
Move over

He sat on the chair, legs apart as she sat on his lap. Her legs spread out rested at either of his side. His hands went to her derriere and pushed her closer to him - and she willingly grinded her pelvis on his creating the friction they both needed. She ran her hands on his ruffled brown locks as he lunge his tongue down to – making her moan in his lips.


Jongin ran his hand along her exposed thigh and tilted his head to the side to gain more and better access. He momentarily opened his eyes to check if some of his classmates are there already only to see her looking at them. Her that used to be the one to sit on his lap, taste his lips and ran a hand on his brown locks. Her that was once his world.


Jongin smirked at the kiss as he watched her watch them with a blank expression – too much or too less emotion. Jongin kept his gaze on her when a man entered their classroom, held Soojung’s wrist, turned her round and quickly pecked her pouty lips. Jongin watched as Soojung looked up lovingly at Sehun and as Sehun lovingly tucked Soojung’s hair behind her ear whispering something that made the lady giggle.


And the next thing that happened, Jieun on the floor, a chair knocked off beside her, and Jongin angrily pushing anyone that comes across him along the corridor  because yet again he needs to remind himself


That they’re over and he moved on.

He placed a peppero on his mouth and turned to his right and smiled at her. She looked at him, smiled before she started to bite – and he did the same. And once the biscuit’s gone they started kissing, not minding the stares of the whole cafeteria – because they really don’t care.


When he faced front again the smile that was once on his face instantly fell with what welcomed his sight.


Right across Jongin sat Soojung and Sehun feeding each other, and giggling – sitting right in front of him – facing him, mocking him. Soojung looked up after being fed by Sehun who had his arms around her waist, keeping her close to him.


Jongin stared.


Soojung stared.


Jongin kept his eyes on Soojung as Jieun held his face and turned it towards her and started to devour his lips once again.


Soojung kept his eyes on Jongin as Sehun fed her and wiped the sides of her lips.


And again they need to remind themselves


That they’re over and they moved on.


Why did you break up with Jongin? Sehun asked her once when he was sitting on a bench. Soojung laying her head on his lap.


Soojung looked up at him. Because I can’t go out with someone who’s going out with the half of the girl’s population of the school.


That’s rumor.


No, it’s true.


Sehun held her hand and caressed it. You still love him. It was not stated as a question but stated as a fact.


I moved on. She said to Sehun and convinced herself.


We are over, and I moved on.


Soojung was on their couch watching T.V. when her mother came in, groceries at hand, and stories of her dreadful way home as the rain suddenly poured and how lucky she is she came across Jongin.


Soojung stiffened at the mention of the name and went frozen when the main entrance of the house opened again, and came in Jongin handling greater amount of grocery bags.


Soojung gulped as she caught his eyes, darted at her and quickly towards the kitchen where he aims to settle the grocery bag.


Soojung stopped breathing as she listened to his movements. He would usually settle the grocery by the island counter, help Soojung’s mother keep goods that are kept in the pantry that the old lady cannot reach, and Soojung’s mother instructing him to Go and carry on with Soojung I’m fine.


It happened of course, just not the part where he sits beside her on their couch, snuggle up and watch whatever series the T.V. has to offer. Rather, he bowed to the old lady and quietly went out the door.


Because again the two of them needs to remind themselves


That they’re over, and they should be moving on.


He looked up at her and at her. One yelling out his name the other limped weakly at the side, eyes closed, hands clasped together in a praying position.


He watched as the two of them tried their best to jump down the ragged stairs


It’s okay, you can do it, we did this already remember? You could do it. He said to her. Her that was once and is still his world. She opened her eyes and met his. His eyes happy while her eyes are full of blank emotions.


And she jumped.


And he caught her.


When Soojung opened her eyes, it met with his. He looked at her, she looked at him – both with passive expression.


Soojung was the first to pry away from him. She bowed at him.


Thank you she said, and she walked away. Jongin watched as she went beside Sehun and hugged him, while the latter entwined his arms around her. He watched as Sehun kissed the crown of her head and everything came nostalgic.


