
Love Gone Mad
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He’s a playboy. He plays with every girl’s heart. He tends to do these things because for him it’s fun. He loves girls and for him, girls are toys. But even though he plays with every girl, girls tend to just don’t mind it because he’s Lu Han. Lu Han, the most handsome, rich and popular. He’s Lu Han and he’s everything that a girl could possibly like.

“Do you like him?” Yoona whispered as Lu Han walk past their table. Seohyun pressed her lips not wanting to admit it but the doe-eyed girl already knew that her best friend likes him. Seohyun isn’t the kind of girl who would like a certain guy and could hide it, by just looking at Seohyun, you’ll know if she likes someone. Yoona giggled excitedly at the thought – what if Seohyun will confess her feelings to Lu Han and what if they’d end up together. She’d be the happiest best friend ever.

“Ask him if he would like to go out with you then!” she continued as they both eyed the said guy. Seohyun shook her head and bit her lip. Obviously, Seohyun couldn’t do it alone. She’s not that confident and she can’t even look at him in the eyes whenever they get to cross with each other in the hallways. What more if she’d try to confess her feelings? Also, one thing that Seohyun’s afraid of is nothing but rejection.

Yoona looked at her and sighed, she knows everything in Seohyun’s mind. She patted her and continued eating her meal as Seohyun decided to revise her notes instead of day dreaming about Lu Han.


“Have you heard? Lu Han and Tiffany just broke up! Tiffany said that she will never ever be a third party when she found out that Lu Han slept with a another girl the other night.”

“Does that mean they were in a relationship for five days only?”

“Wow, that was fast! But I’ve heard Lu Han’s really like that. He even dated Chorong and slept with Bomi at the same time!”

“But still, he’s Lu Han. He had long term relationships back then, right?”

“With Jessica? They were in a relationship for a week. With Dasom? a week and 2 days. Is that even a long term relationship? And he dated, slept with other girls, and dated again with other girls.”

Seohyun flinched as the girls unintentionally revealed Lu Han’s real personality. She stomped her feet and went out directly. She doesn’t like it whenever she hears rumors about her ideal guy. For her, Lu Han’s perfect and for her, Lu Han’s a great guy. Yes, she’s blinded because she likes him a lot.

As Seohyun was walking at the corridor, she noticed some guys leaning against the wall, laughing. She slowly walked past them when a guy grabbed her by the elbow. She looked at the guy and was surprised when she found Lu Han smirking at her.


“Hi, I’m Lu Han! You are?”


“Do you want to eat lunch with me?” He asked as his grip loosened. The other guys with him smirked as well which made Seohyun bit her lip. She was surprised, indeed. The guy she likes asked her to eat lunch with him and it was definitely one of the best questions that have ever asked. She didn’t even think twice – she nodded as Lu Han took her hand and both walked to the cafeteria together.




All eyes were on her. She was actually the first girl that Lu Han had a relationship for almost a month now. All girls were jealous, vexed, and furious even. She’s definitely aware of it but she’d just push it aside not wanting to give herself problems just because her boyfriend has lots of girls who really look up to him. He’s Lu Han and she understands every single bit of it.

“Lu Han?” She pulled a chair next to him and sat down as quiet as possible. Lu Han was sleeping at the cafeteria and he reminded Seohyun not to wake him up unless it’s important. Seohyun did try to wake him up because she’s there to tutor him. Lu Han groaned knowing his girlfriend’s intention of waking him up.

“What again, Hyun?!” he said, almost shouting in front of her.

“I brought your English reviewers. I made it last night. Please study now, Lu Han. You still have your English test in 30 minutes.” she said as she brushed his hand over hers.

“Hyun, you know what? Just go away. I need sleep. I went partying last night and I badly needed sleep! Just please don’t disturb me even for once.” he leaned on his arms and continued sleeping.

