It's not over

It's not over


I remember when he came to me and said, he wanted to become a rapper. I have never seen him so excited and sure of anything. That moment he knew, he's going to be a celebrity, an idol. I knew, everything will change. I was so scared about our relationship, that has just begun. In my heart I was sure, we're going to be over soon. He was going to be busy with his training and being exhausted all the time. Not to forget all those idols, gorgeous fans, he was going to meet and see after his debut with Block B. If the lack of time for each other won't break us apart, the jealousy might and for that, I can only blame myself.


Slowly we could feel the hurt for not being with each other as much as we used to. We couldn't keep in touch as often as we wanted. But when we did get together after a long while, I didn't want to let go of him. He didn't want to take his eyes off from me. Every time we met, when he had a free time from his training, it just felt like the first time I met him.


I had to study all the time, he was still busy preparing for his next year's debut. We couldn't contact each other for a long while. After my school ended, I thought we can make some lost time even. For a week and a half, we somehow managed to get together, go out for dinners, take long walks in the evening, play around and have fun and enjoy each other's company. Then he was busy again, having no time for me.


Without noticing, my birthday came. I was surprised and happy – we were still together. We started to fight more often, but we always made up. Day before it, he said – he can only meet me in the late evening. I was disappointed, because I couldn't spend all day with him on my eighteenth birthday.


It was early morning when I heard my doorbell ring. I dragged myself to the front door from my bedroom and opened the door, rubbing my eyes the same time to get a clearer vision. My jaw almost dropped, when I saw HIM on my doorway. He had a huge bouquet of red roses in his hand. He handed the roses to me. He said: “Happy birthday, my love!” And then he kissed me passionately on my lips. I wanted the time to freeze at that moment. I hugged him tightly, before letting him into my apartment. I spent the whole day and night with him, in my apartment. We were really happy after a long period. We felt close again.


Another year's ending was near. I felt lonely and abandoned. He didn't answer my calls nor call to me for a month straight. Every time I went to his place, he wasn't home. Last day of the year I got lucky. We met one hour before the midnight. Immediately he started to apologize for not calling me and not answering my phone calls to him. We started to talk about our relationship, the ups and downs we had to face for over a year. Talking became arguing. Him and I were fighting, once again. Suddenly he shouted at me. I was frightened seeing him so angry and mad at me. I realized, he has changed – so had I. We weren't the persons we used to be. We were slowly growing apart.


Slowly tears started to fall down from my cheeks. His look changed immediately, he hated seeing me cry, especially when he was the reason. He took my hands, held them between his and said sorry for everything he did wrong. I took a deep breath before I said to him: “It's over.” I saw sadness, denial in his brown eyes. As he wanted to say something, make things better, I stopped him: “Breaking up is for the best. You know it too, it's the best for both of us. Let's erase everything and stop torturing each other.” I pulled my hands out from his grip after finishing. I saw tears in his eyes for the first time in my life. That moment we heard the fireworks. The sky was colourful, too beautiful. As a tear was falling down from his left cheek, I said: “Goodbye!” I turned around and walked away from him as the beautiful fireworks were lighting up the night sky. I broke up with the love of my life, the only guy who I have ever loved and will always love.


Next day I decided to cry the whole day, not caring of anything and anybody. In the early evening I couldn't cry any more, no tears were left. In the later evening I had made a decision to go to the States and work for few months in my father's restaurant. It was a good opportunity to forget him and move on with my life. Staying in the States was a rest from my life in Seoul, in South Korea. Four months without hearing of him nor seeing him. Unfortunately I thought about him every day, as much as I hated to admit it.


One day, in April I was laying on the couch and listening to some Korean radio channel, when I heard a song... featuring HIM. It was a cover of another artist's song, but the lyrics were almost perfect to describe our break up. One part of this song: his one part of the song made me cry, because I could feel his emotions behind those words. I was, he was relating to the lyrics: “Why do you think it's over? If we grew apart for whatever reason, we should be piecing it back together.” Title of the song was “It's not over”. I said to myself: “But it is...” I wiped off my tears as the song ended.


I the TV and I could not believe what I saw. It was Block B's debut stage. I saw him and his friends there, well, his fellow members. Dancing, singing and rapping. He was smiling widely. Tears started to form again in my eyes. I moved closer to the TV and when his part came, I touched the screen and at the same time I whispered: “Kyung...” Tears were falling down my cheeks, once again...


Maybe one day we'll have a new chance?”

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Maryth #1
iapple: Glad you liked it. It was pleasure to make somebody cry xD
fallendrops: But what o_O Thank you for liking it...
fallendrops #2
Omg.. this is sad :(
But i like the story. Just if......
Aww i almost cried~<br />
Aww for Kyung T-T<br />
Such a awesome story!<br />
Maryth #4
lkjhgfdsa: Awww, glad u liked it. A sequel? I think that's not going to happen ;___;
rofllmfao #5
This is so sweet!!! Sequel? (:
Maryth #6
butterwine: Well, you're the second one xD... But well, surprise xD. Hope you enjoyed it ^^,
butterwine #7
HAHA for some reason i thought it was Zico...then i read "Kyung" & was like w00t LOL
Maryth #8
LoveMynte: Ohh, really? Anyways, thankyou for liking it :)
LoveMynte #9
I thought you we're writing about Zico, so I was kinda suprised when she said Kyung's name at the end x)<br />
Great story btw! :D
Maryth #10
BBCPenguin: Thankyou and glad you liked it :)