As long as you're alive...

Worth it...


The wind rushed past him as he sprinted with shocking speed. He breathed in the scent of the man ahead. The pain in his gum is almost unbearable. He hadn’t fed in weeks, unlike his other clan members who pounced on anyone in sight.

            The vampire growled before pinning his prey onto the forest floor. The man yelped and struggled but it stopped the moment Changmin sank his sharp fangs into his pulsing vein. The man protested feebly before lying completely still.

            Satisfied and full, Changmin stood up and patted his belly. Suddenly, he tensed and turned his head, only to find a hunter aiming an arrow at him.

            The hunter gulped, hand gripping hard around his bow. Changmin cocked his head a little, wondering why the hunter was hesitant. Ahh…juniors, he thought. He grinned and stepped closer to the hunter.

            Sharp, almond eyes met his own blood-red orbs. He’s tall, almost the same height as the vampire himself. His eyes trailed over the other’s broad shoulders, the sculpted muscles on his arms down to his thighs… Oh, the sight of it made his blood rush southward. He quickly pulled away from the delicious scene and smirk at the owner.

            The hunter’s eyes widen before returning a glare. Wow, he looked so determined. Oh, well. Maybe I should just give him a chance. He stopped in front of the hunter, tilting his head as a sign of challenge. The hunter stared back indignantly before releasing his grip. The arrow whizzed past Changmin as he idly side-stepped to his left.

            Laughing silently at his failed attempt, Changmin turned and walked away. Strolling through the forest in broad daylight was always his favorite activity, aside from eating. Hi s clan members grimacing at the sight of human food was something he could never quite understand. Though, as a prince, his actions were never questioned.

            Taking a deep breath, a strong scent of the hunter invaded his nose. His throat constricted and his gum was burning again. He spun around to see the hunter following him. He sneered.

            “Do you wish to die that badly?  You could have asked. It will be my pleasure to see your soul slipping away as I the last drop of your blood, human.” His words were laced with an icy tone.

            “Why didn’t you? You could’ve killed me back there.” The hunter pushed further. He really didn’t know why. He was a senior rank in his team. His killings were by far the most and he was known for his deadly accuracy. He was taught since he was young that vampires are murderers.

             But something about this night creature wavered his decision…and also his aim. The moment he looked at him, he felt his resolve to kill him weakening. His tall, lanky frame was illuminated by the sun. His pale skin glowed and seemed soft-

            “I’m full. I fed before you came.” Changmin replied shortly and continued walking.

          “But I thought vampires are always hungry. At least, from what I see everyday.” Feeling the need to keep talking, the handsome hunter jogged and caught up with him.

            “I know I’m that attractive but don’t you have something more important to do than to follow your deadly nemesis?”

            “No, I just…I…. I’m Yunho. What’s your name?” Smiling brightly, he extended a hand towards the vampire.

           Changmin growled and bared his fangs at him. The other man didn’t even flinch. He eyed the hand for a second before turning to walk. “Changmin.”

           They walked in silence. When they reach a certain spot, Changmin stopped short.

            “Do you want to meet my other friends who would be happy to make a meal out of you, Yunho-sshi?” He gestured towards the invisible border that marks the line to protect his clan.

            “Uhh…no. That’s fine. I’ll just…uhm…go back. See you next time.” He waved and sent him a small smile.

            Looking at Yunho’s retreating back quite a distance away, Changmin lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.

            “Minho, you can come down now.”

            A figure dropped down noiselessly from the tree next to him.

            “Your Highness, why…” Minho, one of his clan members asked tentatively. He learnt long ago not to question the prince or get on his bad side. But it wasn’t like his prince to let those vermins go.

            “Not a word to anyone.”

            “Yes, Your highness.”

             This is just the beginning.




