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I loathe birthdays. 
I hate it for the fact that it reminds me how much I've aged, achieving specks of my goals here and there. 
I detest it for the fact that it serves as a constant reminder that I'm still a year older than my peers in class.
My viewpoint on this has been much rooted and stagnant, it's been like that for the past 16 years of my life. 
I absolutely abhor birthdays. 

This year, surprisingly, my point of view changed. 

12 October 2013. The date flashed on my homescreen as I gave my home button a light push. 
Roaming on the streets at 10.40pm at night wasn't the norm. The reason I had to walk home myself was that the last bus broke down halfway. That was the last thing I wanted to happen, since I had a really vigorous training that day. 

Upon stepping into my rented apartment, I threw myself on the couch and let out a loud yawn. I could vaguely hear my yawn echo throughout the apartment. How I miss my roommate. She moved out a week ago because her family moved to Ilsan. 

But that's not the point. 

I was drained beyond words and Jongdae had to annoy me further. My sms tone went off and I groaned inwardly. While reaching for my phone, I grazed the back of my hand on the rough edge of the side table. I made a mental note to be extra cautious around the decrepit furniture. When I finally saw the text that triggered my phone to ring, I could almost punch a hole right through the wall. 

"What do you want for your birthday?"

This is the fourth time someone asked me this. Given how indecisive I am when it comes to this, I decided to ignore Jongdae's text. I texted someone else instead. 

Yah, Baek. I'm home.

Tossing my phone on my bed, I head over to the dresser and took whatever I needed for shower. 

The moment I returned from my shower, I blow dried my hair then proceeded to retrieving my phone. I received 14 texts from Baekhyun. I figured that texting is too tedious and time-consuming, so, I called that spammer up. 

"Yah. Do you need to spam?" I raised my voice while getting under my covers, without even saying hi. 

"Yah. Is this the way you speak to your boyfriend?" He yelled over the phone. I couldn't mask my smile. He never fails to brighten up my day. 

"Shut up." I lied on my sides, with my phone sandwiched between my pillow and my ear. 

"Woman, may I remind you that... YOU WERE THE ONE WHO CALLED ME?" His explosion made me laugh, out loud. 

"Did you even read my replies before you called?" He tried to stop me from laughing. 

"Nope." I answered after my last chuckle. 

"Ugh. Okay never mind! Have you eaten?" 

"Obviously I did, look at the time, Baek." I rolled my eyes at him, even though I have full knowledge that he can't see it.

"Shush I'm just concerned." 

"Should I say thank you?" I giggled. 

"Of course. You should be thankful you have me as your boyfriend." 

"Baek, please." I heard him stifle a laugh before continuing whatever he wanted to say. At this point, I was fighting the urge to sleep. I guess fatigue was starting to take over me but I forced myself to stay awake. It was barely 5 minutes into the phonecall. 

"Yna, are you free tomorrow?" He prompted. 

"Why? Are you taking me out because it's my birthday?" 

"What? It's your birthday?" He asked jokingly. 

"Baek, you know I hate you right?" Even though I knew that he was joking but it didn't feel good inside. It didn't feel good at all.

"Yes, Yna. I love you too." He sounded playful yet serious at the same time. Whatever negative feelings I had before vanquished. 

"Oh shut up." By now, I could feel myself taking a step into dreamland. 

"Yna, what do you want for you birthday?" This was the last sentence I heard from him before I slipped into slumber, I can't remember if I replied him. 

I was jolted from my sleep by the doorbell. I peered to my alarm clock at my bedside table and cursed at whoever's at the door. It was 7 am in the morning and I still felt sore all over due to the intensive training I had the day before. No doubt I was cranky as hell when I dragged my feet to the door. 

I reached for the door, not caring how messy my hair was. All I wanted to do was to see who was at the door and what he or she wanted from me before throwing myself on the bed again. I admit, I sleep too much for my own good, but it was my first free day since forever.

The moment I swung open the door, I was shocked beyond words. Baekhyun was dressed in his usual plain, white v-neck shirt completed with a pair of maroon bermudas and the pair of black Timberland shoes I bought for him not too long ago. He held onto a couple of pink helium balloons and a bouquet of rainbow roses. I squealed at the sight of him and everything he was holding on to.

Before I could open my mouth to speak, he charged into my apartment, pressing his lips on mine and pushing me against the wall behind. Midway, he dropped the bouquet and let go of the balloons to wrap his arms around me. (Poor flowers, I didn't even get a thorough view of it yet and he dropped it on the floor just like that.) I could feel his tongue grazing on my lower lips, an action he always took to hint that he wants to dominate. Being self conscious, I refused. I haven't brushed my teeth. Just as I wanted to give in to him, he pulled away, pouting. 

"Please remind me to never kiss you in the morning." He cocked his head sideways and smiled as bright as the Sun outside my window. 

"Why?" I asked, perplexed. 

"Your morning breath stinks." He pinched his nose bridge as he ran in the direction of the couch. 

"BYUN. BAEK. HYUN." I chased after him and gave him a couple of slaps on his shoulders and back. 

"Okay! Stop! It wasn’t that bad!" He held his hand up while trying to supress his laughter. 

I stood up straight and folded my arms in front of me. He sat up straight on the couch and patted the space beside him, signalling me to sit down. 

"Happy Birthday, my beautiful princess

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xoxoynaxoxo #1
Thank you so much for the oneshot. I was itching to write yesterday but ha ha O's ha ha. And yes, I'm eggcited for our Korea Trip next year. I can't wait for O's to be over and done with so we can plan our full itinerary. Heeeheee. I love you too! xx