





 You know Seohyun, you're on stupid girl. Asking me on the first day of our junior year to help you plan your love life.


You told me you wanted to have a love life this year. That you were tired of being the same old proper Seohyun that I would always tease you for being.


You came to me claiming I was a ' Love Doctor ' for having dated so many guys in the past. You told me you would do anything to repay me if I helped you.


Anyways, you wanted me to find you the perfect guy.


So I did.


You also wanted me to help you win his heart, so here we are practicing.


" Listen, you're doing it all wrong Seohyun-ah " I said trying to instruct her. " If you keep going at that speed, you might run him over! " I was way over exaggerating.


" Sorry! Let me try this again " she said determined.


Seohyun was walking too fast again and turned at the corner.




" Ughh " I groaned while pinching my nose bridge. She kept messing up the routine.


Seohyun came up with her own plan on how she wants her love life to be set up.


She wanted her and her soon-to-be-boyfriend to ' accidently ' bump into each other.


I thought is was pretty ridiculous. I mean how can you plan love, it just happens right? I didn't want to upset her by telling her this so I just didn't bother to stop this.


" Hey Yoona, did I do it right? " you ran up to me all excited.


" Not even close" I didn't mean to sound as I did but we've been practicing for an hour and she still hasn't done this right.


" Alright now look at me Seohyun, just follow what I do, okay? " she just nodded her head sadly.


I just started walking casually and turned at the coener. It's really that simple. " There now you  try "


She started walking a little bit slower. I squinted my eyes trying to get a better look.


I smiled while clapping slowly. Seohyun looked up at me with happy eyes and a smile. " Did I do it right? "


" No "


Her smile faded away. " But you did a lot better Seohyun-ah " I patted her shoulder.


She smiled again.


" Now how about I get you an ice cream for doing so good? " my hand left her shoulder.


" Thanks Yoong "




<   >



I sat in my chair, trying to stay awake, listening to my teacher lecturing me about my grades being the lowest in our class.


I looked at the corner of my eyes to see a concerned Seohyun.


" Do you hear me Yoona" the teacher spat.


" Yes sir " I said uninterested.


He rolled his eyes at me, knowing I just lied.


" If I don't see your grades improving by the end of the month, I'll make sure you don't graduate "


The bell rang and I got up and waved him off. He just scoffed at me and yelled as we all started to leave the classroom. " You hear me Yoona?! Just one month! "


As soon as I got out of the door I was greeted by Seohyun, who I knew was going to scold me.


" You know Yoona, he's right. You should really think about your future "


I just rolled my eyes at her. Cant they see that I really don't care?


" Anyways, what do I need to teach you today? "


She thought for a moment and snapped her fingers when she had her idea.


" I'll drop something and he'll chase me around to give it back to me "


Oh gosh, how cheesy~


" Come on Seo let's be realistic, who is going to chase you down to give it back to you. Who knows, he might even steal it "


She pouted " Do you really think so? "


I just sighed " Maybe he's a gentleman like everyone says he is? "


I honestly don't believe anyone is that nice, I mean they might act nice but he might have like a weird or something.


Even though I was the one who picked him out, he was the only decent one out of everyone. The other boys were either too weird or were going to be jerks.


But Seohyun wanted to date so who was I to stop her?


" Okay, so what do you plan on dropping? " I asked


" A backpack? "


I smacked her head. " Are you an idiot? "


How can she ' accidently ' drop her backpack and doesn't see it so she just forgets she drops it? Seohyun may be booksmart but sometimes she can be a real airhead.


Seohyun rubbed the back of her head " Ow Yoongie "


" Sorry but come on Seohyun-ah, a backpack, really? "


She pouted again " This is exactly why I need your help, you're the love doctor "


I mentally slapped myself. " Fine, how about you drop your phone strap? " It seemed good enough for me. It's pretty useless so it wouldn't matter if he doesn't return it to her.


" But you bought this for me Yoona-ah "


Yeah I did but that was because I was running late and couldn't buy you a better birthday gift for you. I hated that day because I felt so ty for giving you such a horrible gift.


