Vegas Skies

~it's a long way down
just fall into place and you'll fall into me
we'll make it out, you'll see~
[The Cab]




Two little hands nudged the sleeping figure on the desk. However, the figure didn’t budge and light snores were heard from the sleeping figure.


“Umma is deep asleep, huh?” A low, almost hushed voice asked the little boy who seemed to be impatient.


“Umma..” Pouting, the boy tried nudging again, whispering at the sleeping figure but there was still no reaction.


“Aigoo, you look just like umma when you pout.” Jessica chuckled at her son.


“Let’s see if we can wake umma again, okay?” She said as she scooped the boy in her arms.


“Taengoo-ah..” Jessica sweetly whispered in Taeyeon’s ears, hoping to wake the sleeping woman.


“Taengoo-ah..” She whispered again, getting the same reaction as her first attempt. She inched her face closer to Taeyeon, her breath brushing against Taeyeon’s earlobe.


“Taengoo..” Taeyeon stirred as Jessica’s warm breath brushed against her skin. A smile automatically appeared on Taeyeon’s face as she opened her eyes to Jessica and their son.


Taeyeon grabbed Jessica by the waist, nestling the younger girl on her lap with their son on the latter’s lap; making them look like a pile of Lego.


“What’s up?” She asked while she pressed her head on Jessica’s back.


“Jeyeon had been waking you up for the past thirty minutes.” Jessica said as she their son’s black hair.


“I think he wants something.” She added.


“What is it, Jeyeon?” Taeyeon asked as her hands reached for the little boy’s cheek from the back.


The boy hesitated and Jessica saw their son lowering his head while his finger fiddled with the hem of his shirt.


“Did you promise him something?” Jessica asked, turning her head back to Taeyeon.


“Umma.. say.. umma say ice.. cwweammm” The little boy shyly muttered and the two adults looked at each other. A smile formed in Jessica’s lips.


“Jeyeon-ah, you could have just told me. We could have gone there without waking umma up.” She said and twirled the boy on her lap so that he was facing them now.


The three year old boy puffed his cheeks, just like how Taeyeon usually does. The sight made Taeyeon smile.


“Umma is really tired, Jeyeon-ah.” Jessica tapped the boy’s left cheek with her index finger and the boy looked up to her, eyes glazing.


“So..sowwy” He muttered under his breath but both his parents caught it.


“No need to be sorry, Jeyeon-ah.” Taeyeon spoke up when she saw the sulking boy.


“I promised you, didn’t I? And umma never breaks her promises to Jeyeon, right?” The little boy nodded vigorously which made Jessica chuckle. The little boy once again turned his attention to Jessica and he bit his lower lip when he saw her looking at him.


“So, what are we waiting for? Aren’t we going yet?” Jessica asked both Taeyeon and Jeyeon while she ruffled his son’s hair with a smile. Jeyeon’s eyes widen in excitement.


“Yeah, we shouldn’t be wasting time, right?” Taeyeon added as he patted Jeyeon’s cheek. The boy grinned at his parents as he struggled to move down from Jessica’s lap.


“Careful, cowboy.” Taeyeon said as she successfully assisted Jeyeon from behind Jessica. The little boy giggled before disappearing out of the room.


“Taengoo..” Jessica turned around to face Taeyeon, straddling on the older girl’s lap.


“No more sleeping on your desk, alright?” She added as she encircled her arms on Taeyeon’s neck.


“Yes, princess.” Taeyeon placed a chaste kiss on Jessica’s lips.


“Good morning.” Jessica said, standing up.


“Good morning.” Taeyeon answered as her hand linked with Jessica’s extended one.


A silver band on Jessica’s left hand caught her eyes and Taeyeon couldn’t help but smile at the sight.


Kim Taeyeon’s life is complete – that she could confidently say. From being one of South Korea’s top Architects to having Jessica Jung as Jessica Kim, there was nothing more she could ask. It had been tough at first; trying to convince Jessica’s parents that she was the one for their daughter – their princess. Jessica’s father wasn’t very keen on the idea of same gender marriage because as he said, he wanted to have grandchildren. Mrs. Jung was cool about it, saying that whatever makes Sooyeon happy makes her happy as well. Miraculously though when she was about to give up on Mr. Jung, Taeyeon found herself sitting right across the elderly man in the Jung’s house. She remembered how sweaty her palms were that time as she fidgeted from time to time while Jessica’s dad wore a straight face. Please take care of my princess, he said as he looked into Taeyeon’s eyes, trying to read as much as he could. Taeyeon remembered nodding vigorously that night, making her neck hurt. And at the end of the day, Taeyeon walked out of the Jung household with a triumphant smile on her face and the silver band on her pocket.