Fate was playing with them. Changmin was sure of it. Ever since that day, that small face and bright smile wouldn’t leave his mind. He tried distracting himself by attacking the controllers to his video games. He stuffed his mouth full of any human food he could get his hands on but to no avail. Many sleepless nights resulted in his puffy eyes with eye bags below it.

            Finally, letting out an exasperated sigh, he clambered out of bed and into the dark forest. His guards tried to stop him but he sent them a venomous glare that clearly stated ‘Do Not Follow’. Striding angrily, he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He stopped when he arrived at the clearing where he met him the last time.

            Changmin growled as the image of him re-entered his thoughts. He swings his arm and landed a hard punch on the oak tree next to him. Too focused on evening out his breathing, he missed the movement behind him. He tensed when he felt the cool tip of the arrow on the back of his neck. He cursed silently. Should have ing brought a weapon. Why did I not notice this bloody idiot behin-

            He heard a thump and a surprised yelp before the oh-so-familiar voice greeted his ears.

            “Changmin-sshi, you can turn around. It’s safe now.”

            He in a breath and slowly turned.

            Yunho was holding a large rock in his hand. Both of them looked down at the unconscious man on the ground.

            Changmin felt the word thank you at the tip of his tongue.

            “I don’t need your help. I was doing just fine.  Why did you-”

            He was cut off by a soft pair of lips on his own. The older man nibbled at his bottom lip asking for entrance. Gasping, he lets the other slips in his tongue. Yunho cups his cheeks and leaned in closer, the other hand on his back. He explored the hot cavern with his tongue, carefully avoiding the sharp fangs. The younger brought his arms around Yunho’s neck, leaving no space between them. Their kiss was soft and sweet.

             Pulling out, Yunho trailed kisses along his jawlines. Changmin tilted his head back, allowing the other male to have more access. He let out a soft moan when Yunho bit and at the sensitive spot of his chest. Satisfied, Yunho cover his lips on Changmin’s once more.

             After what felt like eternity, they stopped. Changmin was breathing harshly with his head nestled between the crook of Yunho’s neck.

             “I think I like you.”

              Changmin was rendered speechless. He pulled away immediately and ran as fast as his long legs could carry him.

              “Changmin, wait! …”




It became a hide-and-seek game for them. Yunho tried to make a move everytime they met and Changmin was obviously avoiding him. But as weeks passed by, Changmin lowered his guard slowly. He let Yunho’s hand linger a little longer on his wais than usual. He kissed back shyly sometimes and craved for that spark of something that ignited within him whenever Yunho responded by grinding their hips together.

            They became more intimate and daring as days went by. The last time, they had nearly gone too far when Yunho’s finger slid under to unbuckle his belt. But Changmin ran away just in time, leaving the hunter behind. No words were exchanged in any of their sinful meetings. None dared to cross the line, to acknowledge the relationship they were having. They feared of the consequences.




              Before long, it was the mating season for the vampires. The vampire prince hated dealing with these extravagant, boring dinners where his father introduced him to every vampire male or female available.

              At one time, he nearly lost his temper and barely suppressed his urge to throw a chair at a certain vampire from the neighboring clan when the other didn’t stop preaching him about Christianity. I mean, what the point of praying to Jesus when you’re a blood- vampire?

              Fortunately, he was asked-dragged by Yoochun, his closest hyung, to a club in the city in the middle of the event.

              Sighing, he watched as Yoochun flirted with the blushing bartender at the counter. One of the glasses slipped from the bartender’s hand and Yoochun saved it with amazing agility. He heard Yoochun whispered “You should be more careful, love.” and Junsu, the bartender blushed even harder.

            He rolled his eyes at the pair and shifted his gaze to scan the bar. It was secluded enough that only a few humans was present. His eyes focused on a certain drunken blonde giggling at the corner. his lips, Changmin thought of having a little snack before leaving. Suddenly, the leather couch dipped. He took in the familiar scent of cologne which sped up his jittery heartbeat. 

             “H-hey, nice to see you again.” Yunho stuttered. It was the first time they really talked. Before, their only communication was groans and moans.

