Meet Go Yeonhee

Ace of Hearts
-One Year Ago-
“Aish! Where could it be?” Yeonhee was down on her knees desperately searching for her friendship bracelet which she lost the previous night. 
She was on the centre stage of The House of Royals, a secret, underground hip-hop club located in a dark alley of Myeong-dong. It’s so unknown that Google doesn’t even know about it. The club was currently empty since it was still afternoon. The House of Royals opens at 6pm but Yeonhee was a famous rapper at the club so she could come in whenever she wanted.  
“It’s bright red on a black floor how can I not see it!” Yeonhee yells in annoyance and desperation. “Jihun’s gonna kill me if I don’t find it! How in the world did I manage to lose it when I only got it yesterday?” Yeonhee gives up searching and lies down with a sigh. 
How could I lose a birthday gift from my best friend? Yeonhee lets out another sigh and closes her eyes.


Yeonhee hears a door creak open and the sound of voices. “You got the stuff?” Her eyes shot wide open and she got up, urgently jumping down from the stage. The voice belonged to a man. 
Yeh, it’s in the bag”, another man replies. Yeonhee forgot all about the bracelet and she sprints as fast as she can towards the exit only to be blocked by a middle-aged-looking man. “Hey there missy”, he said while grinning.
“What’s a little girl like you doing in a place like this?” From first glance you probably wouldn’t be able to tell that Yeonhee was a grade 10 high schooler. Despite having a quite petite figure she was very strong and wasn’t afraid to throw a punch. 
As the man took one step closer to Yeonhee she did a quick evaluation of the current situation. It seems that the other men aren’t around and this guy doesn’t look too fit. I’ll be able to take him on. Without another thought Yeonhee kicked the man’s shin, taking him by surprise, and then she kicked the area where it hurts most. When the overwhelmed man bent over in pain Yeonhee pushed him out of the way and ran straight out the door, a bright grin plastered on her face. To anyone that would have been a terrifying experience but Yeonhee was used to it. It was just another day in the life for her. She loves The House of Royals so much that sometimes she forgets how dangerous the place actually is.
You’re probably wondering “Why would her parents let their daughter go to such a dangerous place?”
Well you see, Yeonhee’s parents don’t even know she goes there and since she’s Hullyunghan Arts Academy’s top student, they trust that their little angel would never get into any kind of trouble.
Yeonhee is a very clever girl. However she wasn’t the type to study, nor was she born intelligent. She just had a way with learning. In her primary school years she was the first to learn all her times tables. She memorised them through rap and she did the exact same thing in middle school with the periodic table. Basically, Yeonhee has never been smart; she’s just always been ahead of everyone else.
Yeonhee decided that it would be best to tell Jihun about the missing bracelet straight away. That evening Yeonhee went to Jihun’s house. Without even knocking, Yeonhee opened the front door and welcomed herself in her friend’s home. They were that close. And just like the front door, Yeonhee casually let herself in Jihun’s room. Jihun was sitting on her bed with her laptop on her lap. She didn’t need to look away from her laptop to know who had just walked in. Yeonhee is the only person who doesn’t knock.  
“Hi Yeonhee!” she said and faced Yeonhee with her signature eye smile.
“Hey!” Yeonhee grinned and plopped herself on the bed beside Jihun.
Silence filled the room. 
“Is there something you wanna tell me?” Jihun asked to break the silence.
“Well… you know that bracelet you gave me yesterday?”
“Thanks for giving it to me it’s really pretty”
“You lost it didn’t you?” Jihun asks nonchalantly. 
“Maybe” Yeonhee replies, sorry and guilt evident in her words and face.
Jihun looks at Yeonhee’s expression and lets out a chuckle. “Hahaha it’s all good. It’s not your fault. You have really small hands and I couldn’t find the bracelet in a smaller size” she shrugs.
A smile forms on Yeonhee’s face and she tackles Jihun giving her an extremely tight bear hug. “Aigooooo I really do have the world’s best friend don’t I?” 
“Arraseo arraseo” Jihun chuckles while trying to get out of Yeonhee’s grip. Yeonhee releases her and laughs. 
“But really” Jihun says with a giggle. “Your hands are really small.” She pauses for a second and looks up with a grin. “They look like they belong to a T-rex.”
“Yah! I take back what I said about you being the world’s best friend!”



