New Apartment

MBLAQ Dorm Story

You were pulling your heavy suitcase up the stairs of the new building you moved to, since it hadn’t an elevator. It was such a drag, lifting the luggage that weighted about a ton for every step. It was okay though, until tomorrow when the van with all your other stuff would come, you had time to relax and accommodate to your new apartment.

When you almost arrived at your floor, someone suddenly grabbed your suitcase out of your hands. You turned around slightly surprised, having the most beautiful smile before your eyes. A brown-haired young man, about 22-23 years old was standing next to you trying to lift your suitcase. He was extremely handsome and very fashionable since he was wearing expensive-looking clothes. He had a dark-grey t-shirt and a vest of the same color on, making it hard to differentiate them. A brown leather jacket and some black jeans with some grey spots were completing the look.

'Annyeong haseyo!', he said continuing to smile. 'Are you our new neighbor?'

'Oh..', you shook your head to get a grip of yourself. 'Annyeong haseyo', you said and bowed. 'Y-Yes, I think so. I moved right over there', you said and pointed at the door on the left wall that was right at the end of the staircase.

'Oh that's great! I always wanted a beautiful woman as our neighbor! G.O-hyung will love you! I'm Bang Cheol Yong by the way, but please call me Mir.', he said and stretched his arm.

You shook his hand and smiled because of his cuteness. ‘I’m ___________. Nice to meet you Mir-ssi.’

You then both walked up the stairs and he placed your suitcase in front of your door.

'Nee, ___________-ah.', he said and again smiled at you. 'Do you want to come later on visit us? The guys would be really glad to see you.'

'Wait a second', you said and scratched the back of your head. 'Are there other people living with you?', you asked confused.

'Mmmmhmmm.', he nodded. '4 other guys except me. You'll love them, I promise! So please come tonight to us so we'll get to know each other better, ne?'

Even if you were tired and confused, you nodded in agreement since that would make him leave, plus, you were curious what the other guys would be like.

After you were finally alone and he stepped into his own apartment, you opened the door to yours and entered.

The place was just as big and bright as you remembered it from one week ago, since you last visited it. 

Because you got a huge raise at your workplace, you could afford a bigger, more beautiful apartment now, so you chose one right in the middle of Seoul.

It would take a while to get comfortable living alone, since up until now you were sharing an apartment with one of your best friends. You couldn’t wait for her to arrive tomorrow to see your new place.

But first things first. You had to unpack your suitcase, and that’s what you did. You went straight to your gorgeous purple bedroom and hanged all your clothes in the closet, placed your jewelery and make-up in front of the huge mirror and opened the gigantic windows to air the room a bit.


You were so glad you hired someone to design your apartment beforehand. It looked fascinating. Everything was so simple yet classy. You loved that. You couldn’t wait to brag to all your friends with the lovely home you purchased.

You took a seat on the stool before the mirror and just admired the beauty of your room. Your eyes stopped a the cherry-blossom paiting that was hanged above your huge bed. It gave the whole room such a comfortable lovely feeling.

You then explored the rest of the apartment, placing cute things all over it.

Suddenly, you heard a knock on the door. 

'W-Who is it?', you asked with a shrill voice.

’_____________-ah. It’s me, Mir! It’s already 10PM and you didn’t come over, so I was worried.’

You took a glimpse at the clock and you couldn’t believe your eyes. Time flew by so fast.

You walked towards the door and opened it. Mir had a big smile on his face.

'I'm sorry Mir-ssi, I didn't realize how late it was. If it's not too much of a bother, can I come now?', you asked being curious what his roommates would be like.

His eyes were shining now. 'Of course! My hyungs are dying to see you!'. He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards his apartment.

When you stepped it, you instantly smelled a mixture of cologne and men odor.

He walked with you towards the living room which was really simple. The only furniture it had was a giant white couch, a table in front of it and a big TV.


There were sitting 4 young men on the couch. Probably the most handsome guys you ever saw.

A beautiful redhead, that was wearing a black shirt with white stars on it and a black leather vest over it. He was looking at you with the most gentle smile. Next to him was sitting a man who you thought resembled a handsome panda. He had a army-like jacket on that looked stunning on him, and his lips were to die for.

The third one you noticed was a guy with cheeks so plump you had to dimmer your urge to go pinch them. He was wearing a black sweater and a denim vest, and the dark-grey cap made the whole look so much cooler.

