♚ Diamond: SM's Newest Girl Group Application II Hana

♚ Diamond: SM's Newest Girl Group ~ Apply Closed ♚ Story Starting {Hiatus}






♚ You Don't Have To Pretend That You Didn't Notice Me

Username: (& hyperlink it)

Name: (first or nickname I can casually call you)

Activeness: (5-10 because if you are chosen you have to be active even a little)


♚ Soon As I Step On The Scene I Know That They'll Be Watching Me

Character Name: Jung Hyemin

Nicknames + reasons why: 

  • Jung Hana- her official English name
  • Princess- her friends and members call her that because she can act spoiled sometimes
  • Omma- the members call her that because she cares for them like a mother, although she may not cook or clean for them

Age: 21

Date Of Birth: 4.18.13

Height: 165cm

Weight: 48kg

Ethnicity: Korean

Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Blood Type: B

Languages: Korean- fluent, Japanese- fluent, English- basic conversational


♚ I Know Life Is A Mystery, I'm Gonna Make History

Personality: Jung Hyemin is described as kind, but selfish, absent-minded, and overly protective of the ones she loves. Although Hana likes to help her members when they are sad or need some advice, she will not do anything domestic or omma-like for them. She cannot cook and refuses to clean. Some of the members are actually doing her chores, not because she told them to, but because it is impossible for her to clean. She never had to do it growing up, she had her older sister to do that. Sometimes she can be selfish and self centered, because she has been viewed as "the best" since she was little. Hyemin can sometimes expect people to do things for her because that's how she has been raised. Her members always notice that she is staring out into space because she gets constantly bored all the time. She doesn't even know why, it just happens. One extreme thing about her is that she is overly protective of her loved ones which includes her family and her group members, especially. If an interviewer speaks of a recent scandal of one of the members, she will quickly take over and answer in the shortest but rudest tone. She is one shoulder to cry on.

Good Personality traits: 

  • protective
  • skeptical
  • well-rounded
  • kind to those in need

Bad Personality traits:

  • selfish sometimes
  • absent-minded
  • forgetful
  • undomestic
  • bossy


♚ I'm Taking It From The Start 

Background: Hana grew up in a very decent middle class family, but she only had a omma and unnie; no dad. She never knew anything about her father, not even his name or whether he died or left his family. Even though he left after Hyemin's first birthday, she still doesn't remember even that short of time with him. Other than that, Hyemin feels like she has a great life. Which no one would deny. She has always been the youngest and the prettiest in her family compared to her sister. And her sister despised her for it. She despised the fact that Hyemin could have anything she wanted with a bat of the eyelashes and she despised that she would be the one to fullfil those wishes. And especially since their mother lived and breathed performance arts and Hyemin tried her best to become the idol that their mother wanted. Hana's mother favored her because of her love for music also. 


  • violin
  • piano
  • singing
  • horses
  • purple because it is the color of royalty
  • poetry
  • nail art
  • makeup
  • pillow pets


  • cleaning
  • cooking
  • mean people 
  • unwanted changes
  • sharing a room, but with her best friend makes it better
  • working unless it is for performance arts
  • socks on in the house, she has to be barefoot
  • dirt but refuses to clean


  • drawing portraits 
  • writing fiction stories
  • playing piano
  • playing violin
  • horse back riding
  • investigating
  • makeup art
  • nail art


  • when she stands she crosses one foot/leg over the other
  • she sticks her tongue out a bit when she's sleeping
  • she raises her left eyebrow when she is angry


  • She's a visual artist as well as performing artist
  • Her mother taught her how to play violin, piano, and how to sing
  • Her mother also taught Woohyun how to sing
  • She cannot cook to save her life
  • It's a fact that she is the worst cook in Diamond
  • Her lucky number is 13
  • She is grateful for Kim Jongin
  • Her favorite drama is Boys Over Flowers
  • She wants two children by age 35
  • She wants to adopt at least once
  • She has a collection of  15 different pillow pets and her favorite are the ladybug, unicorn, and doggy
  • Her favorite color is purple
  • She does not have her license and is afraid to drive 
  • Her favorite boy group is Infinite because her best friend is in it
  • She admires Taeyeon sunbae the most in SM
  • She's never had a boyfriend