But you loved it so dearly.


Of course I told you to throw it away the day I got you a better gift but of course you insited on keeping it just because it was the very first gift I bought for her using my own money.


" It's alright "




<   >



" Yoona, lets practice some more "


I just nooded my head, grabbing two popcicles out of  her freezer.


" Should we go to the park to do it? " she asked


" Yeah lets go " I said giving her the other half.




" Okay so whats your scenerey for today, Seo? " I asked crossing my legs as I sat on the bench.


" Mmmm.... Ah! How about we practice holding hands " she said clapping


Hey thats acually not bad. I was expecting her to pick a very cheesy one, but this one is something she really needs to know.


" Alright, it's nice to know all this planning and training is actually working " I then patted on the bench signaling her to sit beside me." Come sit "


She walked and sat beside me. " You better not make fun of me "


I hummed in response. It cant be that bad, right? It's just holding hands.


Even though I've actually never ssen her touch anyone.


Not even me (knowing I don't really like people touching me. Maybe thats what led my relationships to end so early)


" It's not really complicated Seo, you just sort of do it, you know? "


She nodded her head slowly and slowly crept her hand over and cupped my hand




" Look Seohyun, you need to do it like this " I slipped our fingers together. " If you cup your hands like how you just did yours hands will get too sweaty. Now you try " I released our hands.


Seohyun nervously slipped her hands into mine.




" D-Did I do it right? "


" Yeah "




<   >



" Come on Seohyun, don't screw up. " I mumbled to myself, hiding by a tree.


This is it.


Where Seohyun was going to put her first step to use.


I saw him walking, while chewing some gum, over to his first class of the day.


I told her this was the perfect timing to do it.


And it was, he wasn't with his friends right now.


I also told her she would'nt embarrass herself as much if she did it this way.


I think I was more nervous for her than she is herself. He would be stupid if he turns her down. And id he does, I'll be sure to be the one who plans his funeral.


I can already hear it now. ' I'm sorry to inform everyone but a very dear student from this school was in a accident and didn't make it '


I felt my face turn red just thinking about it.


The other girls always teased me for being more over protected of Seohyun but I couldn't help it. She looked so fragile, one mistake and she would break.


I watched carefully as Seohyun walked, getting closer to him.


Damn it Seo, you're walking too fast


She took a quick glance at me and as if she knew what I was thinking she slowed down.


She already turned at the curve to where she ' accidently ' bumped into him/


He then bowed a couple fo time and said words I couldn't hear from where I was.


Maybe he was appologizing.


He better be.


They were talking with each other, her smiling and him smiling back.


And then it hit me. Whats going to happen to me once Seohyun gets a boyfriend? Is she going to forget about me?


Or am I just going to have to be the 3rd wheel? Maybe I should start dating?


Yeah, I guess I'll just have to start dating again.




<   >



" Hey Seo " I said as we were walking back from school.


" Mmm " she hummed.


" Remember when you told me that you would do anything for me if I helped you? "


" Yeah, why? Did you think of something you wanted? " I nodded my head.


" Well what is it? " she slipped her hand into mine.


I turned to look at her questionably. " Just for practice " she smiled at me.


" Do you think you could find me a date? "


She stopped walking.


" Seo? What's wrong? " I asked tugging her hand, telling her to keep walking.


" O-Oh it's nothing, it's just weird that you're the one asking me to find you a date. " she then began to walk again.


" It's okay because I trust you Seohyun-ah "


She snapped her fingers. " Ah! I know the perfect b-boy for you. His name is- "


" I like girls Seo "


" What? "


" I said I liked girls "


I felt her grip on my hand tighten a little.



<   >


" Hey Yoong! " I turned to see Seohyun running to try to catch up to me.


" Yeah? "


" I found the perfect girl for you " now this caught my attention


" There is this new girl who is coming today and I saw her in the office just a while ago and she is absolutely beautiful Yoong. She is perfect for you! "


Beautiful, eh? I guess I'll be the judge for that.


