She's Breathtaking


Myungsoo decides to finally meet his online girlfriend.


Title: She's Breathtaking
Author: Seoulconnection
Rating: PG13 I guess
Summary: Myungsoo finally decides to meet his online girlfriend.
Author's Note: I decided to write a cliché crack/humor fic woooh 
Word Count: /
Warning: It may contain swear words and perhaps a few ual jokes.
''When you are courting the love of your live an hour seems like a second.'' ― Dongwoo
''Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.'' ― Hoya
''When life hands you lemons, squirt them in people's eyes.'' ― Sungyeol
''Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.'' ― Myungsoo
[SB] Chapter 3 is up! I'll edit it later, I'm way too tired to do it now.


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exostic-babyholics #1
Omg. Great story. Fighting authornim
Chapter 2: Seriously, I love Sungjong hahahhahha Adressing Hoya with mney-types xD It took me a bit to understand, why Ho-dollar but when he said "Ho-yen" I got it xD just because his name says won hahaha Ho-euro fghsjdtghsdfgsha Jongie should say Ho-peso, Ho-sol, Ho-real, Ho-pound, Ho-lek, Ho-riyal, Ho-colon, Ho-kwanza, Ho-frank, Ho-shield, Ho-lion, Ho-dram, Ho-taka, Ho-yuan, Ho-IDR, Ho-marka, and Ho-dinar. Lol.
Chapter 1: the messages were so funny XD especially Howon's part OMG i laughed so much.