            “Hi.” He replied short. Oh, god. He’s talking to me. What should I say?

             “So, Changminnie, what’cha doing here?”  Changmin’s twitched at the sound of his own nickname.

             “Talking to you, Yunnie.. Calm down, Jung Yunho. You don’t need him to laugh at your stupidity. Say something more logical! Yunho opened his mouth strike another conversation but nothing came out.

              He raked his eyes over Changmin’s form next to him. He was wearing a furcoat with a low V-neck that exposed enough skin that Yunho’s throat went dry at the sight. He looked downwards and groaned as he took in Changmin’s skinny jeans wrapped around those long legs that seems went on forever.

             The same is going on with Changmin. Only he got it much worse, since it’s the mating season. He crossed his legs to hide the visible bulge between them. Yunho’s scent was intoxicating and heat was emanating within himself. His mind was clouded but he barely registered Yunho’s widening eyes when he latched his lips onto the older man’s.

            They battled for dominance before Yunho won with a chuckle of triumph. Changmin shivered when warm fingers traced across his torso, leaving tingly sensation. He clambered over to Yunho’s lap and wrapped his legs around his waist. Changmin let out an explicit moan when their lower bodies touched. He arched backwards, gasping for more.

            Yunho hesitated for a brief moment before gathering the younger in his arms. He went into a room upstairs and placed the vampire on the bed. Feeling heat all over his body, Changmin discarded his coat and T-shirt, leaving himself topless.

            “Like what you see?” Changmin whispered seductively. Yunho gulped visibly and lowered his head to on the pale skin underneath him. What the is wrong with you, Shim Changmin?! You’re doing something that you’ll regret. Definitely. Stop this before it’s too late. Before it gets too far! Alarms were blaring in his mind, telling him to see logic.

            But it didn’t stop him from crying out in pleasure when Yunho him. It didn’t stop him from begging for more when Yunho pounded into him. And certainly not when they screamed out each other’s name as they came together.

            Changmin had never felt this exhausted before. Mainly because vampires don’t feel tired easily. For the first time in many days, the young prince had a good night sleep.




Changmin awoke to the feeling of lips against his temple. His eyes fluttered open. He turned his head and was shocked-not really-to find the hunter sleeping peacefully next to him.  Sitting up abruptly, an acute pain shot through his spine. The young man whimpered softly. Still, Yunho woke up from his deep slumber.

            “Changmin, are you alright?” Yunho asked, his tone groggy but layered with concern.

            “How would you feel after getting ed? Arghh…my back hurts like bloody hell, you idiot.” He groaned and rubbed his sore back.

            Yunho is torn between feeling guilty for what they did, pity at Changmin, and happy that they made love yesterday.

            He knew he had fallen in love with this beautiful vampire the first time they met. He also knew their love was risky and wouldn’t be accepted. But he can’t help it. Every time they met, he fell harder for him. His soulful eyes, crystal-clear orbs, his sharp cheekbones, and heaven-sent lips. It’s just that Yunho wasn’t sure if Changmin liked him back.

            Changmin, being the genius, sensed his discomfort and misunderstood. “It’s okay. You don’t have to feel responsible towards me. I won’t blame you.” He muttered bitterly.

            “N-no, you got it all wrong. I want to take responsibilities. I want to have a relationship with you. I want to take care of you.” Yunho answered in panic.

            “You do?” Changmin felt warmth flowing from the deepest core of his heart. The other nodded frantically.

            “Fine. You’ll be my mate from now on. Or as you humans called it, ‘boyfriend’.” He said, trying to suppress his smile at Yunho’s shining eyes.

            “So, do I get a good morning kiss?” The older male asked, grinning wide. He closed his eyes as Changmin leaned towards him. But all he got was breath tickling his ear as Changmin whispered seductively. “Get me breakfast, then we’ll see.”

