Who's fan?

Treasure Men & Explorer (fan)Girl

The SHINee fan girls (who called themselves Shawols, which sounded like a bunch of mini golden, bald buddhas to you) were quite manipulating and they changed your mind about everything you knew. Like you had just been brainwashed. Now, you were almost in love with all of SHINee, your fellow shawols worshipped you in some sort of way and you had to keep this popular streak going. You wouldn’t lose it no matter how much it’d cost you. So, the leader of the group gave you a threat to shake you to disbalance.

“If you’re really worthy to join us, you have to make one of the boys yours before third semester. Then after that, introduce us,” That gave you almost half a year worth’s of time to make one of the boys like you. It wasn’t going to be hard, now, you saw the brightness in every boy but you were particularly into Key and Taemin… their looks were by far the ones that attracted you.

-Key’s POV-

I silently swore as my headphones slipped out of his ears, then tucked them into my pocket and walked towards the payphone. I held up the phone, listening for a dial tone. Nothing. I slammed it back into the cradle.

"Agh!" I slumped against the wall, wetting my new jacket. I was underneath an overhang, and the sky had opened up about an hour ago and hadn't stopped pouring. Hanging out in front of a convenience store was hardly my ideal afternoon. Jonghyun was doing this on purpose, picking me up late like this- it was payback for two years ago or one, whichever, I had forgotten to request my driver to pick up Jonghyun so the poor guy was stuck sleeping in some tent he found in front of a y girl’s yard. Of course, he got away with that looking effortlessly cool.

"Need a phone?" A voice came out of nowhere, and I looked up to see a girl who looked around my age a few feet away, a smirk on her face.

"No," I bluntly answered.

"Why are you being so mean?" she whined, trying to catch my eye.

"Why are you so annoying?" I snapped back. I was exhausted, and I didn't have time for this ruthless girl. The ID pinned to her graphic tee said she was a student from our high school, not again.

She looked offended, then pretended to wipe a tear from her cheek which was really just rain.

"That hurt, you know," she said, walking closer.

I stuck my headphones back in and turned up the volume, looking beyond him to the buildings. Maybe this girl would go away if I ignored him. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her smiling, and she whipped out a nondescript cellphone and put it to her ear.

I rolled my eyes and then started to walk away. Maybe I could find another phone not too far away- I wanted to get out of this rain. I heard a murmur in my ear and I whipped around to find her standing in front of me.

"What the hell are you doing, creeper?" I asked the girl, a little freaked out. My headphones fell out once again.

"That isn't how you talk to someone trying to do you a favour," she said silkily.

"I don't need any favors, thanks," I retorted.

"Really?" she said, parted.

I shook my head and looked at him in a sarcastic matter, speaking slowly. "No."

"Why not? I just want to help a defenceless idiot on the streets," shee said self-righteously.

Who did this girl think she was? "First of all, I am in no way defenceless and I don’t need your phone. I’m not an idiot, just more of a DIY kind of guy." I smiled insincerely and put my hood up, turning to walk down the street.

A few minutes later, I spotted a café. Maybe I could hang out there until the rain stopped.

I ordered a chai latte and relaxed onto a huge sofa, listening to the rain pit-pattering against the windows.

I felt someone sit next to me and was vaguely irritated. There was no one else here; there were plenty of places to sit. I already had to deal with one creepy girl today.

I turned to politely ask the person to move and was met with the face of my newfound stalker.

"Are you following me or something?"

"No. I just wanted some tea." She held up a cup full of steaming liquid.

"Who the hell are you and why are you following me?" I asked her, not amused. This girl was really creeping me out. None of the other girls at our school had the guts to talk to us, what more sit near us.

"I just said-" I stopped her cold with my yet-to-be patented Glare Of Death, and the tea going down bobbed as he gulped nervously. She almost choked on the big intake but I didn’t know what to do.

"Well, I'm...my name is…_____," she said quietly. "And I-I…kind of wanted to see…if you were available…"

"What is this? Am I in the middle of a cliché romantic comedy or something?" Key made puking noises, rolling his eyes.

She squinted at me. "Was that supposed to be funny?"

"Sarcasm. It's one of these new social trends, have you heard about it?"

