
Beautiful Stranger



A couple of minutes had pass since Taeyeon last spoke. She seemed to be gathering her mind into finally telling the oblivious girls about their origin, what they really were. In the room, the only ones that were clueless about the existence of their kind were Sunny, Yoona, and Yuri. Jessica had already told Tiffany her identity, but she was yet to tell her about the danger the mortal and immortal realms were about to experience.


“Yuri, Yoona, and Sunny”, Taeyeon said facing the girls that had looked up to her once they have hard their names being called; “I want you girls to listen to me carefully. I know that what I am about to say will probably look like a lie to you, but it is not. It is the truth. Apart from you three and Tiffany, the rest of us are all vampires.”


Taeyeon looked at the girls to grasp their reactions and so did the rest of the people in the room. Yoona appear to be slightly shocked about the news. She was only staring at the distance with a look of confusion. Sunny in the other hand was wide eye, but not as shocked she held a look of understanding. It seemed like knowledge had finally dawned on her.


“So everything Tiffany told me was really true after all.” She said looking at Taeyeon. A simple yes was her answer. “I am so sorry I doubted you Fany-ah. It all seemed surreal.” Sunny said approaching Tiffany.


Tiffany extended her hand towards Sunny, who took he had in a comforting manner. “It's okay Sunny. It isn't something easy to believe, so I understand.” Tiffany smile at her best friend.


The moment between both girls was cut short with the sudden laugh Yuri let out. Everyone look weirdly at her. After all, this was a serious situation not funny in anyway.


“God Taeyeon for an instant I almost believed you. I can't believe you. You went all the way to prank me didn't you. Like to even include Tiffany and Sunny. You are so evil.” Yuri said between fit of laughter. Apparently the girl took everything as a mere joke; a prank that probably had been planned by Hyoyeon. However, when she saw no one had laughed along with her she turn to be faced with a serious looking Taeyeon.


“Yuri this is serious. It's not a joke, we really are vampires.” Taeyeon said.


Yuri responded with equal seriousness to Taeyeon: “Like I would believe you all are actual vampires. Vampires only exist in fiction. There's no proof about them being real.”


“Yuri unnie would you believe in Taeyeon unnie if we showed you proof we really are vampires?” Seohyun politely asked Yuri.


“Sure I would like all of you to prove how “vampire-like” you are”, Yuri said air quoting vampire-like to emphasize her skepticism.


“Okay leave this to me.” Hyoyeon smugly said, “I will show you how fast we can be. I will bring you something from the shop in less than a minute. How about than?” She asked Yuri.


“Okay. Call” and as soon as Yuri said that Hyoyeon was out of everyone's sight. True to her words in less than a minute she had a piece of cake in her hands and was standing in front of Yuri without even panting.


Yuri was still skeptical about all this. She crossed her arms in her chest and said, “So what? Everyone could do that you know. You just ran in a fast pace that's all.”


The girls wanted to facepalm at her comment, which Sooyoung did to show her frustration. How could she be so hard headed was the only thought going through everyone's mind. Hyoyeon had ran all the way to the front of the shop and back in just a few seconds.


Jessica decided it was time to step up. She was going to make Yuri believe in them. “How about you hit me as hard as you can Yuri?”She said in a challenging manner to Yuri. Taeyeon and her group shared a knowing look and smile. They sure wanted to see this.


“And that would prove you are a vampire?” Jessica nodded her head. Tiffany and Sunny seemed uneasy about the exchange between Jessica and Yuri because either of the girls could get hurt. Well Tiffany was more worried about Jessica getting hurt, but what she didn't know was that a simple hit from a mortal wouldn't harm a vampire at all. For Yuri, in the other hand, it would be like hitting a really hard sand bag.


“Yes why don't you take a swing? Go for it I don't mind.” Jessica smiled at Yuri opening her arms to indicate she was waiting.


Before Yuri could decided whether to punch Jessica or not, Tiffany had pulled Jessica's shirt making Jessica move back towards her.