            Yunho laughed heartily and stumbled out of bed.

            For the first time in years since his mother died, a genuine smile graced Changmin’s lips.




              Things had been going on well. Better than ever, in fact. An unknown warmth filled every corner of his heart whenever he was with Yunho. Just seeing his smile and the warm glint in his eyes was able to make his heart beat faster.




            “Have you been with anyone before?”

            “Why? Are you jealous, Minnie?”

            “Why should I? I’m just a bit curious. Since you’re so handso- Umm…dense all the time.”

            “What? I can’t hear you~”

            “I SAID YOU’RE DENSE.”

            “No, before that. Just admit it. You think I’m hot, don’t you?”

            “No. Definitely not. And you didn’t answer my question.”

            “Hmm… let me think… Suzy, Kevin, Thalia, Anne, Steven, Joshua, Natalie…”


            “Aww… someone’s jealous. Come here, I’ll give you a BIIIG hug.”

            “Yah, get away from me! You son of-hmph”

            “Oh, ! Right there! Yes, there. Hah…hah...faster…YUNHO!”

            “Hah…hah…I’m just kidding… You are my first…and last.”




            “Whoah, this place is awesome, Minnie! The water is so clear… and so warm!”

            “This is my place. My mom took me here when I was little. Now, whenever I felt lonely, I would come here and think about her. Sometimes, it feels as if she’s still here, looking after me.”

            “You won’t have to feel lonely anymore. You have me. I’ll be by your side, forever.” No matter what.

            “Wow, that’s sounds annoying.” I…have never…felt so loved.

            “Minnie, I’m offering you my awesome presence and you’re rejecting it?!”

            “No, I didn’t.”

            “So, you liked to have me next to you? I knew it!”

            “Only if you shut up and let me enjoy the peace for once.” No, I loved it.

            “Awww… Minnie….”



            I love you.

      I love you too.



Suddenly, a nauseous feeling rose from his throat. He rushed to the bathroom and vomited. It’s been happening for a few days. He had dismissed it as food poisoning at first and fired the cook on the spot. But…

            “Yoochun, can you take me to the nearby clinic? I don’t feel well.” Changmin said as he held on to the chair and tried to support his wobbly legs. His knuckles went white.

            “Why? What’s wrong?” The older man frowned and looked worried.

            “I’m not sure.”

            “Come on. I’ll take you there.”




Changmin didn’t know what to feel right this moment. The doctor’s voice echoed in his mind as he walked out of the clinic.

            “Changmin-sshi, it seems that you’re two months pregnant. Well, your baby is fine till now. You should make appointments to let me check the baby once a month. Remember to not tire yourself out. And eat healthily…”

 Two months pregnant…

Two months…


            “Changmin, are you listening?!” Yoochun’s voice broke him out of his reverie.

            “Yes?” Thousands of thoughts swam around his head.

            “Who is the father?” He asked calmly. No one messes with my dongsaeng and get away with it.

           Too calm, Changmin noted.

          “It’s okay. I’m fine. Really. I’ll take care of this.” Changmin forced out a smile, hoping it was sincere enough.

            “Okay, but if that bastard gives you any problems…tell me and I’ll make sure he wished he had never been born.”

            Changmin let out a weak laugh and nodded.

            “I trust him.”




His eyes widened as he took in the image of Yunho kissing another guy through the door. His throat closed up and his vision blurred as the tears surrounding his eyes threatened to fall. The daffodils he loved so much fell from his grip. For a moment, he forgot how to breath.

             A low sob escaped his lips, enough to alert the pair of his presence.

             Changmin fled from the place as fast as possible, unable to stand there anymore. He heard the sound of shattering somewhere… or was it his heart?

              His legs felt heavier than ever as he ran though the forest, stumbling every few steps. He longed for Yunho to chase him, to explain… But his loved one did neither of those.

