Meet Wu Yifan

Ace of Hearts
Wu Yifan was at the public library sitting on a beanbag at the back corner of the room. He had his headphones on and listened to the music on his phone while fiddling with its charm. Well, it isn’t really a charm; it’s actually a bracelet which he attached to his phone. The bracelet was red with cute little hearts on it and had letter beads that spelled out “Bracelet of Hearts”. His best friend Sehun continuously nags him about taking the charm off but Yifan just ignores him.
“Hyung! Take that thing off your phone it makes you look gay! If you look gay then people might think we’re a couple!” he remembered Sehun saying one time.
Although Yifan knows that it was a girl bracelet, he just couldn’t remove it from his phone.
It’s his lucky charm. 
One Year Ago
Yifan’s POV
I stared at the rappers on stage in admiration. I love it so much here at “The House of Royals”. I thought as I witnessed yet another amazing rap battle. Many of the rappers that I come across here are absolutely incredible. If you need to find a talented rapper “The House of Royals” is the place to go.
It has always been a dream of mine to become a famous rapper. That’s the reason why I started coming to this club. However, to become a rapper you need one very important quality; self-confidence; the quality that I lack the most. You wouldn’t think a tall guy like me would be afraid of anything but I guess I’m just a big coward.
“Who would like to take on The Champ?” the DJ announced from the stage. I looked down at the floor in shame for not having the guts to go up there. Then something on the ground caught my eye; something bright red. I bent down to get a better look it. It was a bracelet; quite a cute one at that. I picked it up but before I could stand up straight again, some dude bumped into my and I stumbled forward finding myself right in front of the stage. Then I saw the DJ look at me.
“You there,” he pointed at me. “Do you think you’re good enough to battle The Champ?”
Just as I was about to say no I heard a familiar voice in my head. There’s no such thing as a stupid dream. Whatever your dream is, put all your heart into it and always know that Ace believes in you!
For some strange reason after hearing this, a surge of confidence came over me. I looked up at the DJ, eyes filled with determination and walked up the stage. The DJ handed me the mike which I grabbed with a smirk on my face. He gave me a look of approval seeing my confidence. When I stood on my side of the stage The Champ stared me down and scowled. I just looked at him and grinned.
“Let the rapping commence!”
The Champ began his rap, showing off his arrogance by flattering himself with his words.
Naega jeil jal naga
Je je jeil jal naga
Geondeurimyeon gamdang mothae
I'm hot hot hot hot fire
Dwijib-eojigi jeone
Jebal nuga nal jom mallyeo
He finished off his rap by taking his shirt off revealing his abs to the audience. Then he glared at me looking as if the rap battle had already been won. I returned the glare and let out a smirk. His rap was actually pretty good; but there was really nothing special about it.
The Champ huh? It’s like this guy’s in love himself. I snickered as I imagined how he would react if I insulted him. This is gonna be fun. I glanced at the guy’s stomach abs. Mine are way more impressive.
“Aight it’s your turn now rookie! Let’s see what you can do!” The DJ said to hype up the crowd.
I breathed deeply and I began to feel uneasy.
Ace believes in you!
After recalling those words I once again gained an overwhelming boost of confidence and my rapping commenced.
Gossip gossip
Nigga just stop it
That mean I forgot better than u ever thought up
I conquer, stomp ya, stop your silly nonsense
I’m living in the future so the present is my past
My presence is a present kiss my *ss
After I ended my rap I lifted up my shirt to show off my own defined set of abs putting “The Champ“ to shame. I heard a lot of Daaayum’s and OOOOHs coming from the spectators and I beamed at their reaction. The next thing I know I see The Champ come charging at me getting ready for a tackle. 
When he was close enough I simply clotheslined him and he fell backwards with a loud thud. The crowd seemed to enjoy watching that little clash because they began cheering.
“HEY HEY HEY! THIS IS RAP STAGE NOT A WRESTLING RING!” the DJ hollered. “Can someone get The Champ off the stage please?” 
The knocked out Champ was taken away by a couple of guys and the DJ continued as if nothing happened - after all, fights weren’t unfamiliar here. 
“Ayo that was some sick rap skills you showed there.” The DJ came up to me and shook my hand. “You have that cool, charismatic, bad*ss vibe.” He brought is mike up to his mouth. “So what’s the name of this fine rapper we got here?” 
“Y’all can call me Kris” I said trying to keep up my so called cool, charismatic and bad*ss image.
“Kris it is!” the DJ acknowledged. “Let’s all bow down to ma boy KRIS!!”
“KRIS! KRIS! KRIS! KRIS!” the audience chanted. I looked around at all the people cheering my name and at that moment, I knew that this is what I was born to do. I looked down the bracelet in my hand.