-Present time-
“Dayuum Kris! You just got slayed by a girl! Looks like Ace has one yet again!” the DJ yelled in his mike. 
The crowd was going wild after witnessing Yeonhee in yet another amazing rap battle which she won with ease. Yeonhee walked up to her opponent and gave him her famous bear hug, which she always does when she meets an awesome rapper, earning a few gasps and louder cheers from the crowd. No one has ever dared to touch Kris. He’s known for being The House of Royals’ untouchable, charismatic bad boy. 
“You’re an awesome rapper!” she told him with a grin. “Thanks, this was fun.”. 
She brought her mike up to “Let’s give it up for Kris!” the audience roared. Yeonhee was waving to the audience while Kris just stood there looking cool. She got off the stage and made her way through the sea of people to look for Jihun with Kris trailing behind her. She got a lot of pats on her head and back from her many fans. Yeonhee made her way to the bar. 
“Hey Cake!” Yeonhee called while waving at Jihun. Jihun was surrounded by a bunch of guys who were all probably trying to get her number. It was a familiar sight. Jihun’s name at the club was Cake which she earned from her sweet personality and her stunning beauty. She was without question model material. 
“We should go now,” she shoved a couple of guys out the way so that Jihun could pass through. 
“Awww I don’t wanna go yet it’s still early,” Jihun pouted. 
“Don’t forget what day it is tomorrow.”
“Omo I did forget!” Jihun knocked her head. The boys swooned at her cuteness and Yeonhee rolled her eyes with a giggle. The two girls made their way out the club. When they reached the club’s exit they ran as fast as they could because the alleys of Myeong-dong are extremely dangerous at night and they caught a bus home. 
They got off the bus and Yeonhee walked Jihun to her house. They soon reached Jihun’s front door. “Are you gonna come in?” Jihun asked.
“I would but I can’t. I need to get ready for tomorrow.” Yeonhee sighed.
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Jihun’s shoulders deflated.
“I’ll get going now. See you tomorrow.”
“Bye” Jihun gave her cute eye smile and Yeonhee started her walk home. Luckily her house was quite close Jihun’s. It was two minutes away by foot. 
“I’m home!” Yeonhee announced as she stepped inside. 
“Have you eaten dinner?” her mum asked from the lounge.
“Yeh, I ate with Jihun.”
“Good girl.”
Yeonhee walked upstairs and went in her room. She examined herself in her large mirror. 
She was wearing what she usually wore to The House of Royals. Her trademark green beanie, a tank top layered with a jacket and baggy track pants. She also had quite heavy makeup to mask her face and hide her identity. If anyone found out that Yeonhee was Ace, her life could get complicated. Yeonhee is also short sighted but she never wore her glasses to the club. She figured that she concentrates on rapping better when she has a lack of vision. 
After she finished washing up and had changed into her pyjamas she put on her thin, round framed glasses and jumped onto her bed.
Yeonhee’s POV
I lay in my bed dreading tomorrow. No, tomorrow isn’t Friday 13th and no, it isn’t my Aunt Minhee’s birthday either. I shuddered thinking about her birthday last year, memories of wet sloppy kisses all over my face and I let out another shudder. Tomorrow is far worse. Tomorrow is the fi- ding ding. My phone vibrated on my bedside table and I picked it up to see a message from Jihun.
To: Go Yeonhee
From: Song Jihun
Hey are you ready for the first day of school? I’m so excited ^^ 
How do you think you’ll handle being in a class full of people a year older than you?


And there you have it. 
Tomorrow is in fact the first day of school and to make matters worse, I’ll be moved up into a higher grade because of my “academic excellence”. Looking on the bright side of things… I’ll be skipping a whole year so I’ll be finishing one year sooner. 
School’s actually not THAT bad, it’s just that whenever I’m in a class I feel a sorta uncomfortable and awkward. It’s like I don’t fit in with the rest of the students. I find it a little suffocating to be in class sometimes. I don’t think it’s my fault though. Ever since primary school people have just treated me differently. Jihun tells me that it’s because people think I’m too smart.
 So basically, I didn’t choose to be a wallflower, everyone else did. The thing is I need to be smart in order to earn trust from my parents. No trust means no more The House of Royals. And in all honesty, I’m fine with my current image. If I had to choose between being the school nerd or Miss Popular, I would pick being a nerd any day. Being a nerd is a very simple, easy life and thanks to Jihun, I’m not a total loner. 
Jihun is what you would call a class clown. Scratch that, she’s the school clown. I swear our principal even knows her reputation as Hullyunghan Arts Academy's joker. It’s this kind of personality which made Jihun the most popular girl in our year. She’s always hanging out with me but people think she only talks to me out of sympathy and kindness. I couldn’t care less about what other people think. The problem is is that even though she’s the most popular girl in our year, when I’m around her all her friends leave in the blink of an eye. It’s as if I have a deadly contagious disease or something. I even remember one time a girl said, “Jihun, I like you and all but I can’t hang around you when you’re with.. uh… her!” I feel really guilty because I don’t want to take away her social life.
To: Song Jihun
From: Go Yeonhee
I think I’m ready ^^ I’ve already packed my school bag :D I don’t think I’m as excited as you though haha
I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine. They probably won’t talk to me so I’ll manage.  
Btw tonight was really fun ^^ Thanks


