
Treasure Men & Explorer (fan)Girl

Sorry, english isn't my first language or second language so there will be mistakes. Some people might be imagining this with their lucifer hair but I imagine it like this. Taemin-Lucifer. Jonghyun-Ring Ding Dong looks when going into being a senior (In the beggining, he's going to be predebut looks) with muscles. Key-A.MI.GO Onew&Minho-varies.



It was the last day of junior high. Soon, you would be roaming the halls of Han High... rather alone. It wasn't that you were anti social, in fact, you fit in with the most oddest or normal of people but everyone was going to the highschool in town. On the other hand, you were going to an upper class school because your parents suddenly had a big boost in their business gain and planned to move to Seoul, the soul of Korea. You lifted up your suitcases which were rather heavy, if only your family was rich enough to get butlers and drivers- but that's a whole other story. Behind you, someone took your fourth suitcase and started hauling it away, effortlessly. With the size of those arms, it was done in just a few seconds. You tried to chase after them, but he was gone in the crowd... your first time in Seoul and now your baggage was missing! When everyone cleared up and stepped into or off the train, there was only a few people and you left in the halls of the station. In fact, it only felt like you and your suitcase. It took you a minute to realize it but your suitcase was right behind you all this time... or at least an identical one. Determined to find out who it belonged to, you ped the smallest zipper and saw a wallet. Wallet=$ but wallets also meant IDs or at least a name. There was his name, everywhere, in a million credit cards. There was also a thick amount of cash that you could've made a dress out of it- and there was one picture. Except it was four boys that looked odd in your eyes, they looked frail and almost delicate... but in a girly way. You put the wallet back into the bag, uninterested.  


Moving into the homey condo was a challenge. You had brought too much clothing to fit into the provided closets and drawers. Your parents had said it was already furnished but it was furnished to look like it was dated back in the days girls weren't allowed to expose their ankles. The whole room was dusty but you weren't much of a neat freak.... more like lazy and wore down so you decided to go outside. At least it was better out there, it was peaceful, serene and the beauty was natural... The dreamy white clouds against the blue, trees whispering to you quietly, a brunette boy looking down at you. His face was boring and bland, he looked almost younger than you and his hair was just plain black and flat.

"Do you enjoy the view, miss?" He asked almost like a gentleman. You were really confused, your house was furnished like it was from way back when and he was talking like he was from way back when.

"I enjoyed the view," you snapped back.


"Before you got into the picture," you muttered but he seemed to have caught it. "Are you Kim Jonghyun?" After this conversation, a flash of displeasal and disgust filled his once bright face. He stepped away from you, hands deep in pockets and headed down the sidewalk.

"Screw them fangirls," he said a bit too loudly. Fangirl! How could someone who looks only a year older than you have fangirls!

"I'm not your fan!" you angrily shouted. He turned around and smirked, that's what every girl said to him. He had encountered just two of them today and tried to snap pictures of him while he wa working out, not a very pleasant way to start the morning. "You took my suitcase! I have yours! At the train station!" This wiped the smirk off his face and he ran back to you. Without hesitating, he grabbed you by your wrist and mercilessly pulled you down the sidewalk. "Let go of me!" He didn't even glance at you but he pulled you to a grand backyard. There was torches set everywhere, lights, a pool with floating tropical flowers, and a bonfire. Where an elderly man, with a tuxedo was walking towards- with your suitcase, until Jonghyun screamed stop.

"What are you doing to my stuff! And underwear!" You demanded to know. The last two words was tmi and a slip out of your mouth but you had to express the need of your stuff...

"Well I noticed I grabbed the wrong bag because I don't happen to wear pink bras," Jonghyun coughed a little bit to clear his throat. "So I decided to burn it and just get it over with." Something about his house, the way he acted, and his butler shouted rich boy at you. You weren't one to judge but he already seemed too carefree, couldn't he have at least seen the letter in one of the pockets that says, "If you find this when I ever lose this. Contact me at 12345678910. You stormily grabbed your suitcase and left the two stunned men in the backyard decorated to look festive, he looked like a college boy anyways, you didn't have to see him again.




Kim Jonghyun came in yyour yard again, this time curled under your tree like he had been there for nights. You gave in and opened the door, he perked up but seemed like he was stuck in that position.

"I rang the doorbell a hundred times yesterday but you didn't answer and I stayed out here since midnight..." he explained. You looked to the side, there was a tent set up. O.O How rich was this boy? Why didn't he just go back home! You pressed on the doorbell and no sound came in, that explained it.

"Get you and your stupid red tent out of my front yard or I'll call the cops," you said firmly.


"If you don't give me back my suitcase- I'll call the police and charge you for stealing my stuff!"

"You stole my stuff first!"

"Stop acting like a first grader. It doesn't matter who did it first!"

