Part One

Command Option Escape

A/N: This was supposed to be a one shot, but it got so long, I decided to cut it up in three and make it a three-shot. :) Enjoy!

She was the seductress of the fashion world. She dominated every magazine cover, she was featured in TV shows, reality programs and music videos. She was beautiful, y, confident in her body… the epitome of a star.

Unfortunately, all of these are qualities, when they preside within a female, will be the qualities that the general patriarchal society would take to make her a “.”

She tried to tell herself that society didn’t matter, that the haters didn’t matter, that all of those Internet citizens bashing her don’t matter. But no matter how hard she tried to convince herself of their insignificance, she couldn’t help but feel… bad.

It hurt her to see all of those comments. It hurt her when people spit on her. When people called her “” or “” or “.” She hated that people only thought of her as this ual object designed to seduce men, when people thought she did what she did this only to seduce men, to manipulate men.

Why is it so hard to believe that she acted y for herself and not for men? Why is it hard to believe that she liked the rush of satisfaction she got being in the spotlight? Or the lights shining brightly on her, the flashing cameras, the voices telling her to pose, the make up artists rushing to her aid ever once in a while? She liked being beautiful. She liked make-up and clothes. She like wearing new things, seeing new designs on her body and she liked exuberating her confidence. She liked acting y. She simply liked it.

Why is that so hard to believe?

Many stars and designers and fashion icons had asked her out, but she had almost always rejected them. Mainly because most of the ones that have approached her obviously only wanted to take her to bed. They didn’t like her for her. They liked her for her body the satisfaction she could potentially give them. They thought she was easy. That is an everyday thing for her. She was “the ” of society after all.

One would think that her rejecting all of these men would make people see that she didn’t care about seducing men, but no. Society has a way of twisting things to make it seem like she’s still at fault.

All the stars that have confessed to being rejected by her, all of their fans began attacking her for “thinking she’s too cool for oppa” or being “y and ungrateful” and a bunch of other nasty things.

She had a lot of haters. And a lot of times, it seemed like her haters outnumbered her fans.

And it really hurt her.

She goes to bars sometimes to drink away her pain, but that only resulted in some recognizing her and taking a picture of her and selling it to the tabloids. That only made her reputation worse.

It got really bad when a bartender gave her something really strong. So strong she almost instantly lost her ability to reason. A man took advantage of that, and it went public. That particular scandal ruined her. The man made her seem like she opened her legs to him only to get his money.

She began getting less and less modeling contracts, she began appearing less on TV shows, and her fans slowly started to lose interest in her. She hid away in her apartment for most of the days. She drank a lot. She cried a lot. Sometimes she would go do a photo-shoot somewhere or make an appearance on a radio show or something, but it was obvious that she began losing the confidence she once had.

Less and less contractors made offers with her. Her fame slowly started to die out and she became nothing.


It had been a few months since she got any calls from any entertainment agency when her phone rang from an unidentified number. She picked up the phone, and it was him.

She will never forget how their first conversation went.

Kim Hyuna?”


We have an offer for you,” the voice said apathetically.

“Let me hear it.”

Model for us. We’re WM Magazine. Quite a ty magazine, but still. If you do it, we’ll give you free food and twelve bucks,” he said in all seriousness.

Hyuna blinked. She didn’t know what to say to this person who she had thought was very obviously a troll.

Look honey, we’re a broke company that doesn’t have money to pay you. We’re basically asking you for a favor. Come model for us as a favor.”

“I’m sorry but I don’t do favors,” she answered.

Well then,” the voice said, “I guess I’ll have to not publish this article I wrote about how the world misunderstood Kim Hyuna. It’s fine I’ll just drag it into the trash bin right… now… ughh, sorry, I just got a new Mac and this ty software is hard to work with… there we go it’s in the trash bin. Do you want me to delete it permanently?


Alright let me just figure out how to empty the trash bin just give me a sec…

“Excuse me?”


