
Among the Crowd.
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14 Years Ago~~


A boy sat alone during lunch time on a bench.


He was left out by the others because of his appearance, well it wasn't all of his appearance. It was just his lips; They were quite thick on his rather thin face.


He sighed as he kept his head down, that was until he saw a shadow cast over him. The boy didn't want to look up as he would probably just receive more mean comments from his peers. Unfortunately for him the unknown figure grabbed his face with both hands, his eyes widened 'oh no' he thought, he didn't want anymore hurtful remarks.


"Hello!" a girl greeted, he furrowed his eyebrows "my name is Choi YoonYoung!" "Ahn Daniel" he replied cautiously while narrowing his eyes slightly at the girl in front of him. YoonYoung let go of his face and sat down next to him "why are you all alone Daniel-ssi?" she questioned.


He looked at her bewilderedly "can't you see?", she blinked rapidly "see what?". YoonYoung hadn't understood what he meant, he looked like an ordinary boy and she went up to him because he looked like he needed company, Daniel sighed exasperated by the girl. He quickly pointed at his lips and she merely blinked "what about your lips?" she asked.


She wasn't entirely sure what his actions meant because sure his lips were thicker than his face but who cares? To YoonYoung appearance didn't matter, she just wanted to be his friend. The latter scratched his head frustratedly "what do you want?!" she smiled "to be your friend" he scoffed, 'for someone my age he's kinda rude' YoonYoung thought but then she thought about the situation further.


The boy beside her is only mean because the other students had about his appearance. Daniel crossed his arms "what i-" "I like your lips" she suddenly said. The latter blinked, apart from his mother nobody had ever said that to him. She blinked back at him with her smile still in place, "r-really?" the smile on her face grew bigger "I never lie", the 5 year old girl was taught to never tell lies. He smiled lightly "maybe ... we can be friends", she clapped her hands "yay!!".


9 Years Ago~~


10 year olds Daniel and YoonYoung had become the best of friends.


"You can't catch me!" Daniel taunted as he looked back to stick his tongue out at her. She was breathing heavily, YoonYoung had always hated running or anything sports related "I'll get you!" she weakly yelled back. Unknown to her, the laces of her shoes had become undone while she tried her best to catch the male who was older than her by a couple of days.


She suddenly fell forward, her whole body hitting the ground. "Niel" she called but the said boy had been to far to hear her. Daniel stopped running once he had no longer heard his best friend run after him. He blinked before hastily running back; YoonYoung wasn't the type of person who would just give up easily, so he knew something was wrong.


Indeed there was, he saw her lying on the ground crying. "YOONIE!" he shouted as he went to help her up quickly "I thought you left me behind" she hiccuped, guilt suddenly surged through him "I would never leave you" "promise?" she asked "promise, now let's get you home, you're bleeding".


4 Years Ago~~


A 15 year old Daniel walked away from YoonYoung as he rolled his eyes at her "don't you walk away from me!!" she commanded as she walked at a fast pace to catch up to him. He suddenly stopped making her nearly bump into him, Daniel turned to face her "what, so you can stop me?!". This was his dream they were talking about here. "No! but you promised you wouldn't leave me!" he sighed "I know Yoonie ... but it's my dream" she frowned when he continued with "and also, I want to impress SuBin".


Yoonyoung scoffed, she knew about his "little crush" on Im SuBin but honestly YoonYoung didn't like her. Partly because she "kind of" likes Niel but mainly because SuBin was a fake. "But what about me?!" she inquired making him raise his eyebrows "what about you?" his tone seemed challenging, "I need you" he rolled his eyes at her for the nth time "stop being so selfish YoonYoung".


She scoffed "says the one leaving his best friend to impress a girl, Daniel" "how did you even become my best friend?! you're such a ..." "a what?" she challenged while lifting her right eyebrow "a !" he finished but his reply seemed not to only surprise himself but the girl in front of him too.


She chuckled coldly "so the truth finally came out huh?" "no th-" "go catch your dreams" "Yoonie I-" tears welled up in her eyes "I hate you Ahn Daniel".


YoonYoung then spun on her heel and walked briskly away from the male who broke her heart.


YoonYoung's P.O.V~~


I woke up "I haven't dreamt that in years" I muttered as I stared at my ceiling. I admit it; I miss him, I miss Niel.


I huffed as I looked around my room, sitting up, it's filled with various posters and had bookshelves containing only albums. "He really did it" I said out loud as I found myself staring at my Teen Top poster.


I decided to get ready for work as it was already 8am, going to work is a must for me because I want to go to B.A.P's concert. I left my apartment and made my way to work via bus, once I had arrived my co-worker AhRa immediately went to my sde. "Did you hear about it?!" I blinked at her "are you sure you're older than me?" she lightly hit me in the arm "yes I am, now seriously did you?!" I shook my head "no?" I had no absolutely no idea what she was blabbering about.


We walked behind the counter "Teen Top's having a concert!" she sang excitedly, I froze. I didn't tell anyone about my past with Niel, it's always been a private matter and not to mention tasking to tell someone about it. "Are you going to go? they're going to perform Rocking!" I thought about it "are you going?" I asked back, she pouted "can't, I have to attend some family greeting ... fun".


I laughed at her "maybe I will" "you could be lucky enough to get the backstage passes too!", I nodded with a small smile "could you say "hi" to ChangJo for me if you do" "you pedo n

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Chapter 1: the story is really cute ~ I laughed so much at the part with the door - I can imagine how they would also do this in real life ^^
Chapter 1: I loved this story!!!the mentions of chen's trolling<(@_@)>