The Reverse.

She's Mine..


"I just can't help it.. I love him so much.." A crying Ji Eun sat next to me. Gosh.. I thought. Again? Not again... I continued muching my lunch as if my bestfriend didn't just got dump. It's just too tiring to hear them crying again and again and saying Kai is this and that, embracing him like an angel. Although he is nothing like one. And they thought they could change him but in the end, the same old thing happen to a bunch of them. Are they blind? So what if he is handsome? Besides the looks, he is the same as us all- Human

"I don't get why you are subjecting yourself to him. It's obvious he is a player. No surprise he would dump you. You deserve way better than him." I accidently blurted out, taking a sip from my ice lemon tea.

"Na Ri! What are you saying! You're so insensitive!" Fei scolded and I shrugged.

"I'm telling facts." I nonchalantly reply. I could feel them throwing daggers at me but who cares? It is true. Denials. 

Everyday, from the corners of my eyes, I watched him. At first I like him. Not like like. I never consider him to be a boyfriend kind. I am selfish. I care more for myself and if anything, I came first beyond anyone else. And he falls into my muse. I like his charisma. He is confident of himself in almost everything. Even with his clique, he stands out somehow. I took down all his good points, amazed by how he managed to grab the fishes with a fake bait. Basically, what I was trying to say is, he could get the girls just by these 4 methods: Smile, Scan, Lures, Scores. 

Each time he gets a girl, I smile. Interesting. I mumbled to myself. But one day, that awe turned into annoyance. I hate how he got all the girls weak or how the boys idolising him so much. I hate how he has that face that could give beautiful expression, be it candid. I hate how he's the best in dance and the way his body flows depicts heaven. I hate it. He has everything

I want it to be me.  


"Earth to Na Ri!!" The girls snap a finger in front of my face, shocking me out from the trance.

"What!?" I shrieked.

"Staring at the bad boy again?" Se Ah teased. I laughed.

"Yep. Can you tell me why is life unfair? Why does everyone like him? Ok please don't tell me the face, that part, it's sickening to hear." I asked curiously, deep within, I feel a burning hatred bulding up against him.

"Are you really a girl? Why are you asking the repeated question each time? He is hot. Period. Any girl would love him. " Hee Ra sighed.

"But, I hate him. I want his place.. " I hissed.  It's my turn, bad boy.

The girls gasped at my serious tone of voice. Not only that, the gasp was I supposed to be because, I had put down my spoon and gotten up from my seat. I am walking towards the guy's table where I could spot him clearly chattering with them. I pretended to act all innocent. I did not head to their table but stop in front of the menu, looking above..

Then, I turned to scan my surrounding(his seat to be specific) and in the midst of many students walking around the cafeteria, I caught his eye contact. I gave a shy smile and quickly looked down to my feet. Then, I pretended to choose my drink, looking up at the menu again. I ordered my drink and was about to return to my table when I snatch another look at him. He trap my eyes with his. This time, the eye contact was accompanied with a soft smile as well.

Honestly, I was jumping for joy because oh hell that's his first method. Ticked in my checklist. 3 more to go! Ok wait, how do I know he's scanning me since I have turn away from him? .. Hmm.. Ok let's just assume he is right now. Checked number two. Now, I should wait for him to lure.. 

The minute I sat back on my chair,  the girls went insane. 

"Na Ri! Wha are you trying to do! We saw you!"  Se Ah yelled.

"What the heck was that Na Ri?!" Fei exclaimed. 

"I can't believe you! You're hitting on my ex? You know how much I love him, Na Ri! " Ji Eun slammed her hands down on the table.

Thank God the music was loud in the background that nobody noticed their high pitched voices.

"Hold on.. Can you all lower down your volume? And before I answer the rest of the question, for the record i did not hit on your ex, Ji Eun. Your ex hit on other girls too. Don't even thought of him as your ex, he is a shame to your intelligent status. And not worth your love. He dump you. " I convinced. Ji Eun went silent as I could see her eyes welling up. I feel guilty. I wanted to apologize but Hee Ra's voice stopped me. 

"Explain." Hee Ra said sternly. 

"I want his place. Let's say, I want it to be reverse." I continued, smiling confidently. The girls shook their heads in disapproval. 

