
Life or Death (sequel to Suppose to Be...)

“Somebody! Help!”


You were taken from YongGuk’s arms and placed on a stretcher. As you were being wheeled away a nurse came and got the story about what happened from the boys. She told them that you were going into immediate surgery and then left as quickly as she appeared.

Four hours later the guys were sitting in the waiting room with Zelo asleep on YongGuk’s shoulder, Himchan on the other side of YongGuk supporting a sleeping Daehyun while Youngjae had his head in his hands and Yongup was stretched back sitting across from the other four next to Youngjae.  When a nurse walked in Youngjae stood up to talk to her since everyone else was either asleep or someone’s pillow.

“She made it.” Youngjae said as he walked over to the rest of the gang. YongGuk looked like he would collapse with relief, and was very glad that he was sitting down when he heard the news. He turned to wake up Zelo and tell him to good news. Zelo whined as he rubbed his eyes.

“Hey, Zelo. Wake up, she made it. She’s going to be okay.” YongGuk said with his husky voice and gummy smile. Zelo’s eyes widened as what YongGuk said registered.

“Can we see her?” he asked as he stood up from the chair. YongGuk nodded as he stood up as well.

“Not for long though, she just got out of surgery and is probably sleeping.” Himchan said as he clasped a hand on Daehyun’s shoulder in order to wake him up.  They walked down the hallway that leads to the recovery area. The guys were only allowed in one at a time to wish you well on recovery, first it was Zelo, then Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Yongup, and last YongGuk. He sat at the chair next to your bed and took your hand in his, lacing his fingers with yours. A tear rolled down his cheek as he kissed your hand.

“I was so scared that I had lost you.” He whispered, “I don’t know what I would have done… I would have lost my mind.” He huffed a laugh, “Like I was sane in the first place dealing with you and the guys.” He looked at you and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, “I Love you, always have.” Then he kissed your forehead as he whispered “Stay with me”.

~~~~~~~~~~1 year later ~~~~~~~

I had just finished cooking dinner when the door opened and the six boys came in talking as loud as ever. I turned off the stove and turned around to greet them. “Hey, Welcome back.  Good day of practice?”

“Eh, it was okay.” Himchan said as he got a bottle from the fridge.

“They were making fun of me today!” Zelo said as he came and hugged me pouting.

“Aw, my poor baby Zelo. How about tomorrow I go to store and get you three boxes of cherry tomatoes. Sound good?” I asked. Zelo brighten up and hugged me really tight then left yelling that he gets cherry tomatoes.

“You spoil him too much babe.” YongGuk said as he kissed my temple and slid a hand around my waist.

I turned to lean on him with a smile as I said “I learned from how you spoil me.”

He gave me his gummy smile that made me feel loved every time. Giving me a quick peck on the lips he asked “So I spoil you? Is that good or bad?”

I laughed as I turned back to stir the pot on the stove. “Yes, for some people it is. And I enjoy being spoiled by the one I love.” I said looking into the pot so he wouldn’t see my cheeks turn pink.

“Well in that case,” he grabbed my hand, turning me to him and got down on one knee, “Will you let me spoil you forever as my wife?”

My jaw dropped. I watched as he took a ring out of his pocket and presented it to me. “Will you-”

“Yes!” I screamed as I tackled him giving him a kiss. I heard cheers, and turned to see the guys all clapping and smiling at us.

“Finally!” Himchan yelled and Zelo fist pumped the air.

“He has been carrying that ring around for the past week.” Daehyun said giving us a wink.

That evening, dinner was quite a happy moment in their lives. 

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I felt Joyous and Sad in the same time....Thanks author Nim :)