In da Ja-cozy

Mr. Death & the Shepherdess

The Shepherdess threw a splashy tantrum, squirming in the small crowded Jacuzzi as the warm bubbly water massaged her back. Her bare legs rubbed against his as she screamed at the top of her lungs. "How did I miss again!!!!! I'm so good at this!" She shoved some foam into his face which he casually flicked away. Death was way more comfortable now that he had her all to himself. He was completely in his special zone.

"You missed my goodies by a long shot... maybe you're getting too old for these games." Death tossed her a devilish grin before reaching out a drippy hand to give her a pat on the head but she just poked it away, repulsed by its dexterity.

"Leave that hand for work. It's your turn, baaa-by." The Shepherdess braced herself, submerging half her head in the water full of ... as if that was going help. Did she really think he wasn't going to find her goodies that way? Her thighs were wide open for him (not that it really made a difference).


"Noooooooo! You sank my longest goodie!"

"Even a blind man can hit up your goodies. You're that easy. Besides, you should've seen it coming. I've hit that same spot over and over and over again. Have you ever thought of trying a new position?"

The Shepherdess blew angry bubbles while slurping her favorite kind of water... which always turned him on but they didn't have time for more games. Damn. They had to finish this one quick and get back soon.

"Will you stop sipping that Fur Collar like an old lady? How long does it actually take you to finish one?"

"That's none of your business." She snapped like the jaws on an alligator.


"Miss! You ."

"Now? But the battleship board is blocking your—"

"I didn't mean that kind of . I meant you at this game."

"I know." She tried to laugh off her loser-ness. "But really... I'm not that bad."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes... yes, you are. B2."

"Noooooooooo! My last goodie sank!"

"Game over."

As the other Power gang members discussed their orientation, Mr. Death and the Shepherdess were having a blast with a game of battleship in a regular bathtub-sized Jacuzzi. Strangely enough, they found the game stimulating as much as playing house, y salon saturday, and kitchen cooks.

"Baaa-by... why doesn't our battleship games have a special name yet?"

"I don't know. We play it often enough in between work and other games and... work."

"Let's give it a name. How about... boopy battleship?" She reach over, heaving half of her body out of the water, and booped his nose.

"I don't see how boopy relates."

"How about boopity bop?"

"No... Eh, whatever. I'm just glad the Big Man froze time again so we can play."

"Yay! I love to play!" She slapped the surface of the water with her hands and got some water in Death's open mouth. He didn't seem to mind much.

"He sure accused us of playing around."

"Looks like he's right."

"Oh, I just remembered something. Casanova tried to undress you with his eyes again today." Death stood up and brushed off the foam from his yummy skin.

The Shepherdess joined in, lending him a hand. "No surprise, really. You know how obsessed he is with my collection of underwear. I think he might even have touchy personal feelings for them... which should raise some concerns but I'm not at all disturbed."

Once his body was de-foamed, they got to work on hers. "It's getting dangerous for you. He was this much closer to seeing that tattoo on your saggy ."

"Which you put there in the first place. What kind of ink did you use again? Even laser won't burn it off."

Death felt a little saddened and his face really showed it. The pain... oh the pain.  "You tried to get rid of it? I mean, yes, it would probably save us a lot of hellish trouble if you did but still... it was our first—"

"Awww, baaa-by." She gave him a big furless bear hug. "I only try to get rid of it in my spare time and you know how little spare time I have in between work and playing with you and... work."

Somehow, that seemed to cheer him up and they both made their way to the showers with her still clinging on... to, of course, play another game (but this time a quicker one because they didn't want to be late for the restart meeting... whenever Big Man decides he's finished watching his favorite TV shows... especially the Korean dramas where someone goes into a coma or loses their memory. Fav, fav, fav!)

Meanwhile, back in the hallway of greatest aka outside of the Power conference room, Sandman discovered something very shocking when he went to the washroom and it ran out of TP and he had to use the sticky note to wipe his (thank goodness he was old fashion. He can't wipe his with a phone or an ipad, now can he... maybe one day they will invent a phone that has built in TP but until then...yeah). He discovered disturbing writing on the back of his sticky note. How disturbing? Very disturbing. What did it say? Lots of smeared out things but the jist of it is, the Power gang might actually be replaced this decade.

OMG. Like OMG GYPO and call the police!

• • • • • • •

Fur Collar is a yummy cocktail with vodka, apricot liqueur, and O.J. *drools* also, Mr. Death and the Shepherdess got in the habit of calling their ships their goodies because well... one time they were... eh, we'll leave that for another story. Battleship is a guessing game for two where you try to guess the location of five ships your opponent placed on the grid. Players take turn calling out rows and columns (ex. a letter and a number) and attempt to name the square that contains the enemy ships. Whoever sinks all five ships of their opponent wins.

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Chapter 9: whoa i kind of hopd for whines having exo rathr thn jst fightng fans. Like they r usels.
Chapter 7: exo....are you ing serious? i will kill your sorry .
Chapter 6: wht the hell were they doing in a jaccuzzi
Chapter 5: somehow seeing junsu having a crush on xingling is weird.
Chapter 4: what the? plucking hair out? and just invite me to new story already
Chapter 4: Yey. You updated.
Happy Halloween! :D
Chapter 3: word of the story- blocking wall.