Vegas Skies

~So say goodnight, our first goodbye
I've only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time, we'll stop the clock together and know that the timing was right.~
[The Cab]




The lone figure on the bed turned to her side, hand darting out to reach for something—or rather someone but the presence wasn’t there. Lifting her head, Taeyeon looked at the empty space beside her before sitting up. A yawn escaped her lips as she rubbed her eyes. The digital clock on the bedside drawer flashed 9:04 AM and Taeyeon scratched her head. She woke up later than usual, maybe because of all the tossing and turning from yesterday’s restless night. She removed the blanket from her body and got off of bed to wash up.


Taeyeon walked around the quiet apartment as her eyes tried to search for the blonde before her eyes landed on the sticky note on the fridge. Taking the note from the fridge, Taeyeon saw a clean and thin hand writing that she assumed was Jessica’s. Her brows furrowed as she reads the words on the note. It was a short ‘off to work’ but Taeyeon had folded it neatly before tucking it inside her pocket.


It was her last day in Vegas and she haven’t had walked around the city yet, save for the places she had been with her friends and cousin. But she felt too lazy, she haven’t even packed her things yet, her clothes are still in Jessica’s closet. And so she decided to dig in Jessica’s photo albums that were neatly stacked in a corner of the living room. She flipped through page after page, stopping momentarily to examine closely the photos in each page from a baby Jessica and her sister to Jessica’s teenage years and her university life. There was nothing much that changed in Jessica except for her teeth that were now a perfect set of pearly whites, opposite to the ones she had when she was younger. Taeyeon chuckled at the kid Jessica and her clothes which are a total opposite of the 25 year old Jessica Jung too. But she was still cute, and beautiful.


Her eyes then landed on a family photo that had occupied the whole page. It was a younger Jessica, probably around nine or ten with a baby on her lap that Taeyeon supposed was the sister; Soojung, her mother wore a gray blazer with a black dress inside and her father was clad in a white dress shirt and a navy blue vest. Jessica was grinning widely at the camera which Taeyeon unconsciously copied. She suddenly missed her family, especially her father.


The next picture was Jessica and Soojung on the beach wearing an identical red jacket with Jessica’s arms wrapped around Soojung’s shoulder, enveloping the youngest Jung in a tight back hug. Taeyeon was halfway to her second photo album when her phone went off. She looked at the caller ID and her eyes lit up immediately upon seeing the caller.


“Yah! Took you so long to call me!” She exclaimed at the caller half-jokingly. The caller chuckled.


“I was busy. University life is no joke. And international calls costs so much.”


“Yah! I pay for your phone bills!” Taeyeon said as she stood up from the couch and headed for the fridge in the kitchen to get something to drink. “Anyway, how’s your studies?”


“Well, I am very happy to announce that I topped my major subject.”


“Wow, I am impressed.” Taeyeon said as she drank from her glass of orange juice. “So does this mean we will have a farmer in the family?” Taeyeon chuckled as she heard the caller groan.


“Yah unnie! I’m an environmentalist not a farmer! There’s a difference!”


“I was just joking! Geez, so sensitive. And whether you become a farmer or environmentalist or gardener or whatever you want, I am still proud of you.” Taeyeon said with a smile.


“Stop that unnie, you’re making me miss you more.”


“I miss you more, Yoong.”


“When are you coming home? Umma misses you too. She’s complaining that you haven’t called.”


“I know and I feel terrible. I just got caught up with things, but tell her not to worry and I miss her too.”


“Lucky you, they granted you an indefinite leave.”


“It’s all because of appa, if I wasn’t Architect Kim’s daughter I doubt they’ll grant me the indefinite leave.”


“Well, appa had always been a big help in our lives.”


“Definitely.” She answered with a sigh leaving her lips.


“Unnie, the house is really lonely. It’s only umma on weekdays.”


Taeyeon kept silent, she knew her sister was right.


“Unnie, come home soon? Even just for a little while then you can continue traveling.”