Thank you. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be up here. Then I remembered Ace’s words once again. And… thank you… Ace.
That’s when I vowed to myself to find Ace and thank her for giving me courage by being the first person to believe in me.
-End of Flashback-
Yifan’s POV
I continued to play with the bracelet on my phone.
Aish! Ace where are you right now? I looked at my phone to check the time. 5:30.The House of Royals would be opening soon. I jumped up from beanbag and walked out the library.
I decided not to take the bus to Myeong-dong since I still had heaps of time before the club opened. After walking for a couple of minutes I came across a small fortune teller tent. I’m not the type who believes in fortune telling or anything but I decided to give it a try since I thought it would be fun and I had some spare change in my pocket. I looked around to see if there was anyone I knew nearby before walking in. If anyone from school saw me go in a fortune teller tent it wouldn’t be too healthy for my reputation as Hullyunghan Art Academy's model student. 
The inside of the tent was really cramped for my tall body. And it had this weird, earthy kind of smell. I looked at the fortune teller who was a small old man sitting behind a table and I bowed politely. 
“Have a seat,” he told me while pointing to the chair in front of him. I sat down so that we were now sitting at opposite sides of the table. He pointed to the sign that was situated on the on the tent’s wall to my left. It read “One session, One dollar”. I nodded in understanding and pulled out a dollar from my pocket. He took the money out of my hand with a grin and put it in a jar. “What is it that you would like to learn about?”
I thought for a few seconds, “School.”
The man nodded then took out a deck of cards which he placed on the table. He spread them out in a line and told me to pick one. I nodded then picked up a card. He held out a hand and I gave the card to him. The man studied the card I had chosen for a few seconds before revealing it to me. It was the Ace of Hearts. 
“The Ace of Hearts is a beautiful card, don't you think?” 
I looked at the man in confusion. He saw my expression and let out a chuckle. “Ace meaning one. Therefore it's a one and only heart. This card symbolises true love, trust, loyalty and sincerity." I nodded in awe. I admit I found what he was saying was quite interesting but I didn’t understand why I needed to know this.  
“Umm sir this is interesting and all but how is this related to school?” I asked.
The man looked stumped. “Uhhh… well... Oh my, it seems that your session is over. Please make your way out” he smiled innocently at me. I got up from my chair and bowed.“Annyeonghi gyeseyo” and with that, I left the tent. Well that’s one dollar gone to waste. Crazy ajusshi... 
When I finally entered the club it was already past six. As always, I walked around the club in search of Ace. It’s really hard to get hold of her because she only comes to the club to join the rap battles. She never stays to dance or party.
“Is anyone willing to battle the undefeated, one and only… ACE?” The DJ declared. My head perked up and without thinking, I sprinted towards the stage. Luckily no one was willing to challenge her. This was my big opportunity to finally meet her. 
I pushed through the crowd of people and walked up onto the stage. “I challenge Ace!” 
Everyone looked at me as if I was asking for a death wish; since battling with her basically was.
“Looks like our man Kris is feeling confident tonight!”
I took a microphone from the DJ and he began to play a beat. Ace smiled at me before starting off with her rap.
Had a dream, I was king, I woke up, still king
This rap game's is mine for the milking,
They say you never know what you got ’til it’s gone
I know that I’ve got it, I don’t know what y’all on
Dear Mr. Toilet, I'm the sh*t
Got these other haters pissed cause my toilet paper thick
I know I’m breath taking but just keep breathing
Excuse me if my head is too big for this building.
I didn’t think it was possible that a voice could be so fierce yet so angelic. Overall, her voice was hot… Actually no, it was… y. Her rap got the crowd booming with laughter. Even I couldn’t help but laugh at her lyrics. She really is something special.
“Let’s see if Kris can top that!”
I was determined to make my rap just as ridiculous so I could continue to keep the mood of the club lively.
Now I'm gonna make you dance
It's your chance
Yeah boy shake that
Oops I mean girl,
Girl, girl, girl,
Girl you know you're my world
I pointed at Ace and gave her a playful wink making her giggle.
Alright now lose it
Just lose it
Ace seemed to already get the drift of my rap because she joined with my next few lines.
Go crazy
Oh baby
Oh baby, baby
My rap was over and I looked over at the audience to see everyone dancing with smiles on their faces while bobbing their heads to the beat.
“Dayuum Kris! You just got slayed by a girl!” the DJ said jokingly. He knew that the battle was just for fun. “Looks like Ace has one yet again!” the DJ yelled in his mike. The crowd roared.
