Opening Eyes

You Don't Know What You Have

Word Count: ~1.6 k


Kyungsoo came back to a dark flat. He fumbled around a little looking for the light switch. When he finally found it and flipped it on, Kyungsoo saw that his flat-mate was still on the sofa in the same place as he had left him, although now he was facing the back of it.

“I brought you some ramyeon from the shop down the way if you’re hungry. If not, I can just put it in the fridge.” The nugatory grunt indicated the younger didn’t want food. The older sighed and stored the Styrofoam bowl in the fridge.

He padded over to the sofa. “Do you want to talk about it?” There was a pause as Jongin thought about it. Finally, he replied with another nugatory grunt. “It won’t get better until you talk to someone about it,” Kyungsoo pushed again. Jongin shut him out by curling into a ball. The older extended a hand to pat Jongin’s back but his hand stopped just short.

“I’ll just be in my room then,” he sighed before getting up and padding away. This just made Jongin feel more miserable than ever. Kyungsoo paused at his door, hand hovering over the doorknob, hoping that Jongin would say something to call him back. When no words came, his hand closed on the doorknob and he eased it open.

By the time Jongin had finally worked up the courage to go over and use words to communicate with Kyungsoo, he turned to see the door to the other’s bedroom easing closed and Jongin felt absolutely wretched. He sat back down on the sofa to mope some more when a text made his phone vibrate. It wasn’t Sehun but Jongin wasn’t sure whether he was glad of that fact or not. The text alert sound did not sound familiar and Jongin was almost wondering whether Sehun had given this number to his new boyfriend.

Glancing down at the lock screen, he noted that the message began with, “Hey, this is Kyungsoo’s friend Baekhyun.” It couldn’t be too bad if it was Kyungsoo’s friend. The name Baekhyun sounded familiar but Jongin could not remember from where so he unlocked the phone and began to reply.

“Is this Jongin?” the second message read.

“Yes, this is he,” Jongin replied after quickly adding the other to his contacts.

“Are you Kyungsoo’s friend?”

The message “Baekhyun is typing” only flashed for a second before he got a reply.

“Yeah, I’m Kyungsoo’s friend from physics.”

“Listen, I need to talk to you about your problem.” The new message flashed up almost instantly after Jongin’s message appeared.

“You really need to get over the little .”

“He does this all the time and we all hate him but at the same time, we can’t really break it off either.”

“You know what I mean right? Soo doesn’t.”

“I guess at this point, I’m trying to say that I want to help you.”

“I want you to get over this so that you can be a normal human being again.”

“And also so that you don’t have to complain to Soo.”

“It’s always a burden on him when you complain to him but you don’t really know it.”

“But that’s okay because he wants to help you.”

“Well it’s not exactly okay but he still does want to help you.”

The messages were flashing faster than he could read them.

“Can you hold on a sec, I need to read what you’re saying,” Jongin replied so that he could catch up with the conversation.

“Are you a slow reader?”

“Usually Soo can keep up with me when I text.”

“Mayhaps I’m just texting faster than usual.”

“I’ve always been told that I text really quickly but I guess most of my friends had learned to catch up.” The texts stopped, waiting for a response.

“You text unnaturally quickly,” Jongin replied. He had thought that Kyungsoo was a fast typer but Baekhyun was absolutely ridiculous.

“You should meet Jongdae. He types even faster than I do.” A shiver ran up Jongin’s spine hearing this. That kid must have lightning-fast thumbs because Baekhyun could probably beat most people typing on actual keyboards just typing on his cellular.

“Okay, enough about my texting skills, let’s talk about your problems.”

“And just for the record, I’m not leaving until we do.”

“If you turn off your phone, you’ll come back to a thousand messages.”

“I did it to Soo once when he was moping.”

“But that’s a story for another time.”

“Haps if he’s willing to share with you then you’ll hear about it.”

“I’m not about to disclose Soo’s secrets.”

“But I digress.”

“Sehun’s a real jerk and you should realise that it was a mistake.”

“Sure he has that weird aura about him that draws you to him but at the same time, you should really get over him.”

“I’ve been there too and he is definitely not worth your tears.”

“There’s someone very near to you who is much more deserving of your affections.”

“I’m not going to say who, but look to the people who console you when you need it.”