“I will, Yoong.” Taeyeon smiled as the line went dead.


Taeyeon’s head turned towards the front door as she heard keys shuffling against the keyhole. She made her way to the hallway near the door, standing there.


“Oh, Taeyeon..” A smiling Jessica came into view as soon as the door opened.


“You’re early..” Taeyeon answered as she looked at her black wrist watch. “It’s just eleven o’clock.”


“Ah, yes. There was really nothing to do in the office so I thought I’d come home early.” Jessica said as she took off her purple pumps and changed into a more comfortable slipper.


“I brought lunch.” The blonde said happily, raising the plastic bags and handing it to Taeyeon.


“I’ll prepare them.” Taeyeon answered as she took the plastic bags and went into the kitchen with Jessica following behind her.


“What did you do today? I didn’t wake you up because you seemed tired.” The blonde said as she drank from the glass of orange juice that Taeyeon left on the table.


“Nothing. I was just here, lazing around.” Taeyeon said as she set the table for their lunch. “Oh, I looked at your photo album, I hope you don’t mind.”


“No worries.” Jessica answered with a nod of the head.


“Wow, these looks delicious.” Taeyeon beamed as she saw the take-outs Jessica had brought. The blonde smiled as they settled on their usual seat across each other.


The lunch was short with the usual chatter between the two girls and an occasional laughter from Jessica. After washing the dishes and tidying the kitchen, both girls settled on the couch, lazing around.


“Do you want to go out today? You haven’t been around the city.” Jessica said as her eyes landed on the photo albums on the coffee table.


“Should we?” Taeyeon asked, standing up and taking the photo albums off the coffee table, returning it on the corner.


“Yeah, let’s go out today.” The blonde smiled and Taeyeon nodded her head.




An hour later the duo found their selves watching a busker near the park they frequented with Hyoyeon and Key. The guy had his guitar slung across his shoulder as his guitar case lay open on the ground with bills and coins inside it.


“Encore!” A guy from the mini audience shouted enthusiastically causing for the others to follow suit.


“Wow, really? This is the first time people requested for an encore.” The busker chuckled as he tuned his guitar.


“Because you guys are so awesome, I’d sing you one last song.” The busker added and smiled warmly at his audience before strumming his guitar which made the audience fall silent. The strings where strummed for a few seconds before the voice of the busker came.


Long steady road

Oh travel, be kind

I'm searching for some peace of mind

The home that you know

A home left behind

Oh trouble, don't trouble this time.


Taeyeon looked to her side and saw Jessica looking at the busker with lost eyes, she smiled at the sight. Taeyeon moved closer to Jessica, accidentally brushing her knuckles against the blonde’s which made Jessica look down at her hand then to Taeyeon’s face. Taeyeon smiled warmly when Jessica’s eyes landed on hers before intertwining their fingers. A smile had made its way to the blonde’s lips as she turned her attention back to the busker.


And baby don't look back,

Odds don't stack

They just crumble down around you.

Oh, you gotta go away if you wanna come back

I won't crack I can't make a sound without you.

And even if it sounds crazy darling I won't let you go

And even if it don't stop raining darling I won't let you go

And even if the world's burning darling I won't let you go

Even if it sounds crazy darling I won't let you go.


The couples beside them started swaying to the music as the busker got lost in his own music, pouring every ounce of emotion he could to his song.


“Let’s dance.” Taeyeon said before grabbing Jessica’s other hand and putting it on her shoulder as she did to the other that was intertwined with hers a moment ago. Jessica hesitantly nodded, not trusting her dancing abilities.


“Taeyeon-ah.. I’m not really sure.. I—I don’t know how to dance.” Jessica admitted shyly as Taeyeon put her hands on Jessica’s waist.


“Just follow my lead.” Taeyeon said as she started swaying them to the music; their surrounding slowly turning into a blur as they looked into each other’s eyes.