“Jessi~ I don't want her to hit you” Tiffany looked up to look at Jessica with her puppy eyes. Jessica found this gesture extremely cute. She smiled softly and slowly bent down to Tiffany's ear and whispered, “Don't worry Tiff. She can't harm me even if she wanted to” and just as she had closed the distance between them she moved away to retake her stance challenging Yuri. If she had waited a little longer she could had seen the rosy color that decorated Tiffany's cheeks and the smile that soon followed.


“So you taking a swing or no?” Jessica said kind of provoking Yuri.


At this Yuri immediately made her mind. “Of course, but I hit hard.”


“I don't really think so.”Jessica said in a playful way.


“Alright, I warned you Sica.” Yuri said as she gathered all her strength into punching Jessica hard in the stomach. Upon impact a loud “smack” was heard causing Tiffany and Sunny to flinch. The blow had obviously been powerful. Anyone would had bent over in pain or at least lost their breath. Still Jessica didn't even blink or moved from the strike. She looked at Yuri to see her massaging her fist.


“I told you.”She said in a sing-song manner.


“I am still not convince though.” Yuri replied moving her fingers as she regained feeling. Satisfied with the fact she could feel her fingers again, she continued speaking in a matter of fact tone, “You were waiting for the impact and just hardened your stomach muscles.”


Taeyeon and her group were looking amusingly at the exchange between both girls. Yuri could be a useful persistent member in their team.


“How about this then, do you have anything that could easily knock someone up?” Jessica inquired.


“Yeah well there's a pair of dumbbells in the corner.” Yuri said while pointing at the far end corner of the room where all exercising equipment laid.


“Okay. Bring the heaviest of them here.” Jessica said.


Yuri only raised an eyebrow, but did as she was told. She grabbed a 10lb dumbbell with both of her hands and walked towards the center of the room where Jessica was standing. She set it down next to her as she stood straight to face Jessica crossing her arms.


“I know this will sound so masochistic, but hit me with the dumbbell Yuri.” Jessica said.


“What?!” Yuri exclaimed as she lost her composure. “Are you seriously crazy?! That could give you a concussion or a broken bone or even death. I won't do it.” Yuri stated in a serious manner.


Jessica had to get Yuri to hit her with the damn dumbbell so she finally believe what they all had been trying to prove for about an hour now. The only possible way was to challenge the girl. Yuri was really competitive after all. So she was going to do just that.


“Sigh, and here I thought you were a lot tougher than this.” Jessica said moving her head left to right to indicate her fake disappointment. “I think you are just afraid you can't lift the dumbbell again. Your arms do seem a little weak to me.” Jessica said with disdain. She swiftly looked over her shoulder to see an angry Yuri trying to control herself. She could even hear the girl saying things like, “Just let it go Yuri, just let it go.”


Jessica had to hide her smile. Her plan was working, and so she continued. “I guess that this just proves that you aren't as strong as you say you are. It's all just bluff.”


Yuri finally snapped at this, “Hey! You don't know anything.”


“Oh, I do. Same like all others here. You can't do it.” Jessica said as she wish she wasn't going to far with this.


“Yes I can!” Yuri raised her voice.


“Really?” Jessica said lacing her voice with disbelief. “Prove it then.”


And so Yuri proved it. She grabbed the 10lbs dumbbell as if it was a bat and swung it hard against Jessica's cheek. Just as the previous blow a tremendous smack was heard, but this time it was accompanied by the wincing of Sunny and Tiffany, who had closed her eyes tightly.


Yuri quickly realized what she had done and couldn't believe she had fell for it and gave Jessica what she wanted. She looked at Jessica who was just rubbing her neck and then towards her hands where a deformed dumbbell rested. What once was a perfectly octagonal dumbbell was now a twisted and smeared piece of metal.


Yuri's eyes widen and her jaw dropped open. She couldn't believe it. She was so shocked that her legs gave up on her. Thankfully she had found her way to a chair and just sunk there. However, she wasn't the only one surprised in the room. Sunny and Tiffany were equally surprised to see such a thing happening. Even though they knew the girl was a vampire, they still were impressed with their resistance and strength. They were indeed super natural.


