Sooyeon and Summer

Beautiful Stranger
Jessica held her arm to stop her from standing up, "I'm not asking you to tell me your story, I'm offering you comfort, because believe me or not, I know how you feel."
The confusion can still be seen in the girl's face as she is obviously contemplating if she should stay or not.

"You don't have to wory about anything, like what you said, I'm a stranger... even if you tell me your story or not, what harm can I do?... and remember, 'What happens in Boracay, stays in Boracay'" *pause* "We can just... hangout... while we are here, I mean. I suppose, You're also came here alone... right?"


The girl turned her head and just blankly looked at the sea and continued to cry... so Jessica's just stayed beside the girl and continued to console her by simple pats on the girls back.


after a while,the girl's sobs subsided and Jessica could only hear sniffing from time to time.


"You're not the only one,so don't cry so much" she said without looking at the girl beside her "me too is stuck in a marriage" she continued "We got married because we love each other... but all we do now is fight"


"What happened?" The girl asked with a hoarse voice


She just shrugged "the marriage shouldn't have happened in the first place...because we got married for a wrong reason "


The girl looked at her confusedly "but you said you love each other?"


"Yes we did... and nothing more. The moment that he first slapped me, that's when I realized that I shouldn't have relied on the word love"


The confusion is still visible on the girl's face


So she continued "love fades.. and sadly, my marriage's only foundation is love... that's why when his love for me faded after 2 years of marriage, I'm left with an ex-lover that I can't get away from. I've been married for 5 years now, and been experiencing 3 years of hell" she said sternly as a lone tear fell, she quickly wipe it off


"Why not just divorce him then?"


"I wish it could be that simple, but divorcing him also means saying goodbye to my family... my dad likes him so much, he believes him more than me"


"You don't love each other anymore so divorce is mutual right?"


"We agreed to be legally separated for a while before deciding on divorce, we both dated around. Then one day I was having a date, he saw me and my date, and  unfortunately for me, he knew the person I was with... his pride got into him so he decided not to divorce me... he manipulated my parent's minds and told them that I was cheating on him. I tried explaining myself but they didn't believe me... of course, how can they believe a spoiled brat’s words right?"


"Why is he so against with the one you dated? "


"Because it turns out that the one I dated is his greatest competitor, he always lose in anything when he compete with that person… and he is also a man who can't accept that his wife will leave him to be with.... a woman" she looked at the girl closely to see her reaction clearly


The girl has a very shock expression


She just smirked "what? Let me guess, you're a devoted Christian?"


The girl lightly nodded "so you only married him to hide your ... aahm ... uality?"


"Aniyo... i told you, we loved each other. I'm not really a lesbian, I just follow my feelings. Ever since I met my bestfriend, who is gay, I decided to look at people by their personality and not by gender. So I'm more of a biual than lesbian"


"That's the same" the girl mumbled


"Of course not... lesbians are attracted ONLY to girls, but biuals can be with either boys or girls"


"Oooh... i thought they were there're same" then smiled gently


"You're oblivious on these things huh?"


The girl nodded


"Oh!... You can call me Je-.... ehem... i mean, just call me Sooyeon"


"Just call me.... hmmmmm..."


She smiled seeing the girl think for a fake name... "I'll just call you.. Summer.. is that name okay?" She said then offered a hand shake


'Summer' nodded with a smile and shook her hand

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Chapter 1: please update soon
summerwinter #2
Chapter 1: Thank you for update!!! :)
summerwinter #3
Omg this is interesting.. Are they gonna fall inlove soon? Hahaha cant wait for ur first chap :)