
Beautiful Stranger

It had been about four days since Tiffany had last seen Jessica, but that didn't mean she had not kept in contact with the girl. She would text the girl through out the day; asking her is she had rested, if she had eaten, and what she was doing. Jessica would reply to her messages and updated her with her daily routines. Today in particular she had just finished her shower when she heard the buzz of her phone. Walking towards the counter she grabbed it and saw the name of Jessica flashed in the screen. Her face lighted up just like it did every time she thought of the girl. She opened the text to be prompted with Jessica's cute Message:


Jessi~♥: Good morning beautiful ^.~

Are you free today?

I miss you >//<


Tiffany smiled brightly as she read the message and immediately replied:


To: Jessi~♥

From: Tiff ^^


Morning Jessi ^-^

I don't have anything planned for today :)

I miss you too >3<


She placed the phone down and proceeded to finish changing. She walked to her closet to chose an outfit. She picked a loose cream colored long sleeve shirt, faded gray jeans and her favorite light brown boots to finish her attire (picture below).



It was something she could be comfortable in and to keep warm. The temperature had stated to drop just as mid autumn season started. Just as she was about to dry her hair her phone light up notifying her of a new message.


Jessi~♥: Is that so?

Let's go on a date❤

Be ready by 4:30pm.


She read the message and replied:


Tiff^^: Where are you taking me?


She couldn't hide her happiness and eagerness, that she started to twirling around the room giggling to herself. She was really excited to spend a day with Jessica. It was the only think she was thinking about since she met the girl again. She was still waltzing around when her love replied:


Jessi~❤: It's a secret :P

Just wear something comfy.

See ya soon <3


She pouted at Jessica's response. Sighing she placed the phone in her back pocket and opened the door of her room to head to the kitchen. When she entered the kitchen she was greeted by the sight of sunny cooking breakfast. She made her presence known by greeting her friend: “Good morning Sunny”.


“Oh. Good morning Fany.” Sunny replied as she turn to place a plate full of pancakes in the table. She then took the bacon and scrambled eggs she had cooked and placed them next to the pancakes. Tiffany moved towards the cabinets to grab a pair or forks and plates to use. She then gave them to Sunny as she took the syrup from the fridge.


“You seem awfully happy this morning Fany.” Sunny commented as she took a sit in the table to start eating. “I am always happy Sunny”. Tiffany replied with a smile. Sunny raised an eyebrow in skepticism.


“Well today you are happier than usual.” She replied as she took a bite of her pancake and bacon.


“Am I really?”


“Yes no doubt. So you better spill. What made you this happy this morning?” Sunny said as she continued to eat her breakfast.


“Well Jessi invited me to a date.” Tiffany said with a smile.


“No wonder you are radiating happiness.” Sunny said in a playful tone. “I hope you enjoy your date then.” She told her friend with a happy tone too.


As Tiffany was eating she decided to question her friend about what she had plan for the day. “So what are you gonna do today? Got any plans?”


“Well I obviously don't have anything as exciting as you, but I will probably just go grocery shopping and watch a movie or something. I really don't have any plans.” Sunny said in a shrugging manner.


“Maybe next time Jessica and I can invite you somewhere. You guys seem to get along well so I don't think she will object.” Tiffany offered with a friendly smile. Both girls had finish eating and were now cleaning the table.


“Nah no thanks. I don't want to be a third-wheeler. That's totally not cool.” Sunny said in a playful way. She received a bump in her shoulder and a small lighthearted glare from her friend.


“Okay going out with you guys seems like a nice idea, but first just enjoy your time alone with her alright.”


“Okay. I will tell Jessica about it. She will agree. I can guarantee it.” Tiffany said as she was drying the dishes.


When the girls where done they decided to take a sit in the living room and watch tv to pass time. Surprisingly time really went by fast and by 4:00pm Tiffany decided to get ready to meet Jessica. She left Sunny lazing around the couch while flipping channels in the screen. She replied light makeup and made sure her hair was perfect when she heard the doorbell ring. She heard Sunny shuffling to the door and greet Jessica. She hurriedly grabbed her bag and exited her room. When she got to the living room she found her girlfriend and best friend in a friendly conversation by the door. Jessica was standing with her back towards her, so she decided to give Jessica a side hug to make her presence known.


“Hey beautiful.” Jessica greeted and smiled her dazzling bright smile. Tiffany blushed lightly at the compliment.


Sunny jokingly rolled her eyes and told the couple she would leave them alone to be as cheesy as they wished. Once alone the couple stared at each other lovingly. Tiffany took time to fully view her girlfriend. She hadn't fully appreciated her appearance until now. The girl was wearing a simple outfit' just a gray jacket with a navy blue sweater underneath, gray printed jeans and sneakers, yet she looked stunning (picture below). She was broken out of her dazed state by the enticing voice of Jessica.