“Jessica I think you just mentally broke her.” Sooyoung said in a nonchalant manner.


“Well at least she will believe us now,” was the reply Sooyoung received from Jessica.


Jessica approached Yuri. She looked down to the girl, who was still shocked. “Yuri-ah, are you okay?” she asked.


“How in the world Jessica?” Yuri finally left her shocked state as she faced Jessica, “Anyone would be in serious pain after being hit squared in the face with a freaking 10lbs weight. You didn't even blink and there's no bruise or blood. You really weren't lying? You seriously were saying the truth.”


“I was dead serious.” Jessica replied as she gently placed her hand in Yuri's shoulder to show support.


After having been silent and still for the whole time Yoona finally reacted out of her dazed state. She released her alligator laugh and smiled. “Daebak! I can't believe I get to be friends with vampires. This is so awesome.”


The girls had forgot about Yoona this whole time, but seeing her all excited made them smile. Telling the three girls about their true identities had been fairly good; well if they ignored the fact that Yuri had to take things into a physical affair to really believe in the girl's story.


“Awesomeness aside, I do have a question.” Yoona said glancing at the vampires.


“What question Yoona?” Taeyeon asked the girl. As Taeyeon asked the girl about her inquiry, everyone decided to take a sit. Hyoyeon and Sooyoung sat on the floor facing Taeyeon and Yoona. Jessica was seating next to Tiffany, Sunny being right next to them. Seohyun sat in a lounge chair next to Taeyeon and Yoona. Seeing that everyone had finally settled down, Yoona asked her question.


“Are you guys really heartless, as in you have no heart and can't live? Yoona asked in enthusiasm.


“We vampires do have a heart and we do live however our heartbeats are a lot slower than an average human. That's why many think we are dead, because our heartbeats are faint and not palpable. If we are to talk in technical medical terms it can be describes as a case of Bradycardia. The heart usually beats 60 to 100 times a minute. Bradycardia makes your heart beats fewer than 60 times a minute.”Seohyun explained calmly so that Yoona and the girls would understand.


Yoona, Yuri, Sunny, and Tiffany left the information sink in. Even though Tiffany had known about Jessica being a vampire, but she didn't know much about vampires. All she knew was what she had learned in fiction books. This made her question all those myths she had read about vampires. What was real and what was fake? Jessica who was next to her seemed to understand her silent thoughts. They were soulmates after all. So she decided to speak to clear everyone's most common misconceptions about their kind.


“I guess there's other things we should make clear for you girls. One of them being that we don't feed on human blood. Our group and other clans have abandon that method of feeding. We feed on blood tablets and since we are pure-blooded our craving for blood is minimal. We do eat food as you had already seen with Sooyoung, so that myth is already covered. Still, it isn't a necessity as it is to you guys, but we still can eat. Also, unlike fiction, we do need rest and sleep like every other living thing. The only difference is that unlike mortals, us vampires are able to go without sleep for days and still feel okay. All that nonsense that vampires don't sleep because they are dead and stuff are pure lies.” Jessica finish explaining.


“Yeah the only think that is probably true about all those myths are our abilities.” Hyoyeon said.


“What abilities?” Sunny asked.


“You know super speed, abnormal strength, immortality.” Hyoyeon answered.


“Or if you are a special case like Jessica, then telekinesis, teleportation, and other psychic powers.” Sooyoung said off-handily.


Right after she said that Sooyoung felt intense staring on her back. She turned around to face a somewhat angry Jessica and that's when she realized what she had done. Now they would had to explain why Jessica was different. Before Jessica could scold Sooyoung or Sooyoung could apologize Taeyeon spoke up.


“It's alright Sooyoung. We still need to tell the girls the most important thing of all.” After that Taeyeon spend the next few minutes filling in the girls with the story of Jessica's past and the current hostile situation between both immortal and mortal realms.


