Notice me...

Loss and Gain

It is a beautiful Wednesday. Autumn leaves dance to the rhythm of the chilly wind, descending ever so slowly into Chanyeol’s palm.

“Yah, Baekhyun. It’s 25th September today, isn’t it?”

25 September 2013. A day that holds an eternal promise of love, lust longing-and sadness. Chanyeol views the fallen warriors pensively, running his fingers over the rough edges and dried surfaces.

“Yeah.” Baekhyun’s features remain as stoic as the other man’s, but the bitter undertone can still be detected. It is something akin to regret, but the animalistic fire in Baekhyun’s orbs denote otherwise. Neither says anything for a moment. Chanyeol pats Baekhyun’s back with pursed lips. Angry, red maple leaves waltz, scattering beautifully over the pavement. Their silhouettes seem softer in the gentle glow of dawn-the awakening of a new day. Their dull footsteps echo with every calm step they take, drawing unwanted attention from the few passers-by that stalk the deserted streets.

Chanyeol gazed lovingly at Baekhyun. Pale, ivory skin; smooth, baby-like hair; soft, kissable lips…Everything that a mortal desires but has none…

“I’m sick of this,” Baekhyun whispers hoarsely, running his fingers through his straight, neat hair. “All the constant stares, gasps, fangirls…I can’t take it anymore. You know it, Chanyeol.”

“All you want is her,” Chanyeol mumbles in his deep, hoarse voice.

Baekhyun’s eyes widen for a split second. Then he barks out harsh laughter. “Yes,” he affirms. “But what’s the point? She doesn’t love me. She-”

“She loves Luhan,” Chanyeol finishes for him, seeing the pain and suffering in his friend’s eyes. The boy that he loved silently that has been so strong, so happy, crumbles into pieces at the mention of the fact that…he’ll never have her. She’ll always be happy with another man.

Baekhyun’s lean frame shudders, and Chanyeol wraps his arms around his petite waist. He had refused to eat after her rejection and had lost much weight.

“Shush, Baek. You’ll find someone much better.” Chanyeol whispers softly, a tear escaping his eye as his heart clenched at the sight of his loved one hurting so badly.

“Thanks, Yeol. I do hope so…” his voice trails off. Baekhyun’s lips quirk to one side, and he smiles.

Chanyeol looked down sadly at the latter sobbing into his shoulder. He had intended to break the news to him today, but he didn't know how. Yes, Luhan had informed Chanyeol of his plans. He was proposing to you today. He wanted to tell Baekhyun everything was going to be alright but he couldn't lie. Sighing sadly, Chanyeol caressed Baekhyun's back, pulling him closer.

"You'll find out when the time comes," Chanyeol thought to himself.

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