Language, Who Invented That?

Language, Who Invented That?


Red marks Korean
"Omg. It's Exo." You immediately opened the door and gasped. 
"Annyeosayeo." Suho waved and bowed. 
He continued speaking to you in korean but you couldn't understand a single word that he said so you just nodded your head each time he asked you a question.
"Do you actually understand what he's saying?" Kris asked. 
You totally forgot that Kris spoke English and yet you consider yourself a major exotic. Tch. Tch.
"Um... To be honest, no. I..I.. can't understand anything." You lowered your head and bit your lip.
"Ok. Well he just told you that our bus broke down and we need a place to stay. He asked if we could stay here." Kris translated. 
"Oh. Of course you can. For how long?" You asked. You were hoping for them to stay forever but you knew that was too good to be true so you just hoped for at least a week.
"Um.  Until tomorrow." Kris said. 
"Oh." Your face fell flat."Oh well it's fine. Come on in."
(Darn! Just for a day! It's ok. You should understand. They're busy people.) You scolded yourself and saw that all of the exo members were looking at you weirdly.
You flashed a quick smile then ran out of the living room to get the water. 
You came back with the 12 cups of water and handed one to all of them.
"Oh. Turns out that we're staying for at least six months. The tires need to be shipped from Singapore and that takes at least four months. And then having the tires come to your house would take two months. I hope you don't mind." Kris said.
"Oh. I'm perfectly fine with it. Just... don't break anything."
You came back downstairs after taking a shower and went into the kitchen. 
You saw Xiumin running around looking for something.
"Um... do you need something?" You asked.
He titled his head in confusion.
"Ah. Screw this! He can't understand anything I'm saying. I'm buying a translator app." You quickly ran to your phone and bought a translator app.
"What do you need?" Your translator app asked. It quickly changed into voice recognition.
"I'm hungry. Give me some food." Xiumin said. 
Your app translated it and you understood.
"What do you want to eat?" Your translator app asked. It had a monotonous machine voice which did not sound at all like you but who cares, if it translated then you're all good.
"I want some dumplings, fried kimchi stew, shrimp, and to top it all off patbingsoo! Please." He did some aegyo. To be specific some horrible aegyo.
You were just nodding your head until your app translated it for you.
"Eh? All that? I'm freaking American! I don't have that much korean food. I do have dumplings but that's it." Your app translated it for you and Xiumin' s face fell flat.
"Um.. I'll go to the nearest korean market and buy some kimchi and shrimp. I don't know how to make fried kimchi stew and patbingsoo but I'll look it up. Just wait." You said. 
The app translated it and Xiumin' s face was full of life again. He ran up to you and hugged you. 
"Thanks noona!" He said
That you could understand. After having watched all those dramas and variety shows, you still only knew the basics.
"Um.. you're older than me." You said. 
The app translated it and his mouth formed an o shape.
"How old are you?" He asked.
"I'm 19." You said. 
"Oh. So I really am older than you. Call me oppa." He said.
"Oh. Ok."  You said. "Now let's go get you food." 
He nodded his head rapidly and hugged you even tighter.
"But you have to let go of me." You said.
"Oh. Right." Xiumin let go of you and smiled. 
"I'll be back!" You said.
Phew. Your first conversation with Xiumin. You survived it! Woo!! And it's all thanks to the app translator.
Hey. I deleted my other stories and I now have 0 subbies. As in zilch. None at all.
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avisdawn #1
Chapter 2: Interesting story :) looking forward to your next update