Do You Have A Boyfriend?

MBLAQ Dorm Story

You walked back into your apartment, butterflies swirling in your stomach. You leaned your back on the door and took a deep breath. It was the first time you felt your knees getting weak being around a man. 

Byunghee had an amazing effect on you, and strangely, you couldn’t wait to see him the next day.

You hurriedly ran to your bed and fell asleep instantly.

The next morning you woke up being in a very good mood. You rushed and took a shower, then dressed yourself nicely, since you had to go sign some documents for your new home.

When you walked out of your apartment you almost stumbled over a basket full of muffins. You bent over and picked up the yummy-looking treat that had a card hanged onto it.


'We had to go to work early this morning, but we had to give you a welcoming gift first. Please eat them well while thinking about us!!', and all the boys signed the card. You had to chuckle when you saw how huge Mir’s signature was in comparison to the other ones.

You couldn’t believe how cute they were. They just met you a night before but they were treating you so nicely. It felt like all 6 of you were childhood friends.

After you placed the basket on the kitchen table, you looked at the time and ran out of your apartment. You were sure that you were going to be late, but it didn’t matter.

After a couple of hours, you finished your work in town so you could return home. You were really anxious to see the boys again, but you didn’t want to seem desperate either, so you waited until noon to go over to them.

When the time came, you went to their apartment and knocked on the door. Mir pulled the door open and took a picture of you. You were startled so you put your hands before your face.

'Ohhhhh, ___________-AH!!!', he almost yelled with a shrill voice. 'YOU'RE HERE. GUYSSS, __________-AH'S HERE!', he yelled towards the living room.

He then pulled your hand and walked with you to the living room just like the day before. What you saw was the most out of place scenery.

Seungho was fooling with an army hat while Joon was admiring himself in the mirror while he was putting a crown on. Thunder was eating some strawberry cake, and Mir had a huge camera in his hands. Byunghee was the only normal one, just relaxing on the couch in his beautiful blue tux.

You couldn’t help yourself but laugh at them.

'Ohhh, ___________-ah!', Joon said with a happy voice. 'We were just getting ready to come get you! Why did you come this late??', he said with a reprehending tone.

'You should've come sooner ___________-ah!', Mir said and clung onto your blouse. 'We were boreeeeed.'

You laughed again and looked at Byunghee. ‘Well, I’m here now, so let’s do something fun, ne?’

Byunghee giggled and stood up. 'What do you guys say we go out for some beef?'

All of you agreed in unison and walked out the apartment.

Since a Korean restaurant wasn’t too far away, you decided to walk. The guys were fooling around even on the street. Mir even ran away from Seungho since he annoyed him. Thunder was talking about his love for chicken meat and how he didn’t want beef. Byunghee was constantly walking by your side telling you how pretty you looked like today, and Joon was asking personal questions.

'Do you have a boyfriend __________-ah?', Joonie asked. You shook your head and giggled.

'No, I don't. Haven't had one for some time now.'

'Really? How come? You're really pretty!', Joon said with an exaggerated shocked expression.

'Well..', you started but Byunghee interrupted you.

'Because nobody was good enough for her.', Byunghee said. You looked at him confused but didn’t say anything.

'Do you live alone in that big apartment __________-ah?', Joon threw another question at you.

You nodded. ‘Yup. All alone’, you replied.

'Then can we come sometimes to visit your place too?', Thunder then asked excited. You nodded again and told them they could come anytime.

You finally arrived at the restaurant and picked the biggest table. All of you sat down and ordered what you wanted, and when the food came, you all started to eat.

'Mmmmm. So good!', you said with a high-pitched voice.

'Glad you like it.', Byunghee replied and smiled at you. ‘It’s our favorite place to eat.’

'Talk for yourself', Thunder said darkly and took a bite from his beef, ‘chicken would’ve been so much better!’

'Yah!', Seungho snapped at him, 'You shouldn't have come if you're complaining this much.'

'Hyung, don't be like this.', Thunder said with an apologetic voice. 'This is the first time a girl comes with us. I couldn't have possibly missed this!'