“Um…” before the girl could answer, she was saved by the bell. There was Minho, striding in with a cool leather jacket. His jackets were always fashionable.

“Oh hey,” he said nonchalantly to me. I gave him a little wave and made desperate eye rolls towards the girl beside me. She had a name but I was the least bit interested. He got the message, Minho sat down beside her and demanded I ordered him tea. Coming right up!

-Minho’s POV-

I was cold too, even in this jacket. The girl beside me was awkward now, but I was too focused on keeping warmth to notice. She was just about to hug me, but I ducked out of her way, pretending to tie my shoes.

"I see," she giggled. the girl told me, if it wasn't obvious that I was annoyed by her. “Oh yeah. I baked my oppas cookies but they got soggy when I chased Key-oppa down the streets!”

"That I'm not going to fall for your amazing girly squeals and giggles and cookies?"

"I see that your're scared," she answered. She opened and I heard the words 'you think my squeals cookies are amazing' but she had said it too quickly, softly that I couldn't string the sentence together.

"I am not scared," I retorted.



"Yea-huh!" We both rolled our eyes at this.


"You have a nice smile," she said to me, a hint of a smile tugging at my lips. I put a hand to my cheek. I was smiling. "It was a compliment." I opened my mouth to speak. "And no, I wasn't expecting you to fall all over me Minho."

"I can honestly say I've never met anyone so persistent." I told her.

"Good. I like being the first." I sipped from Key’s mug on the table. "Do you have a girlfriend?"


I almost choked on my chai latte. "No," I said, laughing to myself.

"Why do you find that question funny?"

"Because it's so ridiculous."

"I don't think so. It's a very simple question."

"If you find a girl who will date me for me, let me know," I replied.

"What do you mean?" she asked me. I rolled my eyes at her question. Key came back and told her that she should move so he could sit next to Minho. The rest of SHINee was gathering outside the café, but the girl hadn’t left yet. Minho and Key exchanged worried glances.

“Get out, no one wants you here,” Key said in a hurry but it was too late… Onew had came in with Taemin and they saw the girl. Talk about explination.

-Your P.O.V-

"This is your scare strategy, isn't it?" you gave them a sparkly, insincere smile while folding your hands together. SHINee was a bit shaken, they were caught by one simple girl.

"What do you mean?" Key stuttured and tried to avoid your gaze. The other members took a step back from you, still frightened why you hadn't backed off. Taemin had to pull Key back because he was frozen with shock.

"Insult the girl until she leaves you alone," you answered, your voice deepining to a mock. Secretly, you were only like this so you could talk to your all time favorite oppas!

"Is it working?" Onew asked you, crossing his fingers full of hopefulness. Everyone shot him a look of disapproval and you read it all in their faces- either Onew was having his weird conditions again or he didn't know any comeback lines.

"Not at all." A smirk crossed the your lips and SHINee was sure you were the most stubbornest girl they had come across in their 18 years of life. You were their 82nd fangirl that had insisted on meeting the SHINee kingkas this week but all of your fangirling friends had come back waving a white flag in defeat. Before you came off as clingy and desperate, you switched your attitude to hard-to-get and breezy. On the spin of your ballet flats, you began to walk off and ignored the boy's desperate shouts about how they weren't done putting you in place.

- At school, next day, Onew’s POV -

“Anyong-haseyo oppa!” ___ greeted me. I was one of the few people left at school considering how late it was and I kept my head low in this gray sweatshirt. She skipped after me like nothing had happened between us. Seriously, did this girl have personality disorders?

“Oppa, are you single?”

"I have yet to meet one girl who can understand what I'm saying half the time. And the "scare strategy" usually works. The only way I don't feel like an idiot is if I don't try to use humor. All I get are blank looks," I explained before she could ask the rest of the questions.

"I find you funny," she complimented me, not missing a second. Key arrived at school and her objective completely changed, she skipped from me to him in a second. Except, after she brought something from her backpack, he followed her into the school.

-Key’s POV-

"Really?" I asked, touched. "Aww. Well, now you know my weakness."

"Which is?” she was having a hard time figuring out what made me go nice and sweet. She had brought me presents but I lied to her by saying I wanted to take her shopping, I just wanted her 75% off coupons to the grand opening of that store.

