Part II

Almost (Is Never Enough)

We spent eight hours straight from that afternoon texting and messaging each other. I didn't tell him who I was at first. So we played the guessing game. I could only imagine the expression on his handsome face.

Things between us that Friday evening moved pretty fast. Almost too fast for me to comprehend every message before I got another one. Was it really happening between Jongin and I?


tbh, I really want to see you... let's meet up :)

It was 8:30 at night already and truthfully exhausted. I was taken aback at his forwardness; I even doubted Jongin for a second, leaving a few minutes before I replied but he had taken the initiative and sent another text.


i have dance rehearsals at 9:30... can you meet me by the Traditional Arts Hall?

At that point my insides were in knots. It was too good to be true, right? Kim Jongin didn't even have a picture in his mind of who I was, yet he wanted to see me. I'm supposed to be the older one here, yet I feel like he's my oppa, tugging and pulling at my heartstrings.


give me half an hour

I didn't think about what to wear as I put on the first cardigan I could find, wearing it on top of my outfit that I wore today. Was I really doing this? What if he didn't like what I saw? What if he imagined someone else? 

So much was on the line, yet I was driven enough in this game of young love to walk on that line, not knowing where I'd fall.


The University Campus was dimly lit, with a light stand every few metres to guide the way to the Traditional Arts Hall. It was the same hall that I first saw Jongin perform, so it was sort of a sentimental moment being there again.

I waited by its front doors, eyes wide open so I knew when he would be on his way. A few minutes passed and approaching me with a grin was one Kim Jongin.

"It's you"

He smiled, taking my hand as he stood infront of me, just that bit taller. The nights moon shone behind him as he bit his lip, his eyes glistening as they met mine.

I nodded in response, unable to talk with such sudden physical contact. I didn't confess to him with the thought of things progressing so quickly, neither with the thought of Jongin returning my feelings towards me.

"You're really beautiful" Jongin's eyes melted in mine as he took a step closer, forcing even more contact,

"Sure..." I replied in disbelief, looking away,

"No, really. You are..." He whispered, letting go of my hand so he could gently hold my face, bringing it towards his,

Within moments our lips collided, my own getting a taste of what a kiss really was. He tasted like spearmint chewing gum, as if he already knew that this would happen. I didn't know what I was doing, so I let Jongin lead the way.


The weekend passed but slowly yet surely as I lay around my house waiting for a new message or call. I know I shouldn't expect him to always make the first move, but after Friday night, I expected the unexpected.

I didn't want to come off clingy, but I couldn't help but take the first step and message him.

Hope you've been having a good weekend...

It was an hour until I got reply. I spent that hour thinking that the text didn't send or he realised last night was a mistake. Any minute more and I probably would have driven myself insane. Apparently that's what love does to you...


thanks :) sorry i couldnt reply, im at a dance convention.. ill message you when its done :)


Jongin didn't message me for the rest of that weekend. I guess he got carried away. Thats fine... I think. 

Monday came around sooner than later, and I was terrified to set foot into campus. For some reason I couldn't face Kim Jongin. What if he saw me again and see me as just one big regret? What if he realised how awkward it'd be for the both of us to tell our friends what had happened? 

I was on the edge though for the first half of the day and as I later found out, it was with good reason.

"Remember that Jongin guy?" Hara, one of my friends spontaneously started a conversation as we walked into our lecture theatre,

"I saw him with his girlfriend just before class and it was pretty cute"


So this is part two of three as I don't want to fit everything here xD

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And Please Stay tuned for the last part!

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Chapter 3: simple and nice story. :)))