you were there.


"those weren't dreams?!" mary asks her uncle with a strange look on her eyes,

"i once thought they were" he smiled.


Tavia woke up a bit later than the time sehun has left her, she heard the knocks on the door, and she walked to open it, awkwardly smiling chen looks at her trying greet her, "good morning" 

she smiles "morning" letting go of the door handle she lets the door open up and he walked in.

"listen tavia, kyungsoo doesn't mean what he said, he just did it because he was angry and scared." 

"scared" she repeated after him, with a tone sounding sarcastic, "at least he gets to be scared."

he looked out at a the window, "it looks like it's going to rain", "let's hope not" she said holding a couple of coffee mugs, handing one over to him she looks up to him as she tries to mouth some words "chen?" she asks, "yeah?" he says sitting on the couch, "can we forget what happened before, just all the things that was said ever since when we got here" 

he nodded with a broken smile, feeling guilty for remembering what he said, "i feel like apologizing to you, i behaved non rational yesterday", she shook her head, "it's not like you did that without a reason, i'm sorry too" she smiled looking at the floor. his hand reached out for her shoulder , she felt awkward by his strange posture , he's holding her tide, and a moment of silence spreads, his hand is now shaking, she's scared to look at him, she's hoping that he'd stop and realize he's making her uncomfortable, 

she began reaching for his hand to push it away, she turned to look at him and there he was, trying his best to remain composed his eyes were telling a different story of sadness desperation, he was locking hard on his jaw, she could tell he's tying his best not to cry, but tears fell after all, it's going to rain he said, little did he know it will be his thunderstorm, she felt herself gravitating to him her pity and agony couldn't let her let him go through this alone she cried "chen" as she went and hugged him, his tears just kept falling from that point on, she could swear that chen wasn't able to hold his breath for a couple of moments, "why are you doing this " she cried to his shoulder, "i can't,i can't" he's holding her closer now he can smell her flesh, "i don't think i can ever let you go" he's taking a couple of breaths  "i had the scariest thought when i woke up, and it's making me like this" 

"what did you think about chen?" she asked him, with her tone sounding calmer now.

he shook his head left to right, "i don't want to think about it anymore, i just don't" she took a hand off of his back as she lifted it to his head and started it slowly, "i'm going to be fine, you're going to be fine"

she sounds like she's choking at the moment "i promise you i wont suffer" she let go of the hug as chen teary eyes looked panicked at her, she's holding both of his hands firmly "we, are going to be fine" looking sure at his eyes, restoring some of that bravery they both lost from the beginning of this conversation,"we are sad right now, and it's perfectly fine, being sad is okay, right?" she looks at him, he nods with more tears falling "i still don't think i can live, i can't live without you, and it's scares me, where will you be? how can i see you?" tears kept falling as he couldn't talk.

"you will see me, just how i see this ghost, i'll make sure there's a way to see me, don't worry okay?" she smiled to him, he nodded and let go of her hands he coughed a couple of times, as he laid his back on the couch and she left to the bathroom to change, kyungsoo being around her is making her feel like to put an extra effort to make him apologize, she looked at the mirror as she sharpened her eyeliner that was ruined after all this crying. "i'm fine" she said looking at herself in the mirror, "i'm fine" she sounded stronger with every time she had said it, getting out of the bathroom, she looked at dizzy chen who's looking at the roof of the room. "i'm leaving, you coming?"  he looked at her, as he got up and walked over to her, she smiled, chen does have a strange charm when his eyes are doing the talking, she was slightly intimated, the aura around him was manly, she had hoped that would go away when they're down stairs when they meet up with seo. her car was parked on the sidewalk of their hotel as she came from a coffee place with breakfast, "where's kyungsoo?" she asked chen, he looked at her, "i'll go call him" he turned but he soon backed down, tavia looked around "what's wrong?" she asked chen "nothing is wrong" kyungsoo replied, she rolled her eyes and walked closer to the passenger seat of the car, seo unlocked it and directed the rest to her car, everyone got in. 