"We could never understand how this little girl's mind works! Gosh, you're killing me!" Fei whined.

"It's okay. Just take a popcorn and enjoy the show.." I grinned. 


The rest of my clique are in a different class but Kai is in the same as me. He always came in late, making a grand entrance, with his loosen tie and tuck out shirt, usually there is a blueblack on his neck too which he tried to cover up with his collar but like I say, I am a predator on a hunt. I watch him.  Closely. And that bruise, it's a hickey. Girls wants to claim him as his but too bad the next day or two, his arms would be around a new girl. It frustrates me to see girls melt in his presence, worst than fire on a candle. 

"Sorry, Mr Suho, I'm late." He gave him his sheepish smile and I could hear giggles echoing the class. The whole lot of girls probably. 

"Why am I not surprise.. I'm going to call up your parents today, Kim Jongin. " The teacher frowned.

"Ok.." He pouted, and I could hear the word 'cute' murmuring in the class. I rolled my eyes. I hate that effect he has on them. In control. Power. 

"Go and take your sit beside Na Ri." Mr Suho pointed to the empty chair beside me. 

That is his seat. We are seated at the back. He never talk to me before neither did I show any interest to him. Usually, I would turn my head away from my left where he is seated to focus on the class. Not that I am distracted by his handsomeness,  but I am disturbed by the muffled moans or giggling when he flirt with the girl who's seated to his other side. 

Unlike every other day, today, although I was focus on the lesson, I did not hear any sounds coming. By instinct, I could feel him gazing at me. I was tilting my head to the other side, resting on my palm and scribbling some notes when I clamped my lips together and both my eyebrows raised in astonishment. 

His hands were on my thigh, making circles. I stood straight up and glanced at him. He had moved his table nearer. His eyes bored into mine.

"I saw you looking at me.." He whispered close to my ear. I caught his eyes and gulped. My face tinted red. 

"You're so cute.. So tell me, are you or are you not..?" He grinned, blowing air into my ear, sending chills down my spine. 

"The teacher will see." I croaked, scooting my chair further. 

"Forget him. Answer my question, Na ri.." He lingered on my name, moving closer.  

"N-No." I stuttered. There were many things going on in my mind. 

Ok this is the third method he is using. Lure. But the Score, I'm not making that happen. The one accomplishing the last step is going to be me. I'm going to score. Hmm.. How do I do this.. 

"Are you sure it wasn't you at the cafeteria awhile ago?" He hummed. His hand moving up my thigh.

"I'm not sure.. But don't touch me." I muttered as fiercely and brushed his hands off me. He was taken aback before a smirk plastered his face. 

"You're not sure.. But I want to touch you.. And I know you want me to." He leaned onto my shoulder, hands going back to my skirt. 

Before he could touch my skin, I grabbed hold onto his hand and interlocked my fingers before bringing it on my desk. He gave me a confused look.

"No." I turned to his face. We were so closed I wonder if everyone was oblivious or in their own world to notice. Mr Suho was still writing on the board luckily. 

"Aww.. You're playing hard to get I see.." Kai smirked, trying to release his hand from mine.

He stays unmoving when I open up our tangled fingers as his eyes observe what I was doing. I was taking a pen in my pencil case. And look at him, smiling. "Meet me for lunch tomorrow at the cafeteria, Kim Jongin?  - Na Ri " I wrote. 

"Are you asking me on a date?" He softly asked, laughing when I nodded.

"Just for fun." I added. "I'm curious about you." 

He looked at me with his twinkling eyes. His mouth curled into a small smile. The eye contact was long. I did not look away until finally he break it. 

"I can't wait." Kai ended the conversation and immediately moved back to his original place. 



This is not the first time a girl ask me out. I do not need to come to them, they come by themself to me. Usually, by now I would be ing the girl. And whatever they have to say, I would ignore and get my pleasures quickly relieved as a priority. But, the way Na Ri stared at me makes me feel attracted I guess? From the cafeteria, her eyes were as if speaking to me. And now that I can see them up close, it's like a magnet. And, she's asking me to lunch tomorrow? Curious about me? What? This girl is weird..  But I don't know, something about her. Maybe it's the way she speak? Or the fact that she was calm and not like a when I touch her? I simply do not know what it is but I'm liking the vibe. I shall go tomorrow. 


