Letter to my husband

Letters to Love

To my Dearest Taemin,

''I do.'' That is what I have said without regrets, and I still do not have regrets. Before I met you, it was hard to express my feelings. I have always been shy around men and I don't like to go out with people. I like to stay in my own world. People would often call me weird and strange and I don't really care. When I met you at the age of 20, of course I must say, it wasn't love at first sight. You started befriending me, talk to me and would often go out for lunch together. To me, you started out as my classmate and then a friend. I did not think of you as my significant other. But after years passed, I started to feel more comfortable with you as if... I have felt you know me better than I do. I decided to open my feelings for you. 

"I love you." The word you wanted to hear from me most! After we started dating, you would use aegyo to make me fall for you didn't you? Keke, such aegyo... how can I not fall for that? I said it to you about 3 months later. I can still remember your jester smile. Aigoo.

"Will you marry me?" I wanted to cry. That was my first time crying in front of you. Your warm hug was more than enough to comfort me. 

"Same thoughts." We had the same thoughts. To live happily ever after, like a prince and a princess. But that never actually happened, did it? You may be a prince to me but I wasn't a princess to you. That queer feeling I had when I kept going out more by yourself. I wanted to give you freedom but that was actually too much. So much for having same thoughts.

On our third anniversary, you didn't come home that night. I was waiting for you, to surprise you. I wanted to do the same for you when you prepared a surprise for me on our second anniversary. But you didn't come home. I called you so many times and you still didn't pick up. I fell asleep waiting for you. At about 4am, I heard a knock and when I woke up, I saw you looking at me with sorry eyes. I was angry but I knew you had your reasons so I didn't make a fuss about it. Then you hugged me... it was so warm... I started crying. You comforted me. When I asked why you were late, you said you were helping someone who had met with an accident. It was then I felt my husband, Lee Taemin, was the coolest husband in the world! Kekeke... you were late but you did a good thing. I forgive you.

We had a relationship that others were very jealous of. Hehee, I have a handsome, kind and a gentle husband. I wantes to live like that forever! To be happy with you. 

Believe me I didn't expect you to do a bad thing to me. It was the worst day of my life. Maybe you got sick of me, grew tired of me, you started doing out alone often, leaving me with two kids. You started coming home late, all you would tell me is work. I grew suspicious. Then one day I invaded your privacy... I mean I'm your wife, I had the rights. I had a shoxk of my life. I saw the messages. I saw many things I shouldn't have seen. I thought you were stupid- stupid enough to leave them undeleted. I started crying, I did not know what to do. To think that you loved me... if you really had, would you be cheating on me? I was heartbroken. You came home, I slapped you and left. I disnt want to see your face. To be honest, I'm regretting that I didn't talk to you back then. We should have settled the problem right then...

You came to look for me the next day... apologised,  but what was done had been done. What can you do? What can I do? I felt weak. That time, I did forgive you... but I will never forget.

That was one point of my life that I hated you so much. Although we didn't divorce, I never talked to you the same way I had before. I thought about our children, so I tried to put up with you. 

Thinking back, I miss every single thing we did. Happy memories, watching the children grow and growing old ourselves... even the bad memories... even our fights and disagreements, I find all our memories precious. You got the key to my heart...

I miss you, Taemin. I miss you so much. I'm lonely. If I could only see you one more time... before you went to heaven. If only you had given me one day to prepare, I might not be as devastated. If only... I can meet you one last time... make you delicious meals one last time, feel your warmth one last time, see your smile one last time and to kiss you one last time. I thought we would be together forever? I know you are still by my side... but I want to see you...

My dear husband, thank you for everthing. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for being my significant other. I can't thank you enough. We will meet again, I will sew you again. Wait for me. I love you, Taemin.


Your wife,



Hey readers, 

Thank you for following the story and hope you liked it. My message is please spend your life with your loved ones while they are still here and not regret it afterwards. Everyone please love one another!


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SweetLSTNME #1
Chapter 2: hem,,they are really like romeo and juliet hahahaha,,,oh my GOD how beautiful they are if can together a long long time ,really their love so wonderful make many people touching by it ,,,,,thank you authornim
kryscopter96 #2
Chapter 2: So saaaaddd... eventhough I'm not Taeun Shipper but... really... it's touching TT
Stepfanietaeun #3
It's so touched author
myria71 #4
Chapter 2: Two thumbs up for u author-nim...
Chapter 2: TM died? andwaaeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! TT____TT
Chapter 2: Never though I will cry again when I read this..
supersoshiyoonhae #7
Cool story!
qiuche #8
Chapter 1: its so beautiful and touching.. my eyes was watery while reading it..
Lisajunbaby #9
Chapter 1: Please update soon