“What is this article about exactly?”

About how you’re not a and all the other people call you. But that doesn’t matter anymore because I’m just about to delete it off this stupid Mac forever. Advice: don’t ever get a Mac, Mac is . Stick with windows… Ughh… how the do you empty the trash bin!”

“Right click and select ‘Empty Trash,’” Hyuna instructed.

Thanks babe,” he said and she heard the Mac sound effect of the trash disappearing.

“Wait, did you seriously delete it?”

What you think I was faking to get you to agree? Ha!”

“Did you or did you not?”

I did.”

“No seriously.”

I did babe. Wanna come down to WM headquarters and see for yourself?”

“I’ll do it,” Hyuna said, “I’ll model for you without remuneration.”

Too late babe. I deleted the article and frankly I’m too bored to write it again. Especially on this ty Mac. Ugh Macs are so annoying.

“Oh come on!” Hyuna said getting impatient. “I know you didn’t delete it.”

Goodness you really don’t believe me, do you? Let me tell you something about myself honey. When I say I’m going to do something, I do it. I don’t hesitate. I don’t think about it. I just do it. That’s why I’m sticking to this ing Mac. I said to myself I’m going to modernize and let Windows go, but turns out this was the biggest mistake of my life. Stupid Apple company. Expensive for no damn reason. You know iPhones too. Like, the battery life is so…”

“Excuse me, but can we please go back to talking business?”

What business? We’re through. I deleted the article. Any chance you had at business with me is gone honey.”

“Okay fine then I’ll hang up…”

Wait!” the journalist said.

Hyuna grinned, thinking the guy will finally give her the offer.

Can you just explain to me how to navigate this damned Mac? Like, how do I open my files? Where’s My Documents and My Music and My Whatnots?”

“They’re in the Finder,” Hyuna explained.

How do I get to this Finder thing?”

“Click on the desktop, and then click ‘command’ and N at the same time.”

Hyuna heard some clicking. “Ah. Thanks babe.”

“Anything else.”

Actually, babe, I was wondering. Can we meet and can you teach me all of these Mac shenanigans?”

“Umm, okay,” Hyuna said, thinking it was just his cover-up and he really did want to talk business with her.

Great. Dokibu Coffee Shop, second floor. 2:00 PM tomorrow. Sound dandy?”


Great then, see you there babe.”



“I didn’t get your name.”

Ah right, that, the name’s Jung Jinyoung,” He then hung up.


The name daunted her that night. Who was this fellow exactly? Why did he write an article about how misunderstood she is? That’s not an article she thought anyone would really write, which was why she was so interested in it. Did he understand her? It’s strange that although he called her “babe” and “honey,” she didn’t feel that he ualized her at all. Those words just came so naturally to him, so un-flirtatiously, as if he called everyone that. It was nice to talk to someone like that, someone who didn’t ualize her, someone who didn’t call her “,” someone who was actually human to her. Not

The more she about it though, the less and less convinced she was of his goodness. She felt like maybe by inviting her to this coffee shop, he was luring her into a trap to assault her or something. It’s happened before.

But Dokibu coffee shop is smack in the middle of downtown Seoul. People will be there. Plus, 2:00 PM is broad daylight. Surely he would have asked for that time and place if he planned to assault her.

He really did want to talk business with her, she was sure of it. She wanted to do it; she wanted to model for pictures representing an article that spoke of her humanness. She wanted the people to see a side of her that wasn’t seductive, that she’s not a .

She dreamt about him that night. He had no face, as she didn’t even know what he looked like. She saw him in front of a Macbook clicking buttons and cursing at the Apple company. She laughed at him from afar, and he looked up at her and said “what are you laughing at babe?” That was all she could remember of the dream. It was a pleasant one compared to the nightmares she had of people -shaming her and throwing rocks at her and spitting in her face.