"I have pepper spray in my pocket and I'm not scared to use it," you warned but stepped aside to let him into your house. He took one brief look around the place and shame hammered against your chest. When the two of you got to your room, he placed his hands on your shoulder and you brought out the pepper spray. He backed off but you couldn't even press the button- after he tried to you right on your own room!

"I was only going to ask you where my suitcase was," pity and humor mocked you in his eyes.

"What? Haven't I scared you off by now?" you said carelessly. You used to guys making a break for it the second you talked or brought out your pepper spray in Seoul.

Jonghyun's eyes hardened in resolve. "No. Why would I be scared?"

"I don't freak you out at all. You don't find me intimidating?"


He didn't say anything.


"Do you know what…" you started.


"Yes! I know what intimidating means." He exclaimed.


"Okay, okay…but you were kind of slow before. Can't blame me for assuming," you replied to him. "I mean, I left a big note in the letter and you just wanted to burn my stuff. Couldn't you have at least called it. You do know that people's underwear is quite important?" His face seemed to have been saying, 'are you wearing any right now?' and you replied with your eyes that you wanted to kill him. Of course you were.

He cocked his head at you. "You know, most girls would just say sorry and giggle."

"I'm sorry, have I damaged your delicate ego? Was I supposed to jump into your arms and giggle?"

"You want to play hard to get? That's fine." He chuckled a bit, scratching his chin.

"Hard to get is a play guys came up with because they couldn't handle women not wanting to go out with them," you told him. "They just assume every woman wants them and at the same time, they don't want to seem desperate."

"That's because it's true," he scoffed.

"What is? That your're a self-centered wuss?" He touched his hair, a bit concerned.    "May I ask why you haven't run away by now?"

"Because I can see that this hard, mean, offensive girl isn't you." It wasn't you, you were just so angry for being alone... and you had no interest in this Jonghyun character.

"What? What do you know about me?"

"That you don't mean it. I can see right through you."

"Oh, please! I-"

"have to keep being defensive? Your little comments aren't going to get rid of me."

"Why even bother?" you were getting a little irritated now and you really needed to get rid of the morning bad breath since he was coming closer. You were thinking about spraying pepper spray into your mouth when he finally answered...


"Because your're worth it," he whispered to me. His stupid fresh breath.

"Yeah, well L'Oreal tells me that everyday." you joked back, then realized the weight of his words. "You don't even know me!"

"I want to."

"Why?" This question,  set Jonghyun off. He didn't even seem to want his suitcase.

"Your're not getting into my pants," you replied, angrily. What an . Trying and sweet talk me, like that would actually work? 

"I'm overjoyed you think so highly of me." He spoke coolly, but you could see anger in his eyes.

"The male species as a whole has earned it." you said, your mouth a tight line. 




At freshman year, school was mainly about studies. It was harder than you thought and the only social life you had was within a small circle of girls, the coffee shop you worked at, and the study club. You hated studying but you were determined to boost your grades! It had all been worth it, instead of going to another year of Han Highschool, you were going to go to Seoul's finest academy!

When you stepped into the gates, you were pushed back out by a group of crowding girls. It was like a scene outside a movie in a concert, except they were watching five boys.


"Wow, that's Taemin! He's the newest one in the group because he's a freshman! He's the cutest though!" some girl squealed before throwing herself in the crazed girls.

"Key is so fashionable..." some girl cried and was lost within the girls too.

"And Onew is such a heartwarming cutie!"

"No! TEAM MINHO! Minho is manly!"

"But isn't Jong the coolest!?" You saw what they were fighting over once again, one of them looked kind of familiar. Like a chisseled, taller, manlier, handsomer Jonghyun with really sharp jaws and thick guyliner. It couldn't have been him... he looked over at you and his eyes widened too. Instead, he whispered something to one of the guys and they walked into the school, girls snaking after them. Oh-how-full-of-theirselves they were.


Those five boys called their selves SHINee. How gay.  It was like you suddenly declaring you were called ee. >__<

"Hey you, remember me?" Jonghyun's voice filled your ears. Three girls' attentions averted to you and something dangerous flashed in their eyes.

"Who?" You lied, a mused grin on your face.

"How could you...?" You shrugged it off and walked to your next period... where you were greeted with the familiar fan girls. Oh crap, was this the part you got smacked and ed by them! STUPID KIM JONGHYUN.

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Lol the below comment.
butterfly555 #3
hahaha the ending got me rolling on the floor laughing cause that just came out of no where
CapturedHeart #4
Oh my first comments, it makes me excited! Thanks you guys!
kyokomiyuki #5
Oh, she's so amusing. xD<br />
Can't wait for the next chapter!<br />
Update soon~
butterfly555 #6
interesting very interesting