Know your way down your music, your town

You never are walking alone

A storm that won't wait, a heart that won't break

Your mountains ain't made out of stone.

So baby don't look back odds don't stack

They just crumble down around you

Oh you gotta go away if you wanna come back

I won't crack I can't make a sound without you.

And even if it sounds crazy darling I won't let you go

And even if it don't ever stop raining darling I won't let you go

And even if the world's burning darling I won't let you go

Even if it sounds crazy, darling.


Two brown orbs stared at each other, never looking away as their bodies inched closer, closing all the gaps between them. Jessica’s head landed on Taeyeon’s shoulder and the latter caressed the soft blond tresses, kissing her head every now and then. It was picture perfect, a sight so beautiful to see, it was definitely a moment to remember. Jessica closed her eyes and smiled inwardly, thanking whoever was there watching above them for the moment they were able to share.


Her body unconsciously swayed with Taeyeon’s in perfect synchronization as if they had danced together ever since they were born.


So Baby don't look back,

Odds don't stack they just crumble down, around you.

Oh you gotta go away, if you wanna come back

I won't crack I can't make a sound without you

And even if it sounds crazy darling I won't let you go

And even if it don't ever stop raining darling I won't let you go

And even if the world's burning darling I won't let you go

Even if it sounds crazy, darling I won't let you go.


The two girls continued to dance as the audience thinned, the busker looked at them and a smile graced his bearded lips. It was a rear moment seeing two people getting lost in each other’s embrace in this side of Las Vegas, well it is rear seeing two people in love these days, without the fear of being criticized or being looked down at. He didn’t want to stop singing, he wanted to prolong the moment for the two girls but he knew that every song must come to an end. And as his performance came to an end, he saw the two girls loosen their hold onto each other.


No I can't, no I never will, never ever would, no I never could let you go

No I just can't, no I never will, never ever would, no I never could let you go


The two girls stood before each other, hands on their sides, smiles on their lips. Taeyeon held Jessica’s hand again, intertwining their fingers like the many times they had. The busker had finished his performance and is busily putting his guitar inside the guitar case. Jessica gave the busker a $20 bill and he smiled in gratitude before the two girls started walking away with no destination in mind.


“What do you want to do today?” Taeyeon asked as she and Jessica walked hand in hand along the streets.


“Something memorable.” Jessica answered with a smile, squeezing Taeyeon’s hand.


“How about ice cream?” Taeyeon grinned at the thought of the cold delight.


“Such a dork.” Jessica laughed at the suggestion. Taeyeon and ice cream is like a package deal, you can never get one without the other.


They went the nearest mall to look for an ice cream stand and when they found one, Taeyeon could never get any happier as Jessica followed along. Taeyeon got a cone of her favorite chocolate ice cream as Jessica on her vanilla ice cream, their other hands still intertwined.


“Why do you like ice cream?” Jessica asked as they wandered aimlessly around the huge mall.


“Because it’s sweet and cold.” Taeyeon answered as she on her ice cream.


“Yeah but it melts faster than you want to and you have to finish it before it turns into a sticky liquid.” Jessica said as she too, on her ice cream. Taeyeon just shrugged her shoulder at the blonde.


A cone of ice cream and ten minutes later, the duo stood in front of a mime whose face was covered with white paint and clad in white.


“Drop a coin and he’ll move.” Taeyeon whispered to Jessica and the latter eyed her with questioning eyes.


“I saw something like that in New York, I dropped a coin there..” Taeyeon explained, pointing at the box below the mime. “Then he dances like a robot. Try it.” She said as she pulled a coin from her pocket, giving it to Jessica.


The blonde hesitantly drop the coin on the box and squealed as the mime moved, surprising Jessica. Taeyeon laughed at Jessica who hid behind her as the mime danced like a robot with his hands moving in front of him like he was stuck in some aquarium.


“That was freaky.” Jessica whispered to Taeyeon as they walked away from the mime, stealing glances at the white figure who stood still on his spot for the last time.