She found herself preparing for the meeting at 11:00 AM. She spent a little extra time picking out something to wear, and decided the perfect color for her make-up. She wanted to look pretty and y, so that this Jinyoung guy would accept to make her model for him.

Strange how she was the one seeking for the contract and not him. She really was reduced to nothing. She wouldn’t deny it though. She wanted the contract. She didn’t care about getting paid. She just wanted it, partly as an attempt to refine her name in the entertainment industry, but also a tad bit because this Jinyoung was a very interesting fellow.

She arrived on time, wearing the classy black skinny jeans and the padded formal jacket, looking all professional yet y. As she climbed the stairs to the second floor of this coffee shop, it just hit her that she didn’t know what he looked like so she had no way of recognizing him.

But oh did she recognize him.

There, sitting in a table in the corner next to the window was a young man, a flower boy. He had messy hair that looked like it hadn’t been washed for days. He was wearing this awful yellow shirt with green dancing bananas on it and sweatpants. But that wasn’t what got her to recognize him. There he was, in front of his new Macbook, looking agitated as he clicked away on the mousepad.

She walked over towards him. Although the sound of her heels indicated that someone was approaching him, he didn’t look up from his screen. She got closer and closer, and stopped right behind him, watching him struggle with Safari.

“Ughh!” he bawled loudly in the middle of the coffee shop, causing the customers around him to turn their heads and look to see what the fuss is about.

Jinyoung did not care. He continued cussing as he clicked away on his new Mac.

Hyuna cleared .

He looked over his shoulders, and didn’t spare her as much as a glance before turning back to his computer and saying: “great, you’re here. Come help me with this ty program!”

Hyuna blinked. Well that’s not a very proper way to greet someone, she thought. She pulled a chair and sat there next to him.

“So help me. I can’t see the text. What do I do?”

Hyuna sighed as she reached for the keyboard, “Command and plus together makes everything on the screen bigger,” she demonstrated.

“Ah, I see,” he said nodding as he looked at the screen in awe.

“What’s the shortcut for copying?”

“‘Command’ and ‘C.’ Cutting is ‘Command’ and ‘X’. Pasting is ‘Command’ and ‘V’. Basically, replace ‘Control’ from Windows to ‘Command’ of Mac.”

“Why does Apple think they’re so ing cool that they can give buttons different names? Ugh, Apple annoys the out of me to be honest,” Jinyoung said as he leaned back in his chair.

For the first time since they met, he actually looked at her and inspected her properly.

“Why are you all dolled up? Man… I feel like I’m a wolf and you’re this beauty,” he said messing up his hair even more.

“Thanks?” she said, not entirely sure if that was a compliment.

“Anyways, why did you come all dressed up when all you’re going to be doing is teaching me how to master this ty computer? Oh, did you think we were going to talk business. Girl, give it up.”

“Come on, you can’t be serious!” Hyuna exclaimed, getting impatient with his denial. “I offering to model for you for free, and you’re turning me down? No need to play hard-to-get, I’m already at your knees.”

“I’m not playing hard-to-get, honey. I just really don’t wanna work with you.”

“Why not?” she asked. She sounded desperate, but at this point she didn’t care. She wanted to be featured in that magazine. She really wanted to be featured in that magazine.

“I told you why. Because of the way I am. Because if I say I’ll do something, I will do it. It’s your fault too; you had the opportunity to stop me. You think if I weren’t this way, I would still be trying to use a damned Macbook. Nope.”

“Such a stupid excuse,” she said as she crossed her arms. “You’re a strange person Jinyoung-ssi.”

“That’s my charm,” he said with a click of his tongue before getting back into his laptop. “Now teach me how to download Microsoft Office.”

Hyuna glared at him before snatching the laptop from his hand and typing into the search bar: “Kim Hyuna.”


That really did delete the article.

“Told ya so,” Jinyoung shrugged.

Just then a waitress came by to take their order.

“Cappuccino, double shot, no sugar,” Hyuna ordered.