"I can't tell you!" I declared.

"Why not? I won't tell anyone," she protested.

"It's my secret. I wouldn't be me if you knew. Like Superman."

"Hmm…So Kryptonite would make you weaker?" she tapped her chin, as if seriously thinking.

"No. I wear a lead bodysuit at all times just in case," I said sarcastically.


"Yes. But now that you know my secret, I will have to kill you," I joked and we chuckled at our roleplaying immatureness.

"I figured as much."

"I would say I'm sorry, but one insignificant human life won't make a difference."

"Can you at least tell my family what happened to me?"

"No. In order to protect my identity, their version of the story will be that you got strangled in a back alley after robbing a convenience store."

"I would like them to have a fond memory of me."

"Fond memories aren't that memorable," I replied. "Better for you to die this way."

"So I can't exit this world after chasing a baby carriage into the street, or heroically flying a plane while everyone escapes?" this girl was witty, that’s for sure. I would have to keep catious if I was with her and never bring my guard down.

"Nope." How lame was my answer?

"For some reason, I don't find your superhero identity a believable secret."

"Well…that's your problem." She smirked at my comeback, she knew I was already running out of lines.

“Oh, there’s the rest of the shawols,” I pointed out. Some of them were watching with envy, but secretly, they were intrigued. This is why I don’t talk to them, they expect me to say romantic things when I’m just a plain old dork that nags at times and likes to wear nice things. Not some fashionable, smooth talking, sweet man. Leave that to a Minho, Jonghyun mix. “Tell them nothing about my secret identity.”

She looked down the hall and her smile faded.

"I have to go. Somewhere, someone needs me to swoop out of the sky and lift up something really heavy in order to save a small child," I excused himself.

I put my books in my locker and walked towards the entrance. The air was crisp and fresh after so much rain but I was weighed down with ___ just standing there and some girls following us.


I turned around.

"Before you go save someone…can I have your number?"


"Your're a superhero, right? Can you save me from being rejected?"

"No. But I can save you from being disappointed by leaving," I replied quietly.

I put my music in my ears and walked away.

-Your POV-

“Kyaaa~! He talked to you one on one!” some girl wailed in your ear, the attention was getting quite annoying now but you tried your best to act cool.

“No need to point out the obvious.”

“So what were you talking about?” a girl shot. You remembered Key’s words about keeping his identity a secret, no matter how playful he sounded, it was code for something else, you could feel it.

“Nothing, comparing schedules and all,” you replied nonchalantly. “ Well I have to get home now. See you girls around.” You took steps outside the grand gates and heard footsteps after yours. It took one glare and the girls backed off. Their fate of knowing SHINee personally was in your hands.


On your way home, a wild dog snatched your small wallet when you set it down. It ran with a limpy leg and you held on to the hope you could catch it… and so you ran after the wild creature. It lead you to a cozy looking home and you hesitated whether or not to step into it. It was just about to tear your wallet to shreds when you chased after it, into the bushes. It was painful, itchy, messy but you threw yourself on to the dog and it got away. You ducked when you heard footsteps and heard a somewhat familiar voice, almost like Key’s but cheerful… lighter and childish.

“Ah Coco! Who’s stuff is that? Is that ummas wallet?” Key kneeled down and fluffed the dog’s messy fur. “You small rascal all messy for being on the streets. How did you get out?” The dog cutely nuzzled it’s fury body into Key’s lap, and without hesitating, Key gave the dog a peck on it’s forehead. A creepy crawly was making it’s way up your bare, scratched leg. There was no choice but to come out.

“THERE WAS A BUG IN THERE!” You shouted before Key could ask. Maybe you wouldn’t have been killed by the fan girls, but Key was another story. :O 

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Lol the below comment.
COME T THIS LINK :http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/380940
butterfly555 #3
hahaha the ending got me rolling on the floor laughing cause that just came out of no where
CapturedHeart #4
Oh my first comments, it makes me excited! Thanks you guys!
kyokomiyuki #5
Oh, she's so amusing. xD<br />
Can't wait for the next chapter!<br />
Update soon~
butterfly555 #6
interesting very interesting