" Come on Seohyun-ah. We're going to be late for class " I grabbed her hand and lead the way.


As soon as we got to class I let go of her hand and sat in my seat.


She pouted a little before going to her own seat.


When the teacher walked in we immediately started class. Ughh~ this is so boring maybe if I just close my eyes for a few seconds......


The door opened and walked in a beautiful girl. " Sorry I got a little lost "


There were people mummuring around.


" She's so pretty "


" What I would give just to bang her " those erts


" It's alrght just introduce intoduce yourself " our teacher said with a charming smie. Ew gross you're like 40.


She slowly walked up to the front of the room.


" Hello my name is Jessica Jung "



<   >



Jessica was sitting beside me, well technechally she didn't have a choice this was the only chair left.


I hardly ever noticed her, I was too distracted on Seohyun who was trying to get me to pay attention to the lesson.


I made an okay sign with my hand and rolled my eyes.

She just smiled.

I turned back at the teacher and try concentrating on the lesson but just couldn't.

Ughh how does she expect me to listen if it's so boring. I soon started tapping my pencil on my desk.

Ah~ now this gives me an idea.

I reached and grabbed my notebook and tore a piece of a paper from it.

I rolled it into a ball and threw it at the back of her head.

I snickered when she turned around to give me a glare before rolling  her eyes while opened the note.

Just then I heard a giggle coming from the girl right next to me.

We looked at each other for a couple of seconds before I got hit in the eye by a ball of paper.

Damn it Seohyun, I'll get you next!

An other giggle errupted from her.

" Hi I'm Jessica "

" Yoona "



<   >



" Can I sit with you guys? I kinda don't have friends, you know with me being new and all "

" Of course "



<   >







" Hey Yoona, the teacher said you needed to bring your grades up, right? " jessica aked

I nodded my head.


" Maybe I can come over to your house and help you? " she said with a blush on her face




 " Gee thanks "



<   >



I was talking to my teacher after class, who was grumbling about me passing and I'm free to go.


Oh my god, thank you lord for sending someone to rescue me on my poor grades.


I need to remind myself to give Jessica a good gift for tutoring me good.


I walked out the door to see Seohyun who was still waiting on me " Come on Yoong! Lets go already " she whinned


I laughed a little. It's very rare to see a childish Seohyun.


" Alright lets go " I said and held her hand.


When we walked out of the school, we met a very nervous Jessica.


She walked towards us. " Ummm Yoona, do you think I could talk to you for a moment? "


I looked at Seohyun who looked back at me. I motioned my head for her to just go ahead and walk.


" I'll catch up to you later "


After watching watching Seohyun already I asked " Yeah, whats up? "


" Yoona do you happen to have a boyfriend?.... or maybe a girlfriend? " she asked nervously.


Wait, is she going to ask what I think she is? I shook my head


" Really?! " Jessica said in a happier voice " But I thought you and Seohyun were... " she mumbled to herself.


What? Me and Seohyun?


" No we're just bestfriends " she looked up to me shocked that I heard her.


" Well if thats the case will you.. " she started to fidget again " my girlfriend? "


At the corner of my eye I saw that Seohyun stopped walking to talk to her soon-to-be-boyfriend. She was smiling real big.


I looked back at Jessica who had pink on her cheeks.



<   >




" You know Seohyun we really shouldn't be doing this "


We were sitting on my couch, scratch that- I was sitting on the couch while she was laying her head on my lap while she was hugging my waist..


" I have a girlfriend now " Did she care? Probably not.


I don't know why but she's been real clingy to me these past few days.


Like as if she would let go I would be gone forever.


" Shhh~ it's alright. We're bestfriends, this is what bestfriends do right? " she snuggled her face into my stomache.


This is what bestfriends do? I highly doubt it but I didn't want to ruin her happy mood.


* Knock Knock *


" Is someone else joining us? " Seohyun sat up and I got up to answer the door.


" You don't mind that I invited Jessica too, do you? "


" N-Not at all "



<   >




" So how's Seohyun's plan on trying to win that boys heart? " Jessica asked me.