Her proposal was simple and plain over dinner. No rose petals, no candle lit dinner, no musicians. Nothing. It was just her and her sincere heart. Jessica said yes as soon as the question ‘will you grow old with me?’ rolled out of Taeyeon’s tongue. Of course, not without Jessica complaining about not having a romantic proposal. And at that very moment, Taeyeon knew she was doing the right thing. That being with Jessica Jung for the rest of her life was what she always wanted.


Then the cherry on top came knocking on their door just two months after their wedding - literally knocking. Kim Jeyeon, the only missing piece in their happy ever after. Taeyeon could still clearly remember how she rushed to the door after three knocks, thinking it was her in-laws, only to find a five month old baby lying on the floor with only his clothes and a pacifier on his mouth. She quickly scooped the baby so he wouldn’t be out cold. She looked around but saw no one. She reported the baby to the police and after some months of not hearing from anyone who might be searching for the baby, the couple decided to legally adopt the baby.


Though he wasn’t biologically theirs, he was always treated like one; be it by his parents or his grandparents and aunties. Taeyeon and Jessica had always strived to give Jeyeon a life he deserves.


“Taengoo, you’re spacing out.” Taeyeon walked out of memory lane as Jessica pulled her up from her seat. Taeyeon playfully stood up with a little force and ended up hugging Jessica.


“Kim Taeyeon is really lucky.” Taeyeon said as she encircled her arms around her wife’s waist.


“No, Jessica Jung is lucky.” Jessica countered and pulled Taeyeon closer.


“Kim. Jessica Kim.” Taeyeon corrected and showered Jessica kisses which left the latter giggling.


“Umma.. momma..” The little voice brought the couple’s attention to the pouting Jeyeon.


“Aigoo.. it’s the other way around, Jeyeon-ah.” Jessica smiled as she fix Jeyeon’s shirt.


“Let’s go.” Taeyeon said, scooping Jeyeon in her arms.


“Aren’t you going to get changed first?” Jessica asked, eyeing Taeyeon from head to toe.


“Are you checking me out?” Taeyeon joked and wiggled her eye brows. Jessica just rolled her eyes and grabbed her wife’s hand to follow her out of their house.




“Chocolate?” Taeyeon asked Jeyeon who is still in her arms as they stood in front of the counter of the ice cream parlour. The little boy nodded enthusiastically while clapping his hands together. Jessica chuckled and pinched the little boy’s cheeks slightly.


“You two get seated, I’ll order for us.” She said and pecked on Taeyeon’s cheek before ushering them to find a table.


After three minutes of waiting, Jessica finally arrived in their table with a tray of chocolate ice creams.


“Aren’t we too old for ice creams?” Taeyeon asked as soon as Jessica settled on the seat across hers while she had Jeyeon on her lap.


“Did you finally get fed up with ice cream?” Jessica asked in return as she scooped from her ice cream. Taeyeon laughed.


“It’s not that. What I mean is that we haven’t had alone times anymore. It’s always the playground or here.” Taeyeon smiled at her wife as a thought popped up in her head.


“How about I take a leave from work then we ask Yoona and Soojung if Jeyeon could stay with them for a week or so?” Taeyeon continued, hoping that her wife would agree which seems very impossible for the moment since she wouldn’t even let Jeyeon out of her sight for a couple of minutes.


Jessica looked at her wife then her gaze turned to the oblivious boy in Taeyeon’s lap who was so engrossed in his ice cream.


“Come on, Sooyeon, it’s just a week and I’m sure umma would help the two dorks if he becomes a handful.” Taeyeon added, hoping to persuade her wife who was weighing things.


“I’m not sure, Taengoo.” Jessica’s tone was apologetic and Taeyeon knew her answer already.


“Please? I miss spending time with you.” Taeyeon said and pouted, making sure it’s the one Jessica cannot resist.


“Taeyeon you can’t do that to me right now.” Jessica groaned at the cute sight. Her wife is seriously adorable when she pouts.


“That’s a yes, right?” Taeyeon beamed which caused Jessica to groan again.


“Jeyeon-ah..” Taeyeon tapped the little boy’s shoulder, making him tilt his head and look at his umma.


“What do you say about staying at Aunt Yoona’s and Aunt Krystal’s for a week?” She smiled, hoping that her plans will go well.


Jeyeon’s face lit up but the smile immediately dropped as he turned his head to face his Momma Jess. He shook his head vigorously and Taeyeon’s smile dropped as well, replacing it with a frown.