              He didn’t even register Yoochun’s arms around him as the older asked him what happened. Tears flowed uncontrollably from his eyes. He wanted to wipe them away but his arms felt heavy. Why?! Did I mean nothing to you? You promised! Were you just fooling around with me? I loved you…I still do…




“Changmin…” Yunho called out softly. His heart was breaking when he saw the younger’s pained expression. It hurt more than he thought it would. He stood rooted to the spot as he watched Changmin ran from the room.

            “Yun, why…” Jaejoong pushed him away and looked at his best friend. He followed his gaze and caught a glimpse of a young man running away.

            Yunho ignored his question. Is this the right decision? Will Changmin be happy after all? I only wish the best for him… Changmin’s father’s words rang in his head over and over again.


“I want you to leave my son.”


            “Don’t be so surprised, Yunho-sshi. I have spies everywhere. The two of you are impossible. You won’t have a future together. My son is the heir to the vampire clan. And you, sir, a hunter of our species. You will have us in war if you insist to be with him. Only you can prevent this. My son won’t agree. He is too hard-headed and stubborn. Do what you must. It’s better to break his heart than to sacrifice millions of lives.”

            “Your Majesty…”

            “Don’t you have a sister, sir? What would you do if she was suddenly captured and killed by…let’s say, some rogue vampires? You know it’ll be easy for me to arrange such accidents, don’t you?”


            “Think carefully, Yunho-sshi. And don’t you worry about my son. I’ll have him marry another, more suitable vampire. He’ll live just as happy with or without you.”


              “I’m sorry, Changmin-ah.” He whispered as tears slid down his cheeks. He clenched his fist.

              “Why did you kiss me just now? Is that Changmin? Are you…” using me…? Jaejoong hoped the other would answer otherwise.

            “I’m sorry, Joongie. I can’t tell. I have my reasons.” Yunho apologized. Looking at his hurtful expression, Jaejoong’s heart ached. With head hung low, he left the man.



It’s been two months since Changmin last saw Yunho. He stayed in his room most of the time, refusing to come out except for his meals. His baby needed the nutrients. His father had tried to marry him off to Choi Siwon from the Choi clan but he refused, threatening his father with his life.

             For the sake of his baby, he endured his father’s cold eyes. His father’s is just as annoying, obviously flirting with him behind his father.  

             He kept quiet throughout those meals. His heart was numb from days of staying awake, replaying the scene over and over again. Yoochun kept him company through those endless nights. Sometimes, Junsu, now Yoochun’s boyfriend, would try futile attempt to cheer him up.

             As he nibbled on the fried toast, Changmin glanced at Yoochun, his manservant-turned-brother, behind him through his puffy eyes. The poor guy looked the same as him, with equally red and puffy eyes.

             Suddenly, the grand door banged open and a servant ran in, huffing and puffing.

             “Your Majesty, we’re under attack! The vampire hunters broke into our border! They are attacking every vampire on sight!” The servant managed to inform them between gasps of air.

             “What?!” The chair toppled over as his father stood up abruptly. His heart clenched at the thought of the hunter. Is he here too?

              Thundering sounds of footsteps were heard as hunters flooded into their huge dining room. The person leading them pulled back an arrow and aimed it at his father. Standing next to him was Yunho, avoiding his gaze. He must be feeling disgusted with me. Why do I long for him after all this time? You’re an idiot, Changmin.

              Yunho didn’t dare look at Changmin. He could feel the younger’s eyes on him. Oh, god. He must hate me now.

              “Surrender. Now.”

              “No. Do you think you can really destroy us that easily? Before long, our neighboring clan will arrive and you’ll be wiped ou-” The vampire king gasped as the arrow struck him through his chest.

               His screamed and tried to run away but was slashed as a result. The remaining vampires hissed and rushed to attack. Hell broke loose in front of Changmin as he watched soldiers and warriors fell one by one. Clutching his stomach, he backed up slowly until his back hit the cold wall. He eyed the father of his child hacked at vampires left and right.