Seohyun wasn’t sure of what she heard, she wasn’t sure if she heard it right either. Lu Han promised her a week before that he’d stop partying unless it’s his friend’s birthday or someone else that’s close to him. Seohyun never forced him to stop but he did say those words to her and she believed it. She felt a pang in her heart because for the first time, Lu Han broke his promise. She just sighed and looked at him wondering if he’s going to break another promise soon.

Lu Han is Seohyun’s first and as much as possible; she wanted it to be memorable. She wanted it to be a great relationship. But she knew that it’s impossible especially when she knows a lot – she knows everything about Lu Han now.


“Lu Han? It’s me Seohyun. I’m still here at school and it’s raining. Can you fetch me here?”

“Okay, I’ll be there in 15 minutes.” he answered.

Seohyun fixed her stuff and sat at the lobby, waiting for Lu Han to arrive. The rain poured down so hard but she was thankful because she was sure that Lu Han’s going to fetch her by now. It was almost 15 minutes and Seohyun was excited to go home – and of course, she’s excited to see her boyfriend. She tapped her foot repeatedly and scrolled down her phone, checking if Lu Han had texted her or something.

“Miss? It’s already 8PM. Miss?” Seohyun bolted up and looked at the clock. She fell asleep for 2 hours. She checked her phone again but there’s no sign of Lu Han. She tried to contact him but he never answered his phone which made her worry. Seohyun took her bag and hailed a taxi and went over to Lu Han’s house.

Of course, she’s his girl friend. She gets worried a lot. She has high hopes in their relationship because she knows that she is the first person that Lu Han had a serious relationship with. She loves Lu Han and even though Lu Han gives her a cold shoulder most of the time, she’d probably take that rather than hearing him saying “let’s break up”. She fell in love with him; she fell in love with him really hard.

“Hello Mrs. Lu. Is Han inside?” Seohyun asked as Lu Han’s Mom looked at her shocked. Seohyun was confused with Mrs. Lu’s reaction but in the end, Mrs. Lu told her to just go up stairs. Seohyun took off her jacket and went directly to Lu Han’s room and to her surprise, Lu Han was sleeping and next to him is a girl, a girl she knows very well, it’s Tiffany.

Tiffany is Lu Han’s first crush, first love but when Tiffany became his girlfriend, he was never serious of his relationship with her. Seohyun’s jaws dropped and tears started to fall from her eyes. She was sad and she felt betrayed. She waited for Lu Han and she expected him to fetch her. She was angry and was ready to leave when she saw Lu Han stood up right away and walked towards her.

“Hyun! Let me

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exoaegi #1
Chapter 1: okay... promise is a promise. Seohyun just misunderstood what he did at the time. Like it ;D
ica_ca24 #2
so good (y)
Chapter 1: Ah!! I guess things just happen at the wrong place and time for both of them... Sometimes, one single sentence that someone tells you just get stuck in your brain. Luhan did change for Seohyun but he has done so much wrong in the past and add Yoon's "Once an , always an " into the equation, Seohyun just could not bear it anymore.... I loved the ending, knowing that Luhan will continue pursuing her no matter what :)
YB_aspi #4
Chapter 1: omfgggg luhan's last sentences that he said to seohyun :X so sweet goshhh. i disliked luhan at first but what he said at the end and his willingness to get back together with seo and prove his love to her was so sweet & admirable !!  and i felt sad that seobb cried ahahhaha and i see that some of your girl crushes made a cameo ahahahaha XD
Chapter 1: Ahhh I love it!! Hope there's a sequel :D
Kpopseohan #6
Chapter 1: Oooh!!so nice!! Could u make a sequel??
iheartkpop27 #7
Chapter 1: I love this story soooooo muchhh!!
Sakura48 #8
Chapter 1: Sequel please :) ^_^ :D ...
julie-61 #9
Chapter 1: Why she so blind with love she already saw luhan with krystal on same bad.
Still give him a second chance. Sequel please.
Chapter 1: Sequel please??? please...