No way !

Omg / LUHAN ♥

2 days later ....

" CLASS . STAND UP! GOOD MORNING MISS AYOKA!" , I'mshouted . after all class greet Miss Ayoka , Miss ayoka make an annoucement .

" Ok . today , class ! We got a new student . Please welcome , LUHAN !" all people shocked . including me ! Omg , LUHAN ? AGAIN ?

" Hi guys . My name is LUHAN! Nice to meet yah xx'

(P/s : please imagine that LUHAN is 14 . Thanks :) and please imagine the others also 14)

"Hi LUHAN ! i'm your fans !"

"Hello LUHAN ! i love you somuch!!"

"Luhan , i'm die !"

There's a lot of girls that scream LUHAN's name . OMG , luhan . you are so famous .

"Shh keep quiet guys ;) . Luhan . you may sit beside CHOIMINHO , __________ AND Tiffany ".

Luhan is sitting beside me . 

"Eh CHOIMINHO? you also in this school!!"

"You didnt ask me ! Hahaha , btw welcome to my class" .

" Hahaha . Oh Hi Tiffany" .

"Hi LUHAN ! welcome back to school!"

"Hello tiffany  yeah , thanks :3 . Eh hi ________ , nice to met yah again :3"

"Yah , Hi" .

"Wait , what did you mean by again?" CHOIMINHO ask .

Luhan told everything from the starting until the end of the our meet . until the kissing part . I'm blushing . He's laughing at me . The others also .

So , since that day , I walk , eat , singing , dance , cry , laugh and much more do with LUHAN ? (and CHOIMINHO . also TIFFANY) 

I can't imagine it .

But one day :((



So the next chapter is sad story . TIFFANY die :( . Why ? Hmm , it' so sad .

Thanks for the suscribers xx . (altought I only got 1 but thanks xx)

continue reading ok ?

fclumsy_ out :*

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Luhan is my everything :*


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