What Happened In 4th Grade

The Lovely Study Guru

This happened 9 years ago in 4th grade


"Move aside will you?" a boy purposely shoved a youg girl at the side, making her books slide off from her hands. Roars of laughter filled the hallway, as students saw what happened.

"Four eyes!"

"Nerdy Freak!"

"Eww! Just look at her hair!"

The young girl just lowered her head, picked up her books, and continued to walk. While the students on and on, she arrived on her locker and she placed her books inside. Sooner as she closed her locker, a tough-looking boy appeared right in front of her.

"Yah, JiYeon! Gimme your money!" 

The young JiYEon just ignored what he said and left him.

"Yah!...Yah!" The boy said, catching up with her. He placed his hand on JiYeon's shoulder, but she slapped his hand away from from herself and shouted at him: "I don't want to give you my money Lee Joon!"

Then a crowd of older students approached the two of them and they all seem amused.

"OOOH! Now you're fighting back huh, JiYeon?"

"So what're you gonna do Lee Joon?"

"You 4th graders are so immature."

"Yeah! So stupid!"

JiYeon just lowered her head, but Lee Joon looked furious. He wanted to say something back to the older students, but he just can't find the right words to say.

"Oh, just shut up!" He exclaimed. He dragged the young JiYeon out of the scene, and when the older students were no longer there, Lee Joon furiously pushed JiYeon.

"It's your fault!" He cried. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be called stupid and an immature!"

"My fault? My fault? It was your fault! Am I your mother?!"

That made Lee Joon shut his mouth. He paused and wondered if it was really his fault. But he couldn't take defeat. He just couldn't.

"Y-you know what?!" He angrily asked. "Just get outta my way and leave me alone!" And with that being said, the school bell rang.

"It's you who should just leave me alone and get out of my way..." muttered JiYeon.


After school, JiYeon packed her bag, and was ready to go, when she saw her teacher talk to Lee Joon.

"Lee Joon! I have to say, your grades are getting lower and lower!"

"...Yes Ms. Myung"

"Especially in Math...We'll have a quiz tomorrow about it. So you better review because tomorrow's quiz is fifteen percent of your grade!"

"Yes, Ms. Myung."

"Better yet, how about you stay here and review for a while? You'll have better concentration here on the classroom."

"Yes, Ms.Myung"

"Good. I'll expect some good scores tomorrow on your quiz. Goodbye then!" She waved goodbye, and then she left the classroom. After that, JiYeon saw Lee Joon get his Math books and papersand he started writing and reading. Sooner or later, JiYeon can hear Lee Joon's irritated crys of how hard the problems are. So JiYeon crept up behind him, and looked at the problems.

"What?! This isn't hard at all!" thought JiYeon. She waited for Lee Joon to work out the problems and hopefully, solve it , but Lee Joon just read it, wrote a few mindless solutions, and gave out again. He was stuck on the problem for minutes. JiYeon can't take it no longer and finally, she piped in.

"You're doing it all wrong!"

"What?" Lee Joon turned around. "AAAH! What're you doing here? Get out! Get out!" JiYeon ignored Lee Joon's demand and continued.

"I'll show you how to solve that." Lee Joon was about to tell JiYeon off again, but then he hesitated. Finally, he, who felt like a total idiot, let her explain how the problem was done.JiYeon sat down on a chair and started.

"It's really easy." JiYeon explained. Then she read the problem. "In the city, there is 28 cinemas. And in each cinema, there is 65 seats. How many cinema seats are in the city, all in all?...So you have to write the following: 28 x 65"

"But I still don't get it!" retorted lee Joon. "Do you times 8 and 5? Then you times 2 and 6? Then the answer is  1,204!"

JiYeon covered her face and let out a huge, deep sigh. "No...But you're right about the first thing to do!" Then she wrote on the paper, and continued explaining. "First you put the numbers on horizontal form. Then you times 5 and 8. What's 5 times 8?"


"Yes it's 40! But then you carry 4. Next what is 2 times 5?


"Correct, and because you carried 4, add 4 and 10 together, and you get 14!" As JiYeon explained how to solve the problem, Lee Joon quietly listened, and jotted down notes.

"AH! so the whole answer is 1,620?"

"Yes! you got it right! And with a few practices, you can ace the other problems!" So JiYeon stayed and watched Lee Joon answer the other problems, and whenever Lee Joon was stuck, or got a problem wrong, JiYeon was there to point the answer out.

A few minutes later when JiYeon saw that Lee Joon was doing fine, she packed up her bag, and went to the door.

"Wait!" exclaimed Lee Joon. JiYeon turned around and waited for him to speak.

"I just...don't understand it..."

"What is that you don't understand again?" JiYeon asked as she approached Lee Joon's desk.

"No! --I mean...I Don't understand. Why did you help me, even though I'm mean to you?"

"Well, because--" JiYeon paused and thought about it. Why did she? It really never occured to her why. She left Lee Joon without an answer, and she headed for her home. But that question did boggle her mind.


 A/N :  I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter! Criticsm and comments are welcome here! (Well, just not too much criticsm) 

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4everus #1
if i cant just!!
Hi new reader here ^^
i'm really excited to how this fanfic gonna go :D
update again soon
Amallam #3
Update soon ~ Please!! <br />
I'm dying to read the rest of the fic!
love it .
FluffyPillow #5
Hey lovely subscribers! sorry for the wait -__- The thing is, school is here, and my schedule is sooo jam-packed! so i can't update this story for a while. I am so sorry! I might update this fic next week, or maybe next month... THANKS FOR LIKING IT THOUGH!
MblaqLJluv #6
Nice story!! Please update soon ^^ owh if u dont mind would u read my story and give me a comment Xd btw joon my ultimate bias in mblaw but i love all mblaq members too XDD wad bout u?? Juz random curositt i hope u dont mind xdd
FluffyPillow #7
@asianstorylover: thanks for liking my story! and yes, imma update this story soon so, please be patient, and thanks again! XD
asianstorylover #8
hey i like the story tht ur goin w/ its realli cute<3 heheXD<br />
update soon..im realli interested in this story! hwaiting!! update!!<3
FluffyPillow #9
@Amallam: yup! the multiplication table! XD<br />
well, thanks for reading (and enjoying) my YeonHo fics! I'll update this fic soon enough! I'll hope you'll enjoy this! :D
Amallam #10
haha Multiplication Table ? for real lmao <br />
sounds fun ! Well , I enjoyed your Yeonho fiction a lot so I know that I'll enjoy this one as well :D and since it's gonna be JiJoon(I'm so into them lately >.<) <br />
Really can't wait to read this! Update soon and hwaiting ^-^