“That’s where I found Yeol.” The “Baekhyun is typing” bubble disappeared and it looked as if Baekhyun were waiting for a response.

“I wouldn’t know where to start looking,” Jongin replied.


“You’re not trying hard enough.”

“Or you’re just really thick.”

“Think for longer than five seconds on it and it’ll come to you.”

“Why don’t you just tell me who it is,” Jongin asked.

“Because you need to see for yourself if you heart knows what it really wants.”

“Sehun’s really just a filler for something you think that you can’t have.”

“I can’t tell you what your heart wants or needs, only it can tell you.”

“I gotta go. Yeol is back so just think on what I told you and you’ll realise it and wonder how you hadn’t thought of it until now,” Baekhyun tapped out.

“Talk to you later?” No response from Baekhyun. He was probably with this “Yeol” person already.

Jongin groaned in frustration and lay back on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling, cellular hugged to his chest for no apparent reason. Perhaps he thought he could get the answer from Baekhyun’s mysterious texts, from just being so near to them.




He drifted off and had nightmares that he couldn’t remember the next morning. He woke up reaching for the ceiling, almost as if he were trying to grab the beams of sunlight drifting through the window. Mayhaps he was trying to grasp at something made of light, something warm, familiar, and comforting. He pushed himself up to a seated position and felt his cellular slide off his chest and land on the soft carpet. He picked it up and turned it on to find 32 texts from Baekhyun, all of them around 4:00 in the morning.

They began with “Have you figured out who it is that your heart truly needs?” Jongin didn’t really feel like reading them all, so he skimmed them.



The all capital letter text caught his attention. After a few of these, Baekhyun realised why Jongin wasn’t replying. “Oh right, it’s four in the morning isn’t it?”

“Never mind.”

“I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

“Well probably closer to noon because I’m tired.

“It was a long night.”

Jongin skimmed back through the texts to see if his brain had come up with anything at all. He also tried to remember what his dream had been about. It was likely to pertinent; no, it was pertinent. He knew that it was. He was concentrating so hard that when Kyungsoo padded into the room and spoke, Jongin nearly jumped out of his skin, sitting bolt upright.

“Did you sleep out here Jongin? That’ really not good for your back,” he asked, yawning and rubbing his eye. Kyungsoo wandered into the kitchen and called, “Do you want me to make you breakfast or do you just want the ramyeon? It’s no trouble either way.”

“Thanks, hyung. Are you making fried chicken?” Jongin asked absently.

“Sure. How many pieces do you want?” Kyungsoo came over to lean on the back of the sofa and Jongin felt something in his stomach. He was unsure of whether this thing was guilt or something else.


“That sounds like a question,” Kyungsoo joked. Jongin turned to look at him; there was no trace of malice in his gaze despite the fact that Jongin had been a real jerk to him the day prior.

“I’m sorry,” Jongin mumbled, looking away.

“It’s really no trouble, we have some chicken and it’s not difficult to make,” Kyungsoo replied, a little confused.

“No hyung, I’m sorry for yesterday. I shouldn’t have yelled at you and I shouldn’t have said or done some of the things I did.”

“Listen, Jongin. It’s fine. I’m fine. I’m just glad that you’re feeling better.”

“That doesn’t make up for how rude I was yesterday. You’re always here and you’re always caring for me and I’m just a jerk to you...” He trailed off and suddenly Baekhyun’s voice, well more just his texts, echoed in Jongin’s head. His heart wanted someone really close to him who was always there for him. His eyes widened and before he knew it, his body had moved on its own.

“It’s fi—“ Jongin had turned such that he was now kneeling on the sofa and leaning over the back. He cut off the rest of the sentence with his lips coming in contact with Kyungsoo’s.


A/N: So sassy Baekhyun opens Jongin's eyes. I'm sorry for it seeming so abrupt. I wanted to keep it as a three-shot, well it's more like a one-shot because of it's length but whatever. So I think that this is my first KaiSoo ever. I hoped you like it~

Stay tuned for the sequel that has been requested and will come. The announcement about the sequel will appear here when it does...

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esmeberta #1
Chapter 3: sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nuruliffahnaz #2
Chapter 3: You need to do sequel to clear off the last part...
Chapter 3: But nos Soo is going to think he is some like a rebound and this is gonna get messy