“And for you sir?” she said.

“Orange juice and can you mix in more sugar with it please,” he said, and Hyuna narrowed her eyebrows at him. He was just so… so childish in every way.

When the waitress was gone, Hyuna turned to Jinyoung and tried her luck again.

“Please rewrite the article!”

“Sorry babe.”

Hyuna took a deep breath and tried it another way, “if you write that article for me, I will teach you how to use your Macbook.”

“I’ll go find someone else to teach me for free. Shouldn’t be hard given that the whole damned world practically uses Apple.”

“Oh for crying out loud, what else do I have to do?!” she yelled. She was frustrated. You know when you feel a mix of emotions including frustration, anger, impatience and helplessness, your heart starts to feel heavy and you nose starts to feel funny, and before you know it, tears would come out of your eyes. That is what happened to Hyuna then and there. She hated crying, especially in public, but she couldn’t hold it in. This guy brought it out of her with all ease and she felt like she was about explode.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Jinyoung said, reacting to the tears. “No need to get all emotional about this.”

Hyuna let it out at this point, she put her head on the table and cried, cried away the frustration and anger that had been welling up inside of her because of this stranger she only just met.

“God, people are staring,” Jinyoung said anxiously when he noticed the glares, “now they’re going to think I’m an evil that insensitively broke up with you.” She didn’t stop crying. “Okay, okay I’ll do it, gosh,” Jinyoung said rolling his eyes.

Hyuna lifted her head from the table and stared at him with wide eyes, “really?”

“Yeah sure whatever.”

She leapt up from her chair and put her arms around him, “thank you, thank you, thank you!” she said as she squeezed him.

He sat there idly as Hyuna hugged him, and when she let go, he blinked and said, “your hair smells like apples.”


“You use apple-flavored shampoo, right?”


“Well I hate apples,” he stated crossly, “mainly because the Apple Company produced this computer.”

“I’m… uh… sorry?” she said hesitantly, not know how else to respond to him.

“Yeah whatever. Now are you gonna teach me how to use this piece of junk?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

She nodded and spent the next two hours teaching him about the tips and tricks of a Macbook.

“Oh , look at the time,” he said, “I’m sorry dear but I must be on my way. Thanks for putting up with my for two hours. I knew you weren’t a self-obsessed like other people say.”

Hyuna smiled at him and thanked him sincerely. That was such a big compliment to her and it made her feel so happy all of the sudden.

“Anyways, I’ll call you up about meeting for the photo-shoot. I’ll rewrite the article tonight and then talk with the producers and yada yada yada. See you later babe,” he said as he took his laptop and walked away.

She smiled as her eyes followed him out. There was something alluring about him to her. Or maybe she just thinks that because he’s one of the few people that treated her normally. He told her that she wasn’t a self-obsessed , and no one has ever done that before. It was so… refreshing.


He told her he wrote the article, and when she requested to read it, he denied her that request.

“Look babe, it’s a journalist thing. You can only read it when it’s published. Plus I’ll get fired if I let you read it now.”

“How am I supposed to pose for pictures for an article I have not read?”

“Oh you know what the article is about. You not being what people think you are.”

“Jinyoung-ssi,” she called.

“Yeah babe?”

“Where did you get inspiration to write this article?” she asked reticently, afraid that it might have been a personal question.

“You see babe, I don’t like it when people misunderstand . I think you are the most misunderstood thing in the world you poor thing, and so as a journalist, I think it’s my duty to show people how stupid and judgmental they are.”

She smiled. She loved him. She really, really loved this person. “Thank you. Thank you so much,” she said and tears started flowing from her eyes.

“There you go with the tears again babe. Tears agitate me, please don’t cry in front me.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just really grateful to have met you.”

“I don’t know how to respond to these sentimental compliments,” he shrugged. There was an awkward silence as she wiped her tears. He broke it when he asked, “hey babe, how do you control alt delete on a Mac?”