But the man who caught your eye from the moment you set foot in the living room was nothing less than angelic.

The beige-black jacket that he was wearing which looked gorgeous on him, or the scarf that was flowling wavingly on his chest were too much for your eyes. His hair was a dark-brown shade, and it was messingly styled. His cupid’s bow that you could swear was drawn from an artist, or his dark eyes that seemed like they were piercing through your soul.

Never in your life did you feel such attraction for a man you just met.

Trying to act normal, you greeted them formally and bowed.

They stood up and did the same, greeting you with huge smiles on their faces.

'See?? I told you. She's amazingly beautiful!', Mir said to his roommates.

'She really is beautiful.', the guy with the cap on said. You felt your cheeks getting slightly warm from all their compliments. 

'Really beautiful.', the panda-man repeated.

'She's even cuter than Hyuna.', the guy with the star shirt said.

'WOW', the mesmerizing man exclaimed. He was looking at you with such lust in his eyes you couldn’t believe it.

You walked towards them and shook their hands progressively.

Like that, you learned their names. The cute guy with the cap was named Sang Hyeon, but he said you can either call him Cheon Dung or Thunder. The handsome panda said his name was Seungho. 'Yang Seungho to be exact.' was his killer line.

The handsome man with the star shirt was smiling so brightly at you you couldn’t help but smile yourself.

'I'm Lee Chang Sun. But please, call me Joonie. It's so nice to meet you _______-ah.'

And finally, the gorgeous man came towards you, and when he opened his mouth you could swear he had the voice of an angel.

'My name is Jung Byunghee. But please call me G.O. Everybody does.'

Without controlling your words, you replied: ‘I’ll call you Byunghee then, since I hope I won’t be like everybody else to you.’

You bit your inner cheek when you realized what you just said, but trying to play it off cool, you smiled at him, and he did the same, giggling a little.

The boys then offered you a place to sit, and you did so. Mir hurriedly ran away to the kitchen but soon came back with a tray fool of maekju and soju, and placed them on the table.

You then started telling the boys basic things about you. How you thought this was just the right place for you start an independent life, how you hoped you were going to make many new friends in those surroundings and so on.

'Well, you surely have 5 new friends already __________-ah. And I'm sure we'll be great neighbors!', Joon said and clinked his soju glass against yours. You chuckled and swallowed the shot.

The night went by great. You had so much fun and you laughed alot.

You realized how clumsy and funny both Mir and Joon were. You loved Thunder’s sarcastic humour and Seungho’s laid-back personality.

What you enjoyed the most was the looks you were trading with Byunghee. He complimented you almost all night long, telling you how cute your laugh sounded like or how soft and shiny your hair was.

When you looked at your phone’s display, you couldn’t believe your eyes. It was already 3AM and you had to do so much work tomorrow.

You abruptly stood up and went towards the door.

'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but I really have to go now.', you said in a hurry.

'Oh ____________-ah, don't leave!', all of them said simultaneously.

'I have to. I'm sorry. If you guys want to we can hang out together tomorrow too.'

Again, all of them yelled saying that it was a great idea. Then, Byunghee stood up and walked towards you.

'Let me walk you to your door', he said and smiled. Without complaining, even if it was a few meters away, you accepted his offer.

Both of you walked towards your apartment, and when you finally arrived at your door, he smiled at you and blushed a little.

'You're a really cool lady, you know that right?', he said and chuckled. You nodded and said, ‘I get that a lot’, and also chuckled.

'You have to promise me you'll come tomorrow too.', he said and stretched his pinky finger. You intertwined yours with his and smiled cutely at him.

'I promise Byunghee that I'll visit you tomorrow too.'

'That's great then. Can't wait to see you. Good night ___________-ah.', he said and slowly stepped back.

You smiled at him and waved clumsily. ‘Good night, Byunghee.’

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Chapter 2: This is my first foray into a non-book or anime fanfic. So far, I'm guiltily liking it. Haha! As much as I love to cheer on Seungho, I guess this is G.O.-centric. Anyway, it's a nice idea to use blanks instead of a given name. It's funny to imagine other people reading this then using their names for the main character and getting all blushed up lol Looking forward to the next chapter! :D
Mblaqjjang #2
Chapter 1: Please update ASAP!! :)