they are at the stadium, she's following everyone quietly, "you guys can't go inside the changing rooms, wait on the bleachers" they entered from a different entrance. "but nothing started yet" tavia argued, "let us say hi to kris" chen held her shoulder, "suho might be in there, he saw you last time at the hospital, he might think something is up". she takes back her words and walk inside, her and chen are walking closely together as seo follows them. they heard a loud thud,

"it's thunder" seo explained to their washed off faces, "why are you two so anxious, it's like you saw a ghost", tavia laughed "you have no idea" , "will it stop soon?" chen asked. "i don't know, it looks like a morning shower, it's not even dark" ,"well let's just sit and wait inside" chen adviced. and they followed , sitting in a semi empty swimming pool stadium, "why are we here so early?" tavia asked realizing that it's pretty early. "make it up for last night" seo said smirking, she gave seo a weird look, but ignored her soon enough. it's noon, they heard a car honk and kris walked out with his team mates to go to the car, "it's suho" she heard one say. 

her face looked paler than it was, "tavia are you sick?" seo looked at her, her eyes terrified she looked back at seo, "i'm fine'' lying, "you don't look fine, you look like you're about to faint, i'll take you back to the hotel" 

chen mind wasn't with them he looked at them confused "what's going on?" he asked, seo looked at him "she doesn't look fine, i'm taking her back" chen then looked at tavia, "did you take your meds?, you didn't even eat" she released a long sigh, "i don't know why i'm pale, i feel perfectly fine, and seo got us donuts, i ate..." she looked annoyed by the two as she rolled her eyes, but then she started thinking, "what's really happening, suho is here, seo wants to take me back, what's really going on"

she looked at seo "what's happening?" 

seo was looking more anxious by the second, "yesterday you didn't stay as well, you dropped chen off and came back to the hotel" her eyes looked more daring at this moment, "tavia" she began breathing heavily, "i want to just leave, plus this isn't a plus to your side either, if he sees us together" her eyes began to water in fear. "he can't link us together." tavia felt a strange kind of fear, a fear that's not related to her, but to everyone around her. "we will wait until the noise is out, then i'll walk you out." chen said. 

tavia looked at chen from a strange side, every word he says, every step he takes, it feels like he's a different person. seo nodded as her anxious eyes scanned the stadium over and over, looking at the team locker room, praying no sight of suho is seen.

the noise has gone faint, there's a little noise to be heard. "okay, we're leaving" chen stood up, seo nearly jumped off her seat, tavia stood up slowly, feeling her energy drain with every breath she takes, she's breathing but nothing is feeling like air to her lungs. she ignores the discomfort, and walks down the stairs, their exit was close they walked out, it's still raining, chen and seo ran to the car so they don't get wet. tavia's body just couldn't keep up she felt like her body can't hold her up any longer. with a internal scream she fell, with the rain pouring all around her, she took a breath, finally felt like she's breathing, she opened her eyes, his hair is wet with the cold raining pouring on his hair, "s-sehun" he lifted her up, as she barely stood, holding her waist he pulls her closer and closer, he looked into her drowsy eye as he closed his own eyes and turned his head over and gave her a long kiss. not knowing what to do she just closed her eyes.


chen and seo standing in the middle of the parking lot, seo hand is shaking, she's looking at who's ahead of her and it's not a pretty sight, standing there, a black suit and a black umbrella "s-suho?" , he lifted his face and looked at her, she felt her soul escaping her body, "seo? is that you?" he walked closer.