♚ Call All Emergency


♚ Jung Eunmi. 49. Performing Arts teacher. close 

♚ Jung Sunkyung. 24. Photographer. not close


♚ Nam Woohyun. 21. Idol in Infinite

♚ Lee Nickyung. 22. Dancer

♚ Jang Raemi. 20. SM trainee


♚ Living Life Like A Star





Backup Idol Faceclaim: 

Stage Name: Hana

Persona: The Sly and y Princess

Fanclub + Color: Majesties #990066

Position: Co-Leader, 2nd Main Vocalist

Backup Position:

Singing Twin & hyperlink: Jin

Dancing Twin & hyperlink: Sistar's Hyorin

Rapping Twin & hyperlink: 4Minute's Gayoon

Speaking Twin & hyperlink: After School's UEE

Trainee years: 6 years and 6 momths

Pre-Debut Exposure: 

Honey Dew's video, "Like A Fool" and Eru's "White Tears" MV

Modeled with EXO for a uniform brand last year


 Wanna Know My Secrets, But No I'll Never Tell





Rival: Kahi (After School)

How you met and why you hate each other: Kahi was actually a trainee at SM and was about to debut despite being 26 years old. They decided to drop her since she was of no use, being too old to debut into a girl group. They soon replaced her with Hana. Kahi found out through a lot of scheming and approached Hana directly, but Hana was confused. She didn't mean to take her spot. By the time Kahi was 27, she joined the group, After School.

Personality: Kahi is simply overly competitve to the point where she would lose her moral values to get where she wants. She cold-hearted, rude, and lacks a sense of humor. She doesn't laugh until she gets what she wants and there are others below her.

Act towards each other?: (however long you need it to be)


♚ All The Boys, All The Boys Want My Heart




Backup Love Interest: (must be in EXO. Kai, Sehun, and D.O are taken)

How you met: They first met while training. Hana and Kai were in the same groups during dance training and Hana was most definitely not the best dancer, so the trainer broke everybody up in groups to help each other. Kai and Hana became partners and Kai is the reason why Hana has become a better dancer

Personality: (a few sentences)

Relationship: Crushes, but know they will get scandals because of their age differences.


Love Rival: Nam Woohyun

How you met: They actually grew up together, because their mothers were best friends. They've known each other since they were in diapers and stayed together because of both their love for music. 

Personality: Woohyun is a very secretive, mysterious type of guy. People would always describe him as shy and insecure. He's not one to be very affectionate or overly happy, unless he is with his best friend, Hyemin (Hana).

Relationship: Best friends, Woohyun's one-sided love

Backup Love Rival: 


  I'm Gonna Be Who I Wanna Be

Twitter account: @officialhana13

Weibo account: @diamondhana13

KaKao Talk account: @diamondhana13

Instagram account: @ohsnapitshana


 I'm Feeling This In My Heart, My Heart

Scene requests: (including scandals and what happens during the reality show, Diamond TV)

Comments or Questions:

Variety/Radio Show Suggestions:


So this is my character, Hana and my app!

This was just an example, but yours must be more descriptive.

Can't wait to see all you beauties and creative ideas!

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KimTaein #1
They debuted on my birthday. Yay. Itseems interesting.
Chapter 20: Can't wait what the girls are going to do next... Good luck on your exam though! ^^
p/s: I think you got Byul's age wrong in the official members chapter. She is a 93 liner not a 94... ^^
Chapter 20: wow! it was a great chapter! even if its not yet complete (?)
rolling-thunder #4
Chapter 20: Hehehehe the girls are so cute! Can't wait to see them showcase their talents!

Also, I wish you the best of luck on your exams!!!!!
Chapter 20: lol~ the girls are so funny already! XD
Good luck on your exam! 아자아자~ 파이팅!!
Chapter 19: Wow...Byul was chosen??? Oh My God thank you so much and sorry for the late comment... school and exams are killing me with their bare hands so sorry for that...
And oh my! Diamond girls rocks! The teaser is great while introducing the girls.. they are going to be great! Fighting to both of you...
Chapter 19: I love the teaser! And it's okay, you guys have real life commitments, too~
Chapter 19: yes yes yes. i love the new layout and the teaser !!
Chapter 19: omona.....
to luminous: what do you mean by ooc?
rolling-thunder #10
Chapter 19: Whoo!!!! I'm totally excited now! Also, Sera seems a little OOC, considering she's the cold girl and all XD