“Command option escape,” she said as she wiped her tears and sniffled.

“Great, thanks babe.”


The first time he showed any signs of being attracted to her was during the photo-shoot, where she was modeling for the magazine. She caught him staring at her while she was doing her make-up, and when the designers fixed her clothes. She gave him a questioning look and he blushed and looked away. She smiled at the prospect that maybe, contrary to what he shows her, he really did think she was y and beautiful.

When she was done with wardrobe and makeup, she noticed that Jinyoung was more restless around her. His responses weren’t as sharp as they usually were, he wouldn’t make direct eye contact, and he fiddled with the hem of his shirt a lot.

He introduced her to Baro, the head producer of the magazine. “Hello,” the producer said, bowing his head respectively to her. He had anything but a friendly face. He looked cross and strict and very judgmental.

“Hyuna-ssi, thank you for being here,” he said coldly before departing with his hands behind his back.

Jinyoung scrunched his face up in repugnance when Baro was gone, and then he turned to Hyuna and whispered in her ear, “he’s quite an .”

When she was being photographed, she would glance at Jinyoung with the side of her eye and see that he was looking at her. That gave her the confidence and power and helped her to give one of the best performances as a model then she’s ever had her entire career. He stiff body posture, the passion in her eyes, the expression on her face… it was powerful and she felt it.


She stopped drinking. Suddenly, she felt happy again. She didn’t understand what really changed. She didn’t expect that once this article comes out, everything would be solved. On the contrary, nothing would be solved. WM Magazine is not a widely read magazine and so people probably won’t even read it.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized that the source of her happiness was Jinyoung.

A week had passed, and it was the last day of shooting. She came in to the studio every day to pose for more pictures and to look at the edited designs.

“Babe,” Jinyoung said when she was done, “I give it you. You did well.”

“Thank you, Jinyoung-ssi,” she said with a smile. She then leaned in and kissed his cheek, “really, thank you.”

“Don’t give me them tears now!”

“I will cry if it means from today on I won’t see you again,” she said with a pout.

Jinyoung scratched the back of his head awkwardly and said, “fine. Wanna date?” he asked her. It was the most insincere sounding request for a date that she had ever heard, but she didn’t care. She was elated and she nodded affirmatively.

“Great,” he said and then he turned and walked away. As he turned, Hyuna saw a smile appear on his face.


He brought his Macbook to their first date. It was in the coffee shop where they met. It was supposed to be a real date, but Jinyoung kept asking her about Macbook shortcuts.

“So I wanna hyperlink a word in a Word document, what do I click?”

“Command and K,” she said unenthusiastically as he typed “cmd K” down in his open notepad.

“Okay, what about if I wanna make a word in italics?” he asked.

“Command and I,” she answered and he wrote down “cmd I” right under it.

“Alright then, what about if I wanna save?”

“Command S.” He typed “cmd S.”

“Can you say it again?”

“Command and S,” she repeated impatiently and he wrote down yet another “cmd S” in his note-taking document.

He looked at his notes for a moment, and then at her. “As you command,” he said and he grabbed her chin and kissed her for the first time right in front of everyone, right in the very place they first met.

She was startled, but she accepted it willingly. Finally they were doing something other then learning about Macbook shortcuts…

When they pulled away, she looked at the notes he made.

Cmd K

Cmd I

Cmd S

Cmd S

She then burst out laughing and he blushed.

“What? You commanded me to kiss you! Don’t deny it!” he said, his face turning light pink as she laughed and laughed.

That was the lamest thing any guy has ever done for her, but it was also the most romantic.


Their relationship progressed and many things changed.  They were more intimate, more personal, more aware of each other’s flaws and weaknesses. Hyuna learned more about his background, about how he was a journalist covering the revolutions in Syria, about how he was fired from his job because his commander didn’t think such a dangerous job was suitable for him. She learned about his passion for journalism, his passion for getting information out to the public, his passion for writing.

