Chapter 5 - Little Dew

Heir of Hearts (Co-author Needed)


Little Dew
                                                                   "No longer am one,"

Chorong felt confused and maybe even weird.

She was just doing her routine when suddenly, that boy came to her house, after disappearing for so long, with visitors too.

Not that she disliked the two girls. She actually found them to be very nice and polite, perhaps too polite, like royalty-polite. The girl in yellow, hadn’t she seen her before? She seemed so familiar…

“Would you like something to drink?” Her husband, Nam Woohyun asked the three.

The shy girl looked a little taken back by the offer, which was a little weird, considering it wasn’t really a hard question. The cheerful girl beside her who had her eyes glued on Isuel started looking worried for the younger, but it was Myungsoo who got to the nervous girl first.

Their hands touched and the young girl looked up at him. Myungsoo gave her a soft smile, “We’ve had a long trip,” He answered for the girl.

Woohyun nodded and turned to his wife, “Jagiya, can yo-”

Chorong did not have to wait for the man to finish his sentence. She understood completely and was already standing up, preparing to go to the kitchen. Her husband extended his hands towards her and Chorong placed Isuel in his father’s hands.

“Can I help?” The older girl stood up and asked. Chorong was about to decline, but something told her that the girl would not take ‘no’ for an answer.

So she smiled at the girl, “I would love some help,” She said and the girl gave her a smile too.

Woohyun’s gaze followed his wife’s back as the two disappeared into the halls. He then returned his gaze to the two remaining visitors. He noticed now that the older girl was gone, the shy girl sat closer to Myungsoo and her vision was straight ahead, staring at the baby.

“Hyung,” Myungsoo called, snapping Woohyun from his observation of the girl. Though weirdly, the girl still locked her gaze on Isuel.


“Do you think Naeun could hold Isuel for a bit?” At that sudden request, the girl, Naeun quickly turned to the boy beside her, looking at him as if he had done something abnormally ridiculous.

Woohyun let out a small grin.

Ah, so you were listening.

“Hyung,” Myungsoo called again, “Can she?”

“Ah…” Woohyun trailed off, his eyes never off the shy girl. She looked a little wary and scared, but he could see that there was hope lingering in her eyes. Woohyun stood up and closed himself towards his guests, the girl in particular.

Naeun’s eyes widen as Woohyun placed the toddler in her hands, she turned the boy swiftly so that he could face the front and not the back. Iseul giggled which made Naeun’s heart fluttered. For the first time in so many days, she let out a sincere chuckle.

Both Myungsoo and Woohyun smiled. The older then went back to his place, which caused Isuel to panic at the sight of his father leaving him. The boy started crying. Naeun looked frantic, but nevertheless she comforted the boy by cooing him, just like how she used to with Jaewoo.

Isuel stopped crying. His big large eyes looked into Naeun’s, looking very curious. It was as if he was wondering who the nice lady was, she was very good in making him feel better. As a sign of acceptance, the toddler smiled widely and showed his two front teeth. He mumbled a few incoherent words as he smiled and soon, he was laughing happily.

Naeun giggled again.

She continued hearing more incoherent word from Jaewoo, looking very patient and pleased, excited and happy too. It was not until Jaewoo pointed to his father did she noticed both Myungsoo and Woohyun watching her. Both had smiles on their faces, the older wider than the younger.

“You’re very good with kids,” Woohyun complimented and Myungsoo nodded, his arms crossed while his body leaning to the sofa.

“She has a little brother,” Myungsoo stated.

“Ah, Prince Son Jaewoo, I hear he is a charming young prince,” Woohyun said, giving off a greasy smile that made Naeun felt a little too uncomfortable.

“Deh,” Naeun answered, her head nodding in the process. Then, her eyes suddenly looked alarmed, as if she noticed something, “You…Knew?” She asked.

“Of course!” Woohyun replied, “You and your brother were practically public figures down at Hearts, pretty famous, don’t ya think?” He said, giving off more of his signature greasy smile.

Myungsoo rolled his eyes, looking bored and annoyed, “Hyung, stop it,”

“Stop what?” Woohyun asked innocently.

