Chapter One

Strawberry Milk

Choi Inhee did not expect to start out her Monday morning with a face full of dirt. 

Actually, she didn't expect anything today. She had just wanted to get to school and go home already, because everyone knew that Monday was the most dreadful day of the week.

It was the day where teenagers woke up tired from the staying up late on the weekends. The day where school returned. Even adults hated Monday because it meant going back to the schedule of waking up at 7 in the morning and putting on a face full of fake smiles, while attempting to wake themselves up with a coffee, having to going back to the tiny cubicle they called their office at work. And everyone knew that the brand new hickey on the secretary wearing the too short pencil skirt's neck had something to do with the reason why the boss seemed to have a matching one also. 

But today, Inhee was having more of a suprise then she anticipated. 

As she walked to school this horrendous day, Inhee decided to take a stop at the market for a quick stop. When she went inside the store, she had went straight to the milk section. Strawberry milk to be exact. As she stopped in front of the refrigerator, Inhee noticed some sounds and giggling coming from a nearby aisle. Curious, she followed the sounds and stopped in front of the canned food section, gasping. In front of her eyes, there was a couple making out. Who would be making out at 8 in the morning? Well if you ask her, she'd say they were practically eating each others faces off. She gasp and covered her eyes, dropping her strawberry milk carton. 

"I told you someone would see us Jinkwang." the girl hissed at the guy who Inhee assumed was JInkwang.

Hey, aren't they from our school? They're wearing our uniform, Inhee thought.

Suddenly, the couple turned to her, "Well see ya!" they waved and left the store.

"Well that was weird." Inhee muttered. She walked over to the cashier to pay for her milk. "That will be 2,800." the cashier told her. She took out her wallet and gave him ₩3,000. "Here's your change." the cashier gave her ₩200. "Kamsahamnida!" Inhee smiled at the cashier, bowing. "Shoot, I have 15 minutes left before school starts!" Inhee said and ran out the door of the market.


As Inhee arrived at school, she decided to walk around the soccer field to see the boys practice in the morning. I mean what girls wouldn't want to see that. Cute sweaty boys wearing knee high shorts? Count me in. While walking past the soccer field, Inhee heard a someone yell, "Watch out!" they yelled. When she turned around, it was too late. A soccer ball flew across the field and her square in the face, causing her to fall to the ground with a face covered with grass and dirt.

"Ughhh." she groaned on the floor. Just then, cute looking boy with orange hair ran up to her, offering her his hand. "Are you okay?" he asked worriedly. She grabbed his hand and pulled herself up. "Kamsahamnida."she bowed her head, embarrassed. He put out his hand, 
"Jinyoung. Jung Jinyoung. And you?" he asked. "Choi Inhee." she gave him another smile and shook his hand. He bent down and picked up something off the ground, "Here's your strawberry milk." he gave it to her. "Oh, thank you!" she bowed at him again. "Don't mention it." he smiled at her. "You should get yourself cleaned up." Jinyoung told her. "And see you around school!" he waved at her and left leaving Inhee speechless.

Okay so maybe Mondays weren't that bad.




Hello guys! Thank you for reading! This chapter is so short like seriously how do people write five million word chapters? Anyways please subscribe, comment, and upvote and read my other story My Boo, Naui Jagiya!


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10/27: I need a poster but I don't know where to request from :( anyways I'll update the next chapter in an hour or so!


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Chapter 2: I really like this story so far! Baekhyun is so cute :3
Now I'm just waiting for that kiss and jerk Baekhyun~ xD
Update soon! :D
Chapter 1: HAHA this is fun, i like drinking strawberry milk in the morning too. jinyoung? is it jinyoung from B1A4?
Chapter 1: please write more
looking forward *)