“Why?” Taeyeon asked his son again whose eyes now fixed on the table.


“Momma Jess.. dun wike..” The little boy spoke with his slurry baby voice. Taeyeon chuckled and tapped Jeyeon’s shoulder again.


“But Momma Jess said it’s okay.” Taeyeon assured, looking at Jessica and sending signals for her wife to speak up.


“Jeyeon-ah..” Jessica spoke with a sweet voice and Jeyeon’s attention was back to her.


“Are you gonna be okay with your Aunts? It’s seven days, Jeyeon. You won’t see me or umma for seven days.” Jessica said and raised her seven fingers to show her son how many days they will be gone. Jeyeon counted and his eyes widened.


“That.. that wong? Jeyeon stay wif Aunts that wong?” The little boy asked and Jessica nodded in response.


“So, is it okay?” Jessica asked the boy again, leaning in a little closer. The boy nodded, much to Taeyeon’s relief.


“Where umma and momma go?” The little boy asked, furrowing his eye brows; just like how Taeyeon always looks like when she’s concentrating.


“It’s far from here, but we will always call you.” Jessica assured her son with a sweet smile which the little boy immediately reciprocated, mirroring Jessica’s smile.


“Thank you, cowboy.” Taeyeon whispered to her son and nuzzled on the boy’s ear, causing the boy to giggle.





“Are you tired?” Taeyeon asked as she took the last luggage from the trunk of her car. They just arrived in the pension house Taeyeon had rented for their stay.


“Mmm.” Jessica hummed her answer as she buried her face on Taeyeon’s shoulder and the latter reflexively wrapped her arms around Jessica’s waist, pulling her wife closer.


“Thank you, Taengoo.” Jessica mumbled, face still buried on Taeyeon’s shoulder.


“Anything for my wife.” A sweet smile lingered on Taeyeon’s lips.




“Aish. Where’s that kid?” Krystal asked herself as she went through room after room in the Kim household.


“Peek-a-boo!” A little voice shouted from her back causing Krystal to jump in surprise followed by a loud laughter.


“Yoona!” Krystal hissed as she scooped her nephew to her arms.


“Oh my god, Krystal.. you.. should have.. seen your.. face!” Yoona said in between breaths, hands clutching her side while she went on a laughing fit.


“Not funny you choding!” Krystal scolded the still laughing Yoona whose mouth was wide open.


“And wipe your saliva off of your mouth, you look gross.” Krystal added as she strolled off to Taeyeon’s old room.


“Aww, you’re no fun Jung Soojung! Are you and Kris going through rough times these days?” Yoona teased as she followed the fuming Krystal who had Jeyeon on her arms. Yoona stuck her tongue out at the giggling little boy who was looking back at her.


“Shut up, Yoona and help me with your nephew!” Krystal said as she sat Jeyeon on Taeyeon’s old bed.


“I still can’t comprehend how I became bestfriends with a choding like you.” Krystal added as Yoona continued to play with Jeyeon, both laughing.


“Go wash him up.” Krystal instructed Yoona.


“No, you do it.” Yoona countered and sat beside Jeyeon on the bed.


“You do it! I’ve been running around the whole day!” Krystal said as she started undressing the little boy who was still giggling at whatever Yoona was doing.


“I’m not the one who’s marrying soon. You should really practice so you’d know what to do when you and Kris have your mini-me’s.” Yoona said matter-of-factly, making Krystal blush.


“Aish! And you’re gonna end up alone.” Krystal said, sticking her tongue out at Yoona who laughed in response.


“I have Jeyeon, he wouldn’t leave me like you’ll do. Right, buddy?” Yoona said and pouted, feigning hurt. Krystal just rolled her eyes.


“Because you’re so choosy. That Nichkhun guy was perfect.” Krystal countered as she took Jeyeon in her arms once again, taking him into the bathroom with Yoona following them.


“But he doesn’t even like street foods! Plus, he’s so prim and proper I can’t even fool around.” Yoona answered while making a face.


“Then you should have enrolled yourself in pre-school again if you wanted to fool around.” Krystal answered as she started scrubbing Jeyeon’s body with a body wash.


“Aish. It’s not like that. What I mean is, I just want someone who’s care-free.” Yoona leaned on the door frame of the bathroom with her arms crossed.


“Jeyeon, wanna marry Aunt Yoona?” Krystal asked the innocent boy which made Yoona laugh again.


“Yah! You pedo!” Yoona joked as Jeyeon looked at them, confusion written all over his face.


“You want rice cakes?” Yoona asked the little boy instead. The little boy’s eyes lit up automatically and a few nods were given.