I can’t be more grateful towards Jihun. Not only is she my best friend but she’s also the person who introduced me to The House of Royals. It’s my most favourite place in the world. I love it more than I love Disneyland and Lotte World. Suddenly, memories of my first night at The House of Royalscame back to me. 
Yeonhee’s POV
“Are you sure it’s safe here?” I asked Jihun. She replies with a nod. 
“I know how much you love to rap. Trust me, you will love this place!” She grinned down at me and dragged me inside. “Just avoid telling anyone your name and your personal details.”.
“Uh ok?” 
This is my first time ever coming to an underground hip-hop club and I fell in love with instantly. I loved how the loud dance music drowned out my thoughts and I forgot all my worries. Jihun pulled me to a large crowd of people in the middle of the club. 
What are all these people crowding around?
I see that the people are surrounding a stage. OMO! I this a rap battle stage? 
“Does anyone dare to challenge The House of Royals’ greatest female rapper? The undefeated, super y GZB!” the DJ announced. 
I really wanted to take that challenge but I don’t think I can beat her. Plus, I’ve never battled anyone before. “Over here!” Jihun yelled. “This girl here challenges GZB!” Jihun was madly pointing at me. 
“Well come on up!”
Jihun I am so going to kill you later!
I slowly made my way up the stage and was handed a mike from the DJ. 
“Are you ready? Battle, begin!” The DJ yelled.
GZB began rapping throwing insults at me with her words. 
I get what you get in 10 years, in two days
All guys love me, I'm on my Cool J
If you get what I get, what would you say?
She wax it all off, Mr.Miyagi
And them suicide doors, Hari Kari
Look at me now, look at me now
Oh, I'm getting paper
Look at me now
Oh, look at me now
Yeah, fresher than a mother*cker
She finished off her rap and the crowd went crazy. 
It was my turn now.
I took a deep breath. I can do this.
Now everyone report to the dance floor
To the dance floor, to the dance floor
Now everyone report to the dance floor
Alright Stop!.....Pajama time
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
I finished my freestyle and the crowd cheered louder for me than they did for GZB. I could even hear some people laughing but I knew it wasn’t in a bad way. Humour just seems to always be in my raps; definitely an influence from Jihun. 
I looked at the faces of some of the people in the audience and they looked like they were in utter shock. I was in shock myself from the surprise of how good my rap actually came out. I wasn’t expecting it at all. All my nerves had escaped my body and I felt so comfortable up on this stage. I felt like this was where I belonged. 
“I think we have a new winner!” the DJ announced “Dayuum girl you aced that rap! Where’d you learn to spit like that? What’s your name?” 
I aced it? Really? YAY! I’m so happy!
“My name is Yeon-” Jihun hurriedly grabbed the mike from my hand.
“Ace, her name’s Ace.”
“Ace… Lovin it! Everybody cheer for a newfound legend Ace!” The crowd went crazy. “It seems that you’ve already got fans. Anything you want to say to them?”
I grabbed the mike from Jihun. “There’s no such thing as a stupid dream. Whatever your dream is, put all your heart into it and always know that", I pointed to myself with my thumb, "Ace believes in you!” 
-End of Flashback-
Now that I look back at my message to my fans I notice how cheesy it really was. Aish! Did I really say that? How embarrassing. I spaz in my bed thinking about my cringe worthy speech.


I sigh when I realise that I won’t be able to go to the club as often anymore because of school. 
ding ding
To: Go Yeonhee
From: Song Jihun
I think you’ll be fine too ^^ I’m actually really jealous of you >< There’s heaps of hot guys in year 12… INCLUDING OH SEHUN! Aish I’m so jealous!
I had a really good time too :D
I’m going to bed now. I don’t wanna have dark circles on my first day back XD
See you tomorrow! GOODNIGHT! xoxo <3
I let out a soft giggle reading her message. She always says that she doesn’t have a crush on Oh Sehun but gosh… Can this girl be any more obvious?


To: Song Jihun
From: Go Yeonhee
Thanks a bunch Jihun ^^ haha I don’t think there’ll be that many hot guys XD
Goodnight~ xoxo  
I didn’t want to think about school anymore so I put my phone and my glasses on my bedside table, closed my eyes and drifted off into dreamland.




I Would Like To Thank All Of My Subscribers!
Purple_Cherries | Asiangirl_21 | kirakinz  | KaeJae | BestFriend18 | Diana_Starz 
OK I admit it, I was too lazy to write my own raps so I just got the lyrics from some rap songs >< Don’t judge me please! 
Sorry if the first chapter was really boring. I really needed to put the story into context since I didn’t do so in the foreword. ^^’ 
By the way if there's anything in the story that doesn't make sense please comment below and we can discus it ^^
                                                                                                                   - KittyC
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Chapter 2: OMO this chappie is really good ❤ As usual xD

and OHOHO Ace~ ;D

Take as long as you need to update ^^ I know how hard you work to do so~ ❤
Chapter 2: I remeber reading ur draft
I love the raps
Update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 1: I kinda got a sneak peak at the draft of ur next chappie. I saw one line and i fangirled so much.
Update soon arra^^♥♡♥
Chapter 1: KittyC it wasn't boring!!!and we will never judge you!^^

It is all gee!! FIGHTING!!*hold both fist up* :DD