seo began taking scared steps to the back, her jaw was shaking, "SEO!" a loud shout raised from his mouth like thunder. she froze. almost like she turned into stone. chen watched and tired to keep his head down as much as possible, he's now standing neck close to her, "seo, it's you after all " he smiled. "how have you been doing?" tears began falling on her cheeks, she looked at him with daring eyes, she had always dreamt of the moment she meets him and teach him a lesson, but the fear he planted into her was over weakening her, balling her fist, anger, hate, aggression were all resurfacing her world at that moment and she didn't know what to do, should i punch him? did he change ? what does he want? 

thousand of thoughts dashed through her brain, making her eyes water, "can we talk in privet" he asked looking at the standing man beside her, "he knows everything" she looked at suho with a smirk "i told him everything, and they will END YOU!!!!" she screamed, suho laughed, "i don't know what you're talking about, i'm sure we had our differences in the past, and that's what i'm planning on talking to you about" his eyes felt warmer, "i want to apologize, can you hear me out?" she looked at him, looked back at chen, "one chance" she looked at chen who was standing like a shadow in the rain, she walked slowly away from him, throwing him the keys, and he grabbed it, suho grabbed her wrist almost breaking it, he pulled her after him,

they're in a dark ally, she looked at him "what do you want to say?", and a sudden scream escaped , he slapped her. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? YOU THINK I WAS JOKING WHEN I TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT TO SEE THE SIGHT OF YOU?!" 

she looked at him as she released a sick laugh, "no one is here for you champion, YOU SICK BASTARD" her arm flew as she slapped him back causing his balance to break from the unexpected slap and he tripped soon fell on the dirty floor, she leaned to him "as much as i want to kick you when you're down i won't, because i am better than you, i am not as filthy as you, i want to see you jailed."



she ran out from the ally as she looked for her car, when she got there, it was empty "where's chen?" she looked around until she saw his figure approaching holding another person "oh god, tavia" she ran to both of them helping him to carry tavia, she wasn't awake. she was breathing though, they all got into the car, securing her in the back seat they're ready to leave. chen looked to his left side and his eyes opened wide open," are you okay?, your lip is bleeding" strangely she smiled, "you should see what i did to his face"

"WAS IT SUHO?!" chen yelled, waking tavia up, she groaned, trying to wake up, when she opened her eyes, she saw chen holding seo's chin and brushing on her bottom lip with his thump as she smiled warmly, tavia made no expression, maybe wondered what's going between them but that was on her head only. chen saw her looking at him touching seo, he lowered his hand in an awkward motion, his eyes made seo curious she took a glance at the back and saw tavia, awake. "you woke up?" she asked her, tavia rolled her eyes and fell back to sleep, she looked over at chen, "where did you find her?" resting his back on the car seat, "she fainted, at the gate i saw her leaning on the door" he laughed "idiot, with no power she stood, just not to get dirty" he looked out, resting his head on the window, as seo strolled the streets in silence, a lot of thoughts are going through chen's head

"who was it?"

"what was it?" 

he didn't that small part to seo, which wasn't any small part, sure it was a strange part, he didn't find her resting on the door, she was standing, with her eyes closed her back was leaning backwards, like a tango dancer, and something was holding her waist, lifting her inch by an inch, until she stood up and he looked at the rain, it seemed like it was falling on someone, he could almost swear he saw the rain hollow out a young man shape, a tall man, a slender man. "s-sehun" he thought to himself, her body was slowly moved to the door that's next to him, she seemed unattached of that force that was moving gliding slowly on the floor, he reached out to lift her, but he didn't leave just yet, he looked, he looked for longer, at that walking away man, "it's just in my head, it's just my head making this up" 

he tried forgetting what happened.