“That’s what I thought the first time I saw them. I didn’t squeal though.” Taeyeon said in a teasing tone.


“Yah!” Jessica said as she slapped Taeyeon’s arm playfully, earning an awkward yet cute laugh from the dark haired girl.


“Jeez, you sound like an ahjumma.” Jessica said as she too laughed.


“A cute ahjumma.” Taeyeon countered, sticking her tongue out to Jessica.


Taeyeon stopped on her tracks as her eyes landed on a bookstore inside the mall, causing Jessica to stop too.


“You want to come in?” Jessica asked when she saw Taeyeon eyeing the book shelves inside the store.


“Let’s go.” Jessica added and tugged on Taeyeon’s hand as the latter followed along.


They walked inside the huge bookstore, looking at aisle after aisle. Taeyeon’s eyes scanned the books but much to her dismay, nothing caught her attention. It was then that Jessica grabbed a random book and opened it, letting go of Taeyeon’s hand for a moment.


“I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz, or the arrow of carnations the fires shoots off. I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that never blooms but carries itself the light of hidden flowers; thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance, risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.


I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way than this: where I does not exist, nor you, so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.” Jessica finished the sonnet with a smile on her lips, eyes glued intently in the word filled paper.


The duo got out of the bookstore after Jessica’s little poetry reading, hands intertwined again.


“What does Jessica Jung want most in life?” Taeyeon asked out of the blue, causing Jessica to look at the girl beside her who looked straight ahead of them.


“I—I wanted to.. design dresses.” She answered shyly in a low voice, not sure if Taeyeon was able to her but the latter nodded her head, acknowledging her answer.


“Why not do that? Do what makes you happy, Sooyeon.” Taeyeon said, glancing at the girl beside her.


“Maybe someday.” Jessica smiled befoe asking, “What does Taeyeon Kim want most in life besides wandering around?” Taeyeon chuckled at the word ‘wandering around’ because she didn’t feel like a wanderer anymore. She was stuck here for days and she was perfectly fine with it.


“Kim Taeyeon wants to be as good as her Appa.” Taeyeon answered with a smile.


“You do that too.” Jessica said after nodding her head.




After hours of walking, Jessica felt her body almost giving in to fatigue as she and Taeyeon made their way to her apartment, every step of the stair felt like eternity. Finally arriving at her unit, the blonde immediately fished out her keys from her purse with the hopes of lying down on the comfortable bed as soon as possible. The door burst open as Jessica hastily pushed the wooden object, causing Taeyeon to chuckle at the impatient blonde who immediately went inside before disappearing in her room.


A figure lie motionless on the bed as Taeyeon stood by the door frame, examining the immobile Jessica before she walked to the bed, sitting on the edge. She took off Jessica’s shoes and purse before lying down on the bed beside Jessica.


“Tired?” She asked, a nod and a hum was Jessica’s answer


“Does your feet hurt?” A hum and a nod was the blonde’s answer again.


Taeyeon sat up on the bed and moved back to the edge near Jessica’s feet as she put it on her lap before gently massaging it.


“Better?” She asked after five minutes, still massaging Jessica’s feet and her calves.


“Thank you, Taeyeon-ah.” Jessica said with her eyes still closed. Taeyeon just nod, forgetting that Jessica wouldn’t see her reply.


Some twenty minutes later, Taeyeon put down Jessica’s legs and moved back to her previous position on the bed; beside Jessica. She brushed some stray strands from the blonde’s face before her hand settled on her stomach.


“Sica.. thank you for today, and for all the days that I’ve been here.” Taeyeon said as she stared on the white ceiling, fingers fiddling the soft garment of her shirt. Jessica’s eyes opened as she enveloped Taeyeon in a bear hug on the bed.


“Don’t say thank you, it just makes me think you’re not coming back.” Jessica said, snuggling closer to Taeyeon who in return turned her body towards Jessica.