In that one action he remembered how he’ll always kiss her on the forehead, and in return she’ll caress his ears – his soft spot.


He gulped as he turned around and started walking towards Jieun because yet again he has to remind himself.


That they’re over, and he has to man up


It’s not really true Sehun said when he and Soojung were sitting, waiting by the bus stop. Soojung looked at him and titled her head to the side.


What is not true? She asked.


That rumor about Jongin, the rumor that he dated Suzy, Sulli, Naeun, and you all at the same time Sehun said, keeping his gaze in front.


But I talked to them, and they said it’s true.


Sehun shook his head and turned his head to her and smiled slyly.


I –


Oh you two are here a voice interrupted Sehun. The two looked up and saw Jieun with Jongin by her side. Jongin had his arm around Jieun.


Hello Sehun  greeted the two, Jieun waved and Jongin smiled.


Soojung didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything, and didn’t even look back at them after she saw who they were.


Then the bus came.


They boarded the bus. The bus was packed and so the 4 of them were standing up. Jongin was right at the back of Soojung, Sehun in front of her.


The bus suddenly stopped forcing everyone to move forward, Soojung thought in any second now she’ll be falling to Sehun when she felt an arm around her waist, keeping her close, and a body pressed against her back.




It’s the smell.


It’s the warmth.


That was once and still her world.


She looked up to see an equal shocked expression by Jongin. She blinked as she held Jongin’s hand that was on her waist and slowly removed it from her.


Thank you, I’m okay now. She said but when she was about to drop his hand, Jongin intertwined their fingers and hid it at her back.


Jongin moved his head closer to Soojung and unnoticeably kissed her head.


I still love you. Jongin whispered but Soojung was too busy being bothered by their intertwined hands that she missed what he said.


Soojung went down the bus.


Jongin went down the bus.


Of course, after all they live right next to each other.


Soojung was walking ahead of Jongin, knowledgeable of the existence of the person walking behind her.


It was difficult, trying to look ahead but wondering what’s happening behind you.


Wondering what the person behind you is doing, to what he is looking at, to what he is thinking.


Soojung closed her eyes and reminded herself.


We are over; I have nothing to be conscious of.


But even before she could open her eyes, arms were around her waist, spinning her around and lips were on hers.


She opened her eyes.


It’s him, once her world, and will always be.


Jongin let go of her face and smiled shyly.


I’m sorry, but it’s hard forgetting you. Jongin whispered as he slowly let go of Soojung completely.


Soojung was left frozen on her spot.


And she had to repeat her mantra over and over again



Soojung stood in front of Sehun, hands clasped together, lips gnawing each other as she listened to his opinion about Jongin and her kissing the night they went home together.


Soojung is honest and she believes being honest with each other is what’s most important in a relationship. And is what brought Jongin and her apart.


She sighed inwardly as she thought of him again.


I think this is meant to happen was what she heard, and was what she least expected. Soojung looked from staring at her shoes and faced Sehun




Sehun gulped before he reached for her hand and intertwined their hands. His thumb ran soothing her warm palm.


Before everything else I wan to say sorry


Sorry for what? Soojung asked.


Sorry for being envious of your perfect relationship, sorry for thinking low of what you two feel and sorry for breaking you two apart.


Soojung grew more confused. Just what is Sehun talking about?


What do you mean?


Sehun let go of her hand and was now the one staring at his shoes. Shoulders lumped low, hands clasped together, Sehun gulped before answering I was the one who talked to those girls to tell you they were in a relationship with Jongin when in reality they’re really not


After blurting what he said Sehun closed his eyes and expected a big slap from Soojung but nothing came. Opening one eye and slowly the other Sehun peeked up at Soojung and found her gnawing her lips yet again, eyes b with tears.


I’m sorry too Soojung whispered. For letting you believe that my love was genuine, but really Sehun I tried, but I just –


I understand.