I waited by the wall next to the cafeteria. There were many students but I could not see him. Maybe he was toying with me. Crap. Of course he would. He is a playboy. Aigoo. I am hungry already. I do not mind sitting by myself like a loner in one corner. So, I did just that. I was not upset at all but rather annoyed that my plan was failing. Honestly, I do not plan to stay with him or play this silly act for more than two days. He dump my bestfriend in a freaking day. I was into my thoughts on how to get back to him when suddenly speaking about the devil, Kai came in, breathing heavily and I think he ran here. I looked up form my table as he sat down.

"You're eating already? " He smoothly ask. No apology for being late.

"You are late. And I thought you're not coming." I said, disappointedly. Showing him my puppy eyes.

"Aww.. I'm sorry.. Of course I would come. I like you.." He cooed, taking my hand in his. I smiled. Right.. Good, if you like me.. Although I doubt you were spitting the same crap to every other girls. 

He order his food and we chatted until we're done with our lunch. I know he was comfortable with me since he was telling me stories and jokes which I laugh out of courtesy. The truth, for the entire time, I was not listening at all. My mind was wondering.

Somehow after that, we ended up at the library in one of the corner where it was dim and cozy. Perfect. 

"What are you doing?" He grinned when I placed a blindfold on his eyes. 

"Teasing." I giggled.

"Naughty." He breathed against my neck, allowing me to tighten the blindfold.

Slowly, I took out all his clothes leaving only his boxer. My clothes was fully on and his eyes was still covered. 

"You know why you're here? I am jeolous of every, single, thing you have.. I can let you off actually but there is this one, that you have, which I really really hate. Despise would be better a better word. You have my girl. She's mine. I love Ji Eun. But you, you make her cry but she still loves you and I hate it. Extremely. So now, it's payback time, Kim Jongin." I whispered, holding onto both his hands. 

"Huh? What are you talking about Na Ri?!" He asked incredulously, I could feel him panicking. 

"I don't go for guys like you. Or maybe, guys are not my type. If you get what I mean, player.." I trailed off, this time he gasped in surprise and break free from my hold and pulled the blindfold off.

And that's when I proceed with my next step, calling for security.

"Help! Help! Help! Someone is trying to me! HELLLPPPP!!!" I screamed hysterically as Kai's mouth went agape with horror. 

He was panicking, searching for his clothes and putting them back on. However, the security came faster than he could have bolted. I am efficient. I do my planning. And Kai was caught, of course, still in his boxer as every student froze in disbelief and gawked in terror. Lots of people came to my side, comforting me. Kai was struggling from the guards hands and was yelling fractically,"I did not do anything!! I was blackmail!! It was her!!" His whole face was red, I'm not too sure if he was angry or embarrassed but I feel satisfied.  

He glared at me and I winked. 


"She' mine.." - Na Ri 






Author's Note: omg hahaha i'm sorry if this oneshot . i was not satisfied with this writing but i hope you guys had fun reading!!^^ This is the first time writing this kind of plot. Excuse my english or anything bad/disturbing. Do comment if it was disturbing because i'm not sure if i should make it rated M although i don't think that was necessary hehe! Reverse Roles. I want to know your thoughts((: Take care!!(: Thank you for reading/commenting/subs/ upvote!♥♥♥


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Chapter 1: Hahahahh daebak! So basically she's lesbian is it?
Chapter 1: this is so unexpected. first time to read one like this! :)
Kpopiseverything #3
Chapter 1: unexpected ending lol I love the ending though
maretha #4
Chapter 1: Unexpected ending! I like it!
seyongi-sshi #5
Chapter 1: Hahahaaha lol >< good story u have author-nim
Chapter 1: ahahahahahahaha :D i have never read such a story before! its a good thing! which means your story is one of a kind :) i loved it :) good job :)
Chapter 1: Hahahaha i love it! Good job author nim!
Chapter 1: hahahahahahha poor jonginie :D
kamila98 #9
Chapter 1: Awesome story!! <3 such a twist ^^