Chapter 05

Another Tomorrow

"I'm afraid if I close my eyes, I might never be able to open them once again." 

His words lingered in my head even in my sleep. The thought of being afraid to die has never crossed my mind until today. How can someone fear death? During the days counting down to my end, I was ready to accept it with open arms, but why wasn't he? His voice echoed, like it would never stop. When it did, I realised I had woken up. 

"What happened?" I mumbled, vision still blurred. This was not my room was all I could make out of the unclear image I saw. The memory of him flashed. I remembered, I fell asleep. 

What did he say? Where is he? I scanned the room. Then I found him there, just where he was a few hours ago by my side. I chuckled. 

Never sleep, huh?

He never looked so at peace. I admired his soft features, knowing catching him in such state was rare. I tried to capture the moment of his tranquil expression, picture the moment and keep it locked away in my memory forever until I felt sleepy myself. I slowly stood up, and his expression suddenly changed. 

"Don't go. Don't leave me." He mumbled. 

Sleep talk, that's what it was. Despite his plead, I left. I retired back to my room in room 603. My mom sound asleep on the couch, I tiptoed my way to the bed and carefully lay on the bed trying not to wake her from her dreams. It was late, well early actually. It was 3:56, almost 4 in the morning. 

Once again, I silently lay on my bed, restless. An uncomfortable itch crept up on me. I felt like I missed something, something I didn't understand. Nevertheless, I shrugged it off and finally gave in to the sleep that brought me back to dreamland. 

His words meant more than what they seemed, but I never really paid much attention to the message he was trying to convey for I didn't realise what his true intentions were. If only i did, I wouldn't have left so easily. He told me to wait, he told me to stay, but I refused to listen anyway. Instead, I left, and I let him down. But really, it wasn't him. In the end it was me. 

The person I let down was myself. 

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123Coincidentally #1
this story is so good!!!!!! XD I WANT MORE!1111 XDD
nice story ^^