“So are you ready for our date?” Jessica asked with a smile.


“I am more than ready.” Tiffany replied with her own smile.


“Okay let's go.” Jessica said as she opened the door for Tiffany and walked out the apartment. They headed towards Jessica’s Range Rover. She opened the door for Tiffany, waited for her to be properly seated and walked towards the driver's side. She got in the car and glance at Tiffany. Tiffany was looking at Jessica when she turn to face her. She just couldn’t believe that no matter how many times she stared at the girl, her heartbeat increased. Jessica noticed that Tiffany had not secured her seat belt so she leaned over the girl to lock belt for her. She could feel Tiffany's warmth radiate to her skin and she honestly loved the feeling. In the other hand, Tiffany was trying to control her heartbeat and the heat that was making its way to her cheeks. She could feel the breath of her girlfriend next to her ear and that made her feel all giddy. Just as fast as Jessica had leaned over she had moved away. She smiled at Tiffany and turned the engine on. After she started to move towards the road, Tiffany broke the silence that was surrounding them. The silence was awkward, in fact it was comforting, but she just wanted to hear the other girl talk. What could she do she just loved her voice.


“So Jessi where are we exactly going?” She asked as she faced the girl.


“It's a secret.” Jessica playfully answered without her eyes leaving the road. She could feel Tiffany pouting even though she was not facing her and that made her smile. The girl was so cute, just like a child.


“What are you smiling for? I want to know where we are going?” Tiffany said as she crossed her arms across her chest and pouted half turning her body to fully face Jessica. This time Jessica laughed at the girls' display of cuteness. She looked at the girl who raised an eyebrow at her outburst and just said, “Why are you so cute?”. That made Tiffany blush once more as she uncrossed her arms and sat straight.


“Don't change the subject. Where are we going?” She asked once again being persistent.


“Well Fany-ah it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you would it? Just wait baby. Its a short drive so no worries.” Jessica said. Without noticing, she had let the endearing pet name escape her lips. This however did not escape Tiffany's ears and caused her to smile in amusement.


“Baby?” She asked.


Jessica realized her slip and started to panic.


“I am sorry. I don't even know if you like to be called that it just –...” Before she could finish her statement Tiffany had reach over to hold her hand making her look at her.


“Don't worry. I like it. Baby.” Tiffany said with a smile while lightly squeezing her lover's hand.


The rest of the drive was spend in a serene silence. It was the kind of silence that's comforting. So comforting that at one point Tiffany started to doze off, but before she could completely fall asleep the car had stopped moving. She rubbed her eyes to glance towards Jessica who was staring at her with tenderness in her eyes.


“We are here Tiff.” Jessica said as she leaned over to fix Tiffany's bangs and then she unbuckled Tiffany's seat belt. Tiffany could only stare at Jessica with love. Every gesture Jessica did made her heart flutter with love.


Jessica then proceeded to get down the car and opened her girlfriend's door. Just like a good gentlewomen, Tiffany thought and smiled to show her appreciation. As she got down she noticed her surroundings. Since she was dozing off on the way, she had not noticed that they had traveled to Cheonggyesan Mountain, which like Jessica had said was a short drive of only an hour. The place was a beautiful camping site surrounded by green meadows and earthly scent mixed with pine trees. The stream nearby creating a relaxing environment. She was interrupted from her reverie by Jessica, "Do you like it Tiff?"


“Yes Jessi it's beautiful.” Tiffany replied holding the other girls hand.


“I am glad I wasn't sure if you were frond of nature, but I thought it was a nice idea.” Jessica said with a smile. “I have other things prepared so let me settle the things down before sunset okay?” Jessica said.


Tiffany nodded while Jessica walked towards the car trunk to pull out different items Tiffany didn't know she had prepared. She offered her help to the girl, but Jessica softly declined and told her to sit while she work. It was only going to take a few minutes with her abilities anyway. True to her words Jessica had assembled a tent and seats, but the most surprising thing of all was that she had set up a folded white blanket in a rope tied to opposite tree trunks to resemble a screen and right in front of it were a bunch of blankets and pillows piled together to create a comfortable resting area. Tiffany was at lost for words so she had to ask what this set up was all about.


“What's all this Jessi?” She softly asked Jessica.


“I thought I would surprise you with an outdoor movie surrounded by nature.” Jessica smiled sweetly at Tiffany.


Tiffany was touched by the whole layout for their date. She was at lost for words and stayed silent for about a minute when Jessica softly broke her out of her stupor.