              Yoochun was also trying as hard to kill the hunters. He cried out in pain when a wooden stake went through his heart.

             “Yoochun! Noooo!!” The vampire prince rushed to his hyung and hugged him as he fell.

             “C-changmin, don’t cry. You l-look horrib-ble. Remember to always s-smile. And tell… Junsu I-i love him.” The older muttered with his last breath before closing his eyes. He shook Yoochun’s shoulders roughly.

             “No! T-tell him yourself! I won’t help you!”

             Tears streamed down his face as the reality of losing his closest hyung crashed down on him.

             “Yoochun… P-please, I’ll be good from now on. I’ll even c-call you hyung. You’ve always wanted it, r-right? Hyung, I’m calling you hyung... Please, don’t s-sleep anymore. You know I-i hate to be alone. Why are you b-being so mean leaving me alone? W-wake up. I’ll hate you forever if you d-don’t …I really will…”

             He his hyung’s cold face as he sobbed. He looked up slowly when he felt a pair of eyes on him.

             The leader was aiming at him.

             His eyes widened.

             Changmin watched in slow motion as the leader released his arrow, which came straight for him. But someone blocked his vision and he was pushed aside.

             His heart stopped when he realized Yunho had taken the arrow meant for him. He scrambled over to him and gasped when black liquid seeped from the wound. He let Yunho leaned onto him. Fresh tears gathered around his eyes as he looked at Yunho. Changmin had never cried so much before. 

             “M-minnie-ah, I’m sorry. I l-love you. I really do. Always w-will.” Yunho gasped out. He entwined his fingers with Changmin.

             “Nooo… I still haven’t tell you a-about our baby boy. And I haven’t-tell y-you I love you too. I love you. I love you. I love you. You c-can’t die…” His voice was hoarse from crying.

             Yunho eyes widened slightly.

             “O-our baby? We have a baby b-boy?”

             “Yes, we have to raise him together. He can’t live without his appa. We have t-to teach him words. He has to learn how to c-call us umma and appa. He wil-Yunho! Don’t close your eyes! Don’t you dare close your eyes…Please…” Changmin pleaded softly. Anything…anything for him to be alive. Oh, god. Please…I love him.

              Do you really wish for him to be alive, Changmin? A voice sounded in  his head.

              “What?! W-who?” Changmin looked around but only a few hunters were standing. None of his clan survived.

              I can raise him from the dead. But I always ask for a price.

              Changmin immediately clutched his stomach protectively. “Who are you?”  The remaining hunters were looking at him quizzically, as if he was a madman. Maybe I am going mad.

              I am a demon from the underworld. Don’t worry. I have no interest in your baby.

              “Then what do you want?” Changmin asked. Hope was starting to form in his heart, though he was still wary. He vaguely remembered his mother telling him that every vampire who strikes a deal with the demons would perish into nothingness when they die. In addition, the demon would ask for something in return.

               You’ll see. So, do you accept my offer?

              “Yes.” Changmin managed to utter before everything went black.




The young vampire woke up in an unfamiliar room. The figure near the huge window turned around.

            “Changmin-sshi, you’re awake! How do you feel?” A good-looking young man asked him with concern.

            “Annoying preacher? Why am I here?”

            “My name is Siwon, Changmin-sshi. I’m from the Choi clan. I’m sorry to say we were too late. Your clan was demolished. You can live with us if you want. You’re always welcome. Actually, I don’t think you can go anywhere in this condition. You’re pregnant anyway. You need to rest.” Siwon smiled warmly at him, not at all offended.

            “What about the hunters? What happened to Yunho?” Changmin asked as he gripped hard on Siwon’s arm.

            “They fled before we arrived. May I know who Yunho is?”

            But Siwon’s question went unanswered. Changmin felt relieved as he closed his eyes. He escaped. He survived. But…what was the price that the demon talked about? He rubbed his belly gently. 



