Playboy Attack

The Twisted Truth

Throughout the lesson, Woong Jae didn't seem to be paying much attention. He seemed to keep glancing at Ji Young every 10 minutes.

When break time came, Hyuna and Ji Young were talking with Woong Jae, when Siwon, Minho and Jaejoong came over to talk to them too.

" Annyeong, Ji Young-ah. ", said Jaejoong.

" Annyeong, Jae oppa. ", she smiled back.

Siwon heard saw some girls a short distance away from them. He heard them whisper something.

" Tsk, that Ji Young is such a . First, our Siwon and Minho. Now, Jaejoong and Woong Jae. Who is she gonna steal next? ", he heard them whisper.

" You saying something about Ji Young? ", he questioned them.

The girls were shocked. How did Siwon know?

" Aniyo, aniyo! ", they lied.

" Don't lie; I could hear what you were saying. ", he said in a serious voice.

The girls looked at each other.

" If I hear anything bad about her, I won't hesitate to report you to the principal for gossiping about others. ", he said.

With that, the girls went away.

" Oppa, what was that about? ", asked Ji Young.

" Nothing, nothing. ", he smiled.

" I have to go to the washroom. Please excuse me. ", said Ji Young.


While Ji Young was on her way back to her class, a hand suddenly pulled her. Ji Young found herself face to face with a boy.

" Hey, beautiful. ", smirked the boy.

" Who are you? ", asked Ji Young.

" Who am I? I am Choi Jonghun and who might you be? ", he asked with an evil smirk.

" Why do you want to know? ", she asked as she shifted her foot uneasily. She felt uncomfortable and frightened around this boy.

" Just asking. ", he whispered as he drew his face closer to hers.

Ji Young felt goosebumps on her arms. His warm breath was falling on her cheeks and he was leaning closer and closer to her.

" J--Ji--Ji Young and please stop le--leaning so close to m--me. ", she stuttered.

" I want to lean closer to you...for a reason... ", he whispered in a sinister voice.

He pinned her arms to the sides and kissed her lips forcefully as he brought his body to hers. Ji Young felt tears stream down her cheeks. They were tears of fear.

" S--stop! ", she cried out when she managed to break away from his kiss.

" I won' least, not yet... ", he smiled wickedly.

He attacked her lips again with a little more force. He bit her lips countless times for entrance, but Ji Young held firm. She was not gonna let this boy have his fun with her.

" So, you're playing hard to get, huh? ", she heard him mutter under his breath.

" You--you--you-- ", she stuttered. Her voice was choked with anger and fear.

Suddenly, she felt something caress her waist. His hands! Before she could scream, he kissed her again and put his tongue in . His tongue s and the inside of .

" ing bastard! ", she snapped when he pulled his tongue out of .

" Ooh, feisty. I like it. ", he sniggered as he her cheek.

" You--you--you--let me go! ", she cried.

" Not going to. I hadn't had my fun yet.... ", he whispered, emphasizing the word fun especially.

Ji Young shuddered. Jonghun smirked. He did his tongue action in again as he caressed her waist gently.


" What's taking Ji Young so long? She's never taken such a long time before. ", asked Hyuna.

" Jaejoong hyung, why are you so restless? ", asked Minho.

" I...I don't know...I just have a bad feeling about this. ", he answered, rubbing his hands nervously.

" I'll go look for her. ", said Woong Jae as he stood up.

" I'm coming too. ", said Hyuna.

The both of them ran off in the direction Ji Young took to the washroom.


" Enough already! Let me go! ", Ji Young yelled.

" Why stop now? I'm just getting started... ", Jonghun grinned evilly.

Ji Young slapped Jonghun hard across his cheek and ran off. But she had hardly taken a step or two when Jonghun pulled her back.

" Aaaah! Let me go! ", she screamed.

" Stop struggling! ", he growled.

Ji Young struggled with Jonghun. He tried to restrain her, but she fought with him. He grasped her wrist hard, causing her to cry out in pain. Jonghun then threw her against the wall roughly, causing her to hit her head hard.

" Aaaaah! "

Ji Young fell to the floor in pain. Her vision was starting to blur and she tasted blood on her lips.

" No. I must fight to get away. I must not...let go... ", she thought as she fought to clear her vision.

When her vision did clear, Jonghun was on top of her. His eyes were filled with anger, triumph and lust. His breath fell on her face and stung her neck like a sharp wind. His mouth was curled into a cruel, thin smile of victory.

" Now I've won. ", he smirked softly as he s his hand up her skirt.

Ji Young was too weak to fight back anymore. Was this how it was gonna end? But before Jonghun could do anything to her, there was a voice. An angry one, in fact.

" Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Her. "

Ji Young looked up to see Woong Jae pull Jonghun off her and beat the out of him. She felt herself being lifted up and saw Hyuna staring at her with tear-filled eyes.

" Ji Young! Ji Young! I'm so sorry, Ji Young... ", whispered Hyuna into her ear.

" H--Hy--Hyu--Hyuna... ", Ji Young stuttered out hoarsely.

" Ji friend...I'm so sorry... ", cried Hyuna softly.

" Why do all these bad things happen to me? ", thought Ji Young as she out for the millionth time in her life.

Cliffhanger! Any comments or subscriptions or both? Sorry I'm using FTIsland's Jonghun as a playboy! It's just a story! :P

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Chapter 29: Your story is Good,update soon!will be waiting for ur next chapter:)
Yayyy! Update soon :)
update soon!!!
OMO!!!<br />
leeteuk is ji young brother???
it was not lame at all... the story keep getting intrusting :) update soon
i think its jaejoong....
Your story is very addicting! :)
What mean by the note?
<br />
Can't wait for update :)
Sad story, they have to go through such a hard time... Update soon :)