJ stepped in and I saw everybody were dancing to the music, I really wanted to dance, since I suddenly saw Yuri-Unnie and Hyoyeon were dancing and they were waving at me.

I stood on the side and waited for Jaejoong to get some drink. When he returned, I wanted to ask him to dance, but he was apparently still enjoying his drink.

The music was slowing down, and my drink was done. Jaejoong lent his hand in front of me, and he smiled at me. “Shall we?” he said.

I have always wanted a slow dancing with my boyfriend. I couldn’t resist.

I smiled. “I thought you’d never ask.” I said.

We walked to the dance floor and he grabbed my waist, slowly, I wrapped my hands around his shoulder and we faced each other, I could see his handsome face up close, his nose almost touched mine and when it accidentally did, we laughed at each other.

We moved effortlessly to the music, I the back of his hair and leaned my chin onto his shoulder, but we were still moving to the rhythm.

(Hyoyeon’s POV)

“Look at them, so in love…” Yuri-Unnie said.

I smiled. “Head over heals..” I said.

“When Jade has fall in love, she falls deep. And I guess this man is the one.” Yuri-Unnie said.

“How could you be so sure?” I said.

“I can see the way she looks into his eyes, her bright smile when she’s with him, they’re like magnets Unnie, I don’t know, she has been in love with the wrong guys, I really don’t want her to hurt anymore, I hope Jaejoong can make her happy.” she said.

I smiled. I guess Yuri-Unnie was right, from the way I see, I felt like Jade has finally found someone whom she really loves. And I hope Jaejoong loves her with all his heart. I couldn’t assume something farther, but I hope every thing about them will be just fine.

(End of Yuri-Unnie’s POV)

After the dance, the carnival was nearly over, so we took a walk on the side of the beach, bear footed, I wrapped my hand around his arm and chattering along the way. We both didn’t want to end the night, so we decided to come to the place Jaejoong took me that night.

“What time is it now?” I asked, while both of us were sitting below the palm tree.

“Nearly eleven, why?” he said.

I shook my head. “Nothing.” I said.

He smiled and put his arm around me. “What’s your dream? Well, let’s just say something you want to do so badly before you die?” he said.

I smiled. “I want to play piano again, as long as I can, get myself to the ice rink without anybody play there except me,” I chuckled. “Traveling Europe with my loved one,” she glanced at me and then blushed. “Being proposed at the Eiffel tower.” I said.

He laughed. “Wow. You need a lot of money for one of your dreams Jade.” He said.

I laughed. “Of course, but, I don’t see it comes close to me, I don’t know, maybe it’s just my stupid wish list.” I said.

“It’s not stupid, everybody has one.” He said.

“What’s yours?” I asked.

“It isn’t a dream actually,” he said.

“Well, something you want to do so badly before you die.” I said, clarifying

He chuckled. “I’d like to waist my day playing bowling all day long….. the rest of it… I’d like to spend it with you.” He said.

I smiled, I tucked my hair to the back of my ear, which the sign of me being shy. LOL.

“Why are you so cute?” he laughed and pinched my cheek.

I smiled at him and we enjoyed the night breeze, the starts were shining bright up there, it was a beautiful night. One of my top ten best night in my life.

But it has to end when Yuri-Unnie texted me to come back, we headed back to our cottage and Jaejoong accompanied me until I was arrived on front of my door.

“So I’ll see you next week? At school?” he said.

I smiled and nodded. “Sure.”

“I’ll pick you up and drive you home, everyday.” He said.

“Hey… that’s too much…” I said.

“Your house is one way from mine, and one way to our school, so it’s fine.” He said.

I chuckled.

“And I am your boyfriend now, you cannot ride other guy’s car except mine.” He said.

“Protective much?” I said, teasing.

“Yep, pretty much.” He said.

I laughed. “Okay, okay…I’m coming in now, you should get some sleep.” I said.

“You too.” He smiled.

His face was getting closer to mine, it seemed like he was going to kiss me, oh God. Please, no kiss on the first date…..

“Jade-ah! Is that you??” Suddenly Hyoyeon opened the door and interrupted Jaejoong’s intention to kiss me.

He pissed off and annoyed. “Aish, that girl really need to learn some lesson!” he said.

“Ups. Sorry, carry on!” Hyoyeon closed back the door.

Jaejoong was already pissed off, so he didn’t continue to kiss me. I smiled at him. “Good night.” I said.

“Good night…” he turned around.

I sighed. And I walked briskly to him, tiptoed my feet and kissed his cheek. I smiled and ran back inside.

(Jaejoong’s POV)


“Looks like someone just got kissed.” Jihye said.

I smiled at her and I her hair. “Little girl should be on bed now.” I said. “Where’s Mom?” I said.

“TV room. Yah, oppa, did she say yes?” Jihye said.

I laughed, felt so good about myself. “of course she said yes!” I said.

Jinca?? So both of you are officially dating now?” she said.

“Yah… where do you learn those words Jihye-ah?” I said.

“From you.” She said.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever, go to bed now, it’s late.” I said.

Ne, ne, ne.” she said.

I came to the TV room to see my Mom, since every thing about us were good now, I really wanted to share what happened earlier with Mom.

“How did it go?” Mom said.

“It went so well.” I said.

“It did? Tell me all about it!” she said.

I smiled and I told her every thing about it.

Best day of my life.

I love you, Jade.

(End of Jaejoong’s POV)

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party-party #1
Chapter 13: i ove how this has gone..
whiteshirt #2
Chapter 13: why so little comment? this is worth it.
littlecassie #3
I really need all of your encouragement in writing this story, so please, please, please leave one T___T
littlecassie #4
littlecassie #5
@sjlovesuju Jade's Dad is absolutely annoying! LOL I agree. I'm working on the next chapter, thanks for your support, keep reading ^^
sjlovessuju #6
Omfg... Like changmin is nice and all but in just this story, I'm starting to.. Not like him... Argh! As the dad... It's the 21st century, nobody does arranged marriages now... aksndlsndndnfs<br />
Anyways, great writing and I can't wait it your next update! Fighting!
littlecassie #7
@sjlovessuju Thank you so much! Changmin will be in chapter 7, but i haven't finished it yet, still trying so hard to balance it with my school time, wait for it okay? ;) thanks for the comment ^^
sjlovessuju #8
I really like your story! Nicely written and interesting too! I'm already split between changmin and jaejoong and Changmin's not even in the story yet LOL <br />
I can't wait for the next chapter!! Keep it up!
littlecassie #9
@kwonyuribaby : I am not actually write Yunho in this story, I WAS going to, but I edit it into Jaejoong, so there is no Yunho here, but I will definitely pair her with someone here :) just keep reading, thank you so much for the comment^^