“That greasiness of yours.” He said, “Only Lady Chorong could withstand that, and I have no idea how,”

“Are these enough, My Lady?” The former maid asked, holding a spoon filled with a few sugar cubes.

Chorong tilted her head a bit to the side before answering, “Yes, those are enough. Thank you,” She smiled.

Eunji nodded and poured the sugar cubes into the steaming Tea pot. She stirred it for a few seconds before placing it on the tray. Chorong had already placed several tea cups on the tray, dark pink flowers printed on the cups.

“Are these from China?” She asked the older girl who was serving crumble cakes on printed plates that were a match to the tea cups.

Chorong looked up as she placed the last crumble cake on the plate, “Yes, they are. I followed my husband to China a few years ago. He had a business trip at that time” She explained, “I brought several sets of those home,” She finished, washing her hands right after.

“Did My Lady and Sir Nam Woohyun bring Young Master Nam Isuel too?”

The older almost grin at Eunji’s formalities. Though many had address her in such respect, she had never heard such addresses of formalities in that big of a mouth full.

“No, Isuel had not been born yet,” She answered and received a small nod from the younger. She awkwardly stood beside the tray of tea, her eyes wandering around the spacious kitchen, looking around for work to do.

Chorong walked over to Eunji and placed the crumble cake on the tray. Eunji watched her closely. She noticed the older had this gracefulness in her. Though not as good as Naeun, Chorong still could beat many princesses out there. She carried herself with full humbleness; a trait that Eunji knew not many could possess.

“Your mistress,” Chorong started as soon as she finished the task, “She seemed familiar, have I seen her from somewhere?”

The older could have sworn she saw Eunji’s body flinched. The girl’s eyes mirrored slight panic but she masked it with her bright smile, “My Mistress? Ah, she’s quite known in Hea- I mean, where we came from,” She laughed slowly.

Chorong pursed her lips, making sure that no giggle escapes . She mentally made a note: Eunji is one smart and cautious girl.

“Of course,” The young mother said, lifting the coral tray of tea and started walking out the kitchen. She turned her head back, smiling at the young girl who was carrying the tray of biscuits and treats, “Your Mistress is Princess Son Naeun, of course she is famous,”

Somehow, Isuel had managed to make both Myungsoo and Naeun sit on the marble floor, accompanying him to play with his blocks and puppets. Woohyun had left them a few minutes ago, excusing himself to go write a parchment.

Naeun held two blocks in her hands; one was red while the other was black. Isuel looked at the blocks with curiousness, “Come Isuel, pick one,”

The boy looked back and forth between the two blocks, his pacifier (that Woohyun gave him before leaving) still in his mouth. Both Naeun and Myungsoo could see it when Isuel started his pacifier furiously as he decided between the two blocks.

“Make your choice Isuel,” The young man told him and Isuel’s eyes drifted to him. The toddler cocked his head to the side, blinking several times as he looked at the older man. Myungsoo kept his poker face on, but he managed a wink at Isuel when Naeun was not looking.

Isuel laughed happily, Myungsoo mentally smirked.

“Sh..Shpad!” Isuel exclaimed in between his laughter. He clapped his hands, giggling cutely.

Naeun’s frowned a bit, looking confused. But she quickly smiled back, seeing how cute Isuel was. The toddler lightly hit Myungsoo’s knee with the black block, still chanting, “Shpad! Shpad!”

Naeun turned and looked at her companion, Myungsoo was about to open his mouth but a voice beat him to it, “Why are you two on the floor? Where’s my husband?”

Both turned and their eyes met with Chorong’s warm and chocolate eyes. She walked into the living room with Eunji trailing behind her.

Myungsoo crossed his arms, “Woohyun hyung went upstairs, writing parchment or something,” He answered as he closed himself towards the coffee table which the trays had been placed on. Eunji sat beside Naeun and arranged the blocks in front of Isuel, who was still giggling.

“As for why we are on the floor,” Myungsoo paused, waiting for Chorong to sit on the sofa, “Your son did that. He has remarkable persuading skills,”

“Takes on his father then,” Chorong agreed.

Myungsoo rolled his eyes, “Minus all the greasiness,”

If the lady felt annoyed by the comment, she surely did not show it on her face. “Why are you three heading? Spades?” Chorong asked.