You were so happy that all of them liked you this much.

'Ohhh, I just remembered', you said and drank some water. 'Thank you so much for the muffins this morning. They were lovely!'

'I was wondering when you'd mention them.', Seungho said and smiled at you. 'You know, it was G.O's idea.'

Since Byunghee was sitting right next to you, you turned around and gave him the most loving smile you could create. ‘Thank you Byunghee-ssi.’

His cheeks got slightly pink and he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. 'Don't mention it.', he said and smiled back.

After neither of you said anything for some time, Joonie started talking again.

'You know _____________-ah, G.O-hyung doesn't have a girlfriend either.'

Both you and Byunghee almost choked on your food. 

'Neither of us 5 do pabo!', Byunghee tried to dimmer the awkward mood.

'Well, that's right too.', Joonie said and took a sip of his soju. 

’__________-ah doesn’t have a boyfriend?’, Seungho asked somewhat curious.

'Oh right, you were running after Mir at that time. No she doesn't, for some time now.', replied Joon.

'Interesting..', Seungho mumbled to himself and continued stuffing his mouth with beef.

When you finished eating and the receipt came, you were about to took out your wallet but Byunghee stopped you.

'I'll pay tonight _________-ah.', he said and gave you the most gentle smile.

'B-But..', you stuttered, 'I can't possibly let you pay. I ate so much!'

'There's no place for arguments’, Byunghee said and handed his credit card to the waitress.

Mir and Thunder hugged each other and yelled simultaneously 'HYUNG IS THE BEST!!!'

All of you laughed and walked out of the restaurant.

'Aishhhh', Mir exclaimed. 'We have so much work tomorrow. We have to wake up so early and I don't want tooooo', he whined like a little baby.

'You'll have to.', Seungho replied and put a dark grimace on.

You were really curious what their work consisted of, but you didn’t ask.

’_____________-ah’, Seungho suddenly came next to you, 'what are you doing tomorrow?'

'Ummm, nothing much really. A friend will probably come over. Wae?', you asked curiously.

'Well..', he started, 'I have to buy a present for my mother tomorrow, and you're kind of the only female friend I have, so I would greatly appreciate it if you'd help me pick one out.'

You giggled and placed your arm on his shoulder. ‘Of course. Just come knock at my door and we’ll go.’

You weren’t sure why, but it seemed like Byunghee gave Seungho a really angry look.

You continued your walk back at the apartment, and as you entered the building you wished everyone a good night.

'See you tomorrow ___________-ah!', Joon said.

'Can't wait to see your place __________-ah!', Mir yelled like usually.

'Good night ___________-ah. See you tomorrow.', Thunder continued.

Don’t you dare not answer when I knock tomorrow, arrasso??’, Seungho jokingly threatened you and smiled.

You waited for Byunghee’s goodbye but nothing came. He didn’t walk into his apartment either.

'I'm so happy you moved next to us _________-ah. You make our whole life so much more fun.', he said when the two of you remained alone.

You felt your cheeks getting warm. ‘I’m also happy I moved Byunghee. I got to meet 5 amazing guys.’, you said and smiled at him.

Then, without any control over your words you said something you never would have under other circumstances.

'You know Byunghee, I hadn't time to eat the muffins yet, and I can't possibly eat all of them alone. It would be a waste if they'd go bad until tomorrow.'

You saw a smirk forming on his face. 'So, what are you suggesting?', he asked.

'Do you want to eat a muffin with me?', you asked cutely, but the truth was that your body was shaking from nervousness.

He pushed the door to your apartment open.

'After you.', he said and smiled.

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Chapter 2: This is my first foray into a non-book or anime fanfic. So far, I'm guiltily liking it. Haha! As much as I love to cheer on Seungho, I guess this is G.O.-centric. Anyway, it's a nice idea to use blanks instead of a given name. It's funny to imagine other people reading this then using their names for the main character and getting all blushed up lol Looking forward to the next chapter! :D
Mblaqjjang #2
Chapter 1: Please update ASAP!! :)