What Comes Next?

You Don't Know What You Have

Word Count: ~1.2 k


Kyungsoo woke up to his phone vibrating as he got a string of fifteen texts. He picked it up and saw that they were all from Baekhyun and more were appearing by the second. It always baffled him that Baekhyun could move his fingers that quickly across the keyboard.

“Hey, Soo.”

“How are you doing?”

“Is Jongin still throwing a fit?”

“You really need to talk to him about his problem.”

“Have you eaten yet?”

“Are you free tonight?”

“It’s like 8 right now and I just got off from night classes.”

“We could catch ramyeon right now.”

“You know, at that place that’s really close to your flat.”

“You can bring your boyfriend along with you.”

“He loves the stuff, right?”

“If you’ve already eaten, we can go get coffee.”

“You’re really lucky your classes end at 4”

“Are you ignoring me?”

“That’s rude, you know.”

Kyungsoo quickly swiped his finger across the lock screen.

“I’m not ignoring you, you just type too quickly for any normal person to get a word in.”

“Sure. Ramyeon sounds great right now.”

“Yeah. Jongin is ing again about you know who...”

Baekhyun’s bubble read that he was typing, but not for a second before another message appeared.

“I warned him about that little prat, but no one listens to me about relationships.”

“Seriously. I’m over it, though.”

“I hope he’s okay. Sehun always leaves devastation in his wake.”

Kyungsoo didn’t know how he would reply to that, so he simply changed the subject.

“You’re about 15 minutes out from the shop right? Wanna meet in 15 then?”

In the blink of an eye, Baekhyun replied, faster than the iPhone could display the “Baekie is typing” message.


“And bring along Jongin if he isn’t too depressed.”

Kyungsoo replied. “Okay.”

Baekhyun was always a good friend. Even if sometimes his methods were a little unorthodox. When Jongin originally started dating Sehun, he warned Jongin that this would happen. When he came to finally call it off, he would say it as monotonously as ever and simply say that he found someone better, although from his tone you wouldn’t be able to tell from the tone of his voice, or lack thereof.

Even though Baekhyun was bitter about being cheated on and then dumped, he got over it and moved on with his life. He was also there for Kyungsoo and Jongin when Sehun was doing his Sehun thing and banging boys left and right.

Kyungsoo got dressed and then went to the bathroom to clean up his splotchy and tear-stained face. After a little cold water, he looked a lot better. When he finally crept out and into the living room to check on his flatmate, Jongin was asleep, facing the back of the sofa and curled up. Kyungsoo looked at the phone lying on the coffee table.

Sehun had sent some texts but they would probably upset Jongin. They were some selcas of Sehun and some other boy at a bubble tea café. Sehun was smiling. Sehun was smiling. “Hope we can still be friends. :)” Kyungsoo quickly sent himself copies of the pictures and then deleted them from Jongin’s phone. No need to upset him further. He would show the pictures to Baekhyun as they ate.




“The nerve of that little !” Baekhyun said angrily through mouth full of noodles.

“It’s best not to yell angrily with food in your mouth, Baekie,” Kyungsoo said softly.

“This is a new one. Do you know what Jongin said to Sehun when they broke up?”

“I have no idea... And he was asleep when I left, so I didn’t get a chance to ask.”

“And why the is he smiling? He never smiles. That’s just his thing. I’ve never seen him smile, not when he was talking about Luhan, not when... Stuff happened. Never. I’ve never seen him smile ever. And now he has the nerve to send these pictures!?!?!? What is wrong with him?” Baekhyun asked, angrily shoving more noodles into his mouth.

“I don’t know... I just hope that Jongin didn’t see the pictures. It doesn’t seem like he did... I deleted them off of his phone before I came here.”

“I don’t know whether that was the best idea. Mayhaps Jongin would have seen the pictures and would have gotten over Sehun more quickly?” Baekhyun suggested, this time covering his mouth as a courtesy.

“I don’t think he’s quite ready for the heartbreak that comes with the picture. Sure he’s always forgiven Sehun, but this was a real move to pull,” Kyungsoo replied, slurping his noodles.

“Just try to resist punching him in the face the next time you see him. I know how difficult of a thing it is to do, but at least try for Jongin’s and this new boy’s sake, okay?”

“Ugh... Mayhaps I can put up a board with Sehun’s face on it and throw darts at it or burn it or deface it in some other way...”

“See? That’s the spirit. Just don’t do anything that could harm him physically or harm his relationship, no matter how many people he’s hurt emotionally...” Baekhyun said. “Wow. That sounded really bad, didn’t it?” Baekhyun nodded. “Well, you get my meaning, regardless, right?”

“I suppose...” he sighed, finishing off his noodles. “Do you think I should bring Jongin something? He’ll probably be hungry by now if he’s woken up,” Kyungsoo asked, changing the subject quickly.

“Sure, I guess. You know, you really take care of the guy. It’s almost like he’s a little brother to you, if not a little bit more,” Baekhyun said, joking and wiggling his eyebrows. Baekhyun really did know Kyungsoo too well, after all. They had been friends for ages.

“Shut up. You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“Oooh. Going for the denial approach?”

“I’m not denying anything!”

“Your mouth is saying one thing, but your eyes are saying quite another,” Baekhyun teased.

“You’re just being annoying,” Kyungsoo replied. “You know what? I’m just going to get something for him. If he’s still asleep, he can heat it up and eat it later.

“Good plan. Good plan,” Baekhyun agreed. “The time after a break-up, especially with Sehun, is the worst. You feel like you’ll never be able to have a normal relationship. You want to leave him but you can’t quite bring yourself to do so and he ends up leaving you.”

“That sounds worse than Jongin makes it out to be,” Kyungsoo said, suddenly realising that he had never actually talked to Baekhyun about his time with Sehun and if they did, it was just in passing and they quickly changed the subject.

“It is. But then again, Jongin’s a lot better at dealing with things than I am. Mayhaps he’ll be better about this than I was.” He shrugged. Kyungsoo just nodded before ordering something for Jongin.

“Just be sure to tread lightly. It’ll be a touchy subject certainly...” Baekhyun warned before they parted. Kyungsoo nodded.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”

“Yep. See you in physics.” He chuckled before waving and turning in the opposite direction.


A/N: BaekSoo as a BrOTP. That's about it. Hope you had fun reading this chapter! Don't worry. KaiSoo will happen. It's not going to be like "You don't know what you have until you've lost it." That would just be mean of me, and this is supposed to be fluffy.

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esmeberta #1
Chapter 3: sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nuruliffahnaz #2
Chapter 3: You need to do sequel to clear off the last part...
Chapter 3: But nos Soo is going to think he is some like a rebound and this is gonna get messy