“So the day I met Jessica, the guys that were following her were trying to capture her to be given to this Siwon guy?”Tiffany asked as she held Jessica's hand.


“Yes. We suspect that they were following Siwon's orders.” Taeyeon answered firmly.


Tiffany sighed as she held Jessica's hand tighter. She couldn't believe that Jessica was wanted just for ambition and power. She was worried the girl would get hurt because of the guy's greediness. Jessica looked at Tiffany briefly and intertwined her hand with hers. Tiffany looked at the hands and wished they could be like this forever.


In other to put the girls at ease Taeyeon continued speaking. “Since you all know the truth, we have to be more alert of anything that seems suspicious or odd. That guy is eager to find any lead to Jessica and can be a problem to us in the future. I want you to train together with us. Since we are all close, he will eventually find out about you and he can try something, but before he does let's prepare. I will understand if you girls don't wish to join us in this ordeal, still you will be safer if you know how to retaliate to an attack.”


“Taeyeon, you shouldn't even question this. Of course I will train. I want to be useful. You guys are all my friends. I wouldn't leave you alone with this.” Yuri said soon joined by Yoona. “Me too unnie. I am in.”


“I would do anything for my best friend and her happiness, so I will join too.” Sunny said as she looked to see a smiling Tiffany.


“I will too.” Tiffany added.


Taeyeon and her group smiled. They had managed to find an incredibly group of girls willing to help them in their chaotic journey. It made them feel like they all belong to a family and that's just how they viewed each other as family.


“I want you to understand that this is more of a precaution than anything else girls. Even if you train you won't join us when dealing with Siwon because he could hurt you. Just understand this without complains. We don't want any of you to suffer, okay?”Taeyeon addressed the girls.


“Yes we wouldn't want to see any of you suffering because of us.” Jessica added to Taeyeon's statement.


The girls replied with a nod.


“I think it has been a long day for all of us. To much to take in and to much to plan and do. I think that everyone should have the next couple of days free and then we shall start with training. How does that sound?” Taeyeon asked.


“I think that is good Taeyeon.” Jessica answered as everyone stood up. “We will need this rest before fully focusing in preparing for whatever Siwon is planning.”


“Alright. Rest well everyone enjoy your free time.” Taeyeon said walking towards the exist, but before she left she turn to face Jessica.


“Sica.” Taeyeon called Jessica.


“Yeah Taengoo?”Jessica replied as she looked at Taeyeon.


“You are staying with me right?”


“Yes I will get my stuff after I walk Tiffany and Sunny to their place and then go to your apartment. If that's okay with you.”


“Of course just be careful.”


“I will Taeng don't worry. “Jessica smile reassuringly at Taeyeon.


Taeyeon returned the smile and then turn to finally leave to her apartment that was just a couple of blocks away.  





No your eyes aren't deceiving you lol XD 


Sorry I didn't update sooner :C I have been busy preparing for my new semester in college.

God finding a decent place to stay is freaking hard and expensive. The life of a broke student is tough lol


So are the girls reactions what you had imagine?


I hope you enjoy this chapter :)




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I will try to upload next chapter no later than today. Be ready ^_^


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it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Chapter 12: Hi there author, i hope you will comeback and update this story someday.
Jeti48 #3
I hope u still continued this story authorshi....
JheiSii137 #4
Chapter 12: good luck authornim :)
Chapter 12: Good luck with your finals author :)
redeb21 #6
Chapter 12: Good luck on your finals. I hope you pass them all.
Chapter 11: i really like this chapter :) thanks for the update , waiting for your next story ..
Chapter 11: so cuteeee. I love this chapter. XDD Thanks for update. XDD
JheiSii137 #9
Chapter 11: Imma speechless.. this chapter is so good, amajjang :)
I can't descrive in words how romantic it is.. :) you're great author..
let's continue supporting Jessica and SNSD.. Fighting :)
JeTi418 #10
Chapter 11: Thank you author i'm glad you came back
the date was beautiful