My story

Dawn of Dream


[Jiyeon’s POV]

     “And all these started when I was young… like three or four.”


     He glared at me again with such anger as he roared. I knew he was drunk, but he was always drunk…

     “You idiotic girl! Why can’t you do anything correct?” he roared as he slapped me.

     “I’m sorry appa, I’m sorry…” Tears flowed down my cheeks as I defended myself from another blow.

     “You shouldn’t be on this world at all! You useless child!” The man kicked and beat me, and every blow hurt, physically and mentally.

     “Useless children should be punished…” a sweet melodious voice floated out from the kitchen.

     I froze.

     She was holding a penknife in one hand, a whip in another. The man cackled evilly as he took the whip from the woman.

     “No! I’m sorry! I won’t do that again!” I screamed in despair as the man started whipping me, and the woman swung her penknife, and sliced my arm. With every whip, the man’s face lighted up, as though he was enjoying it.

     He was enjoying it…

     “You’re actually quite pretty, for a useless child, you know. Give me the knife…”

     “No! No! I’m sorry! I’m—”

     With a fierce swipe, the man swung the knife and slashed my right arm. Blood spurted out, spilling over the carpet. This was one of his worst days… but he had done worse to me.

     “Appa, stop it already. I don’t want to see blood everywhere.”

     The man’s prince, his son and my elder brother, said that nonchalantly, hands crossed.

     “Jaebeom, you prince… not like this useless piece of down here that can’t do anything!” the man roared again, then smiled awkwardly as he walked over to his son and gave him a pat on the head.

     “Finish her for me, will you?”

     “Sure, appa.”

     When the man left the room, the boy, Jaebeom, walked over to me and slapped me, hard.

     “How many times have I told you not to let him do that?” he hissed softly, afraid that the man would hear.

     Then, Jaebeom walked over to the door and opened it wide.

     “Get out.”


     I was walking in the streets aimlessly. Cars whizzed past me and I stood at one end of the road, not knowing when to cross. Deciding it was safe, I took one step forward. Then another. Then another.

     Then suddenly, I turned and saw a lorry coming in my direction. Shocked, I was unable to move. Then, someone grabbed me hard and pulled me onto the pavement.

     “It’s dangerous, okay? Don’t cross the road like that anymore.” It was a boy, probably one or two years older than me. His eyes were filled with concern. “Where are your parents?”

     Shocked, I burst into tears. What the boy had done was probably the kindest thing anyone had done to be in my life.

     “Are you okay? Where do you live?”

     “I don’t want to go home…” I wailed, then the boy saw my bleeding right arm.

     “Did your parents do this to you?” He was shocked. I nodded, then he held my left hand.

     “I’ll bring you home and treat your wound… Then we’ll decide what to do about your parents.” He was like Jaebeom, the elder brother I never had, and wished to have.

     “I’m Song Seunghyun… what’s your name?”

     “Park… Jiyeon.”


     Seunghyun’s parents were very kind, taking me to the hospital to treat my cut. When I was at their house, I played with him, and his little brother and sister… Then one day, I heard Seunghyun shouting.

     “Eomma, look at her! Do you want to abandon her like that? She’s so miserable!”

     “Seunghyun, you have to understand. We have you, and your dongsaengs to look after! I do not have so much time!”

     Then Seunghyun stormed out of the room and pulled me along with him, out of the house.


     “These are my friends, Jaejin and Minhwan. This is Jiyeon.” Seunghyun introduced me to another two boys, one my size and the other one taller than him.

     “Aigo… so cute.” Minhwan commented, (his voice was really high pitched then) then pinched my cheeks. After going through all those years of abuse, I defended myself from him.

     “Ahh… mianhae.” Minhwan looked a little sheepish as he saw my reaction. Jaejin, however, was more mature about the incident.

     “So you can’t keep her, and Minhwan’s family doesn’t need another child. Have you decided what to do with her?” Jaejin asked Seunghyun.

     “I don’t know, hyung, I thought you should know!” Seunghyun retorted.

     “Ask your parents, hyung. See she’s so cute… but now she’s miserable…” Minhwan added.

     “Fine. I’ll ask them.”


     For the next few weeks I didn’t see Jaejin anymore, but Minhwan kept coming over to Seunghyun’s house to play with me. I formed a strong bond with Minhwan and Seunghyun, and considered them to be my saviours. Then, one day, the phone rang, and when Seunghyun put it on loudspeaker, Jaejin’s voice filled the entire hall.

     “My parents say Jiyeon can come live with me!”

     Seunghyun’s eomma, looking more relieved, took over the phone and talked with Jaejin’s parents.

     And thus began my life with Jaejin.


     Tears rolled down my cheeks as I recounted my story. Yoseob had tears in his eyes too. He’s as much as a softie as Jaejin is.

     “Mianhae… I didn’t mean to let you remember this again.”

     “Anieyo… it’s good that I finally let this go… I feel better now.”


     “Park Jiyeon! What are you doing?” Another high-pitched, girl’s voice echoed in the hallway.


A/N : Another update... Phew ~ I thought I wouldn't be able to finish it.

Please comment okay! Comments keep me going... and if I don't see any I'll start my new fanfic... :/

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YouDunnoMe #1
♥ awww this fic !!!
ProudPrimX3 #2
Chapter 19: OH.MA.GOSH. I need more of this story.Desperately. It has become an essential thing in my life. Please update because my life depends on it ;) KYEOUL FIGHTING!!!
helloimyuyu #3
Chapter 19: annyeong! i'm your new subcriber..isn't this story ends like this? update please.. T_T like ur story..
omg minari my forever hubby omo love him lol :3
Please update!!!!! Jay good job for trying, Jiyeon stop being so awkward. Sorry I haven't read your ff in a while cuz I was busy but now since school's over. I'll have more time, and I will comment on every chapter you write. I promise. UPDATE!!!!!
trinity- #6
omg gah

jaebeom is trying :c
why is jiyeon so awkward T.T
This is the first Song Seunghyun fic I've ever read. This fic made me fall in love with him deeper. This fic was the mark of our friendship. This fic made me admire you. This fic made me want to be friends with you. This fic was the beginning of our beautiful friendship. And I will forever cherish this fic. <3
Palipali updatee! ^^ I'm waiting! :D
Keke! New reader here! And i knew Jay Park didnt do it on purpose. LOL. ^^