she can walk, and they're close to the hotel, "do you want to get something to eat?, oh wait, you have to eat." she laughed, "you seem to be in a good mood" she laughed at his comment as she said " i am in a very good mood, i did one of the things i wanted to do years ago" "is it getting a busted lip" chen smirked, "this is nothing" she laughed as she drove into a mall parking lot, "tavia?" seo looked back, "yes?" she replied, "do you think you can walk?" tavia nodded, but chen argues, "moments ago you were, fine, you ended up fainting, she's staying" he looked at seo, she seemed convinced by what he said she took off her seat belt, "okay, you two stay here, i'll go get food and be back as soon as possible" chen held her wrist, basically telling her to wait, "are you fine, going like this?" he seemed worried, she let down his hand as she said smiling "can you speak Chinese ?" chen was taken back by her question, she smirked "i'm going" she left the car, chen groaned "why is she so stubborn, ugh i'm surrounded by stubborn women" he looked back and gave tavia a death stare, "HEY!, don't give me that look, GO! go run after her, yesterday you didn't even want to come to "china" and now you're all over the place pffft" she rolled her eyes after yelling at him, chen laughed, his mood started to lit up, an argument that made him feel like he got his friend back, he arched his back to his seat again, "tavia?" 

"humm?" she replied sounding angry, "today, i saw two people." 

"you're all over the place, of course you've seen people" 

"hahaha, it's not that, i saw two people..........., two scary people"

tavia frowned "who?" 

"suho........" she's listening carefully, ".......and sehun." 

"what? when did you see suho?" her face was in more shock "AND SEHUN!!!?"

"well we met the first at the parking lot, and the other, well, the other, was holding up when you fainted, he handed you over to me" 

her face flushed "he couldn't see the kiss, or did he?" 

chen continued talking "i didn't see him, but i knew it was him."  his tone sounded more serious, "tall, cold strong" he scared me. 

she laughed, " he scares me too", chen stretched his arm " but he's not a real danger, the real danger is the first one, that er" chen balled his fist, she leaned to the front "you didn't tell me what happened", his tone sounded broken, " he... he hit her", "and i didn't want him to recognize me, so i didn't get close, I....i couldn't protect her" a tear escaped his eye.

was ajar, "i can't believe this" she covered feeling bad for seo, "this is all my fault" she covered her face.

chen trying to calm her down " he wont get her next time, i promise you, and it's not your fault, they shared some history" 

she was hearing chen's words but her heart was crying for some one else, she wished she could scream for sehun, but she couldn't, with every breath she took, she whispered sehun, he can be there at anytime, but not now? OH SEHUN. 

she remembered the kiss on the rain, "i'm scared" her eyes were looking at his before she left the world for moments, "i'm scared" her eyes said at this exact moment, when she opened her eyes she saw chen's back from the front seat, her fear remained the same, suddenly a hand rests on her left thigh, "it's him" she looks to her left, it was really him, well not really, half of the world couldn't see him and the other half are dead so.

he looked at her with a warm smile, "where were you?" her eyes are tearing up, he just smiled. she wiped her tears and took a long breath. his hand wanted to go to other places, reaching higher and higher, he went for her arm, *don't get too exited* brushing down her entire arm he went for her hand and pulled it closer to him, she smiles as she pulls it back, hiding it between her legs, he can't reach there she laughs, she felt a small pinch on her left thigh, biting her lip so she wont let out any noise, she glares at him, he's laughing now,

who knew smiling sehun looked innocent, "happy" in some sort, he looked at her again, placing his open palm for her to hold, she tires to act upset, rolling her eyes and ignoring him, she looked out the window, she felt another pinch and it hurt even more, she frowned, trying to avoid him, "this is so wrong", she thought to herself, she lets out a puff and let down her hand, he soon held it, putting every finger through the gaps of her fingers and holding tide, his thump was brushing the side of her hand. sehun wanted to get closer, she sat right beside her, leaving no space for anything, she's trying her best to keep her attention on the interesting white wall of the parking lot, it did not happen. he's leaning his head on her head, she's smaller, trying to stay put, but when he leaned his head to her neck, causing her to have the strongest tickle attack, she jumped scaring poor chen, "are you okay?" he turned around, sehun was laughing as he held his mouth, "Y-YEAH, i felt a bug on my neck and ugh",

