Part 3


Two weeks had passed since he had met Wonsik again and they had been hanging out regularly and Hackyeon felt himself become whole again and how good it felt. But also he soon realized how many things was missing in his home and how much it reminded him of a certain someone and it took him two days to prepare for that phone call.
“Hi Taekwoon, its Hackyeon I just remembered some more stuff I probably forgotten at your place also I did gather up some stuff you left” he tried to breath slowly as the other side of the line fell silent.
“Can I come over with the stuff and we can exchange?” this is what Hackyeon dreaded he didn’t want to see Taekwoon at all, he didn’t really actually want to have this conversation as it tore at his heart. But this was a huge step he had to do this.
“Sure” he answered and the phone fell silent. Hackyeon placed it on the kitchen table as he went around gathering the things he had found belonged to Taekwoon and putting them in a cardboard box and placed it at the door.


The doorbell rang and Hackyeon rushed to the door but he stopped himself by the door and took a deep breath before he slowly opened the door to the poker faced male. Hackyeon smiled kindly and opened the door to let him in. Taekwoon had a plastic bag and a cardboard box with him that he placed on the kitchen table.
“I didn’t realize that you had forgotten so much stuff” he said trying to avoid the awkward silence between them and Hackyeon was constantly looking down on his shoes he really didn’t want to see his ex. boyfriend. He went to where he placed the box with Taekwoons stuff and picked it up and gave it to him.
“Here” he said in a hushed voice and their fingers slightly touched as the box changed owner.
“Thank you… I’ll be leaving then” Hackyeon looked up and caught a small smile on his lips and it took a lot of self-control not to break down crying again. But as he watched Taekwoon walk out through the door once again without a word and silently closing it behind him he couldn’t take it anymore.
Tears fell from his eyes and he walked into the living room sliding down besides the sofa holding his knees towards his chest. He felt so stupid for acting like this he thought he was somewhat over this whole thing but apparently not he was just as broken as the first time.


The knocking on the door was soft at first and then the doorbell rang. Hackyeon at some point during the night had made it to his bed and curled up holding onto his pillow as he cried himself to sleep.
Once again the doorbell rang and he opened a eye and he coughed and his throat was sore and he sighed as the doorbell once again rang but he didn’t feel like going to open it so he just lied there thinking about yesterday as tears started to build up in his eyes.
“Dammit” he whispered and wiped one away when it ran down his cheek and he heard someone grab at the door handle and he became stiff and the door opened. 
“” he had forgotten to lock it yesterday. Now tears of sadness and fear ran down his face he was totally a mess and now someone was breaking into his house? Well who can he blame? He forgot to lock the door!
He heard the click from the door locking and the panic was even stronger, if he would scream for help no one would be able to save him he was stuck in the apartment and with a stranger walking around. 
The footsteps were getting closer and closer to his room and he pulled his blanket up to his eyes as he looked and he didn’t know how he could even have tears left after all this. The door opened and a blonde man peaked in.
“Hackyeon!” he looked shocked and a wave of relief shot through Hackyeon and he looked at Wonsik and lowered the blanket and he couldn’t even answer him because he was crying so hard.


Wonsik stood still for a second or two and Hackyeon was trying desperately to stop his tears but they just kept coming he was so relived it was only Wonsik and he was so shocked.
“Y-you shouldn’t just enter someone’s apartment” Hackyeon whimpered covering his face in his blanket. He heard Wonsik approached and felt when he sat down beside him and wrapped his arms around him.
“I’m sorry, You didn’t open and I got worried and the door was opened so I just went in” he whispered and Hackyeon just nodded against him.
“I’m sorry” he croaked and Wonsik didn’t question it at the moment but just held on to him until the tears stopped and he fell asleep once again.


He woke up again as the midday sun shone through his window right at his face he felt relaxed and even if his eyes and throat reminded him of the crying and his heart reminded him of the heart break he was feeling calm right now everything was okay for now.
He slowly opened his eyes squinting as the sun shone right into them and he turned around and buried his face in his pillow.  It took him sometime to actually recap what happened before he took his little nap. He sat up and looked around the room.
“Wonsik?” he asked and got out of the bed before he wobbled out of the bedroom and saw Wonsik sitting at the table with his head against it half asleep at the looks of it. He could smell food and he smiled softly and walked up to the other.
“Wonsik?” he gently poked at the younger man who opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times staring at Hackyeon before he shot out of the seat surprised.
“Ah Hackyeon! Sorry!” he quickly got himself together and smiled softly. He walked closer and stared into his eyes.
“How  are you feeling?”
“Better I guess. It still hurts though” Hackyeon said and smiled sadly.
“Well I can’t take the pain away but I can try to relive it some” he stood up from his chair and hugged Hackyeon tightly and as he pulled away he gave him a bright smile that easily spread to him.


