You're Pitiful

Ficlet Dump

Word Count: 450

Summary: You've changed so much-the way you talk, the way you walk. So unlike you, so weak.

Notes: inspired by fiestar's you're pitiful


“let go of my hand, you’re embarrassing me,” kyungsoo hisses and chanyeol drops his hand like he’s touched hot coal.


he wants to say so much but he can’t say anything. his face is burning, his fingers are frozen. he’s feeling so much he’s overwhelmed. there are words, there are words that need to be said, words that will make kyungsoo stop from leaving him, to stop him from hurting him. he can’t find them, he’s lost, so lost without kyungsoo.


“you can’t ing do anything by yourself,” kyungsoo spits and chanyeol recoils like he’s physically been hit.


his fingers curl around empty air, around the hem of his shirt, around the broken pieces of his heart.


kyungsoo doesn’t turn and walk away like chanyeol’s expected, but he rakes a small hand through his hair, obviously frustrated. they’re not the only ones there, but it’s not like there’s many spectators, this corner of the aquarium deceptively calm. “see this, chanyeol. this is why i’m ending it. i liked you, hell, i loved you at one point. i wanted a lover, chanyeol. i don’t need to babysit a 180 cm giant baby. i don’t know maybe i had this delusion that you’d be that spark of youth and excitement i needed in my life to feel alive again but god chanyeol, you just make me feel so burdened, like an anchor around my neck,” kyungsoo rambles on, his words beginning to slur in the frustration.


chanyeol’s clearly taller than his boyfriend but he feels as tall as an ant under kyungsoo’s angry glare, smaller than a ladybug under kyungsoo’s truthful words, under his hurtful words.


“say something, chanyeol!” kyungsoo suddenly barks and chanyeol jolts, “you’re looking at me like i’m beating you over the head, say something, fight back! fight for us.” just like that, kyungsoo’s facade crumbles, his voice cracking on the last word. his hard glare’s softened by the tears that have filled his eyes, by the way his fist shakes by his side. “chanyeol please,” kyungsoo begs.


hold him, take him back, brush away those tears, promise to be better for him, for yourself, for us.


“i-” chanyeol swallows, throat thick.


kyungsoo’s eyes beg to hear what he needs to.


“i-” chanyeol tries again.


kyungsoo’s eyes are searching, tears threatening to fall.


“i’m sorry.”


just like that, chanyeol knows that he’s said the wrong thing by the way kyungsoo’s eyes fall and his cheeks are stained with tear tracks.


kyungsoo takes in a long breath, like bracing himself. he can’t do this anymore. he needs to be selfish. “goodbye chanyeol.”


holdhim,takehim back,brushawaythosetears,promisetobebetter

chanyeol’s left with his unsaid words and frozen fingers.



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Chapter 49: Sooo cute.
kennlee #2
love your story
kennlee #3
love your story
kennlee #4
love your story
kennlee #5
cool story
Chapter 47: tisso why?
Chapter 47: no no no this cliffhanger situation is too much for me ;A;
Chapter 43: /vibrates 'cuz baeksoo
Chapter 41: tisooooooooooooooo my chest feels so full...... this was so cute, so soft, so xiuhan and and i love it when a story is this easy going for them, so "quiet" and "ethereal" 'cuz they were like that, aghhhhhhhhh and you know..... you used tian mi mi again hahahaha and you know what that does to me hahahah

i loved this ;_; ♥
Chapter 41: this was so cute and fluffy im dying ;_; my xiuhan