“You don't like it do you?.” It was the first time Tiffany heard Jessica sound so unsure. She decided to end her girlfriends insecurities by going near her and hugging her tightly. She lightly whispered in her ear,” I love everything Jessi. It's so touching.” This caused Jessica to smile and softly kiss the top of her head. Breaking the hug, but holding their hands they walked towards the blankets and sat down. Jessica wrapped her arms around Tiffany in a back embrace while sitting down. Tiffany in the other hand opted to rest her head in Jessica's chest right under her neck. Jessica covered the both of them in a blanket that immediately provided warmth for the chilly air of the mountain and pressed start to the movie. The movie that she had picked for the night was a romance film, Safe Haven. She had asked sunny what type pf movies Tiffany liked and the girl had suggested this movie to Jessica because her friend had mentioned that she had not watched the film yet despite her interest in the story. The choice of the movie had surprised Tiffany once again this evening. She looked up to meet Jessica's soft gaze and moved closer to the girl. She quickly kissed Jessica's cheek and said,“You sure are making this a special night.” To which Jessica replied with a simple, everything for the one I love the most. The movie started and Tiffany was captivated since the opening credits. Both girls never let go of one another through out the movie. At some point Tiffany even shed tears, which Jessica cleaned with tenderness with her thumps. By the time the movie had ended, the full swing of night had entered. Jessica turned of the projector and turned slightly sideways to glance at Tiffany.


“Did you enjoy the movie baby?”She asked while still holding Tiffany.


“I enjoyed everything Jessi. This has been the best date ever.” Tiffany replied as she cuddled further into Jessica.


“Well, the date technically isn't over yet.” Jessica said.


“There's more?” Tiffany asked in an astonished manner.


“Yes there's one last thing I would like to share with you tonight, but first you need to close your eyes baby.” Jessica said.


“Okay.” was all Tiffany could answer. She heard as Jessica moved away, but returned to their previous position.


“Alright open your eyes.” At that Tiffany opened her eyes to find their camping area in complete darkness, but before she could say or ask anything Jessica told her to glance up. When she did, she was meet with another mesmerizing sight that nature provided. A sky light with beautiful twinkling stars and constellations.

“Jessi, this is so beautiful.” She whispered as she felt her eyes water overwhelm with emotion She had always wanted to stargaze, but never had the opportunity to do so and now her Jessi had granted one of her wished.


Jessica noticed how emotional her girlfriend had become and embraced her, wrapping her arms around her waist in a strong yet soft hold as she gave Tiffany light feather like kisses on her temple. She stopped her administration of kisses and separated from Tiffany to look into her eyes as she said, “I thought that since I want to give you the moon and the stars the closest thing I could do was to give you a close look into the night sky. Tiffany you are my star.”


Tiffany was so touched by the romanticism of the girl. She was redeemed speechless. Tonight would be a night that she would never forget. Jessica had been truly romantic and caring in every aspect of their date. She had prepared an outdoor movie in company of nature and stargazing. Tiffany thought that things like these were only done in the romantic movies she liked to watched, but Jessica proved her wrong. She truly was lucky to have such a wonderful girlfriend. The only thing she could do was to express her love towards Jessica by giving her a soft kiss on her lips. It was a kiss full of love and caring and even if it was just a chaste kiss it was full of aw feelings. Slowly they parted from each others lips with their hands intertwined together. Reluctantly, they let go of their hands to start packing. Together they packed up and headed back to Seoul. Both content with the special night they had share.



I am finally back my awesome subscribers and readers. Sorry for my short hiatus. I just needed to time to think stuff.

Mainly to get over SM's BS....anyways....


I also took my time because I had to retwig my story to fit my readers liking and to add side couple like sunyeon and yoonyul.

which I will give you a headup next update will include sunyeon and yoonyul moments ;) thank you lol jk jk 

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Please leave feed back :)

Oh and let's continue supporting Girls' Generation and Jessica like good Sone's we are even if it's hard let's keep strong :)


I will go to bed now it's like 12:20 am here and I have to go to college later in the morning XD

~ See ya till next time ^^


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I will try to upload next chapter no later than today. Be ready ^_^


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it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Chapter 12: Hi there author, i hope you will comeback and update this story someday.
Jeti48 #3
I hope u still continued this story authorshi....
JheiSii137 #4
Chapter 12: good luck authornim :)
Chapter 12: Good luck with your finals author :)
redeb21 #6
Chapter 12: Good luck on your finals. I hope you pass them all.
Chapter 11: i really like this chapter :) thanks for the update , waiting for your next story ..
Chapter 11: so cuteeee. I love this chapter. XDD Thanks for update. XDD
JheiSii137 #9
Chapter 11: Imma speechless.. this chapter is so good, amajjang :)
I can't descrive in words how romantic it is.. :) you're great author..
let's continue supporting Jessica and SNSD.. Fighting :)
JeTi418 #10
Chapter 11: Thank you author i'm glad you came back
the date was beautiful