Chapter 2 – Starting To Snap




          After that dreadful day of playing little miss perfect and nice. I finally get to the comforts of my home, where there are people who accepts me for me, appreciate the real me and doesn’t judge my personality… Not really.


          “Were you good the whole day?” I was greeted by my grandmother with a stern look.


          My grandmother, a beautiful old lady, she’s actually a really nice person, a kind and caring person but she’s really strict with manners and what not. She always wears a hanbok, because that was how she was raised, to maintain the history culture in her family.


          Yes, we’re actually a historical family. It was practiced by many generation of our family. I wasn’t an exception and for many generations our family had lived in this town from way back as we all know. Our house was a bit old fashion, houses you’d find in the old age but it’s been improved and renovated into a two-story house, and we still have the old machinery from way back but we also have the new century things.


          We were located a tad bit far away from the main streets of this town and are surrounded by a forest. It’s not all that bad, it’s actually quiet relaxing and peaceful; away from the noisy neighbors and vehicles.


          Whatever so back to the story,


          “Yes,” I loudly sighed and stepped inside.


          “Don’t sigh loud. It’s rude. Before you get inside, remove your shoes. How many times do I have to tell you?” She complained on and on.


          I mentally rolled my eyes and did what I was told and after that I head to my room up the second floor. I threw my bag to the side and lunched towards my bed.


          “Don’t throw your bag!” I heard my aunt from across the hallway.


          GAH! I can’t take this! I have to do this and do that! I can’t do this, I can’t do that! It’s always the same.


          I was already pissed because of this, but what made me more pissed is because of the book report my English teacher gave to the class for the Halloween. You would never believe how unfortunate I really am with avoiding things I dislike.


Project in English

  • Write a book report on a fiction novel/book due two days before Halloween. It would either be about vampires, werewolves, pixies, fairies or angels.


          I blankly looked at my notebook where I had written the project. I rolled my eyes and slammed it closed and with frustration I shoved it inside my bag.


          “Seriously, why bother create things that clearly doesn’t exist it’s a waste of time, why not just write things that’s clearly realistic.” I muttered under my breath with a scowl.



          I lay down on my bed looking at the ceiling, as I thought only few minutes had passed but actually it was an hour indicating it was already 6:00 when I heard my grandmother knock on my door.


          “Dinner, down now.”


          “I’m not hungry,” I lied. Actually I’m hungry but I don’t feel like eating with them for now. I’ll just lose my appetite once I sit down on that dining table.


          “Alright then, if you get hungry just come down.”


          I just remained silent as I heard her footsteps walking down the stairs.


          “Mae Rin?” I heard my aunt’s voice from down stairs.


          “Not hungry.”


          “Really what is that child up to lately? She’s been skipping dinner saying she’s not hungry but I would hear her in the middle of the night clutter the kitchen like a rat.” I could hear a tone of irritation in her voice.


          I closed my eyes and heave a sigh, standing up I head towards the terrace. I especially requested this room because I get to have the terrace where I could think and clear my head. The terrace was actually facing the back of the house which is where the most scenery is found.


          “Full moon, huh?” I smiled seeing the lovely creation under the night sky. It was just surreal the stars were twinkling as the moon brightly light up the night sky; lighting up the whole forest.


          A cool breeze hit my face and took in a deep breathe as the fresh tree sent took over, “It’s nice living out here in the woods, far away from noisy cars and people.” I chuckled.


          Just then I heard rustling sounds not far from our yard. I looked down and scanned the area. Nothing.


          I furrowed my brows, “Wild animals?”


          I tried keeping quiet and waiting for the rustling sound to comeback. A few moments I heard it again, I spotted a bush shaking I eyed it intently just then a rabbit hop out of there and looked scared?


          “It was just a rabbit, getting scared for no”—


          I cut off midway when I saw the rabbit disappeared right back to the bush and then the bush started shaking again. I sense danger lurking tonight, making me nervous. Just then I saw a pair of small golden round object just beside each other. I thought it was fireflies but it didn’t fly away, instead it felt like it were some pair of eyes staring back at me intently.


          I gulped still nervous and quickly shifted back inside my room closing the two doors and shut the curtains on it.


          I quickly lay down on my bed and pulled my blanket up and shut my eyes.


          Minutes passed and it was too quiet.




          Right then my mind shut to the idea, “Just some wild dog.”


          I relieve a sigh and sat up. I glance at my notebook inside my bag again and looked away while shaking my head.


          Why don’t I try to be myself starting tomorrow?


          It wouldn’t hurt to try right? But it would if my grandmother would find out about this and I’ll get a hard slap from her.


          I looked at the ring my best friend gave to me. I could perfectly remember our conversation during that time,

          “Wear this if you’re ready to let yourself come free. It will give you courage to do it.”


          “It would help me, why does it have special magic powers?” I snorted.


          She glared at saying I should be serious and I just shut her, a knowing look as well.


          “No, I’m just saying. When you wear this it’s like you’re carrying a piece of me. You said you admire me for being able to do what I want, well here wear this and encouragement from yours truly.” She smiled making her eyes look like crescent.


          I rolled my eyes but chuckled, “Sure. I will but not right now… someday.” I gave her a small sad smile.


          “You can do it. You’re Park Mae Rin, the girl with double personality.” She laughed as I joined after.


          “Thank You, Hye Jin.” I smiled.




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Btw when you're going to update Bittersweet Tale??