" I don't really know. She hasn't been telling me things these past month. "


" And why's that? "


I just sighed.


" Hey look, there they are right there " she pointed to the tree I had hid the first time Seohyun used her step.


Jessica was right, there they were.


They looked like they were arguing? He was the one yelling at her?


Why the is he yelling at her like that?!


Before I could take a step I felt an arm holding me down.


I snapped my head to Jessica who was looking at me kinda.... sad?


" Just leave them be. Seohyun's a big girl "



<   >



" Yoona " Jessica called out. We were both laying on her couch watching a movie with my arms around her.


I hummed too tired to even say anything.


" I love you "



<   >



 " Class! Make sure you to turn in your reports by five today. It will cost you about 40% of your grade. "




Me and Jessica were strolling around the school since she really hasn't seen our campus. We turned in our reports already.


" That right there is our school statue " I said pointing to the big statue on our right.


" But Yoona why does it have some pink paint on it? " Jessica asked curious


" Thats because on graduation day, without anyone noticing, some seniors painted the whole statue pink and even put girly clothes on it " I said chuckling


" Did they ever find out who did it? "


" Actua- " I guess since I was too engorssed with talking to jessica that I bumped into someone.


" Ow- I'm terribly sorry for bumpin- Seohyun? " I said appologizing halfway.


" Woops! Sorry Yoong but I'm really in a hurry " she said and quickly gathering all the papers she dropped. After she grabbed most of them she quickly check her watch on her wrist.


" Omo! Bye Yoong. Bye Jessica! "


" Are you alright Yoona? " Jessica asked wiping some dirt off my back.


" Yeah I'm alright. Lets go? " I said slipping her hand in mine.


She smiled at me and nodded her head. I took a step and noticed that I stepped on something.


Huh? Whats this? My eyes widened when I realized it was Seohyun's report that needs to be turned in!


After Jessica looked and realized what it was her eyes also widened.


" Hey Jessica, I know that we're already late for that movie you wanted to watch but.... " I bit my lip holding up the paper.


She sighed " Just go "


I ran and looked at the time.


only ten more minutes





<   >





Jessica and I were eating at an ice cream place. We were talking about our day and such.


She then turned serious " Listen Yoona I have something very important to you, it's abou- " my phone call interupted her.


Jessica looked annoyed. Was what she wanted to talk about that important?


I just looked at her feeling sorry. " Hello? " I answered


" Yoong I am so sorry " I heard Seohyun crying over the phone 


" Seohyun what's wrong?! " I said panicked


" I'm just sorry " she appopologizing to me.


" Where are you at?! "


" My house "


" Just stay there. I'll be there as fast as I can " " Okay" she hung up on me


Before I could jump out of my chair Jessica stretched her arm out and stopped me.


" Yoona " she kept her head down " Pick one "


" Pick one? " what the hell


" Me or Seohyun "


" Oh Jessica " I said in a whisper slowly sliding her arm off mine.


" I should have known " she chuckled to herself. I saw tears drop onto her lap.


" Jessica " I said as I got up and embraced her into a hug.


" I feel like such an idiot. But the fact I already knew what was going to happen makes me hate myself even more. " she burried her face in her hands.


" Even when I told you that I loved you, you didn't say it back. We didn't even make it to that movie. " she cried some more


" I even questioned Seohyun on your favorite color to you favorite food dish. The fact that Seohyun knew it all made me even more upset that I didn't know anything about you. You always blew me off for her. "


I cupped her face and wiped the tears off her face with my thumbs. " I'm like you Jessica, I really do " I kiss her forehead. " But you honestly deserve someone better than me. Someone who will love you and spend more time with you than I ever did. "


I smiled at her and she smiled back. " Now stop crying or you'll look like a clown with your make up running down your beautiful face "


" Thanks you punk " she punched my shoulder while laughing.


" But you should go now before you lose her to someone else. I saw the way you looked at her..." She got off and headed to to the door wiping off the remaining tears she had on her cheeks. I gave her a confuse look. The way I look at her?


