The Promise

The Promise

“Wookie-ah, can you remove my helmet?”


“It’s bugging me. Please? "

Ryeowook casts a weird glance towards the man in front of him and hesitantly did what the other man said.

“Now wear it.”

“But this is so big.”

“Just wear it. Besides it’s easier than holding it.. oh and one more thing, hug me tightly. "


Ryeowook just shrugged and wore it. His boyfriend is right by the way. He tightened his hold on Kyu's waist and rested his head on his back.

“Ryeowook-ah, the man who had my heart. I want you to live for me. Always remember that I love you, okay? I'm so sorry... "  Kyuhyun said while his tears are rolling down his face...

Unknown to him, Ryeowook heard it all. He was about to ask what that was for when he heard a loud screech and banging... Then it was all black.


"How is he doctor?"

"He's gonna wake up anytime this day. Please inform me when that happens."

He heard those voices. He's pretty sure that the other one is Sungmin-hyung but the other one is not known to him. He then heard the door closed and foot steps coming closer to him. He felt a hand touched his.

"Do you think he'll manage to accept what happened?" he heard Eunhyuk asked.

"I don't know but I wish he will..." Sungmin answered.


Months passed and Ryeowook is completely healed. After waking-up in the hospital, he immediately looked for Kyuhyun. When he asked his hyungs where Kyu is, they only casts him a sad look and muttered sorry. At first, he didn't believe them but when Sungmin told him the whole accident story, he lost all his power and became a sobbing mess..

"Wookie, we'll wait for you inside the car. " Sungmin said. They are standing in front of Kyuhyun's tomb.

"Be strong okay? and smile for him. " Eunhyuk said while patting his back and followed Sungmin towards their car.

Ryeowook took a deep breath before speaking. He placed the flowers on the ground and lighted a candle.

"Kyuhyun-ah, can you hear me? How are you there? Are you doing fine?" he sighed before continuing, " I'm doing fine. Sungmin and Eunhyuk are there to accompany me. We're gonna live together from now on.."

A tear slid from his eyes. He immediately wiped it with his hands and sniffed.

"Ahh, I'm sorry for this. I can't stop it. " he softly laughed. " Kyuhyun-ah, I miss you.. do you miss me too?" he said while trying hard to smile. A sad smile. Suddenly, the wind blows around him. Its like the wind is hugging him. He smiled knowing who it is.

" I consider that as you missed me too. " he smiled. Then he stayed silent for a while. Just his breathing and the wind are the sounds that can be heard. After some minutes, he decided to stand up.

" Well, I have to go now. I promise I'll visit you again tomorrow. " he looked up at the sky and inhaled a deep breath before turning his gaze down. He softy said like a whisper

" I love you Kyuhyun. Wait for me, okay? "

The wind blowed softly this time. He heard a faint whisper to his ear.I love you too...

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Chapter 1: came here again to read this.. had a feeling of nostalgia. lol.. anyway, this is written beautifully though it is short.. and kyu, he's just to sweet TT.TT
Chapter 1: this is sad...
I read this before but I'm reading this again cause I just realized I haven't commented lol. This is so sad :( <//3