It Take Two to Dance


Neighbors, family, and frienemies, nothing ever goes good for these two people. But will that change when one is left on their own and has to deal with the other until they find a place of their own?


So Min Jae

A normal girl, living in the same house since she was born. But when she gets into the school of her dreams she is forced to make a living for herself. But with what money, and she doesn't know anyone in Seoul. Well, except for maybe one person. Min is an independent person, a total book worm but is also very naive. In the end however that is why so many people want to go out on dates with her and give her flowers. She pays no mind to the males that follow her around school because she simply doesn't notice or care to. The only boy she's ever gotten along with was her neighbor Kim Jong In, but he moved out, so what is she going to do now?
Kim Jong In
Kim Jong In grew up next door to Min since she was born, and it's been 
a great time for him. All the horror movies, nights roasting marshmallows, and slumber parites with friends. He was Min's biggest follower, totally head over heels for the girl. But when she didn't catch on he gave up and started looking at every other girl to make her jealous. In doing so he made a name for himself in school, and that's followed him to his new home. He recently moved to Seoul to go to school at a big dance academy, but he's heard the news and can't wait! But how many problems will that cause with all the new people he's met? Not only does he love to dance, but he also likes to write, play music, hang out with his friends, and his favorite thing to do -mess with Min. 



Hello lovely readers! Here is another story for you! 

This story follows two life-long friends who have to learn the consequences of their mistakes.

This story has heartbreak, betrayal, anger, and so much love it's frustrating!

If this sounds like your kind of story then click that little subscribe button and have fun reading!


"How could you do something so, so cruel."

"I guess I was just thinking about myself, I'm sorry. But you never cared before, so why now?"

"I've always cared! You were just too blind for so long that I gave up."



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