the ticking clock. o1.

the ticking clock.
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  Chapter 1:   "Darling, take a seat here."

Hyuna quitely kept her phone and sat next to her mom, who had one of the most suspicious looking smile ever. The kind of smile she gives when she wants a favor from her daughter.

"Remember when I used to tell you about a best friend I had? Kwon Haeri? We met again recently." Mrs. Kim paused. "She moved back to Seoul a few years ago yet we’ve never had the chance to see each other again until the reunion we had at a friend’s birthday party."

Hyuna just waited for her to continue, trying to figure out where this is all going.

"We've been catching up a lot and she's in a bit of a situation right now."

Hyuna was cautious of her mom's behavior but nevertheless, worried for this close friend of her mom.

"It's her son.”

"What’s wrong with her son?"

Her mother grabbed Hyuna's hands. "Oh darling, that boy is dying."

"Oh dear, why is he dying?"

"He has Leukemia." Mrs. Kim could only sigh. "He only has a couple of months left."

"Oh gosh, that's terrible...?"

“You see…” Mrs. Kim paused, deep in thoughts. "His mom told me that he's never dated before and I found out that he-"

Hyuna blinked, surprised. "You're not suggesting that I date him, are you?"

"You can think of it has making a new friend but with more intimate contact..." This caused Hyuna to flush red while Mrs. Kim giggled a little, her eyes remained sad and her hands cold. “He didn't really express his desire of getting a girlfriend but he did say that he-"

"Mom, do you hear yourself?" Hyuna interrupted her again. "You want me to date a stranger?"

“It's not that bad, darling. He seems to fit your type and you should know him since he's from KU as well."

"Mom! How would you know what my type is?"

"Oh darling, it is very, very obvious from the past boyfriends you've introduced to us." Mrs. Kim said, "all 3 boyfriends were athletic boys with sugar sweet personalities and one of those dazzling smiles you like best."

"Goodnight mom." Hyuna groaned and left for her room. She felt bad for rejecting the favor but at the same time, this whole idea of dating a stranger was just weird.

The topic was brought up at breakfast the next morning again. The only difference is that Mr. Kim is present this time. He seems to be going for the idea that his daughter dating a stranger was perfectly normal. Mrs. Kim must have brainwashed him somehow.

"So basically, you're introducing me to a boy to date but with the added T&C that he's going to leave me eventually."

"Oh Hyuna darling, this is the last thing I can do for the sweet young man and his mother, my best friend - to date his high school crush."

"To date his..." Hyuna sat up, surprised. "He knows me?! You could have said this from the start!"

"You were the one who interrupted me and it's a long story but he only told me when I showed him a picture of you since I was talking about how beautiful my daughter was."

"Lies. You did not talk about how beautiful I was.” Hyuna said and she swore she saw her father suppress a laugh. What nice parents I have here...

"Oops! You caught me," Mrs. Kim grinned. "I was sharing the story about how you ran into a glass door and got a bruise on your forehead last week."


“You’ve dated lots of guys before, Kim Hyuna,” Mr. Kim finally spoke up, “dating one more isn’t going to hurt.”

“Dad! How can you say that?”   "What's wrong? Isn't it true?" Mr Kim has a smirk one his face while he chews on his pancake, what ugly table manners he had. "What were their names again? There was a Jun-something in high school, then the dancer guy with the skinny legs, that other guy with the small eyes and what's-his-name..."   "Ugh," Hyuna groans, "why can't I get normal parents like everyone else?"   "Why don't we strike a deal?" Mrs Kim suggests.    Hyuna doesn't look at her but she's listening.    "I'll stop showing your future boyfriends your childhood pictures if you do this favor for me."    The image of young Hyuna, in her pororo bathing suit, stuck in a toilet bowl crossed the teenager's mind and she immediately sighed, defeated. "Fine, deal."        “Mom, for the last time.” Hyuna said, annoyed, while the two of them were exiting the elevator that brought them to the hallways that held the ward they were heading to. “You're not going to immediately tell him that I'm his new girlfriend." 

“Oh darling, it’s the same thing!”

“It’s not!” Hyuna glared at her mom. “I’m not going to go in and be like ‘oh hi! I’m Hyuna and I’m your new girlfriend’ to a complete stranger.”

“What’s your plan then?” Mrs. Kim was disappointed but she knew that she couldn’t force Hyuna to do this.

“You’re going to just introduce us and then you’ll leave us alone to get to know each other.” Hyuna explained. “I’ll see how it goes from there.”

Mrs. Kim grinned. “Oh thank you, darling.”

“What are you so happy about? There is no guarantee that I'm going to do this. For all you know, I might end up choosing that embarrassing photo over this.”

“I’m just glad you’re willing to try for my sake.”

“Whatever,” Hyuna huffed. “Lead the way please.”

You could almost see a little skip in Mrs. Kim’s steps like she had just fulfilled one of her greatest life wishes. The kind-hearted Mrs. Kim has always been one who was always enthusiastic about helping people. Always wanting to go the extra mile for s
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Oh gosh, i'm crying a river here! Just love it so much! And your other fanfiction is too good tooo. You write so well! I just really widh that you write a SunggyuxHyuna some time, it's really hard, if not impossible to find a ggood one with this couple!
Chapter 3: Crying a river
vita27 #3
Chapter 3: I realy luuuuuuv it ❤❤❤ i cry when woohyun dead, but the ending make me smile,thanx 4 the stories authornim, hope u make stories w hyuna as main again, couse shes my bias, hehe^^
NamCheruru #4
Chapter 3: OH MY GUSHHHH!!! author-nim THAT WAS DAE TO THE BAK!!I
i was crying in the entire scene where woohyun is dying T^T this is a MASTER PIECE!! for godness sake!!!
i know its just a fanfic ..but heck!!!! u didn't fail to make your readers cry"!!!
WTF!!! omfg??? this was in 2013? HELL NO!!
why i just found this WONDERFUL AS IN WONDER FUL!!! story so late?? WAE WAE WAE WAE ????!!" jiang author-nim jiang!!! thank you so much for writing this *throwNAM HEARTS*
Abchihi #5
It's so sad but fortunately in the end hyuna have childish Zico with her
vip4nia #6
Chapter 3: i cry , it just so sad T_T
Chapter 3: i'm crying... it just so good TAT
Chapter 3: Omg im crying :')
Ughhhh so sad and sweet and omg T_T
Chapter 3: i was crying coz of this story!!! love it so much!!! can u make other story featuring hyuna!!!