Soojung nodded and stepped closer to Sehun and hugged him one last time


I kept insisting myself that Jongin and I were over and I moved on  Soojung whispered But I guess I was wrong.


And I’m sorry for causing that


Soojung sat on her chair as she waited for her classmates to arrive. Soojung has always been early in class, she just stopped being early when she broke up with Jongin because Jongin is next to her in being an early bird.


But today, even though there’s a fifty-fifty chance that Jongin would be early alongside Jieun, she doesn’t care. She’s too tired lying to herself on how she feels.


If she feels jealous of those two, and so she’ll show them, if she feels disgusted on their frequent public display of affection then she’ll show it.


Because today and onwards she’ll start being real, and stop lying to her feelings.



Jongin came in 10 minutes after Soojung came and he abruptly stopped when she noticed her. Soojung just looked up at him and looked away again.


This is beyond difficult compared to what I imagined Soojung thought as she skimmed through her notes.


She tried burying the thought that Jongin was alone with her in the classroom and tried to-


Soojung he whispered in her ears. The said girl jolted in surprise and quickly turned her head to the source of the voice, only for her lips to be met with his in a chaste kiss.


Soojung pulled back and stared at Jongin who was bent on her desk his arms supporting him by the desk, caging her purposely and smiling down at her.


Have I ever told you how beautiful you are when you’re scared? Jongin said as he reached out her face and caressed her cheeks.


Out of human instincts Soojung pulled back her face from his touch.


I-I’m sorry Jongin, but-


I love you




Jongin smiled and leaned closer to her I said I love you before brushing his lips to hers again.


Soojung blinked but this time she did not move What about Jieun? She asked on his lips.


Jongin smiled and pecked her lips again I apologized already for using her on trying to get you jealous with the thought that maybe you’ll get back to me.


Soojung found it amusing, how she’s doing the same thing to him.


I’m sorry for doubting you Soojung said after a while as she looked down. She felt his lips now on her ears and he kissed it.


It’s okay! It was a no way out, every girl said yes to the accusation what could I do? Jongin said bitterly


And knowing the gullible you, I knew it would be hard to convince you that I’m innocent.


Soojung sighed and looked up at Jongin I know and I’m sorry again she said


Jongin smiled and pulled Soojung up to her feet. It’s okay he said before she held her to his embrace and kiss her forehead  I though I'll lose you forever he whispered


Soojung smiled as she looked up at him Me too.


Jongin chuckled before kissing her forehead and Soojung automatically caressed his ears. Jongin hugged her tightly, because he miss this, having her in her arms, and he’s really glad that he had to stop repeating to himself that


They’re over and he moved on


Because that phrase even from the start is a one big lie.


Because he would never move on from Soojung.


Kim Jongin can never move on from Jung Soojung



A/N I'm sorrry, was that weird? Was it like...uhmm, was it half-baked? Haha IDK, my instincts just flew by, IDK I'm sorry. It was supposed to be a Sestal but I can't let go of Kim Jongin T_T And yeah HBD to Donghae :) Peace out



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SweetWater #1
Chapter 1: This is beautiful. I'm loving it.
Chapter 1: bc you reviewed on my fics, i had the intuition that you wrote stories too and— man. this is so good ; u ;
like. hey, kababayan!
i was planning to write a fic inspired by krissy and ericka's 12:51 on my angst month but like eh.
thank god i didn't bc this one had me wanting to hug sehun, krys, and kai.

ps. i'll claim sehun for myself lmao.

- lglm.
ChocoCaramel #3
Chapter 1: i like the way you write it! xD
Chapter 1: beautiful *___* srsly how adorable is their reLATIONSHIP AND poor sehun boy he did the right things :::: after this kaistal's bond got stronger than before
thelastghostgirl #5
Chapter 1: simply-beautiful, the emotion in this story was the best
Chapter 1: oh god, this is so beautiful i cried ;__;
i thought they won't get back together but you end this beautifully...
LadyBoo #7
Chapter 1: one word to describe. beautiful c: keep writing authornim!