Chapter 02: Crazy Beautiful

Pink Mafia



Chapter 02: Crazy Beautiful




Taeyeon stared at her fake girlfriend incredulously. "You're crazy!" Taeyeon blurted, arms flailing in the air.
"Well, that's a very nice thing to say to your girlfriend." Tiffany rolled her eyes.
By now, Taeyeon was in state a shock. The only thing running through her mind was, death. She was going to die. Die!
"No! I'm still so young!" Taeyeon wailed.
"How old are you anyway? You look like a middle schooler."
Tiffany laid side ways on her pink couch as she watched the trouble middle school look-a-like kid pacing back and forth across the room.
"Yah, I'm talking to you!" The red head whined after recieving no response from the shorter girl.
Taeyeon shot the girl an irritated look. "Can't you see that I'm in a middle of a crisis here?!" She said, wiping away her tears. "And for your information, I am not a middle schooler! I am twenty-three!" She added.
"Twenty-three, huh?" Tiffany muttered to herself. That meant that the girl was older than her.
"That makes a five years difference then." Tiffany said, counting her long slim fingers. "But that's okay. I prefer my partner to be older anyway."
Taeyeon stared at the red head in disbelief. How can she not have a care in the world?
"Do I remind you that your so called, 'partner' might end up dying and you may end up married to this so called, ' face of a loser'." Taeyeon said, emphasizing the important bits.
The red head burst out laughing. She found her fake girlfriend to be quite funny. 
"Who says you will end up dying? I told you already. It's easy." Tiffany said quite confidently.
"Are you kidding me?!" Taeyeon said flabbergasted. "If I'm going to risk myself being shot or stabbed, I rather walk out on this deal right now!"
Tiffany cocked an eyebrow at the girl. Taeyeon looked like a kid having a tantrum.
"Walk right out and I'll have you dead in a second." Tiffany said nonchanlantly.
A sudden gasp elicited from the shorter girl. The girl was indeed crazy. Crazy she-devil! 
Taeyeon shook her head violently. Oh how did she end up meeting this crazy woman?! This pink devil like kid?! What has she done wrong to deserve this?!
"I'm guessing you're choosing to stay. That's a good choice." Tiffany said, seeing that Taeyeon was still in the room and hasn't walked out yet.
Releasing a sigh, Taeyeon plopped her little bum to the floor. She doesn't have a choice. There was no way getting out of this.
"When will I be taking this test?" 
"Tomorrow." Tiffany said, looking interestingly at her fingernails.
"Great. It's either I die today or tomorrow." Taeyeon muttered.