“You shikshin.” Krystal said and pinched Jeyeon’s cheek.




“Taengoo? Are you cold?” Jessica asked her wife who was snuggling close to her body as they sat on the sofa in the balcony, admiring the beautiful scenery their pension house has to offer. Taeyeon shook her head but pulled Jessica closer by the waist.


“I just want to be closer to you.” Taeyeon’s reply was muffled because her face was buried on Jessica’s shoulder.


“Are you tired? We can sleep now.” Jessica asked again as she drape a blanket over their body. Another shake of the head was Taeyeon’s answer.


“Not yet. Let’s just stay like this for a while.” Taeyeon answered, kissing Jessica’s clothed shoulder.


A comfortable silence engulfed them as the minutes dragged and Jessica found half of her body slowly lying on top of Taeyeon’s as the older girl enveloped her in a back hug.


“What’s on your mind, Taengoo?” Jessica asked, deciding to break the silence.


“You and Jeyeon.” Taeyeon answered honestly.


“What about me and Jeyeon?” Jessica turned around to face Taeyeon.


“If I was able to give you both the life you deserve.” Taeyeon’s hands reached out to hold Jessica’s.


“Of course, Taengoo. Our life is perfect, especially with you in it.” Jessica smiled at her wife and her hands reached up to cup Taeyeon’s face, bringing the older girl’s hand in the process.


“I’d never exchange my life for anybody else’s. Having you in my life was the best decision I’ve ever made. And I know when Jeyeon’s already a grown up, he’ll be saying the same thing.” Jessica added while looking straight into Taeyeon’s brown orbs. A smile crept up on Taeyeon’s face as Jessica’s hands gave warmth to her cheeks.


“Thank you, Sooyeon.” Taeyeon said sincerely.


“Aw, no cheesy comebacks?” Jessica asked playfully.


“Well, you seem to be good at leaving me speechless everytime this cheesy side of you surfaces.” Taeyeon said and pulled Jessica for another hug. Only this time it was tighter.


“Well, you made me cheesy.” Jessica said, pushing herself closer to Taeyeon’s.


“I love you, Kim Taeyeon. Always have, always will.” Jessica whispered into Taeyeon’s ears.


“I love you more, Jessica Kim. Forever and always.” Taeyeon pulled away from Jessica just so she could look her in the eyes.


“There will never be a Kim Taeyeon without you, Jessica Kim.”


Taeyeon leaned closer, closing her eyes. Jessica did the same, meeting Taeyeon halfway. Their lips were barely touching but nobody moved any closer. They stayed like that for a good couple of seconds, just taking in each other’s breath. Their hearts beating like crazy in their rib cages, like the many times they did. The butterflies that were constantly there went on an uproar, like the many times they did. Their cheeks heating up, like the many times they did. It was like having their first kiss again. Every kiss feels like the first one. And with every thump of their heartbeat, they leaned closer - connecting their lips, their hearts and their souls, making them fall in love all over again.


They may not be the most perfect couple out there; people might even deem them as taboo but they don’t care. As long as they got Jeyeon and each other, they know they’ll get by just fine.



all of these guards they stand tall and defensive
putting up walls around what once was innocent
they won't let me in, but I'm stronger than that
'cause you stole my eyes and I've never looked back
girl, last night I forgot to mention
the way that I feel, the way that I'll remember this
when we're this young
we have nothing to lose
just a clock to beat and a hand to choose

it's a long drive back to Vegas Skies
so why don't I make one more wrong turn tonight

so say goodnight
our first goodbye
I've only got forever and forever is fine
just take your time
we'll stop the clock together and know that the timing was right









So, uhm, I don't really know what to say. Lol. I just hope the ending justified the whole story. And if not, my apologies. *grin*

Anyway, this story was inspired by the song Vegas Skies by The Cab. It's a really great song and a great band. I don't know if this story did justice to the song though because the idea just kind of popped up one time I was replaying the song over and over again. Lol

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Who advertised Vegas Skies? This is crazy, thank you so much!!! :')


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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH AAAAA I NEEDED THIS! Can’t believe i just found this now! Ily author!
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 9: Awww
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 7: AWWE FAKK
Kimbangsong #4
Chapter 10: Another beautiful story from you, dear author. Bravo!!! Couldn't love it more... Anticipating for more Taengsic from you...
Chapter 10: Rereading this masterpiece. This is soo heartwarming to read
ellimacomet #6
Chapter 10: Rereading this once again
One of the best taengsic ff out there.. beautifully written.. thank you authornim! ^^
will always love this!! ??
Yoonaya05 #9
Chapter 10: I love this, I really love this story!!!