“What if we don’t see each other again?” Taeyeon asked as she held Jessica closer, her chin resting on the crown of Jessica’s head.


“Although I doubt that because there’s Hyoyeon and Key..” Jessica said, face buried in Taeyeon’s neck. “But if we don’t ever get to see each other again, you know you’ll always have a special place in my heart.”


Taeyeon’s heart fluttered as the warm breath of the blonde hits her skin, sending tingles all over her body.


“Taeyeon-ah..” Jessica said in a muffled voice as she scooted closer to Taeyeon. “Don’t ever forget me, okay?” A nod was Taeyeon’s answer as she felt all the words drained from her brain.


Taeyeon closed her eyes as she felt Jessica leave sloppy kisses across her neck and her jaw line. Another bolt of electricity spreads across her body as she felt Jessica’s wet lips on hers. It was a familiar yet foreign sensation. It was familiar because it was Jessica yet foreign because of the longing and desire the blonde puts in every kiss. The kiss was slow and passionate, it wasn’t like the other kisses they have shared, it was something between happy and sad. It was love and not lust, it was pure and innocent, it was heartbreaking yet wonderful.


She opened her eyes to see the blonde move on top of her, straddling her stomach. Taeyeon sat up to reach for the blonde’s lips again, sliding the blonde to her lap, hands holding Jessica’s lower back to keep her in place.


Jessica wrapped her arms around Taeyeon, pulling the girl’s head closer before their lips met halfway. She kissed Taeyeon with all that she had; body and soul, heart and mind. The kiss deepened as Taeyeon slipped her tongue inside Jessica’s mouth to which the latter happily accepted before their tongue fought for dominance.


Taeyeon’s lips moved from Jessica’s mouth to her jaw line, causing the blonde to moan and call out Taeyeon’s name. The dark haired girl happily continued the task at hand as she swiftly moved her lips to Jessica’s neck, it, leaving her marks before proceeding to Jessica’s ears, nibbling on her earlobes as more moans escaped the blonde’s lips.


Taeyeon’s hands moved up and down Jessica’s waist, feeling the perfect curves, like she was a sculpture molding her masterpiece. Taeyeon’s hands moved to the hem of Jessica’s shirt as her lips were again caught in a lip lock with the blonde. Her hands moved inside Jessica’s shirt, gracefully feeling the skin under palm as the blonde stirred lightly at the touch.


Turning them around, Taeyeon hovered above the now lying Jessica. Her hands moved back to the hem of Jessica’s shirt, tugging it up and breaking their kiss momentarily.


“Taeyeon-ah..” The blonde whispered as a lone tear roll down the blonde’s cheek.


“Sica..” Taeyeon said as she inched closer to the blonde again before her lips were caught in another deep kiss, leaving her gasping for air. Her hands roamed around the now bare upper body of Jessica, memorizing every curve and every line. Her hand moved to Jessica’s back, unhooking the lone garment that hugs Jessica’s most prized possession before pulling her own shirt off of her body. It was the last time that Kim Taeyeon would be able to hold Jessica Jung like this, but it feels like the first time and so she realized; everything feels like the first time when it comes to Jessica Jung.


Two hearts flutter as they lose their selves in the moment, taking in every breath, every moan and every kiss with them, keeping it in the depths of their soul.

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Who advertised Vegas Skies? This is crazy, thank you so much!!! :')


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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH AAAAA I NEEDED THIS! Can’t believe i just found this now! Ily author!
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 9: Awww
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 7: AWWE FAKK
Kimbangsong #4
Chapter 10: Another beautiful story from you, dear author. Bravo!!! Couldn't love it more... Anticipating for more Taengsic from you...
Chapter 10: Rereading this masterpiece. This is soo heartwarming to read
ellimacomet #6
Chapter 10: Rereading this once again
One of the best taengsic ff out there.. beautifully written.. thank you authornim! ^^
will always love this!! ??
Yoonaya05 #9
Chapter 10: I love this, I really love this story!!!