"you scared me'' he laughed and turned to the front. tavia let out a sigh, as she looked over at sehun, opening both eyes wide as a warning, "stop it!" she mouthed glaring at him. he smirked, and boy little do you know about that smirk and how much harm it can do. her face was pepper red, she threw his hand off of her, "ugh that bug" she complained making chen oblivious, "oh seo is here" chen noticed her holding bags of take out.


they're back at the hotel it's 9:15pm quite early for her to be dying to fall asleep. everyone is eating dinner at her room, she remembers "kyungsoo?" looking at chen "what happened to him?" i texted him when we were on the car back to the hotel, everything is fine." she gives him a strange look that look when she's asking for a favor "what is it?" he looked at her, "ummm, can you check on him again?" 


chen holding his phone and looking at her, "you just did", "hey, kyungsoo, how's everything?" chen nods a couple of times "okay, good, bye" he hangs up. "everything is fine, and suho didn't show up for the rest of the practice, he told them he had to get something from the car and he just didn't show up." 

"oh no." seo wildly opening her eyes,"what's wrong" chen asked. "he couldn't have followed us, or could he?" 

walking to the window terrified she bends down as she moves the bottom of the curtains, his black car was parked in front of the hotel just behind her car. "it's him" she screamed. they turned off the lights and gathered at the window, suho got off the car, now standing to what seems like right in front of them he looks up, he looked confused, a couple of girls were whispering around him, he frowned looking confused and got back into his car and took off.

"i know this looks like out of continent, but he sure looks worse" chen laughed trying to cheer seo up. and it worked. she laughed as she took a long sigh. "i think i should be leaving soon", chen looked disturbed "what if he followed you?" , she drew a brave smile on her face "i'm not scared, plus this suho doesn't like it when someone stands up to him, he lost interest in me,the second i stood up to him, as long as he doesn't know any other way to harm me, which is you guys, i'm safe, but once he do, he wont be going after me. so be careful, and you" pointing at chen. "you, watch over her" chen smiled, "oh, she has someone who watches over her."  they shared a secret smirk. 


chen left her room. 

she's now alone,

to the human eye. but in another spectrum someone is looking at her, someone is longing after her, someone is breathing....her. the wall has been broken. he doesn't know what to do now they're alone and can talk freely, TALK... was the least thing he was waiting for. she closed the door gently after hearing chen sweet voice wishing her good night, he had a warm smile, it made her smile.

locking her room, she felt long arms embracing her from the back, she's being pulled into him letting out a small moan, and a big smile she looked up to him. he looked different, she jumped away from his arms, looking shocked, "what is this?!" it was him but his white huge shirt is now a black tide dress shirt, "you change clothes?" he looked at her nodding " how? when?" "mostly how?"

"i have a friend back home" every once in a while he dives to the lake, puts something different on me.

"a friend?!, i thought i was your only friend" letting out a pout, he laughed "who said we are friends?" he glared at her, "i don't know what we are yet, but we are not friends"

"well, tell me about that friend" she rolled her eyes. "you might be familiar with him, his name is kai"

"kai?" she tried to think " i don't know him"

"he's lay's friend, he knows more about me or any other ghost, he once read about a myth dressing your dead, and he's trying to prove it"

she laughed "i bet he's probably doing that just to see you ." she looked at him smirking and pointing to his shirt, "he left these ones ed!!" 

sehun laughed, "no, that's just me trying to turn you on"  crawling closer to him "it's working" she bit her lip as she sat on his lap. sehun was shocked, his hands did not move at all. he just looked at her in pure shock.   













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Chapter 17: i just finished this and just wow.... mad suho is y no matter how erted he is, and sehun omg if i saw him with a baby i'll cry T_T
Chapter 15: oh ! !! i did not see that coming!! and suho he's so y when he's mad excuse me i have problems but wtv. i can't wait till the next chap!! i need to know who's the baby daddy o.o