Naeun and Eunji tensed, Myungsoo remained silent.

“Oh, I am sorry for my rudeness,” Chorong apologized, “I should have known that the rivalry between Hearts and Spades have not meets its end,”


“Princess Naeun?”


“The feud will never end, will it?”

“Chorong,” Myungsoo warned, his voice slowly filled with venom, “Drop it,”

No 'Lady'?

The lady just smiled, not a single hint of discomfort could be seen in her eyes. If Naeun knew any better, she would have said that Chorong was gullible, or perhaps even plain dumb.

But she’s not. Naeun knows that.

“Please Myungsoo,” Chorong’s eyes went to him, as if challenging him into something, “You wouldn’t dare, I know you so well,”

“People change, Chorong,” Myungsoo said, a hint of venom still his voice.

“And yet my son still likes you. Do you know that children never lie?”

There was a pregnant pause after that. The young man had his eyes rolled, looking more irritated than hate. Eunji was looking down to Isuel, awkwardly giggling here and there as the toddler tapped her knees. Naeun just looked at the lady in front of her with confusion, yet there was no hate what so ever in her heart.

The lady was not bad, she knew that too.

Chorong shifted her gaze, meeting Naeun in the eyes. Within minutes, she opened and said, “Poor Hearts,”

All three eyes looked at the lady.

“To lose such a wonderful princess,” She continued, a weird combination of sweet and sympathy mixed in her comforting voice, “Poor Hearts, yes. But above all my dear, it’s you who had been betrayed, have you not?”

“Chorong…” Myungsoo warned again.

“Oh hush Myungsoo. Now tell me, Princess Naeun, what on earth happened to you? I assure you, none of the rumors going around Hearts could convince me. Surely you are above all of that,” She smiled again, yet Naeun could see the sincerity in her eyes.

“So tell me my dear, what happened?”

Naeun did not answer the question though, instead she said, “I’m not a princess, no longer am one,” She breathed out, “So please Lady Chorong, call me Naeun,”




Hi there guys, it's been awhile since I updated huh? Sorry about that >.< Aaaaaaaand, I am also sorry about this chapter. This is by far the crappiest most WTF? chapter of this story. I'm disappointed in this one, it's all short and,well, no development I guess? It's suppose to be longer, but if I did that, I think that the writer's block will hit me harder. Anyways, I hope that you guys are not too disappointed in this one, perhaps even like it a little?

By the way, did you guys miss the 'game' in the last chapter? It's a guessing game, I want you guys to guess who Myungsoo's parents are. And here are the clues : Kookie and Angry Bird, and they are famous too. Detailed hints are in the last chapter too, so please read back and guess juseyo c:


( h a r l e q u i n. )

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6th chapter is up, please comment c: And oh, anyone interested in being co-author?


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wow! i really like how the story goes hihi :D
Ydvvfjkch #2
Chapter 6: Myungeun ❤️❤️❤️??
Please continue...
bubibuyu #3
Chapter 6: Haeyyy,will u update this story ?
azure28 #4
Hi! I have read Reminiscing Rose and I could say that I really loved it! I liked how you brought the characters into real ones. I just want to ask if you would still continue Heir of Hearts since I would really be grateful if you would :)
Chapter 6: Hi. I'm new here on asianfanfics but I do write stories. On my notebook, though. Hahaha. I hope I can be your new co-author. I really am a hardcore Myungeun shipper. You can email me: [email protected]

I will be more than willing to commit. :)
Chapter 6: Hey, urm... i can be your co-author if you want too... :)
pinksnowflakes #7
Chapter 6: He was proposing!!!!! awwww ;;))
Chapter 6: omg omg omg please just say yes!!!! heol i love this story sobs ;A;
Chapter 6: My jaws almost dropped to the ground when L proposed. That was so uncalled for...
Sorry, I still haven't figured out who the Queen is... wait, its not Bomi right??? If its Bomi then that would be super akward... ==""
Your offer about the co-author is intriguing, I would volunteer but I don't think I would have the time... anyway, fighting! ^^
Hey, I can be your co-author if you want ^-^