Changmin left Choi clan after staying for a month. Siwon insisted he stay until the baby was born but he rejected his offer. He had to find Yunho and confirm he’s alive. He can’t wait.

            He stepped into the familiar club and was greeted by Junsu’s startled gaze. Without a warning, he was pulled into a bone-crushing-bear-hug.

            They cried for a while when Changmin passed Yoochun’s last message to Junsu. It was hard. He was crying and hiccupping so much.

            Later, he excused himself and went up to the second floor.

            He saw a familiar figure standing at the end of the dimly-litted corridor. His Yunho noticed his presence and sent him a warm smile.  With warm wide open, the older rushed towards him. His heart pounded so loud he wondered if Yunho was able to hear it.

            He was about to call him when Yunho walked past him.

            “Joongie, I love you so much!”

            I seriously love taking away memories as the price. Nothing hurts more than this. Isn’t it, Changmin?

            The pain and hurt in his heart was unbearable. Wounds that had closed was being ripped and torn open. Changmin stood rooted to the spot as the demon’s words echoed in his mind.  Unable to look anymore, he stiffly walked past the couple, trying hard to control his tears. Well…as long as you’re alive. This is worth it…

            He walked down the stairs with his heart aching. He tried not to blink, not allowing those warm liquids to escape. I won’t cry anymore. I’m fine. I’m strong enough. I can endure this. It hurt. It really does. But I’ll let you go.

            Yunho, be happy, alright? You deserve someone better than me. You deserve a human. I’ll take care of our baby. I’ll tell him he had an appa who loved him very much. Who loved his umma…

            Changmin’s lips quivered as he bade Junsu goodbye, telling him he won’t come back anymore. If we meet again, I’ll smile even though the wounds would hurt. If we meet again…




The End…















Is it?































“Joongie, I love you so much!” Yunho said and tried to land a kiss on the laughing man.

            “Fine, fine. I love you too. You don’t have to be so dramatic over such a small present.” Jaejoong said, chuckling. Are you sure, Yun?

            But Yunho didn’t hear his best friend. His eyes were focused on the back of a certain young man walking down the stairs. His heart raced as he let go of Jaejoong and trudged down the stairs.

            “Yun, where are you going? Yun…”

            Yunho scanned through the club for the young man just now and saw him walking out the door. He rushed to grab his wrist. He whirled around and looked shocked to see Yunho. A familiar feeling of warmth and something more gripped his heart.

            “You…you ‘re…”

            “Yes?” Don’t get your hopes up, Shim. He may not…

            “I-i don’t know. I’m sorry.” Yunho didn’t know why he apologized. He just felt the need to.

           The hope that was in the eyes of the young man just now disappeared at his words. Yunho’s heart clenched seeing his expression.

            “It’s okay.”

            Changmin weakly shrugged off his grip and proceeded to walk away. He felt warm liquid on his cheeks. Did I? He chuckled bitterly and wiped them away. Changmin pushed open the door, desperately wanting to escape. He was emotionally drained. He walked out slowly as he carried the fresh wounds in his heart. Just before the door closed behind him, Yunho’s familiar voice called out to him.


          The demon may have the power to erase memories but I… am the one who grant second chances… A powerful yet angelic voice resonated through his confused mind.

            A pair of strong arms wrapped around his bulging waist and “I love you”s were whispered over and over again into his ear.




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I love this. Please write more HoMin. ❤️❤️
minzyn #2
Chapter 1: so romantic...
the ending, once i really thought that's it, but yunho never fail me...
Chapter 1: ahhhh~~~i'm holding my breath for the lat sentence.....thanks god he remember again.............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
HominYC #4
Chapter 1: he remembers ,yunho remembers , My heart was about to crash , I am happy thank you ,my Homin are together finally ^^
jungshim #5
Chapter 1: love happy endings!
thank you
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 1: Nice story, happy they ended up together after all.
Chapter 1: Nice homin.:)