Skin and Bones


"I hate who I see in the mirror in the morning, I do not understand what he sees in me when he could have anyone else that he wanted. Taking a deep breath I watch the women in front of me copy my movements.  Bushy black curls sticking out in every direction from her head, her eyes looked critical as if she was picking me apart as much I was her… "



"You look fat, Himchan is as good as done with you know." Her expression softened  with a look of defeat as she lifted a hand with the reflection, it was the color of warm sand a tanned golden brown. A color she once had held pride in, it had made her different. She had stood out to him, or so he had told her. Now it was another ugly reminder that she was no where close to the ideal type of woman that he wanted.


"Why can't you be paler? Skinnier?" She mumbled into the mirror as she rested against it like all her strength was drained. Taking a deep breath she pushed herself away and gripped the sink staring down at the facet for a second before turning it on full blast and dropping on the haunches of her feet arms extended above her still gripping the edges of the sink. Her curls bounced about her face, and the muscles in her thighs flexed under her skin. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths before dropping her hands to the cool tiled floor. Crawling over to the toilet she stared into the clear water in the bowl. The distilled water gave severed as a surface for reflection.


All she could see was faults that she knew Himchan would get sick of her eventually. A sob caught her off guard, so she covered and nose to keep from making too much noise. She could feel how disgusted she was becoming with herself. She just wanted to be someone that he could appreciate for her ascetics as well personality. He was the visual after all. 


The hysterics began to shake her entire body, she could only curl into a ball to try and stop herself from trembling so badly. Negative thoughts washed over her and the only word of salvation that passed through her lips was "Himchan."


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Lotuspassion #1
Chapter 4: Wow she needs help
Lotuspassion #2
Chapter 3: Update soon plz
DawnD2014 #3
Chapter 3: Ohhh this is really good I will defiantly be Waiting for an update
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 3: please update soon.