Then suddenly Ace ran up to me and… HUGGED ME? I was caught so off-guard. No one in the House of Royals has ever dared to lay a finger on me let alone look me in the eye. And here before me stood a small girl tightly squeezing me with her arms. I’m not sure if I should hug her back or not so my arms were just dangling awkwardly.
Eotteoke? Why am I so awkward? Aish!
She released me from her hug then pulled me down and whispered in my ear. “You’re an awesome rapper!” 
My heart skipped a beat. 
She leaned back to look at my face and then she gave me the cutest grin ever seen by human eyes. “Thanks, this was fun!”
I was too stunned to speak so I just nodded back at her. Luckily the lights in the club were dim enough to hide burning red face otherwise my bad*ss image would have gone down the drain. 
“Let’s give it up for Kris” she yelled in her microphone. I didn’t know it was possible but the audience’s cries became even louder. I just stood there trying to keep my composure as best I could. It was a bit difficult because my legs felt all weird like jelly. When I saw Ace jump down the stage I urgently followed her. She made her way through the crowd and I trailed close behind. When we reached the bar she called out to her friend. Cake.. I think that’s what she called her. They both quickly walked away heading towards the exit. I was struggling to keep up with them because of all the people getting in my way. Most of them were girls asking me to dance. I really wanted to just push these girls out the way but I’m a bad*ss not a jerk. When I finally got outside they were gone.
I was at home lying in my bed. If only those girls weren’t getting in my way… I could have gotten to know who she is! I sighed at the thought.
ding ding
I picked my phone from the bedside table to see who had messaged me.
To: Wu Yifan
From: Lil’ Sis
Oppa, how was your day today?
I’m so bored here! There’s nothing to do but study! ><
It was my sister. It’s been just a little over half a year since we’ve seen each other and I really miss her. She’s currently living in China with my parents because they thought it would be good for her to get a career there rather than here in Korea. So yeah, I live in a house by myself. 
To: Lil’ Sis
From: Wu Yifan
Today was nothing special. 
But this evening I was bored so I went to a street fortune teller tent and you wouldn’t believe how weird the man was.
I clicked send and waited for her reply. 
ding ding
To: Wu Yifan
From: Lil’ Sis
But I’m curious, what did he say?
I was quite surprised at how I could remember exactly what he said word for word.
To: Lil’ Sis
From: Wu Yifan
The old man said: “The Ace of Hearts is a beautiful card, don't you think? Ace meaning one. Therefore it's a one and only heart. This card symbolises true love, trust, loyalty and sincerity."
ding ding 
To: Wu Yifan
From: Lil’ Sis
Woooow… Bro that’s some deep ish right there.
It’s getting late so I’m going to sleep. Goodnight!
I replied with a good night and put my phone back on the bedside table.
I thought about my rap battle with Ace and idolised the way she freestyles so well with that beautiful voice of hers. Then I remembered how I felt when she had hugged me. My face began to heat up and I stuffed my face in my pillow while flailing my long legs kicking the bed. Aigoo! Waegeuraete?!
After my little spazzing session I hugged my pillow sighed. I wonder if I’ll be able to find you again Ace. 
Another sigh escaped my mouth but this time it was full of sadness. I must really have feelings for her. Love at first sight maybe? I thought about her a little more.Well, she is the reason why I’ve become the rapper I am today. 
I didn’t want to think about her anymore. Since school will back on I’ll be too busy to go to the club and the thought of not being able to see her for a long time gave me this really weird feeling inside; and I didn’t like it. 
So I closed my eyes clearing my mind and slowly fell asleep.

I Would Like To Thank All Of My Subscribers!
Purple_Cherries | Asiangirl_21 | kirakinz  | KaeJae | BestFriend18 | Diana_Starz | Jess_jane143 | lolipop_18 | Shazzyx3 


Hey guys this is KittyC here ^^
After this chapter I don't think I will be updating regularly because my school holidays will be over soon. T_T
I will try my best to update whenever I can!
And also... I LOVE YOU EMINEM!!! His lyrics from "Just Lose It" were perfect for Kris' rap ^^ <3
Also could you guys comment telling me if you think I need more comedy, fluff, etc. Your feedback will help me a lot :D                                                                                                                                                           -




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Chapter 2: OMO this chappie is really good ❤ As usual xD

and OHOHO Ace~ ;D

Take as long as you need to update ^^ I know how hard you work to do so~ ❤
Chapter 2: I remeber reading ur draft
I love the raps
Update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 1: I kinda got a sneak peak at the draft of ur next chappie. I saw one line and i fangirled so much.
Update soon arra^^♥♡♥
Chapter 1: KittyC it wasn't boring!!!and we will never judge you!^^

It is all gee!! FIGHTING!!*hold both fist up* :DD