"... but you're just too dense to realize it yet "


She opened the door but before she stepped out she said " Oh yeah, earlier I did have something very important to say. " she looked back at me " I'm suppose to go back to America. I was going to see if this relationship would last but I guess not. "


I frowned. She's going back to America? " Maybe when I graduate I'll major in modeling or something. Anyways I hope you get her and we'll be meet in the future. Fighting! " She said before she left the ice cream shop.


I shot out of my seat to try to catch up to her. When I got outside she was already in her car starting the engine.


" Jessica! " she rolled her window down and stuck her head out she was already at a stop sign.




" JESSICA JUNG IS SO AWESOME. HOW IS SHE SO AWESOME? I GUESS SHE MUST'VE BEEN BORN LIKE THAT! " I saw her smile before she started to drive away.


" THANKS PUNK! " I heard her yell back at me as she stuck her hand at me giving me a thumbs up. 




<   >



" Seohyun! " I yelled when I entered her room.


I saw her on the bed sobbing into a pillow.


" What's wrong " I said as I sat on her bed rubbing her back.


" Please don't " she snapped her head at me. I looked at her shock, her eyes were very puffy and red.


" Tell me what's wrong Seohyun-ah" I looked her in her eyes, my eyes full of worry.


" I know I shouldn't act like this. I'm sorry"


" You have nothing to be sorry about " I told her trying to calm her.


" Yes I do. All of the planning I did had a totally different outcome "


" Seohyun can you tell me what's wrong "


" Whats wrong? Everything is wrong. " she said throwing her arms out.


" Everything? "


" Yes everything. I planned all that to fall inlove with him.... " she stopped and burried her face in her pillow again. ".....but I fell for you instead "


I froze. " I had to set everything up with him but everything I planned came naturally with you "


I looked at her dumbfounded. She fell for me?


" How we would naturally hold hands, or when we really accidently bumped into each other. You told me no one would run to return something to me but you did. You returned my report for me and saved my grade. That's why I feel so bad! I fell for you while you're dating Jessica and the guilt is still eating me! " she huffed after saying all what she needed to say.


She looked up at me and stared at me, who was still frozen. I saw the tears gather back in her eyes.


I don't know why but my body moved on its own.


I kissed her.


Her eyes widened but I just closed my eyes and deepen the kiss.


I pulled away once we needed oxygen and leaned my forhead on hers.


" What about Jessica? " she asked keeping her eyes close, breathing heavy


" We broke up "


" Why? "


" It just worked out that way "



'But you should go now before you lose her to someone else '


" Seohyun " I cupped her face.


" Be my girlfriend? " I said cutely




<   >



You know Seohyun you're one stupid girl, agreeing to be my girlfriend.


You told me you loved me. But I love you even more, though it took me longer to realize.


You amazed me the day we went to pick out wedding dressed for each other and you looked stunning.


And here we are, living in our very first house together.


We both were sitting on the couch watching t.v. when something caught our eye.


Rising star model Jessica Jung to come back to Korea!


" Hey Seo do you think it would be cool to tell our future kids that I dated a model? "




Thank you for reading my first!


Maybe I'll write more in the future so keep an eye out for me.




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Chapter 1: This is an amazing story. Thank you :)
Chapter 1: Yes, Yoona, it would be cool to tell that to your kids xD But it will not be cool when you sleep on the couch xD WHAT A CUTE STORY
Chapter 1: I missed reading a YoonHyun-centric story, so thank you for this one! I had fun reading this (:
YulSicSLTTR #4
Chapter 1: YoonHyun kids XD
Sounds like Yoona is going to sleep on the couch lol
Chapter 1: haha Yes Yoona it would be cool :) haha

This is cute!
Chapter 1: Aww...such a sweet story! When it comes about love, you can't plan it, right Seohyun?

Nice start buddy! Well, and finish the next oneshot kay!
otpshipper18 #7
Chapter 1: This is one CUTE story!! I mean it... sooo CUTE!! Nice author-sshi!! :))
Chapter 1: Nice story.
Keep up the good work