Chilli Bubble Tea Prank 2

Chilli Bubble Tea Prank

Your eyebrows pinched together, stirring in semi-conciousness. Bright light suddenly, blinded your sight when you opens your eyes slightly. 

" Are you okay?" gentle voice knocks on your eyedrums. You shifts your position, turning your head towards the owner of the voice. Kai smiles warmly towards you. 

You sat up quickly, suddenly you feels your sight blackens a bit and clear again, you clutch at your ache head. Kai touched your shoulder, worriedly. 

" I should get going" you moved to the edge of the bed, mustering all the energy. You have work for 7 days straight without any day off and due to lack of sleep, your body seems to weaken. You don't have any other choice but to over-worked yourself in order for you to pay for the tuition fees. 

" You still weak, you should rest, i'll get you something to eat" he said while stands in front of you. " Why you care, you love seeing me like this don't you?" you said coldly, cynical as it sounds.

" Look, i'm sorry i've been bad to you all this while, i admit i've gone to far, i'm really sorry" Kai said in low voice, embarassed of himself for what he had done to you.

The rims of your eyes heated up again trying your best to not let your tears fall again because it will only makes you feel weak in front of him. 

" I'll be going jongin, I'll forgive you, don't ever come again to see me" you said those last words to him knowing that your misery under the "bully" named Kim Jongin had ended. 

" I won't bother you again, but please don't ask me to stop from meeting you again, I can't do that" Kai said again while blocking your path, preventing you from took another steps out of his room.

" Have you not done with me? Hurting me, Its really that fun, Kim Jongin?! Should I jump off the roof, then you'll be satisfied?!" you yell at him loudly, the tears you've been holding, fell without you realised. 

Kai sighed deeply, his eyebrows pinched together, shocked at what you just said to him. Silently, he embraced you, tucked your head to his chest, he is speechless. You tried to pushed him, his hold against your body tighten, holding to you like his life depend on you.

" Please don't say that, please" he said, you felt his body shook, trembled. Your eyes widen, not knowing the great "Kim Jongin" just cried in front of you. You stopped pushing him and just stayed in his embraced quietly, waiting for him to pulled you away.

" I'm not bothering you on purpose, i'm doing it because i need you to look at me, i need you to realised that I've been always look at you" he said in half raspy voice.

" I-I'm sorry for yelling at you, i didn't mean to" you said still confused with his sudden confession. He liffted up your chin with his thumb and index finger, asking you to look at him. You managed to stare at his face when he suddenly kissed you. Your heart thumped like it will jump out of your chest, when you feel his lips moves against yours. After a while, you kissed him back, unknowingly, you have fallen in love with him too.

" I love you" Kai said after he pulled away from the sweet kiss. Your replied with a slight smile. Realised or not the dark horse, Kim Jongin is the one who you always loved. 

* hey! hey! all my reader, sorry for the very short update, i hope you like it." have a nice day! 



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Chapter 2: Nice ^^ I love it
Chapter 2: Omo jong in ^^
syeranasa #3
Chapter 2: omo kaiiii. omo omo. xD so cute.
AlyienShxz #4
Chapter 2: Remind me to get some tea and play with bubbles tomorrow (x
*I don't drink bubble tea , so yeah . But I would love to have a romantic time like that :P
Chapter 2: I love your story! (y)
stinkpillow #6
thank you ^^ i'll work harder in the future. ^^
moonbeamx #7
looks interesting.