
Dawn of Dream


[Jiyeon’s POV]

     “No.” Someone blurted.

     I turned around. Hongki stood with a determined look on his face, his mouth opened. “No,” he repeated, firmly. “I don’t like staying with girls.”

     I rolled my eyes. What sort of reason was this?

     “Besides, I don’t think Wonbin will agree to it too,” Hongki added.

     “Hyung, Wonbin-hyung knows her… you and Jonghun-hyung are the only ones that never seen her before,” Jaejin explained slowly. When Hongki didn’t look convinced, Jaejin turned to Minhwan for help.

     “Yeahhhhhhhhh hyung! Don’t be like this hyung~” Minhwan whined, in his cute baby voice.

     “Hyung-ahhhhhhh~” Minhwan tried again, using aegyo and baby voice at the same time. Smiling, I fought the urge to pinch his cheeks. If any other seventeen year old boy did that, I’ll probably want to slap him. But it’s Minhwan, and aegyo just fits him so well…

     “Okay, fine, whatever, as long as Jonghun agrees to it…” Hongki, unable to resist the maknae’s aegyo, reluctantly agreed.

     “Jonghun-hyung ahhhhhhhh~” Minhwan changed target, directing his aegyo on Jonghun. For a moment, Jonghun looked shocked at the sudden attention before he waved Minhwan away. “Anything, as long as you stop that aegyo of yours.”

     “Hing~ Minani~”

     “Oh god, Minhwan, just stop it already.” Hongki grumbled, throwing a pillow in his direction.


     Jaejin-oppa helped me unpack in his room, since he was my older brother, and didn’t want me to be sleeping outside or with anyone else. Minhwan said I could use Wonbin’s pillow and blanket first, since he probably wasn’t coming back to the dorm today… I felt a sense of home here, something I had never felt since Jaejin-oppa left to be a trainee...

     “Good night Yeon…”

     “Good night oppa…”


     He glared at me again with such anger as he roared. I knew he was drunk, but he was always drunk…

     “You idiotic girl! Why can’t you do anything correct?” he roared as he slapped me.

     “I’m sorry appa, I’m sorry…” Tears flowed down my cheeks as I defended myself from another blow.

     “You shouldn’t be on this world at all! You useless child!” The man kicked and beat me, and every blow hurt, physically and mentally.

     “Useless children should be punished…” a sweet melodious voice floated out from the kitchen.

     I froze.

     She was holding a penknife in one hand, a whip in another. The man cackled evilly as he took the whip from the woman.

     “No! I’m sorry! I won’t do that again!” I screamed in despair as the man started whipping me, and the woman swung her penknife, and sliced my arm. With every whip, the man’s face lighted up, as though he was enjoying it.

     He was enjoying it…

     “You’re actually quite pretty, for a useless child, you know. Give me the knife…

     “No! No! I’m sorry! I’m—”


     “Jiyeon! Wake up!”

     “I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” I cried, unable to open my eyes.

     “Wake up!” the voice said. “It’s not real!”

     I opened my eyes, and I saw Jaejin-oppa…

     “You dreamt about them didn’t you?” He asked, concerned.


     Unable to put my relief in word, I hugged him tight, crying.

     “It’s over now… don’t cry…” 


A/N : Super short update... I couldn't think :/

So... how was it? I probably won't be updating until Saturday, because school is bugging me, and so is my mother... 

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YouDunnoMe #1
♥ awww this fic !!!
ProudPrimX3 #2
Chapter 19: OH.MA.GOSH. I need more of this story.Desperately. It has become an essential thing in my life. Please update because my life depends on it ;) KYEOUL FIGHTING!!!
helloimyuyu #3
Chapter 19: annyeong! i'm your new subcriber..isn't this story ends like this? update please.. T_T like ur story..
omg minari my forever hubby omo love him lol :3
Please update!!!!! Jay good job for trying, Jiyeon stop being so awkward. Sorry I haven't read your ff in a while cuz I was busy but now since school's over. I'll have more time, and I will comment on every chapter you write. I promise. UPDATE!!!!!
trinity- #6
omg gah

jaebeom is trying :c
why is jiyeon so awkward T.T
This is the first Song Seunghyun fic I've ever read. This fic made me fall in love with him deeper. This fic was the mark of our friendship. This fic made me admire you. This fic made me want to be friends with you. This fic was the beginning of our beautiful friendship. And I will forever cherish this fic. <3
Palipali updatee! ^^ I'm waiting! :D
Keke! New reader here! And i knew Jay Park didnt do it on purpose. LOL. ^^