|| P I N K M A F I A ||
Walking through the hallways of her school's dormitory, Taeyeon had finally arrived in front of her room door.
After Taeyeon had talked it out with Tiffany, the red head had sent one of her men to accompany Taeyeon home.
At first Taeyeon rejected the offer, but the girl kept on insisting, saying that it was for her own safety. She wanted to know what that actually meant, but chose to not ask anymore questions for she was too tired.  
Turning the key to the side, Taeyeon pushed open the door and was met with her lovely roommate, stuffing her silly self with chips.
"Oh, Panyonaa. Yuerr ghpome." Her roommate said, cheetoh crumbs falling from .
"Hey Yoong." Taeyeon said tiredly before plopping her lifeless body onto her bed. 
Swallowing the last bit of cheetohs, Yoona stared at her roommate curiously. "Just got off from work?" The girl asked.
Taeyeon turn her head so that she can look at her roommate properly. She smiled seeing the disheveled sight of the girl. Her roommate was a beauty. The kind that gets guys and even girls on their knees.  
But here the girl was, sitting on the floor with her shirt backwards and cheetoh crumbs all over her pretty face.
"You're so dirty, Yoong." Taeyeon sighed. If only the students in school can see their school idol looking like this. Dirty. Messy. Shikshin.
"So mean." Yoona frowned, wiping her lips with her arm. "Where have you been all day anyway?" She added.
"Would you believe me if I said that I've been kidnapped?"
Yoona stared at her roommate questionably. "But you're here, aren't you?" Her eyes squinting at the laying girl. 
"Unless..." Yoona's eyes widen. "You've been kidnapped, killed, and now you're spirit's here to get me!" The raven hair girl gasped, reaching for the closest stuff plushie she can find to hide under.
"If this is about your missing pea, then I'm sorry! Please don't kill me." Yoona pleaded. 
Taeyeon cocked an eyebrow at the whimpering girl. "You lost my pea?" 
Without a second thought, Taeyeon reached over for her green pea plush and ped it. Her eyes widen the moment she only counted two. Where is the third one?
Taeyeon whipped her head back to her roommate. She wanted to ask about her missing pea and its whereabouts, but sighed at the pathetic sight of her roommate. "Yoona, I'm not a ghost. I'm not dead, yet.
"You're not?" Yoona asked, taking a little peek at the girl through her stuff plushie.
Taeyeon shook her head. "I'm not. If you want, you can come touch me." She said, lifting her head up for the girl to touch. 
Yoona went over to her roommate, clutching her plushie in one hand, she swiftly poke the girl's left cheek. Her milky white cheeks.
The girl's eyes widen realizing how soft Taeyeon's cheeks were. "Wah, Taeng. Your milky white cheeks are as soft as ever!" Yoona exclaimed as she continuously kept poking them.
"Yah, stop." Taeyeon slapped Yoona's hand away. 
Jutting her lower lip, Yoona plopped her bum right next to Taeyeon. "So, what is this nonsense about you being kidnapped?" Yoona gave a questioning look to her roommate, her toy plushie now cuddled in her arms.
"Are devils real?" Taeyeon suddenly asked.
"Because, I think I've met one. A crazy she-devil." Taeyeon frowned at the thought of a certain red head.
"Is she pretty?" Yoona nudged the girl.
Taeyeon stared at the girl incredulously. "Is that all you can think about?"
Shrugging her shoulders, Yoona leaned over the shorter girl. "I heard bad girls are usually very pretty."
"Are you one then?" Taeyeon asked, cocking an eyebrow at her beautiful roommate. 
Yoona pretended to ponder over the question. "I don't know, maybe?" She smiled.
Taeyeon chuckled at Yoona. "Whatever dirty Yoona." She said, rolling over and away from the girl.
Yoona frowned upon being called dirty. "You're so mean. So, tell me what happened." 
"Well, I was at work and..." 
After a couple minutes of explaining, Taeyeon found her roommates mouth left agape. "Yoona?" Taeyeon waves her hand in front of the girl.
"Oh my god, Taeyeon ah! What should we do??" Yoona exclaimed, horrified about what she had heard.
"I don't know either. I was thinking about running away, but then it's too dangerous." Taeyeon said, her shoulders slump downward.
"I don't mean that!" Taeyeon looked at her roommate confused. "I meant about your funeral! Who's going to pay??" Yoona shouted, arms flailing in the air.
Taeyeon frowned and smack the girl. "Yah, how about you help me find a way to stay alive then maybe there wouldn't be a funeral bill to pay!"
Yoona chuckled at the frowning girl. She found her roommate to be quite adorable. A quite adorable puppy. Puppyeon!
"Sorry Taeng, It's just funny. And that Tiffany girl is quite something eh? So far, you described her as beautiful, she-devil, crazy, mean, and did I mentioned beautiful?" Yoona smiled, wiggling her eyebrows at her roommate.
Taeyeon looked at Yoona in disbelief. "When I said she was beautiful, it doesn't mean I like her, okay? She's crazy!"
"Crazy beautiful." Yoona added.
|| P I N K M A F I A ||
"Stupid Yoona." Taeyeon muttered.
The petite girl was now wiping the table clean. She doesn't have any class today, so she thought she should head to work a bit earlier since she would get extra pay. 
Sighing as she wipes, she remembered the talk she had with Yoona just yesterday.
It seems as if her roommate doesn't believe her and Taeyeon can understand why.
She basically just told the girl that a beautiful she-devil that goes by the name, Tiffany, kidnapped her, locked her up in a dungeon, and is forced to become her girlfriend. A mafian girlfriend.
Of course, Taeyeon didn't leave out the part about the test, which reminds her that she'll be taking it soon later in the day. Taking the test that may end her life.
She can tell Yoona didn't believe any of it and just laughed it all off. The taller girl just assumed that her short roommate had fainted after meeting such beauty, knocked out and now has just woken up from a nightmare.
Taeyeon scoffed at the thought. If she were to be knocked out, it wouldn't be because she met a beauty. But rather, knocked out because she was whipped to death. Just like the man that she had heard screaming.
Taeyeon felt her body shiver.
"Taeyeon." She heard her boss calling her.
"Ne?" Taeyeon whipped her head and found her boss standing by the cash register.
"Please go take the customer's order. Nana is out helping with the boxes." Her boss asked as he pointed towards the girl that had just entered through the door.
Taeyeon nodded, quickly pulling out a small notebook and walked immediately to their new customer.
She gasped as she saw the all familiar red head. "Hello, my lovely girlfriend." That same devishly smirk creeping up her face.
Taeyeon gulped.
Looks like hell was waiting for her.


I was going to have Jessica be Taeyeon's roommate,

But it ended up being Yoona instead.

I wasn't going to risk a TaeNySic love triangle and have Sica heartbroken.

Haha, How can someone as cute as Fany be a she-devil?

Until then, Take care!



[TS] Verbal Jint - Luv Songs (Feat. C-Luv)



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rangelikas #1
please update
Chapter 3: Author-ssi, if you are still using this account, could you at least maybe tell me a vague summary of the plot you had in mind? I would really appreciate it.
Chapter 3: Author-ssi, if you are still using this account, could you at least maybe tell me a vague summary of the plot you had in mind? I would really appreciate it.
Hey, will anyone pick this story up to continue? It seems like the author might not want to finish this, but I'd like to read the rest.
Chapter 3: Please updated soooooon author shiiiiiii
Chapter 3: Oops looks like tiffany had some evil plan to do with taeyeon and yoona. Update soon author!
Amberlily #7
Chapter 3: Can't wait for Yoona's response! I like your stories!
eyesmilekid27 #8
Chapter 3: Geeez !! Its so interesting to read.. thanks author for this story
Chapter 3: This story is damn interesting! Dominant fany is HOT! Can't wait for the next update! Please update soon author-shi . We're still waiting :-)