She became used to his sarcasm, to his idiosyncrasies, to him constantly prying her to teach him more Mac tricks. She would openly admit that she fell in love with him over the month that she knew him.

“I love you,” she would say to him on a daily basis.

“Thanks babe,” he would respond. He never told her that he loved her back, but she hoped that was only because he didn’t like being too expressive of his tenderness.

“Stay with me and hold me close,” she would tell him sometimes, and he would sling his arm around her and bring her closer. He needed to be prompted to show affection. It was his flaw, but she had no problem prompting him.


“You smell like apples,” he would tell her sometimes.

“Sorry?” she apologized, knowing he didn’t like apples.

“Nah, don’t be. Apples smell nice only on you,” he confessed with a shrug, making her laugh.

When they made love for the first time, she smelled of apples. It was only one day until the publication of the article. They were in her apartment, watching movies when everything just fell into place and it happened. It was perfect, it was tender, it was warm and it made Hyuna so happy. He was perfect. He was slow and cautious and concerned for her throughout it all. No one has ever been like that with her.

Cuddling in bed afterwards, Hyuna asked him a question, “Oppa, do you love me?”

“Of course babe,” he answered. It felt sincere.

“Do you promise to love me forever? Please don’t ever leave me? Please don’t ever stop loving me. I’m so afraid you’ll just slip from my hands any moment and I won’t have you anymore.”

“Don’t worry. Here: I promise to love you til the end of time. I promised. And you know me, when I say I’ll do something, I’ll do it no matter what. Guess I’m stuck with you for like ever,” he shrugged.

Hyuna nodded and smiled reassuringly as she hugged her apple-smelling body closer to his.

I've already written up the next part and I just have to edit. It will be up today :)

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I just noticed this has six upvotes. woah I did not realize people liked it so much! THANK YOU ALL


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Chapter 3: Beautiful ... interesting and so much angst~~ and tragic too
And you killed all my 3 bias
Chapter 3: So so so sweety, i actually made me cry all over my Phone, just so special, i never though that i would have to find a story so beautiful like this. AND TELL ME ABOUT CRAKSHIP, and yeah, i m into it too. I wanna thak you for give me such a wonderfull time reading all this. Your writting is awsome, the way you put all the places and times together os amazing, i hope to get more of your wanderful wrinting some time.

Thank you so much for this!
colacocoa6156 #3
Chapter 3: D': I've never cried more in a fanfic!! Never thought I ever would. I stayed up so late to read this and I don't regret it :') it had a nice happy ending (that made me cry again) despite the waterfall of tears that preceeded. Anyways, you made me laugh, smile, and bawl my eyes out in three chapters. YOU ARE AWESOME XD P.S. I love the cmd lines...sweet and clever CX
Chapter 3: I cried for like, 10 minutes with this
Chapter 3: Why so sad but cute story too D; jinnie why you leave hyunnie, why leave any ur present except ur mac --"
Author-nim u need to make hyuna pregnant first xD
Good story i like it, it keep me wonder what is the next and next and so on, thank u for write this awesome story :D
Chapter 3: Ok so I'm not quite sure how I ended up here seeing as I'm not all that into either hyuna or b1a4 (their music is wonderful tho) but here I am
Ah oh god whyyy this was so sad then cute and fluffy then sad again and you've made my emotions go jump off buildings and do flips and stuff D':
Pretty sure I'll be bursting into tears whenever I see an apple from now on ㅠㅠ
Chapter 3: DUDE
My goodness, that was so clever, so beautiful, so heartbreaking TT I love how you incorporated the B1A4 members here. Truthfully, this is my first time ever reading a B1A4 story. I can't be more thankful to have curiously clicked the B1A4 tag (okay I might have used that as a shortcut to get to the Jinyoung tag) and selected your story. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Chapter 3: Omg im crying so much this is the best seriously tears are just gushing out TT-TT
Arghhh i cant even...this is so amazing...