Wonsik didn’t seem to leave Hackyeons apartment except for small stuff. He was always there when Hackyeon broke again and he always found a way to get the pieces back together for another time to keep him going. Sometimes he would come with him to the restaurant and sit at a table munching away at something so he wouldn’t get kicked out. Sometimes Hongbin came by and gave him something just too keep him there too because it warmed his heart too see Hackyeon slowly return to his normal self again (Also you should take care of your friends). And that’s how it all went on. Sometimes Hackyeon would break but Wonsik was there to wipe his tears and make sure everything was okay. He was always there making it okay and their relationship grew with it. Wonsik basically moved into his apartment most of his stuff was here. Of course they did find themselves in Wonsiks apartment too sometimes.
It was pretty cool in Hackyeons eyes and he often asked why they couldn’t be here more often but Wonsik just answered with that the neighbors were noisy and that he wouldn’t enjoy the apartment.
But this was one of the nights they stayed there.
It was actually just like one big room there was a half wall cutting of were the kitchen was and there was one room that was supposed to be a bedroom but Wonsik used it to store his art stuff (Hackyeon had never seen anything he done. Even with how much he begged and asked to see it he kept saying that it was not ready to be viewed by anyone.) The room was also his closet.
So there was mattress lying in the corner of the huge room. It was framed in by a TV standing steadily on a TV table. Wonsik has said he wanted to hang curtains to screen it off some more but he was said it was too much work to do.
In front of the TV was a two seated sofa with a small coffee table standing with some never lit candles. Hackyeon questioned it once, why did he even have candles if he never used them. He said it was just to fill out some space or to that time when an unexpected blackout could happen. You know its better safe than sorry. Outside the half wall that told you where the kitchen began was a small table for two with a pair of black chairs standing by it. The whole apartment actually reminded him of a furniture catalog but he didn’t say anything about that.


This night Hackyeon and Wonsik was sitting on the couch and Wonsik had actually lit one of the candles to Hackyeons surprise that he actually agreed to lite one up. There was a thunder storm outside and sometimes it did freak Hackyeon out, he wasn’t… the bravest of people but he kept his gaze on the TV. Somehow they had ended up on a channel doing a twilight marathon and as there wasn’t much else on they found themselves watching it. They had already made it through the first one and just 4 more to go.
“This looks better than the first” Hackyeon said as Wonsik started moving around before he stood up.
“Well the first was just… bad” Wonsik said before walking over to his closet/art supply room. Hackyeon turned around too look at him as he disappeared into the room just to come out with huge drawing pad and some pencils. 
“What are you doing?” he looked up and smiled at him and sat down and looked at him.
“I want to capture you” he said and smiled.
“Isn’t it easier with a camera?”
“Hongbin is the photographer, I draw” he smiled before opening the sketch pad and began sketching. The mood became stiff or that is what Hackyeon thought because he didn’t feel like he should be moving because he didn’t want to mess up what Ravi was drawing so he just forced himself to watch through the movie playing on the TV. Thankfully it was the end of the second one and Bella had not too long ago saved Edward from being killed by the all mighty vampires or something. And there the third one started. It had a different feel to the first one and to be honest it drew him in a little at least the intro… Until he jumped and screamed.

“What??” Wonsik looked confused at him and Hackyeon held a hand towards his heart and just shook his head.
“Just go scared” he mumbled and continued concentrating on the movie as Wonsik laughed silently at him.

“Done!” the first part of the final movie had started when Wonsik announced his creation was done. Hackyeon turned around and looked at him with anticipation and Wonsiks smiled shyly at him and covered his face with the sketch pad before turning it around and letting Hackyeon see it.

There was some stupid stick figures covering it with occasional real sketches of him and wow they were truly amazing. But what caught his eyes was the letters that looked so carefully drawn and placed and it was just perfect and small tears started to build in his eyes looking over the whole drawing with the big ‘I LOVE YOU’ in the middle.
“You idiot” pulling the sketch pad out of Wonsik hands and placing it carefully on the coffee table he crawled closer to him and hugged him tightly lips gently pressed against the side of his neck.
“Thank you for everything” he mumbled against the skin and he felt strong arms embrace him and they stayed like that hugging each other whispering sweet nothings as the movie passed and the TV went blank as Wonsik hit the off button on the remote and he held Hackyeon closer to him softly pressing his lips against the others. A sweet kiss and a small laughter spread across the apartment before the two of them fell asleep.



Authors note: Last part woho! As I wrote this around the same time as the second part and like I said there I was super tired when writing and I know the english and everything feels kind of weird at times? I tried to fix it but I feel like, it became a part of the story. I hope it doesn't bother anyone to much! D: 
Thanks to all subcsibers and everything it warms my heart *Shoots hearts at you all* But I was maybe thinking about adding another chapter here but for now it's not in my plans. But maybe in the future! But again thansk everyone! c: 

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Chapter 3: This is a lovely story. It was so sad at the beginning but good it have a happy ending Navi <3
Chapter 3: Lovely story
weerainbow #3
Chapter 3: This is a really lovely story. It was heartbreaking to see Hakyeon so hurt over Taekwoon's breakup with him but aww the way Wonsik looked after him and slowly and surely built him back up again until he felt he was able to confess his love was beautiful :)
Chapter 2: i'm waiting for you author-nim <3 Update soon~ Good story~